예제 #1
def test_best_fit():

    # Generate a random dataset
    #A = np.random.rand(N, dim)
    A = np.array([])
    # Generate a random dataset
    plydata = PlyData.read('bun045.ply')
    # Generate a random dataset
    for j in range(0, plydata.elements[0].count):
        A = np.append(A, plydata['vertex'][j][0])
    A = np.reshape(A, (plydata.elements[0].count, 1))

    total_time = 0

    for i in range(num_tests):

        B = np.copy(A)

        # Translate
        t = np.random.rand(dim) * translation
        B += t

        # Rotate
        R = rotation_matrix(np.random.rand(dim), np.random.rand() * rotation)
        B = np.dot(R, B.T).T

        # Add noise
        #B += np.random.randn(N, dim) * noise_sigma

        # Find best fit transform
        start = time.time()
        T, R1, t1 = icp.best_fit_transform(B, A)
        total_time += time.time() - start

        # Make C a homogeneous representation of B
        C = np.ones((A.size, 2))
        C[:, 0:1] = B

        # Transform C
        C = np.dot(T, C.T).T

        assert np.allclose(C[:, 0:1], A, atol=6 *
                           noise_sigma)  # T should transform B (or C) to A
        assert np.allclose(-t1, t,
                           atol=6 * noise_sigma)  # t and t1 should be inverses
        assert np.allclose(R1.T, R,
                           atol=6 * noise_sigma)  # R and R1 should be inverses

    #print('best fit time: {:.3}'.format(total_time/num_tests))
    print('T_Bestfit\n', T)
    print('R_Bestfit\n', R)

def test_icp(B, A):

    blen = B.shape[0]
    alen = A.shape[0]
    if alen > blen:
        A = A[0:blen, :]
    elif blen > alen:
        B = B[0:alen, :]

    T, R1, t1 = icp.best_fit_transform(B, A)
    return T
예제 #3
def test_best_fit(A, shuffle = 1):

    # Generate a random dataset

    for i in range(num_tests):
        print('test', i)
        B = np.copy(A)

        # Translate
        t = np.random.rand(dim)*translation
        B += t

        # Rotate
        R = rotation_matrix(np.random.rand(dim), np.random.rand()*rotation)
        B = np.dot(R, B.T).T

        # Add noise
        B += np.random.randn(N, dim) * noise_sigma
        # Shuffle to disrupt correspondence
        if (shuffle == 1):

        print("Normal squared_distance", squared_distance(A, B))
        plot3d(A, B)

        # Find best fit transform
        A -= rmsd.centroid(A)
        B -= rmsd.centroid(B)
        T, R1, t1 = icp.best_fit_transform(B, A)

        # Make C a homogeneous representation of B
        C = np.ones((N, 4))
        C[:,0:3] = B

        # Transform C
        C = np.dot(T, C.T).T
        C = C[:, 0:3]
        print("Rotated squared_distance", squared_distance(A, C))
        plot3d(A, C)
        #assert np.allclose(C[:,0:3], A, atol=6*noise_sigma) # T should transform B (or C) to A
        #assert np.allclose(-t1, t, atol=6*noise_sigma)      # t and t1 should be inverses
        #assert np.allclose(R1.T, R, atol=6*noise_sigma)     # R and R1 should be inverses

예제 #4
    def __update_of(self):
        if not self.of_enabled:

        # Calculate optical flow
        new_gray = cv2.cvtColor(realsensecam().bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        new_pts, st, err = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(self.old_gray, new_gray,
                                                    self.of_old_pts, None,
        if new_pts is None:

        # Mark points that are not on the hand as invalid
        for i, ptt in enumerate(new_pts):
            if not handdetector().cnt_intersects_with_hand(
                st[i][0] = 0

        # Delete lost points
        self.of_orig_existing_pts = self.of_orig_existing_pts[st == 1]
        self.of_old_pts = self.of_old_pts[st == 1]
        self.of_is_fingertip = self.of_is_fingertip[st.flatten() == 1]
        new_pts = new_pts[st == 1]
        if len(new_pts) == 0:

        old_finger_delta = self.finger_delta
        old_finger_deg_delta = self.finger_deg_delta

        T, R, t = icp.best_fit_transform(self.of_orig_existing_pts, new_pts)
        self.finger_delta = tuple(t)
        self.finger_deg_delta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(R[1, 0], R[0, 0]))
        self.finger_transform = T

        dt = np.linalg.norm(np.array(t) - np.array(old_finger_delta))
        dr = abs(old_finger_deg_delta - self.finger_deg_delta)

        # Prepare next iteration
        self.old_gray = new_gray.copy()
        self.of_old_pts = new_pts.reshape(-1, 1, 2)
        self.of_orig_existing_pts = self.of_orig_existing_pts.reshape(-1, 1, 2)

        return dt > 1 or dr > .3
예제 #5
def test_best_fit():

    # Generate a random dataset
    A = np.random.rand(N, dim)

    total_time = 0

    for i in range(num_tests):

        B = np.copy(A)

        # Translate
        t = np.random.rand(dim) * translation
        B += t

        # Rotate
        R = rotation_matrix(np.random.rand(dim), np.random.rand() * rotation)
        B = np.dot(R, B.T).T

        # Add noise
        B += np.random.randn(N, dim) * noise_sigma

        # Find best fit transform
        start = time.time()
        T, R1, t1 = icp.best_fit_transform(B, A)
        total_time += time.time() - start

        # Make C a homogeneous representation of B
        C = np.ones((N, 4))
        C[:, 0:3] = B

        # Transform C
        C = np.dot(T, C.T).T

        assert np.allclose(C[:, 0:3], A, atol=6 *
                           noise_sigma)  # T should transform B (or C) to A
        assert np.allclose(-t1, t,
                           atol=6 * noise_sigma)  # t and t1 should be inverses
        assert np.allclose(R1.T, R,
                           atol=6 * noise_sigma)  # R and R1 should be inverses

    print('best fit time: {:.3}'.format(total_time / num_tests))

예제 #6
def test(filename):
    # read file
    f = open(filename, "r")
    fileRaw = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.double)

    # copy without header
    fileUsable =  fileRaw[6:]
    N = int(len(fileUsable)/7)

    # reshape to array with one pair each line
    fileUsable = fileUsable.reshape(N,7)

    # sort by distance and cut 10% from start and end (discard outliers)
    cut = int(N*0.1)
    fileUsable = fileUsable[fileUsable[:,6].argsort()]
    fileUsable = fileUsable[cut:-cut]
    N = N - 2*cut
    # slice to separate vectors
    A = fileUsable[:, :3]
    B = fileUsable[:, 3:6]

    # create matrix panda->lmd
    toLmd = np.array([  [0.999199,  0.0,    0.040010,  25.378128], 
                        [0.0,       1.0,    0.0,       0.0],
                        [-0.040010, 0.0,    0.999199,  1109.130000],
                        [0.0,       0.0,    0.0,       1.0]])

    # create matrix panda->module
    toMod = np.array([  [0.999199,  0.0,    0.040010,  24.902014], 
                        [0.0,       1.0,    0.0,       0.0],
                        [-0.040010, 0.0,    0.999199,  1097.239528],
                        [0.0,       0.0,    0.0,       1.0]])

    # create matrix panda->sensor0
    toMod = np.array([  [0.999199,  0.0,    0.040010,  24.902014], 
                        [0.0,       1.0,    0.0,       0.0],
                        [-0.040010, 0.0,    0.999199,  1097.239528],
                        [0.0,       0.0,    0.0,       1.0]])

    # create matrix panda->sensor1
    toMod = np.array([  [0.999199,  0.0,    0.040010,  24.902014], 
                        [0.0,       1.0,    0.0,       0.0],
                        [-0.040010, 0.0,    0.999199,  1097.239528],
                        [0.0,       0.0,    0.0,       1.0]])

    # and inverse
    toLmdInv = np.linalg.inv(toLmd)
    toModInv = np.linalg.inv(toMod)

    # Make C a homogeneous representation of A and B
    C = np.ones((N, 4))
    C[:,0:3] = A

    D = np.ones((N, 4))
    D[:,0:3] = B

    # Transform C and D
    C = np.matmul(toModInv, C.T).T
    D = np.matmul(toModInv, D.T).T

    # make 2D versions for ICP
    A = C[:, :2]
    B = D[:, :2]

    # find ideal transformation
    T, R1, t1 = icp.best_fit_transform(B, A)

    print('\nfor', filename, ':')
    print('rotation:\n', R1)
    print('translation:\n', t1)
def test(filename):
    # read file
    f = open(filename, "r")
    fileRaw = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.double)

    # copy without header
    fileUsable =  fileRaw[6:]
    N = int(len(fileUsable)/7)

    # reshape to array with one pair each line
    fileUsable = fileUsable.reshape(N,7)

    # sort by distance and cut 10% from start and end (discard outliers)
    cut = int(N*0.05)
    fileUsable = fileUsable[fileUsable[:,6].argsort()]
    fileUsable = fileUsable[cut:-cut]
    N = N - 2*cut
    # slice to separate vectors
    A = fileUsable[:, :3]
    B = fileUsable[:, 3:6]

    #print('vector A:\n', A)
    #print('vector B:\n', B)

    # create matrix panda->sensor0
    toSen0 = np.array([ [0.999199, 0.0, 0.040010, 29.397911],
                        [0.0, 1.000000, 0.000000, 1.0],
                        [-0.040010, 0.0, 0.999199, 1097.657930],
                        [0.0,       0.0,    0.0,       1.0]])

    # create matrix panda->sensor10
    toSen0 = np.array([ [0.808369, -0.587315, 0.040010, 27.971866],
                        [0.587785, 0.809017, 0.000000,  3.454051],
                        [-0.032368, 0.023517, 0.999199, 1097.604497],
                        [0.0,       0.0,    0.0,       1.0]])

    # create matrix panda->sensor5
    toSen5 = np.array([ [0.808369,    0.587315,   -0.040010, 29.127490],
                        [ 0.587785,  -0.809017,   -0.000000, 1.836017],
                        [-0.032368,   -0.023517,   -0.999199, 1097.082843],
                        [0.0,       0.0,    0.0,       1.0]])

    # and inverse
    toSen0Inv = np.linalg.inv(toSen0)
    toSen5Inv = np.linalg.inv(toSen5)

    # Make C a homogeneous representation of A and B
    C = np.ones((N, 4))
    C[:,0:3] = A

    D = np.ones((N, 4))
    D[:,0:3] = B

    # Transform C and D
    C = np.matmul(toSen0Inv, C.T).T
    D = np.matmul(toSen0Inv, D.T).T

    #print('vec C:\n', C)
    #print('vec D:\n', D)

    # make 2D versions for ICP
    A = C[:, :3]
    B = D[:, :3]

    # find ideal transformation
    T, R1, t1 = icp.best_fit_transform(B, A)

    print('\nfor', filename, ':')
    print('rotation:\n', R1)
    print('translation:\n', t1)