예제 #1
def test_kyc_participate_over_payment(chain, kyc_crowdsale, customer,
                                      customer_id, kyc_token, private_key,
                                      preico_starts_at, pricing,
    """KYC'ed participant does not fulfill his minimum limit."""

    # Check KYC crowdsale is good to go
    time_travel(chain, kyc_crowdsale.call().startsAt() + 1)

    wei_value = to_wei(1, "ether")

    # KYC limits for this participant: 0...1 ETH
    kyc_payload = pack_kyc_dataframe(customer, customer_id, 0, 10 * 10000)
    signed_data = sign(kyc_payload, private_key)  # Use bad private key

        "from": customer,
        "value": wei_value,
        "gas": 2222333
    }).buyWithKYCData(kyc_payload, signed_data["v"], signed_data["r_bytes"],

    with pytest.raises(TransactionFailed):
        wei_value = to_wei(10, "ether")
            "from": customer,
            "value": wei_value,
            "gas": 2222333
        }).buyWithKYCData(kyc_payload, signed_data["v"],
                          signed_data["r_bytes"], signed_data["s_bytes"])
예제 #2
def test_roundtrip_kyc_data(kyc_deserializer, whitelisted_address):
    """We correctly encode data in Python side and decode it back in the smart contract."""

    customer_id = uuid.uuid4()
    dataframe = pack_kyc_dataframe(whitelisted_address, customer_id, int(0.1 * 10000), int(9999 * 10000))
    tuple_value = kyc_deserializer.call().getKYCPayload(dataframe)

    assert tuple_value[0].lower() == whitelisted_address.lower()
    assert hex(tuple_value[1]) == "0x" + customer_id.hex
    assert tuple_value[2] == 1000
    assert tuple_value[3] == 99990000
예제 #3
def test_kyc_participate_with_signed_address(chain, kyc_crowdsale, customer,
                                             customer_id, kyc_token,
                                             private_key, preico_starts_at,
                                             pricing, team_multisig):
    """Buy tokens with a proper KYC payload."""

    # Check KYC crowdsale is good to go
    time_travel(chain, kyc_crowdsale.call().startsAt() + 1)

    # Check the setup looks good
    assert kyc_crowdsale.call().getState() == CrowdsaleState.Funding
    assert kyc_crowdsale.call().isFinalizerSane()
    assert kyc_crowdsale.call().isPricingSane()
    assert kyc_crowdsale.call().beneficiary() == team_multisig
    assert kyc_token.call().transferAgents(team_multisig) == True

    # Do a test buy for 1 ETH and check it is good token wise
    wei_value = to_wei(1, "ether")
    tokens_per_eth = pricing.call().calculatePrice(wei_value, wei_value, 0,
                                                   customer, 18)
    assert tokens_per_eth == 10**18
    assert kyc_crowdsale.call().getTokensLeft() >= tokens_per_eth
    assert kyc_token.call().balanceOf(team_multisig) >= tokens_per_eth
    assert not kyc_crowdsale.call().isBreakingCap(wei_value, tokens_per_eth,
                                                  wei_value, tokens_per_eth)

    # KYC limits for this participant: 0...1 ETH
    kyc_payload = pack_kyc_dataframe(customer, customer_id, 0, 1 * 10000)
    signed_data = sign(kyc_payload, private_key)

        "from": customer,
        "value": wei_value,
        "gas": 2222333
    }).buyWithKYCData(kyc_payload, signed_data["v"], signed_data["r_bytes"],

    # We got credited
    assert kyc_token.call().balanceOf(customer) > 0
    assert kyc_crowdsale.call().investedAmountOf(customer) == 1 * 10**18

    # We have tracked the investor id
    events = kyc_crowdsale.pastEvents("Invested").get()
    assert len(events) == 1
    e = events[0]
    assert e["args"]["investor"].lower() == customer.lower()
    assert e["args"]["weiAmount"] == wei_value
    assert e["args"]["customerId"] == customer_id.int
def test_roundtrip_kyc_data(kyc_deserializer, whitelisted_address):
    """We correctly encode data in Python side and decode it back in the smart contract."""

    customer_id = uuid.uuid4()
    dataframe = pack_kyc_dataframe(whitelisted_address, customer_id,
                                   int(0.1 * 10000), int(9999 * 10000))
    tuple_value = kyc_deserializer.call().getKYCPayload(dataframe)

    # Check that the output looks like what we did expect

    assert tuple_value[0].lower() == whitelisted_address.lower()
    # Do a raw integer comparison, because web3.py and UUID disagree about left padding zeroes
    assert tuple_value[1] == customer_id.int
    assert tuple_value[2] == 1000
    assert tuple_value[3] == 99990000
예제 #5
def test_kyc_participate_bad_signature(chain, kyc_crowdsale, customer,
                                       customer_id, kyc_token, private_key,
                                       preico_starts_at, pricing,
    """Investment does not happen with a bad signature.."""

    # Check KYC crowdsale is good to go
    time_travel(chain, kyc_crowdsale.call().startsAt() + 1)

    # Do a test buy for 1 ETH and check it is good token wise
    wei_value = to_wei(1, "ether")

    # KYC limits for this participant: 0...1 ETH
    kyc_payload = pack_kyc_dataframe(customer, customer_id, 0, 1 * 10000)
    signed_data = sign(kyc_payload, private_key + "x")  # Use bad private key

    with pytest.raises(TransactionFailed):
            "from": customer,
            "value": wei_value,
            "gas": 2222333
        }).buyWithKYCData(kyc_payload, signed_data["v"],
                          signed_data["r_bytes"], signed_data["s_bytes"])