def init(self): if ida_hexrays.init_hexrays_plugin(): print( "Hex-rays version %s has been detected, Structure offsets ready to use" % ida_hexrays.get_hexrays_version()) ida_kernwin.register_action( ida_kernwin.action_desc_t("vds17:strchoose", "Structure offsets", func_stroff_ah_t(), "Shift+T")) return ida_idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEP # keep us in the memory
def init(self): if not ida_hexrays.init_hexrays_plugin(): print("pyhexraysdeob: no decompiler, skipping") return ida_idaapi.PLUGIN_SKIP print("Hex-rays version %s has been detected, %s ready to use" % (ida_hexrays.get_hexrays_version(), self.wanted_name)) import sys modules_path = os.path.join(my_dirname, "pyhexraysdeob_modules") if not modules_path in sys.path: sys.path.append(modules_path) return ida_idaapi.PLUGIN_OK
def main(): if not ida_hexrays.init_hexrays_plugin(): return False print("Hex-rays version %s has been detected" % ida_hexrays.get_hexrays_version()) f = ida_funcs.get_func(ida_kernwin.get_screen_ea()) if f is None: print("Please position the cursor within a function") return True cfunc = ida_hexrays.decompile(f) if cfunc is None: print("Failed to decompile!") return True sv = cfunc.get_pseudocode() for sline in sv: print(ida_lines.tag_remove(sline.line)) return True
vu.refresh_view(True) # END REGION8 return 1 def update(self, ctx): return ida_kernwin.AST_ENABLE_FOR_WIDGET if \ ctx.widget_type == ida_kernwin.BWN_PSEUDOCODE else \ ida_kernwin.AST_DISABLE_FOR_WIDGET # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ida_hexrays.init_hexrays_plugin(): print( "Hex-rays version %s has been detected, Structure offsets ready to use" % ida_hexrays.get_hexrays_version()) ida_kernwin.register_action( ida_kernwin.action_desc_t("vds17:strchoose", "Structure offsets", func_stroff_ah_t(), "Shift+T")) else: print('vds17: Hex-rays is not available.') """ # A few notes about the VDS17 sample You can find two VDS17 samples in the IDA Pro install directory: python/examples/hexrays/ plugins/hexrays_sdk/plugins/vds17 The former is an IDAPython plugin and the latter is a C++ IDA Pro plugin. Actually they have the same functionality.