예제 #1
def _find_function_start(location):
        If the location is the first applicable byte, assume that's the start byte.

        Else, search up until we find the first (lowest EA) "push ebp" before either aligns or a function.
        If that fails, look for "push esp", then "push esi", and finally "push edi".

        The EA from which to start looking for a function start

        A list of applicable EAs (one per type) or idc.BADADDR if none are found.
    if idaapi.get_func(location - 1) or idc.isAlign(
            idc.GetFlags(location - 1)):
        return [location]

    eas = []
    for opcode in ['55', '54', '56', '57']:
        ea = location
        function_start = idc.BADADDR
        while ea != idc.BADADDR:
            ea = idc.FindBinary(ea - 1, idc.SEARCH_UP, opcode)
            if not (idaapi.get_func(ea) or idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(ea))):
                function_start = ea
        if function_start != idc.BADADDR:
            eas.append(_un_nop(function_start, idc.NextHead))

    return eas
예제 #2
def _find_function_end(location):
        If the location is the last applicable byte, assume that's the end byte.

        Else, search down until we find the last (highest EA) "retn" before either aligns or a function.
        If that fails, look for the last (higheste EA) "jmp" instruction.

        location - The EA from which to start looking for a function end.

        A list of applicable EAs (one per type) or idc.BADADDR if none are found.
    if idaapi.get_func(location + 1) or idc.isAlign(
            idc.GetFlags(location + 1)):  # This bit is inclusive
        return [location + 1]  # This bit is exclusive

    eas = []
    # CA + CB are retf, but aren't used often; 'EA' is 16 bit; 'FF' jumps are too rare
    for opcode in ['C3', 'C2', 'E9', 'EB']:
        ea = location
        function_end = idc.BADADDR
        while ea != idc.BADADDR:
            ea = idc.FindBinary(ea + 1, idc.SEARCH_DOWN, opcode)
            if not (idaapi.get_func(ea) or idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(ea))):
                function_end = ea
        if function_end != idc.BADADDR:
            eas.append(_un_nop(function_end, idc.PrevHead) +
                       1)  # Again, exclusive

    return eas
예제 #3
def force_create_function(loc):
    Similar to create_function above, but a little more hackish (maybe). Makes a lot of assumptions about there
    being defined code, i.e. not obfsucated code. However, won't create a function that does not include the
    desired location, which will need to be fixed at a later date.

    :param loc: Location a function is needed at

    :return: True if function is created, False otherwise
    # Do a couple sanity checks.
    if idaapi.get_func(loc):
        append_debug('There\'s already a function here!')
        return False
    elif idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(loc)) or idc.GetMnem(loc) == 'nop' or \
            (idaapi.isData(idc.GetFlags(loc)) and idc.Byte(loc) == 0x90):
        append_debug('Can\'t make a function out of aligns and/or nops!')
        return False

    start = _force_find_start(loc)
    end = _find_force_end(loc)
    if idc.MakeFunction(start, end):
        append_debug('Created a function 0x%X - 0x%X.' % (start, end))
        return True
        append_debug('Failed to create a function 0x%X - 0x%X.' % (start, end))
        return False
예제 #4
def ida_make_function(location):
        From the first non-function byte, attempt to make a function.

        location - The EA at which IDA should attempt to make a function.

        True if it succeeded, False otherwise.
    function_start = location
    ea = location
    while not (idaapi.get_func(ea) or idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(ea))):
        function_start = ea
        ea = idc.PrevHead(ea)
    function_start = _un_nop(function_start, idc.NextHead)

    if idc.MakeFunction(function_start):
        last_mnem = idc.GetMnem(
            idc.ItemHead(idaapi.get_func(function_start).endEA - 1))
        if 'ret' not in last_mnem and 'jmp' not in last_mnem:
                'Created a function at 0x%X, but there wasn\'t a jmp or ret at the end.'
                % function_start)
            return False
            append_debug('Created a function 0x%X.' % function_start)
            return True
        return False
예제 #5
def _force_find_start(loc):
    Locate a possible function start location, if push ebp is found use that as default. Otherwise keep track of
    push esp, push esi, and push edi and use the lowest ea before finding a previous function.

    :param loc: Location a function is needed at

    :return: A possible function start location
    push_esp = idc.BADADDR
    push_esi = idc.BADADDR
    push_edi = idc.BADADDR
    loc = idc.PrevHead(loc)
    while not idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(loc)) and not idaapi.get_func(loc):
        if idc.GetMnem(loc) == "push":
            opnd_0 = idc.GetOpnd(loc, 0)
            if opnd_0 == "ebp":
                return loc
            elif opnd_0 == "esp":
                push_esp = loc
            elif opnd_0 == "esi":
                push_esi = loc
            elif opnd_0 == "edi":
                push_edi = loc
        loc = idc.PrevHead(loc)
    min_ea = min([push_esp, push_esi, push_edi])
    return min_ea
예제 #6
    def getOrigDisasm(self):
        # type: () -> str
        Gets the original disassembly without any further applied transformations
        However, the formatting is different from the original and is more convenient
        for parsing
        :return: the disassembly
        flags = idc.GetFlags(self.ea)
        if idc.isCode(flags):
            disasm = idc.GetDisasm(self.ea)
            disasm = self._filterComments(disasm)
            disasm = disasm.replace('  ', ' ')
        elif idc.isStruct(flags):
            disasm = self._getStructDisasm()
            # disasm = "INVALID"
        elif idc.isAlign(flags):
            disasm = idc.GetDisasm(self.ea)
            disasm = self._convertAlignDisasm(disasm)
        elif idc.isASCII(flags):
            content = self.getContent()
            numNewLines = content.count(0x0A)
            if numNewLines > 1:
                disasm = '.ascii "'
                disasm = '.asciz "'
            for i in range(len(content)):
                if content[i] == 0x00:
                    disasm += '"'
                elif chr(content[i]) == '"':
                    disasm += '\\\"'
                elif chr(content[i]) == '\\':
                    disasm += '\\\\'
                elif content[i] == 0x0A:
                    disasm += '\\n'
                    numNewLines -= 1
                    if numNewLines > 1:
                        disasm += '"\n\t.ascii "'
                    elif numNewLines == 1:
                        disasm += '"\n\t.asciz "'
                elif chr(content[i]) == ' ':
                    disasm += ' '
                elif not chr(content[i]).isspace():
                    disasm += chr(content[i])
                    # TODO [INVALID] arm-none-eabi doesn't recognize \xXX? \x seems to become a byte.
                    disasm += '\\x%02X' % content[i]
        elif idc.isData(flags):
            disasm = self._getDataDisasm()
            disasm = idc.GetDisasm(self.ea)
            disasm = self._filterComments(disasm)
            disasm = disasm.replace('  ', ' ')

        # parse force command
        if '<force>' in self.getComment():
            comment = self.getComment()
            disasm = comment[comment.index('<force> ') + len('<force> '):]
        return disasm
예제 #7
def find_function_ends(location, end_mnem_bytes=None):
        Identifies all possible function ends before the next function or Align.

        location - The EA to search after
        end_mnem_bytes - Try to end functions on a particular instruction
                         Instructions are entered as space separated bytes (i.e. 'C2' for 'retn')
                         The specified pattern will be used first, then the defaults will be used
                         If no pattern is specified, the defaults will be used, which prefers 'retn'

        ends - A list of function end EAs sorted: end_mnem_bytes, retn, jmp
    # foreach target bytes:
    #  step instructions down
    #  if instruction matches the target bytes, add to the corresponding output list
    #  if we hit a function or an align, quit
    # return ends in the order:
    #  end_nmem_bytes
    #  retn
    #  jmp
    #  others, sorted ascending

    max_location = None
    ea = location
    while max_location is None:
        ea = idc.NextHead(ea)
        if idaapi.get_func(ea) or idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(ea)):
            max_location = ea
        elif ea == idc.BADADDR:
            max_location = idaapi.getseg(location).endEA
    max_location = min(max_location, idaapi.getseg(location).endEA)

    targets = ['C3', 'C2', 'E9', 'EA', 'EB']
    if end_mnem_bytes:
        targets.insert(0, end_mnem_bytes)

    ends = {}
    for target in targets:
        function_ends = []
        ea = find_binary_instruction_start(location, idc.SEARCH_DOWN, target, max_location=max_location)
        while ea != idc.BADADDR:
            if ea > max_location:
            ea = find_binary_instruction_start(ea + 11, idc.SEARCH_DOWN, target, max_location=max_location)
        ends[target] = function_ends

    return [end + idc.ItemSize(end) for end in
            ((ends[end_mnem_bytes] if end_mnem_bytes else []) + sorted(ends['C3'] + ends['C2']) +
             sorted(itertools.chain.from_iterable(ends[target] for target in targets[-3:])))]
예제 #8
def create_function(location, find_start=True):
        Attempts to create a function using IDA's builtin functionality. If that fails build a
        assuming a start instruction of "push ebp", "push esp", "push esi", or "push edi" and an
        end instruction of "retn" (C2 or C3), excluding aligns and nops.

        location - An address that should be within a function
        find_start - When False, assume location is the start of the function

        True if it made a function, False otherwise.
    # Do a couple sanity checks.
    if idaapi.get_func(location):
        append_debug('There\'s already a function here! (0x%X)' % location)
        return False
    elif idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(location)) or idc.GetMnem(location) == 'nop' or \
            (idaapi.isData(idc.GetFlags(location)) and idc.Byte(location) == 0x90):
        append_debug('Can\'t make a function out of aligns and/or nops!')
        return False

    # Trace up as far as possible and have IDA do its thing.
    if ida_make_function(location):
        return True

    # Attempt to find the function ourselves.
    function_starts = _find_function_start(location) if find_start else [
    function_ends = _find_function_end(location)

    found_func = None
    if function_ends and function_starts:
        for function_start, function_end in itertools.product(
                function_starts, function_ends):
            if function_start < function_end:
                if idc.MakeFunction(function_start, function_end):
                    append_debug('Created a function 0x%X - 0x%X.' %
                                 (function_start, function_end))
                    found_func = (function_start, function_end)
                    break  # Don't return here in case we have to split it yet.
                        'Tried to create a function 0x%X - 0x%X, but IDA wouldn\'t do it.'
                        % (function_start, function_end))

    if found_func:
        return True

    append_debug('Failed to find function based on location 0x%X.' % location)
    return False
예제 #9
def find_function_starts(location, start_mnem_bytes=None):
        Identifies all possible function starts since the most recent function or Align.

        location - The EA to search before
        start_mnem_bytes - Try to start functions on a particular instruction
                           Instructions are entered as space separated bytes (i.e. '55' for 'push ebp')
                           The specified pattern will be used first, then the defaults will be used
                           If no pattern is specified, the defaults will be used, which prefers 'push ebp'

        starts - A list of function end EAs sorted: start_mnem_bytes, push ebp, (push esp, push esi, push edi)
    # foreach target bytes:
    #  step instructions up
    #  if instruction matches the target bytes, add to the corresponding output list
    #  if we hit a function or an align, quit
    # return starts in the order:
    #  start_nmem_bytes
    #  push ebp
    #  others, sorted ascending

    min_location = None
    ea = location
    while min_location is None:
        ea = idc.PrevHead(ea)
        if idaapi.get_func(ea) or idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(ea)):
            min_location = ea
        elif ea == idc.BADADDR:
            min_location = idaapi.getseg(location).startEA
    min_location = max(min_location, idaapi.getseg(location).startEA)

    targets = ['55', '54', '56', '57']
    if start_mnem_bytes:
        targets.insert(0, start_mnem_bytes)

    starts = {}
    for target in targets:
        function_starts = []
        ea = find_binary_instruction_start(location - 1, idc.SEARCH_UP, target, min_location)
        while ea != idc.BADADDR:
            if ea < min_location:
            ea = find_binary_instruction_start(ea - 1, idc.SEARCH_UP, target, min_location)
        starts[target] = function_starts

    return (starts[start_mnem_bytes] if start_mnem_bytes else []) + starts['55'] + \
           sorted(itertools.chain.from_iterable(starts[target] for target in targets[-3:]))
예제 #10
def _find_force_end(loc):
    Locate the first "ret" instruction down from the input location

    :param loc: Location a function is needed at

    :return: ItemEnd of the return location.
    loc = idc.NextHead(loc)
    while not idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(loc)) and not idaapi.get_func(loc):
        if "ret" in idc.GetMnem(loc):
            return idc.ItemEnd(loc)
        loc = idc.NextHead(loc)
    return idc.ItemEnd(idc.PrevHead(loc))
예제 #11
def find_function_ends_near(location, end_mnem_bytes=None):
        Identifies the nearest possible function ends before the next function or Align for each end mnem.

        location - The EA to search after
        end_mnem_bytes - Try to end functions on a particular instruction
                         Instructions are entered as space separated bytes (i.e. 'C2' for 'retn')
                         The specified pattern will be used first, then the defaults will be used
                         If no pattern is specified, the defaults will be used, which prefers 'retn'

        ends - A list of function end EAs sorted: end_mnem_bytes, retn, jmp
    # foreach target bytes:
    #  step instructions down
    #  if instruction matches the target bytes, add to output list
    #   then move on to the next target bytes
    #  if we hit a function or an align, quit
    # return ends in the order
    #  end_nmem_bytes
    #  retn
    #  jmp
    #  others, sorted ascending

    max_location = None
    ea = location
    while max_location is None:
        ea = idc.NextHead(ea)
        if idaapi.get_func(ea) or idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(ea)):
            max_location = ea
        elif ea == idc.BADADDR:
            max_location = idaapi.getseg(location).endEA
    max_location = min(max_location, idaapi.getseg(location).endEA)

    targets = ['C2', 'C3', 'E9', 'EA', 'EB']
    if end_mnem_bytes:
        targets.insert(0, end_mnem_bytes)

    ends = {}
    for target in targets:
        ea = find_binary_instruction_start(location, idc.SEARCH_DOWN, target, max_location=max_location)
        if ea <= max_location:
            ends[target] = ea

    return [end + idc.ItemSize(end) for end in
            (([ends.get(end_mnem_bytes, None), ends.get('C2', None), ends.get('C3', None)]) +
             sorted(ends.get(target, None) for target in targets[-3:])) if end]
예제 #12
def trim_func(ea, GetHead):
        Steps until it hits something not a nop or not starts with 90 (nop opcode) nor an align or not byte 0xCC (Align 'opcode').

        ea - The location to adjust for nops and Aligns. EA must be a head.
        GetHead - either PrevHead or NextHead

        The corrected EA.
    while idc.GetMnem(ea) == 'nop' or (idaapi.isData(idc.GetFlags(ea)) and idc.Byte(ea) == 0x90) or \
            idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(ea)) or (not idc.isCode(idc.GetFlags(ea)) and idc.Byte(ea) == 0xCC):
        ea = GetHead(ea)
    return ea
예제 #13
 def getDisasm(self):
     :return: transformed disassembly so that it's functional with the gcc assembler
     disasm = self.getOrigDisasm()
     flags = idc.GetFlags(self.ea)
     if idc.isAlign(flags):
         disasm = self._convertAlignDisasm(disasm)
     elif idc.isData(flags) or idc.isUnknown(flags):
         disasm = self._convertData(disasm)
     elif idc.isCode(flags):
         disasm = self._convertCode(self.ea, disasm)
         # make code small case
         disasm = self._lowerCode(disasm)
     disasm = self._convertTabs(disasm)
     return disasm
예제 #14
def find_function_starts_near(location, start_mnem_bytes=None):
        Identifies the nearest possible function starts since the most recent function or Align.

        location - The EA to search before
        start_mnem_bytes - Try to start functions on a particular instruction
                           Instructions are entered as space separated bytes (i.e. '55' for 'push ebp')
                           The specified pattern will be used first, then the defaults will be used
                           If no pattern is specified, the defaults will be used, which prefers 'push ebp'

        starts - A list of function end EAs sorted: start_mnem_bytes, push ebp, (push esp, push esi, push edi)
    # foreach target bytes:
    #  step instructions up
    #  if instruction matches the target bytes, add to output list
    #   then move on to the next target bytes
    #  if we hit a function or an align, quit
    # return starts in the order
    #  start_nmem_bytes
    #  push ebp
    #  others, sorted descending

    min_location = None
    ea = location
    while min_location is None:
        ea = idc.PrevHead(ea)
        if idaapi.get_func(ea) or idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(ea)):
            min_location = ea
        elif ea == idc.BADADDR:
            min_location = idaapi.getseg(location).startEA
    min_location = max(min_location, idaapi.getseg(location).startEA)

    targets = ['55', '54', '56', '57']
    if start_mnem_bytes:
        targets.insert(0, start_mnem_bytes)

    starts = {}
    for target in targets:
        ea = find_binary_instruction_start(location - 1, idc.SEARCH_UP, target, min_location)
        if ea != idc.BADADDR:
            starts[target] = ea

    return [start for start in ([starts.get(start_mnem_bytes, None), starts.get('55', None)] +
                                sorted([starts.get(target, None) for target in targets[-3:]], reverse=True)) if start]
예제 #15
 def from_syntactic_to_semantic(self, _start, _end):
     _sem = ''
     # Parse all the instructions inside the function
     for instr in idautils.Heads(_start, _end):
         flags = idc.GetFlags(instr)
         if idc.isCode(flags):         # Code: convert instruction
             info = idautils.DecodeInstruction(instr)
             first_offset = self.get_first_numerical_operand_offset(info)
             if first_offset != 0:
                 tmp = self.get_semantic_bytes(info.ea, first_offset)
                 if tmp is not None:
                     _sem += ''.join(tmp)
                     return None
                 _sem += ''.join(chr(idc.Byte(info.ea + i)) for i in range(info.size))
         elif idc.isAlign(flags):      # align: copy the byte without semantic conversion
             _sem += idc.GetManyBytes(instr, idc.NextHead(instr) - instr, False)
     return _sem
예제 #16
def try_mark_as_code(address, end_address=0):
  flags = idc.GetFlags(address)
  if idc.isAlign(flags):
    return False

  if idc.isCode(flags):
    return True

  if idc.MakeCode(address):
    return True

  end_address = max(end_address, address + 1)
  idc.MakeUnknown(address, end_address - address + 1, idc.DOUNK_SIMPLE)
  if idc.MakeCode(address):
    return True

  return False
예제 #17
 def getOrigDisasm(self):
     # type: () -> str
     Gets the original disassembly without any further applied transformations
     However, the formatting is different from the original and is more convenient
     for parsing
     :return: the disassembly
     flags = idc.GetFlags(self.ea)
     if idc.isStruct(flags):
         disasm = "INVALID"
     elif idc.isAlign(flags):
         disasm = idc.GetDisasm(self.ea)
     elif idc.isData(flags):
         disasm = self._getDataDisasm(self.ea)
         disasm = idc.GetDisasm(self.ea)
         disasm = self._filterComments(disasm)
         while '  ' in disasm:
             disasm = disasm.replace('  ', ' ')
     return disasm
예제 #18
def expandUnkArrays(start_ea, end_ea, verbose=True):
    Finds all named byte_xxx and dword_xxx arrays, and turns them to unknowns.
    If an array is unnamed, and it's a byte array, it's also turned into unknowns.
    :param start_ea: start of the range
    :param end_ea: end of the range
    :param verbose: if True, print all changes
    :return: status of the expansion
    d = Data.Data(start_ea)
    while d.ea < end_ea:
        if (not idc.isAlign(d.getFlags()) and (
                # known dummy array
            (d.getName() and (d.getName().startswith('byte_')
                              or d.getName().startswith('dword_')))
                # byte/dword array
                or (not d.getName() and type(d.getContent()) == list and
                    (d.getSize() / len(d.getContent()) == 1
                     or d.getSize() / len(d.getContent()) == 4)))):
            if verbose: print('%07X: delete unk arr' % d.ea)
            idc.del_items(d.ea, d.getSize())
        d = Data.Data(d.ea + d.getSize())
예제 #19
def sanity_checks(location):
        Do some basic checks to see if a function can be created containing the provided EA.

        location - The EA to evaluate

        True if a function can be created containing the provided EA
        False if a the provided EA was a nop or Align
        None if there is already a function containing the provided EA
    if idaapi.get_func(location):
        append_debug('There\'s already a function here! (0x%X)' % location)
        return None
    elif idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(location)) or idc.GetMnem(location) == 'nop' or \
            (idaapi.isData(idc.GetFlags(location)) and idc.Byte(location) == 0x90):
        # Yes, the nop bit may be incorrect, but it's gonna be a very special case that needs a function with nops
        append_debug('Can\'t make a function including aligns and/or nops!')
        return False
        return True
예제 #20
def ida_make_functions(location, require_term=True):
        Attempts to create functions based on the assumption that there should be continuous contiguous
        functions defined since the previous function or align. Stops creating functions once a function
        containing <location> is created or the next created function would be past <location>.
        Only identifies potential start EAs and lets IDA find the ends.

        location - The EA at which IDA should attempt to make a function.
        require_term - When True, requires the last instruction in all defined functions to be retn or jmp

        True if it made a function or a function was already present, False otherwise.
    sanity = sanity_checks(location)
    if sanity is None:  # There was already a function
        return True
    elif sanity is False:  # There was something preventing function creation
        return False

    target_location = location
    function_start = location
    ea = location
    while not (idaapi.get_func(ea) or idc.isAlign(idc.GetFlags(ea))):
        function_start = ea
        ea = idc.PrevHead(ea)
    function_start = trim_func(function_start, idc.NextHead)

    if try_make_function(function_start, require_term=require_term):
        if not idaapi.get_func(target_location):
            return ida_make_functions(target_location, require_term)
            return True
        return False
예제 #21
def address_is_alignment(address):
  flags = idc.GetFlags(address)
  return idc.isAlign(flags)
예제 #22
파일: data.py 프로젝트: hakril/midap
 def is_align(self):
     return idc.isAlign(self.flags)