예제 #1
def main(args):
    # Default invocation will verify the golden files are unchanged.
    failed = 0
    if not args:
        args = ['--wnone', '--diff', '--test', '--dstroot=.']


    idldir = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]
    idldir = os.path.join(idldir, 'test_cgen', '*.idl')
    filenames = glob.glob(idldir)
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    if hgen.GenerateRelease(ast, 'M14', {}):
        print "Golden file for M14 failed."
        failed = 1
        print "Golden file for M14 passed."

    idldir = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]
    idldir = os.path.join(idldir, 'test_cgen_range', '*.idl')
    filenames = glob.glob(idldir)

    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    if hgen.GenerateRange(ast, ['M13', 'M14', 'M15'], {}):
        print "Golden file for M13-M15 failed."
        failed = 1
        print "Golden file for M13-M15 passed."

    return failed
예제 #2
def Main(args):
    filenames = ParseOptions(args)
    if GetOption('test'):
        return TestFiles(filenames)
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    for f in ast.GetListOf('File'):
        if f.GetProperty('ERRORS') > 0:
            print 'Skipping %s' % f.GetName()
        print DefineDepends(node)
        for node in f.GetChildren()[2:]:
            print Define(node, comment=True, prefix='tst_')
예제 #3
def main(args):
    filenames = ParseOptions(args)
    if GetOption('test'):
        return TestFiles(filenames)
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    cgen = CSGen()
    for f in ast.GetListOf('File'):
        if f.GetProperty('ERRORS') > 0:
            print 'Skipping %s' % f.GetName()
        for node in f.GetChildren()[2:]:
            print cgen.Define(node, ast.releases, comment=True, prefix='tst_')
예제 #4
def Main(args):
    # If no arguments are provided, assume we are trying to rebuild the
    # C headers with warnings off.
        if not args:
            args = [
            current_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
            script_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
            if current_dir != script_dir:
                print '\nIncorrect CWD, default run skipped.'
                print 'When running with no arguments set CWD to the scripts directory:'
                print '\t' + script_dir + '\n'
                print 'This ensures correct default paths and behavior.\n'
                return 1

        filenames = ParseOptions(args)
        ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
        if ast.errors:
            print 'Found %d errors.  Aborting build.\n' % ast.errors
            return 1
        return Generator.Run(ast)
    except SystemExit, ec:
        print 'Exiting with %d' % ec.code
예제 #5
def Main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    # If no arguments are provided, assume we are trying to rebuild the
    # C headers with warnings off.
    if not args:
        args = [
        current_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
        script_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        if current_dir != script_dir:
            print '\nIncorrect CWD, default run skipped.'
            print 'When running with no arguments set CWD to the scripts directory:'
            print '\t' + script_dir + '\n'
            print 'This ensures correct default paths and behavior.\n'
            return 1

    filenames = ParseOptions(args)
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    return Generator.Run(ast)
예제 #6
def main(args):
    filenames = ParseOptions(args)
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    rpcgen = RPCGen()
    files = ast.GetListOf('File')
    outname = GetOption('out')
    if outname == '':
        outname = 'out.cc'
    outfile = IDLOutFile(outname)
    emitted = set()
    for f in files:
        if f.GetName() == 'pp_macros.idl':
            GenerateDep(outfile, emitted, f, ast.releases)
    for f in files:
        GenerateDep(outfile, emitted, f, ast.releases)
    out = ''
    out += '#include "host/rpc.h"\n'
    out += '#include "json/json.cpp"\n'
    out += 'using namespace std;\n'
    out += 'using namespace JSON;\n'
    for declareOnly in [True, False]:
        for f in files:
            if f.GetProperty('ERRORS') > 0:
                print 'Skipping %s' % f.GetName()
            for node in f.GetChildren()[2:]:
                out += rpcgen.Define(node, ast.releases, declareOnly)
    out += 'static map<string, void*> gInterfaces;\n'
    out += '\n'
    out += 'typedef char* (*InterfaceMemberCallFunc)(const void*, JSONIterator&);\n'
    out += 'static map<string, InterfaceMemberCallFunc> gInterfaceMemberCallers;\n'
    out += '\n'
    out += 'void InitializeInterfaceList() {\n'
    for (interfaceString, interfaceStruct) in rpcgen.interfaceStructs:
        if interfaceString == "PPB_Flash_File_FileRef;2.0":
            interfaceString = "PPB_Flash_File_FileRef;2"
        elif interfaceString == "PPB_Flash_File_ModuleLocal;3.0":
            interfaceString = "PPB_Flash_File_ModuleLocal;3"
        elif interfaceString == "PPB_PDF;0.1":
            interfaceString = "PPB_PDF;1"
        out += '  gInterfaces.insert(pair<string, void*>("' + interfaceString + '", &' + interfaceStruct + '));\n'
    for (interfaceString, caller) in rpcgen.pppInterfaceGetters:
        out += '  gInterfaceMemberCallers.insert(pair<string, InterfaceMemberCallFunc>("' + interfaceString + '", ' + caller + '));\n'
    out += '};\n'
    out += '\n'
예제 #7
def TestFiles(filenames, test_releases):
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    iface_releases = pnaclgen.DetermineInterfaces(ast, test_releases)
    new_output = CleanString(
        pnaclgen.GenerateWrapperForMethods(iface_releases, comments=False))
    old_output = GetOldTestOutput(ast)
    if new_output != old_output:
        PrintErrorDiff(old_output, new_output)
        ErrOut.Log('Failed pnacl generator test.')
        return 1
        InfoOut.Log('Passed pnacl generator test.')
        return 0
예제 #8
def TestFiles(filenames):
    if not filenames:
        idldir = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]
        idldir = os.path.join(idldir, 'test_cgen', '*.idl')
        filenames = glob.glob(idldir)

    filenames = sorted(filenames)
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)

    total_errs = 0
    for filenode in ast.GetListOf('File'):
        errs = TestFile(filenode)
        if errs:
            ErrOut.Log('%s test failed with %d error(s).' %
                       (filenode.GetName(), errs))
            total_errs += errs

    if total_errs:
        ErrOut.Log('Failed generator test.')
        InfoOut.Log('Passed generator test.')
    return total_errs
예제 #9
def Main(args):
    filenames = ParseOptions(args)
    test_releases = ['M13', 'M14', 'M15']
    if not filenames:
        idldir = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]
        idldir = os.path.join(idldir, 'test_gen_pnacl', '*.idl')
        filenames = glob.glob(idldir)
    filenames = sorted(filenames)
    if GetOption('test'):
        # Run the tests.
        return TestFiles(filenames, test_releases)

    # Otherwise, generate the output file (for potential use as golden file).
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    return pnaclgen.GenerateRange(ast, test_releases, filenames)
예제 #10
def Main(args):
    filenames = ParseOptions(args)
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    return Generator.Run(ast)
예제 #11
def Main(args):
    if not args: return Test()
    filenames = ParseOptions(args)
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)

    return Generator.Run(ast)