예제 #1
파일: idio_handler.py 프로젝트: cassj/dexy
    def process_text_to_dict(self, input_text):
        composer = Composer()
        builder = idiopidae.parser.parse('Document', input_text + "\n\0")

        ext = self.artifact.input_ext
        name = "input_text%s" % ext
        # List any file extensions which don't map neatly to lexers.
        if ext == '.pycon':
            lexer = PythonConsoleLexer()
        elif ext == '.rbcon':
            lexer = RubyConsoleLexer()
        elif ext in ('.json', '.dexy'):
            lexer = JavascriptLexer()
            lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(name)
        formatter = get_formatter_for_filename(self.artifact.filename(),
        output_dict = OrderedDict()

        for i, s in enumerate(builder.sections):
            lines = builder.statements[i]['lines']
            formatted_lines = composer.format(lines, lexer, formatter) 
            output_dict[s] = formatted_lines

        return output_dict
예제 #2
    def process_text_to_dict(self, input_text):
        composer = Composer()
        builder = idiopidae.parser.parse('Document', input_text + "\n\0")

        args = self.args().copy()
        lexer = self.create_lexer_instance(args)
        formatter = self.create_formatter_instance(args)

        output_dict = OrderedDict()
        lineno = 1

        for i, s in enumerate(builder.sections):
            self.log.debug("In section no. %s name %s" % (i, s))
            lines = builder.statements[i]['lines']
            if len(lines) == 0:
            if not re.match("^\d+$", s):
                # Manually named section, the sectioning comment takes up a
                # line, so account for this to keep line nos in sync.
                lineno += 1
            formatter.linenostart = lineno
            formatted_lines = composer.format(lines, lexer, formatter)
            output_dict[s] = formatted_lines
            lineno += len(lines)

        return output_dict
예제 #3
    def process_text_to_dict(self, input_text):
        composer = Composer()
        builder = idiopidae.parser.parse('Document', input_text + "\n\0")

        ext = self.artifact.input_ext
        name = "input_text%s" % ext

        if self.artifact.args.has_key('pyg-lexer'):
            lexer = get_lexer_by_name(self.artifact.args['pyg-lexer'])
        elif ext == '.pycon':
            lexer = PythonConsoleLexer()
        elif ext == '.rbcon':
            lexer = RubyConsoleLexer()
        elif ext in ('.json', '.dexy'):
            lexer = JavascriptLexer()
        elif ext in ('.php'):
            # If we are using idio, then our code will be in sections so we
            # need to start inline with PHP. To avoid this, use pyg instead of
            # idio. (Eventually should be able to specify lexer + options in config.)
            lexer = PhpLexer(startinline=True)
            lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(name)

        if self.artifact.args.has_key('idio'):
            idio_args = self.artifact.args['idio']
        elif self.artifact.args.has_key('pygments'):
            idio_args = self.artifact.args['pygments']
            idio_args = {}

        formatter_args = {'lineanchors' : self.artifact.web_safe_document_key() }

        formatter = get_formatter_for_filename(self.artifact.filename(),

        output_dict = OrderedDict()
        lineno = 1

        for i, s in enumerate(builder.sections):
            lines = builder.statements[i]['lines']
            if len(lines) == 0:
            if not re.match("^\d+$", s):
                # Manually named section, the sectioning comment takes up a
                # line, so account for this to keep line nos in sync.
                lineno += 1
            formatter.linenostart = lineno
            formatted_lines = composer.format(lines, lexer, formatter)
            output_dict[s] = formatted_lines
            lineno += len(lines)

        return output_dict
예제 #4
class PythonDocumentationFilter(Filter):
    ALIASES = ["pydoc"]
    INPUT_EXTENSIONS = [".txt"]
    OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS = ['.json']
    COMPOSER = Composer()
    OUTPUT_DATA_TYPE = 'keyvalue'
    LEXER = PythonLexer()
    LATEX_FORMATTER = LatexFormatter()
    HTML_FORMATTER = HtmlFormatter(lineanchors="pydoc")

    def fetch_item_content(self, key, item):
        is_method = inspect.ismethod(item)
        is_function = inspect.isfunction(item)
        if is_method or is_function:
            # Get source code
                source = inspect.getsource(item)
            except IOError as e:
                source = ""
            # Process any idiopidae tags
            builder = idiopidae.parser.parse('Document', source + "\n\0")

            sections = {}
            for i, s in enumerate(builder.sections):
                lines = builder.statements[i]['lines']
                sections[s] = "\n".join(l[1] for l in builder.statements[i]['lines'])

            if isinstance(sections, dict):
                if len(sections.keys()) > 1 or sections.keys()[0] != '1':
                    for section_name, section_content in sections.iteritems():
                        self.add_source_for_key("%s:%s" % (key, section_name), section_content)
                    self.add_source_for_key(key, sections['1'])
                self.add_source_for_key(key, sections)

            self.artifact.output_data.append("%s:doc" % key, inspect.getdoc(item))
            self.artifact.output_data.append("%s:comments" % key, inspect.getcomments(item))

        else: # not a function or a method
                # If this can be JSON-serialized, leave it alone...
                self.add_source_for_key(key, item)
            except TypeError:
                # ... if it can't, convert it to a string to avoid problems.
                self.add_source_for_key(key, str(item))

    def highlight_html(self, source):
        return highlight(source, self.LEXER, self.HTML_FORMATTER)

    def highlight_latex(self, source):
        return highlight(source, self.LEXER, self.LATEX_FORMATTER)

    def add_source_for_key(self, key, source):
        Appends source code + syntax highlighted source code to persistent store.
        self.artifact.output_data.append("%s:value" % key, source)
        if not (type(source) == str or type(source) == unicode):
            source = inspect.getsource(source)
        self.artifact.output_data.append("%s:source" % key, source)
        self.artifact.output_data.append("%s:html-source" % key, self.highlight_html(source))
        self.artifact.output_data.append("%s:latex-source" % key, self.highlight_latex(source))

    def process_members(self, package_name, mod):
        Process all members of the package or module passed.
        name = mod.__name__

        for k, m in inspect.getmembers(mod):
            self.log.debug("in %s processing element %s" % (mod.__name__, k))
            if not inspect.isclass(m) and hasattr(m, '__module__') and m.__module__ and m.__module__.startswith(package_name):
                key = "%s.%s" % (m.__module__, k)
                self.fetch_item_content(key, m)

            elif inspect.isclass(m) and m.__module__.startswith(package_name):
                key = "%s.%s" % (mod.__name__, k)
                    item_content = inspect.getsource(m)
                    self.artifact.output_data.append("%s:doc" % key, inspect.getdoc(m))
                    self.artifact.output_data.append("%s:comments" % key, inspect.getcomments(m))
                    self.add_source_for_key(key, item_content)
                except IOError:
                    self.log.debug("can't get source for %s" % key)
                    self.add_source_for_key(key, "")

                    for ck, cm in inspect.getmembers(m):
                        key = "%s.%s.%s" % (name, k, ck)
                        self.fetch_item_content(key, cm)
                except AttributeError:

                key = "%s.%s" % (name, k)
                self.fetch_item_content(key, m)

    def process_module(self, package_name, name):
            self.log.debug("Trying to import %s" % name)
            mod = sys.modules[name]
            self.log.debug("Success importing %s" % name)

                module_source = inspect.getsource(mod)
                self.add_source_for_key(name, inspect.getsource(mod))
            except (UnicodeDecodeError, IOError, TypeError):
                self.log.debug("Unable to load module source for %s" % name)

            self.process_members(package_name, mod)

        except (ImportError, TypeError) as e:

    def process(self):
        input_text should be a list of installed python libraries to document.
        package_names = self.artifact.input_data.as_text().split()
        packages = [__import__(package_name) for package_name in package_names]

        for package in packages:
            self.log.debug("processing package %s" % package)
            package_name = package.__name__
            prefix = package.__name__ + "."

            self.process_members(package_name, package)

            if hasattr(package, '__path__'):
                for module_loader, name, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(package.__path__, prefix=prefix):
                    self.log.debug("in package %s processing module %s" % (package_name, name))
                    if not name.endswith("__main__"):
                        self.process_module(package_name, name)
                self.process_module(package.__name__, package.__name__)

예제 #5
파일: callbacks.py 프로젝트: BenoitT/booky
        import markdown
    except ImportError, error:
        print "You don't appear to have the markdown module installed: %s" % error
    return markdown.markdown(content)

def load_code(content):
    "Convert text via idiopidae to insert code"
        from idiopidae.runtime import Composer
    except ImportError, error:
        print "You don't appear to have the idiopidae module installed: %s" % error
    composer = Composer()
    temporary_file = open("build/code.txt", "w")
    output = composer.process(temporary_file.name)
    return output

def generate_html(content):
    "Create an html file from the current content buffer"
        from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
    except ImportError, error:
        print "You don't appear to have BeautifulSoup installed: %s" % error
예제 #6
from idiopidae.runtime import Composer
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.formatters.latex import LatexFormatter
from pygments.lexers.agile import PythonLexer
import dexy
import idiopidae.parser
import inspect
import json
import pkgutil
import sys

lexer = PythonLexer()
formatter = LatexFormatter()
composer = Composer()

def fetch_item_content(cm):
    is_method = inspect.ismethod(cm)
    is_function = inspect.isfunction(cm)

    if is_method or is_function:
            source = inspect.getsource(cm)
        except IOError:
            source = ""

        builder = idiopidae.parser.parse('Document', source + "\n\0")
        sections = {}

        for i, s in enumerate(builder.sections):
            lines = builder.statements[i]['lines']
            sections[s] = composer.format(lines, lexer, formatter)