def test_synth_wav(self): num_test_files = 2 hparams = self._get_hparams() hparams.out_dir = os.path.join( hparams.out_dir, "test_synth_wav") # Add function name to path hparams.model_name = "test_model_in409_out67" hparams.model_path = os.path.join("integration", "fixtures", hparams.model_name, hparams.networks_dir) hparams.synth_fs = 16000 hparams.frame_size_ms = 5 hparams.synth_ext = "wav" hparams.synth_load_org_sp = True hparams.synth_load_org_lf0 = True hparams.synth_load_org_vuv = True hparams.synth_load_org_bap = True trainer = AcousticModelTrainer( **AcousticModelTrainer.legacy_support_init( self.dir_world_features, self.dir_question_labels, self.id_list, hparams.num_questions, hparams)) trainer.init(hparams) hparams.synth_dir = os.path.join(hparams.out_dir, hparams.model_name) trainer.synth(hparams, self.id_list[:num_test_files]) found_files = list([ name for name in os.listdir(hparams.synth_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(hparams.synth_dir, name)) and name.endswith("_WORLD." + hparams.synth_ext) ]) # Check number of created files. self.assertEqual( len(self.id_list[:num_test_files]), len(found_files), msg="Number of {} files in synth_dir directory does not match.". format(hparams.synth_ext)) # Check readability and length of one created file. raw, fs = os.path.join(hparams.synth_dir, found_files[0])) self.assertEqual( hparams.synth_fs, fs, msg="Desired sampling frequency of output doesn't match.") labels = trainer.datareaders["acoustic_features"][[ id_name for id_name in self.id_list[:num_test_files] if id_name in found_files[0] ][0]] expected_length = len( raw) / hparams.synth_fs / hparams.frame_size_ms * 1000 self.assertTrue( abs(expected_length - len(labels["acoustic_features"])) < 10, msg= "Saved raw audio file length does not roughly match length of labels." ) shutil.rmtree(hparams.out_dir)
def run_DM_AM(hparams, input_strings): """ A function for TTS with a pre-trained duration and acoustic model. :param hparams: Hyper-parameter container. The following parameters are used: front_end: Full path to the script in scripts/tts_frontend, depends on the language. festival_dir: Full path to the directory with the festival bin/ folder. front_end_accent (optional): Give an accent to the front_end, used in tts_frontend. duration_labels_dir: Full path to the folder containing the normalisation parameters used to train the duration model. file_symbol_dict: A file containing all the used phonemes (has been used to train the duration model, usually mono_phone.list). duration_model: Full path to the pre-trained duration model. num_phoneme_states: Number of states per phoneme, for each a duration is predicted by the duration model. question_file: Full path to question file used to train the acoustic model. question_labels_norm_file: Full path to normalisation file of questions used to train the acoustic model. num_questions: Number of questions which form the input dimension to the acoustic model. acoustic_model: Full path to acoustic model. :param input_strings: :return: """ # Create a temporary directory to store all files. with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir_name: # tmp_dir_name = os.path.realpath("TMP") # makedirs_safe(tmp_dir_name) hparams.out_dir = tmp_dir_name print("Created temporary directory", tmp_dir_name) id_list = ["synth" + str(idx) for idx in range(len(input_strings))] # Write the text to synthesise into a single synth.txt file with ids. utts_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir_name, "synth.txt") with open(utts_file, "w") as text_file: for idx, text in enumerate(input_strings): text_file.write("synth{}\t{}\n".format( idx, text)) # TODO: Remove parenthesis etc. # Call the front end on the synth.txt file. front_end_arguments = [ hparams.front_end, hparams.festival_dir, utts_file ] if hasattr(hparams, "front_end_accent" ) and hparams.front_end_accent is not None: front_end_arguments.append(hparams.front_end_accent) front_end_arguments.append(tmp_dir_name) subprocess.check_call(front_end_arguments) # Remove durations from mono labels. dir_mono_no_align = os.path.join(tmp_dir_name, "mono_no_align") dir_mono = os.path.join(tmp_dir_name, "labels", "mono") if os.path.isdir(dir_mono_no_align): shutil.rmtree(dir_mono_no_align) os.rename(dir_mono, dir_mono_no_align) for id_name in id_list: with open(os.path.join(dir_mono_no_align, id_name + ".lab"), "r") as f: old = monophones = old.split()[2::3] with open(os.path.join(dir_mono_no_align, id_name + ".lab"), "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(monophones)) # Run duration model. hparams.batch_size_test = len(input_strings) hparams.test_set_perc = 0.0 hparams.val_set_perc = 0.0 hparams.phoneme_label_type = "mono_no_align" hparams.output_norm_params_file_prefix = hparams.duration_norm_file_name if hasattr( hparams, "duration_norm_file_name") else None duration_model_trainer = DurationModelTrainer( os.path.join(tmp_dir_name, "mono_no_align"), hparams.duration_labels_dir, id_list, hparams.file_symbol_dict, hparams) assert hparams.duration_model is not None, "Path to duration model in hparams.duration_model is needed." hparams.model_path = hparams.duration_model hparams.model_name = os.path.basename(hparams.duration_model) # Predict durations. Durations are already converted to multiples of hparams.min_phoneme_length. hparams.load_from_checkpoint = True duration_model_trainer.init(hparams) _, output_dict_post = duration_model_trainer.forward( hparams, id_list) hparams.output_norm_params_file_prefix = None # Reset again. # Write duration to full labels. dir_full = os.path.join(tmp_dir_name, "labels", "full") dir_label_state_align = os.path.join(tmp_dir_name, "labels", "label_state_align") makedirs_safe(dir_label_state_align) for id_name in id_list: with open(os.path.join(dir_full, id_name + ".lab"), "r") as f: full =[2::3] with open( os.path.join(dir_label_state_align, id_name + ".lab"), "w") as f: current_time = 0 timings = output_dict_post[id_name] for idx, monophone in enumerate(full): for state in range(hparams.num_phoneme_states): next_time = current_time + int(timings[idx, state]) f.write("{}\t{}\t{}[{}]\n".format( current_time, next_time, monophone, state + 2)) current_time = next_time # Generate questions from HTK full labels. QuestionLabelGen.gen_data(dir_label_state_align, hparams.question_file, dir_out=tmp_dir_name, file_id_list="synth", id_list=id_list, return_dict=False) # Run acoustic model and synthesise. shutil.copy2(hparams.question_labels_norm_file, tmp_dir_name + "/min-max.bin" ) # Get normalisation parameters in same directory. acoustic_model_trainer = AcousticModelTrainer( hparams.world_features_dir, tmp_dir_name, id_list, hparams.num_questions, hparams) assert hparams.acoustic_model is not None, "Path to acoustic model in hparams.acoustic_model is needed." hparams.model_path = hparams.acoustic_model hparams.model_name = os.path.basename(hparams.acoustic_model) hparams.load_from_checkpoint = True acoustic_model_trainer.init(hparams) hparams.model_name = "" # No suffix in synthesised files. _, output_dict_post = acoustic_model_trainer.synth( hparams, id_list)"Synthesized files are in {}.".format( hparams.synth_dir)) return 0