예제 #1
파일: common.py 프로젝트: sourav-txt/decv
def jxx_target(head):
    refs = idautils.CodeRefsFrom(head, 0)
    refs = list([x for x in refs])
    n = len(refs)
    #jmp $+5
    if n > 0:
        target = refs[0]
    elif n == 0:
        if is_jmp_next(head):
            target = idc.NextNotTail(head)
            print "decoding @ 0x%x" % head
            #this is a bug in IDA. if MakeCode results in a new jmp, pointing to undefined byte:
            #jmp lol
            #   db 0
            #   <defined instructions>
            #then CodeRefsFrom() will return nothing, so we need to decode the address ourselves :p
            #FIXME: remove everything except decode_jump?
            target = decode_jump(head)
            print "result: 0x%x" % target
        print "unknown jxx_target @ 0x%x" % head
        assert (False)

    return target
예제 #2
def main():
	xrefs = XrefsTo(0x13070FC)
	for xref in xrefs:
		packetHeader = idc.NextNotTail(xref.frm)
		opCode1 = idc.GetOperandValue(packetHeader, 1)

		if opCode1 > 10 and opCode1 < 16655:
			print "%08x -> %2x" % (packetHeader, opCode1)
	prologue = idc.FindBinary(ea, SEARCH_UP, PROLOGUE_PATTERN) if len(PROLOGUE_PATTERN) != 0 else idc.GetFunctionAttr(ea, FUNCATTR_START)
	epilogue = idc.FindBinary(ea, SEARCH_DOWN, EPILOGUE_PATTERN) if len(EPILOGUE_PATTERN) != 0 else idc.GetFunctionAttr(ea, FUNCATTR_END)
	idc.MakeFunction(prologue, epilogue + EPILOGUE_PATTERN.count(' ') + 1);

	cryptStart = idc.FindBinary(ea, SEARCH_DOWN if name != "BYTE" else SEARCH_UP, CRYPTSTART_PATTERN)
	cryptEnd = idc.FindBinary(ea, SEARCH_DOWN, CRYPTEND_PATTERN)

	# Generate Encrypt
	ea = cryptStart + CRYPTSTART_PATTERN.count(' ') + 1

	opStr = ""

	while ea < cryptEnd:

		if idc.GetMnem(ea) != 'mov':
			result = {
			  'add': lambda x: "new Add({0})".format(idc.GetOperandValue(x, 1)),
			  'sub': lambda x: "new Sub({0})".format(idc.GetOperandValue(x, 1)),
			  'xor': lambda x: "new Xor({0})".format(idc.GetOperandValue(x, 1)),
			  'ror': lambda x: "new Ror({0})".format(idc.GetOperandValue(x, 1)),
			  'rol': lambda x: "new Rol({0})".format(idc.GetOperandValue(x, 1)),
			  'not': lambda x: "new Not()",
			  'inc': lambda x: "new Inc()",
			  'dec': lambda x: "new Dec()",
			opStr += str("{0}{1}".format(result, ", " if idc.NextNotTail(ea) != cryptEnd else ""))
		ea = idc.NextNotTail(ea)
	print "CryptOperations.Add(0x{0:X}, new Operations({1}));".format(zlib.crc32(opStr) & 0xffffffff, opStr)

	idc.MakeNameEx(prologue, "Encrypt_{0}_{1:X}".format(name, zlib.crc32(opStr) & 0xffffffff), SN_NOCHECK | SN_NOWARN)

예제 #4
def generate_data_from_offset(
        offset):  # credits to ferhat, or whoever wrote this
    found_values = {}
    chunks = idautils.Chunks(offset)

    for begin, end in chunks:
        name = ""
        offset = -1
        ea = begin

        while ea != end:
            mnem = idc.GetMnem(ea)
            opnd = idc.GetOpnd(ea, 0)
            stack_value = idc.GetOperandValue(ea, 0)

            if mnem == "jz" or mnem == "jl":
                name = ""
                offset = -1

            if offset == -1 and (mnem == "add" or mnem == "lea"
                                 or mnem == "sub"):
                offset = idc.GetOperandValue(ea, 1)
                if mnem == "sub":
                    offset = 0x100000000 - offset

            if mnem == "push" and "offset" in opnd and "pNodeName" not in opnd:
                name = idc.GetString(stack_value, -1, idc.ASCSTR_C)

            if is_user_name(stack_value):  # this should crash? wtf
                name = idc.NameEx(idc.BADADDR, stack_value)

            if mnem == "call" or mnem == "jmp":
                #print("{} at {}").format(name, dec_to_hex(offset))
                if name:
                    found_values[offset] = name
                    name = ""
                offset = -1

            ea = idc.NextNotTail(ea)

    return found_values
예제 #5
def main():
    print "Parsing CharData..."

    start = 0x00E36855
    end = 0x00E39EC2
    ea = start

    parseOffset = False
    property = ''
    fstpIterator = 0

    # Fill FSTP_Array
    while ea != end:
        mnem = idc.GetMnem(ea)

        if mnem == "fstp":
            FSTP_ARRAY.append(idc.GetOperandValue(ea, 1))

        ea = idc.NextNotTail(ea)

    ea = start

    while ea != end:
        mnem = idc.GetMnem(ea)
        tmpb = False

        # Get property name
        if mnem == 'push':
            stringAddr = idc.GetOperandValue(ea, 0)
            if stringAddr != BADADDR:
                tmpProperty = idc.GetString(stringAddr, -1, ASCSTR_C)
                if tmpProperty in MOV_PROPERTIES or tmpProperty in FLOAT_PROPERTIES:
                    property = tmpProperty
                    tmpb = True

        if tmpb == True and property != None and len(property) > 4:
            parseOffset = True

        # Get offset
        if parseOffset == True and (mnem == "fstp" or mnem == "lea"
                                    or mnem == "mov"):

            # Offset
            result = 0

            # Inside fstp[]
            if property in FLOAT_PROPERTIES:
                result = FSTP_ARRAY[fstpIterator]
                fstpIterator += 1

            # Inside mov[]
            if property in MOV_PROPERTIES:
                if idc.GetOpnd(ea, 0) != "edx" and idc.GetOpnd(ea, 0) != "ecx":
                    result = {
                        'fstp': lambda offset: idc.GetOperandValue(offset, 1),
                        'mov': lambda offset: idc.GetOperandValue(offset, 0),
                        'lea': lambda offset: 0

            # Display offset
            if result != 0:
                print "%s => %08x" % (property, result)
                parseOffset = False

        ea = idc.NextNotTail(ea)