예제 #1
    def test_DeltaiCSD_04(self):
        '''test non-continous z_j array'''
        #set some parameters for ground truth csd and csd estimates., e.g.,
        #we will use same source diameter as in ground truth

        #contact point coordinates
        z_j = np.arange(21) * 1E-4 * pq.m

        #source coordinates
        z_i = z_j

        #current source density magnitude
        C_i = np.zeros(z_i.size) * pq.A / pq.m**2
        C_i[7:12:2] += np.array([-.5, 1., -.5]) * pq.A / pq.m**2

        #source radius (delta, step)
        R_i = np.ones(z_j.size) * 1E-3 * pq.m

        #conductivity, use same conductivity for top layer (z_j < 0)
        sigma = 0.3 * pq.S / pq.m
        sigma_top = sigma

        #flag for debug plots
        plot = False

        #get LFP and CSD at contacts
        phi_j, C_i = get_lfp_of_disks(z_j, z_i, C_i, R_i, sigma, plot)
        inds = np.delete(np.arange(21), 5)
        delta_input = {
            'lfp': phi_j[inds],
            'coord_electrode': z_j[inds],
            'diam': R_i[inds] * 2,  # source diameter
            'sigma': sigma,  # extracellular conductivity
            'sigma_top': sigma_top,  # conductivity on top of cortex
            'f_type': 'gaussian',  # gaussian filter
            'f_order': (3, 1),  # 3-point filter, sigma = 1.

        delta_icsd = icsd.DeltaiCSD(**delta_input)
        csd = delta_icsd.get_csd()

        self.assertEqual(C_i.units, csd.units)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(C_i[inds], csd)
예제 #2
def csd_interp(data_path, ds_step):
    # calculate pixel (um) positions of model objects
    top_l5 = 1466
    soma_l5 = 177.5
    bottom_l5 = -72

    top_l2 = 1466
    soma_l2 = 1000
    bottom_l2 = 769

    num_contacts_hnn = 20
    hnn_values = [top_l2, soma_l2, bottom_l2, soma_l5, bottom_l5]
    perlayer = (top_l5 - bottom_l5) / (num_contacts_hnn - 5.0)
    spacing_um_hnn = perlayer

    # print("contact spacing (microns)",spacing_um_hnn)
    first_contact = top_l5 + 2 * spacing_um_hnn
    last_contact = bottom_l5 - 2 * spacing_um_hnn

    spacing_hnn = []
    for i, x in enumerate(
            np.linspace(first_contact, last_contact, num_contacts_hnn)):
        # print("contact %d: %.2f" % (i+1, x))

    #load data
    dir = data_path
    sampr_hnn, LFP_hnn, dt_hnn, tt_hnn, CSD_hnn, maxlfp_hnn, ntrial_hnn = load_hnn.loadHNNdir(
        dir, spacing_um_hnn)

    #Down sample fixed interval
    # ds_step = 10
    tt_hnn = tt_hnn[::ds_step]

    # Average iCSD from HNN
    z_data_hnn = np.linspace(spacing_um_hnn * 1E-6, 2300E-6,
                             num_contacts_hnn) * pq.m  # [m]
    diam_hnn = 500E-6 * pq.m  # [m]
    h_hnn = spacing_um_hnn * 1E-6 * pq.m  # [m]

    sigma_hnn = 0.3 * pq.S / pq.m  # [S/m] or [1/(ohm*m)]
    sigma_top_hnn = 0.3 * pq.S / pq.m  # [S/m] or [1/(ohm*m)]

    # Create dictionary with iCSD calculations
    icsd_hnn = {}
    for key in LFP_hnn:

        lfp_data_hnn = LFP_hnn[key] * 1E-6 * pq.V  # [uV] -> [V]
        lfp_data_hnn = lfp_data_hnn[:, ::ds_step]

        # Input dictionaries for monkey data
        delta_input_hnn = {
            'lfp': lfp_data_hnn,
            'coord_electrode': z_data_hnn,
            'diam': diam_hnn,  # source diameter
            'sigma': sigma_hnn,  # extracellular conductivity
            'sigma_top': sigma_hnn,  # conductivity on top of cortex
            'f_type': 'gaussian',  # gaussian filter
            'f_order': (3, 1),  # 3-point filter, sigma = 1.

        delta_icsd_hnn = icsd.DeltaiCSD(**delta_input_hnn)
        icsd_hnn[key] = delta_icsd_hnn.get_csd()

    avgiCSD_hnn = load_hnn.getAvgERP(icsd_hnn, sampr_hnn, tt_hnn, maxlfp_hnn,
    # avgiCSD_hnn = load_hnn.downsample(avgiCSD_hnn, sampr_hnn, 2000) #Down sample to LFP range

    #Prepare HNN data
    # set timerange from 30 to 80 ms
    # ewindowms_hnn = 35
    # tmin_hnn = 37
    # tmax_hnn = tmin_hnn + ewindowms_hnn
    # (idx_min_hnn, idx_max_hnn) = (np.where(tt_hnn==tmin_hnn)[0][0], np.where(tt_hnn==tmax_hnn)[0][0])
    # X_hnn = tt_hnn[idx_min_hnn:idx_max_hnn]
    X_hnn = tt_hnn

    # mask = np.zeros(len(tt_hnn), dtype=bool)
    # mask[idx_min_hnn:idx_max_hnn] = True
    # avgCSD_trim_X_hnn = avgiCSD_hnn[:,mask]
    avgCSD_trim_X_hnn = avgiCSD_hnn

    Y_hnn = range(avgiCSD_hnn.shape[0])
    # X_hnn = range(avgiCSD_hnn.shape[1])
    # CSD_spline_hnn=scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(Y_hnn, X_hnn, avgCSD_trim_X_hnn)
    CSD_spline_hnn = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(
        Y_hnn, X_hnn, avgCSD_trim_X_hnn)

    # trim channels
    (idx_min_hnn, idx_max_hnn) = (0, 18)
    HNN_Y_plot = np.linspace(idx_min_hnn, idx_max_hnn, num=1000)
    # print("HNN channels: %d-%d"%(HNN_Y_plot.min(), HNN_Y_plot.max()))
    # mask = np.zeros(len(Y_hnn), dtype=bool)
    # mask[idx_min_hnn:idx_max_hnn] = True
    # avgCSD_trim_XY_hnn = avgCSD_trim_X_hnn[mask,:]

    # HNN_ymax = (spacing_hnn[int(HNN_Y_plot.min())]-spacing_hnn[int(HNN_Y_plot.max())])
    # HNN_ymin = 0

    Z_hnn = CSD_spline_hnn(HNN_Y_plot, X_hnn)

    # normalize to abs(Z.min)
    Z_hnn = Z_hnn / abs(Z_hnn.min())

    return Z_hnn