예제 #1
def test_te_local_values():
    """Test local TE estimation."""
    n = 1000
    cov = 0.4
    source = [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n)]  # correlated src
    target = [0] + [sum(pair) for pair in zip(
        [cov * y for y in source[0:n - 1]],
        [(1 - cov) * y for y in
            [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n - 1)]])]
    analysis_opts = {
        'kraskov_k': 4,
        'normalise': False,
        'theiler_t': 0,
        'noise_level': 1e-8,
        'local_values': True,
        'tau_target': 1,
        'tau_source': 1,
        'source_target_delay': 1,
        'history_target': 1,
        'history_source': 1,
    te_est = Estimator_te('jidt_kraskov')
    te_res = te_est.estimate(np.array(source), np.array(target),
    analysis_opts['local_values'] = False
    te_avg = te_est.estimate(np.array(source), np.array(target),
    assert te_res.shape[0] == n, 'Local TE estimator did not return an array.'
    assert np.isclose(np.mean(te_res), te_avg, rtol=0.01), (
        'Average local TE is not equal to estimated average TE.')
예제 #2
def test_te_local_values():
    """Test local TE estimation."""
    n = 1000
    cov = 0.4
    source = [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n)]  # correlated src
    target = [0] + [
        for pair in zip(
            [cov * y for y in source[0 : n - 1]],
            [(1 - cov) * y for y in [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n - 1)]],
    analysis_opts = {
        "kraskov_k": 4,
        "normalise": "false",
        "theiler_t": 0,
        "noise_level": 1e-8,
        "local_values": True,
        "tau_target": 1,
        "tau_source": 1,
        "source_target_delay": 1,
        "history_target": 1,
        "history_source": 1,
    te_est = Estimator_te("jidt_kraskov")
    te_res = te_est.estimate(np.array(source), np.array(target), analysis_opts)
    assert te_res.shape[0] == n, "Local TE estimator did not return an array."
예제 #3
def test_estimators_correlated_gauss_data():
    """Test estimators on correlated Gauss data."""
    estimator_name = 'jidt_kraskov'
    te_estimator = Estimator_te(estimator_name)

    n_obs = 10000
    covariance = 0.4

    source = [random.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n_obs)]
    target = [0] + [
        for pair in zip([covariance * y for y in source[0:n_obs - 1]], [
            (1 - covariance) * y
            for y in [random.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n_obs - 1)]
    options = {'kraskov_k': 4, 'history_target': 3}

    te = te_estimator.estimate(np.array(source), np.array(target), options)
    expected_te = math.log(1 / (1 - math.pow(covariance, 2)))

    print('TE estimator is {0}'.format(te_estimator.estimator_name))
    print('TE result: {0:.4f} nats; expected to be close to {1:.4f} nats for '
          'correlated Gaussians.'.format(te, expected_te))
    # For 500 repetitions I got a mean error of 0.02097686 for this example.
    # The maximum error was 0.093841. This inspired the following error
    # boundary.
    assert (np.abs(te - expected_te) < 0.1), ('CMI calculation for '
                                              'correlated Gaussians failed'
                                              '(error larger 0.1).')
    assert estimator_name == te_estimator.estimator_name, (
        'The estimator was not set correctly')
예제 #4
def test_estimators_correlated_gauss_data():
    """Test estimators on correlated Gauss data."""
    estimator_name = 'jidt_kraskov'
    te_estimator = Estimator_te(estimator_name)

    n_obs = 10000
    covariance = 0.4

    source = [random.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n_obs)]
    target = [0] + [sum(pair) for pair in zip(
                    [covariance * y for y in source[0:n_obs-1]],
                    [(1-covariance) * y for y in [
                        random.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n_obs-1)]])]
    options = {
        'kraskov_k': 4,
        'history_target': 3

    te = te_estimator.estimate(np.array(source), np.array(target), options)
    expected_te = math.log(1 / (1 - math.pow(covariance, 2)))

    print('TE estimator is {0}'.format(te_estimator.estimator_name))
    print('TE result: {0:.4f} nats; expected to be close to {1:.4f} nats for '
          'correlated Gaussians.'.format(te, expected_te))
    # For 500 repetitions I got a mean error of 0.02097686 for this example.
    # The maximum error was 0.093841. This inspired the following error
    # boundary.
    assert (np.abs(te - expected_te) < 0.1), ('CMI calculation for '
                                              'correlated Gaussians failed'
                                              '(error larger 0.1).')
    assert estimator_name == te_estimator.estimator_name, (
                'The estimator was not set correctly')
예제 #5
def test_te_estimator_jidt_gaussian():
    """Test Gaussian TE estimation on correlated Gaussians.

    Generate two sets of random Gaussian data with a given covariance.
    The second data set is shifted by one sample creating a source-target delay
    of one sample. The resulting TE is compared to the analytical result.
    # Set length of time series and correlation coefficient
    n = 1000
    cov = 0.4
    # Allowing loose tolerance, because of effective
    # non-zero correlation due to the finite length of the time series
    assert_tolerance_1 = 0.01
    # Generate random normally-distributed source time series
    source = [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n)]
    # Generate correlated and shifted target time series
    target = [0] + [sum(pair) for pair in zip(
        [cov * y for y in source[0:n - 1]],
        [(1 - cov) * y for y in
            [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n - 1)]])]
    # Compute effective correlation from finite time series
    corr_effective = np.corrcoef(source[:-1], target[1:])[1, 0]
    # Compute theoretical value for MI using the effective correlation
    theoretical_res = - 0.5 * np.log(1 - corr_effective ** 2)
    # Cast everything to numpy so the idtxl estimator understands it.
    source = np.array(source)
    target = np.array(target)
    # Call JIDT to perform estimation
    opts = {
        'normalise': False,
        'theiler_t': 0,
        'noise_level': 1e-8,
        'local_values': False,
        'tau_target': 1,
        'tau_source': 1,
        'source_target_delay': 1,
        'history_target': 1,
        'history_source': 1,
    est = Estimator_te('jidt_gaussian')
    res_1 = est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=opts)
    print('TE result: {0:.4f} nats; expected to be '
          '{1:.4f} nats.'.format(res_1, theoretical_res))
    assert (np.abs(res_1 - theoretical_res) < assert_tolerance_1), (
                'TE test for Gaussians estimator failed'
                '(error larger than {1:.4f}).'.format(assert_tolerance_1))
예제 #6
def test_multivariate_te_corr_gaussian():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation on correlated Gaussians.

    Run the multivariate TE algorithm on two sets of random Gaussian data with
    a given covariance. The second data set is shifted by one sample creating
    a source-target delay of one sample. This example is modeled after the
    JIDT demo 4 for transfer entropy. The resulting TE can be compared to the
    analytical result (but expect some error in the estimate).

        This test runs considerably faster than other system tests.
        This produces strange small values for non-coupled sources.  TODO
    n = 1000
    cov = 0.4
    source = [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n)]  # correlated src
    target = [0] + [
        for pair in zip(
            [cov * y for y in source[0 : n - 1]],
            [(1 - cov) * y for y in [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n - 1)]],
    analysis_opts = {
        "kraskov_k": 4,
        "normalise": "false",
        "theiler_t": 0,
        "noise_level": 1e-8,
        "local_values": False,
        "tau_target": 1,
        "tau_source": 1,
        "source_target_delay": 1,
        "history_target": 1,
        "history_source": 1,
    te_est = Estimator_te("jidt_kraskov")
    te_res = te_est.estimate(np.array(source), np.array(target), analysis_opts)
        "correlated Gaussians: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be"
        "{1:0.4f} bit for the copy".format(te_res, np.log(1 / (1 - cov ** 2)))
예제 #7
def test_te_corr_gaussian():
    """Test TE estimation on correlated Gaussians.

    Run TE estimation on two sets of random Gaussian data with a given
    covariance. The second data set is shifted by one sample creating a source-
    target delay of one sample. This example is modeled after the JIDT demo 4
    for transfer entropy. The resulting TE can be compared to the analytical
    result (but expect some error in the estimate).

        This test runs considerably faster than other system tests.
    n = 1000
    cov = 0.4
    source = [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n)]  # correlated src
    target = [0] + [sum(pair) for pair in zip(
        [cov * y for y in source[0:n - 1]],
        [(1 - cov) * y for y in
            [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n - 1)]])]
    analysis_opts = {
        'kraskov_k': 4,
        'normalise': False,
        'theiler_t': 0,
        'noise_level': 1e-8,
        'local_values': False,
        'tau_target': 1,
        'tau_source': 1,
        'source_target_delay': 1,
        'history_target': 1,
        'history_source': 1,
    te_est = Estimator_te('jidt_kraskov')
    te_res = te_est.estimate(np.array(source), np.array(target),
    te_exp = np.log(1 / (1 - cov ** 2))
    print('Correlated Gaussians: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be '
          '{1:0.4f} bit for the copy'
          .format(te_res, te_exp))
                            te_res, te_exp, significant=1,
                            err_msg='TE is not close to expected result.')
예제 #8
def test_jidt_kraskov_input():
    """Test handling of wrong inputs to the JIDT Kraskov TE-estimator."""
    te_est = Estimator_te('jidt_kraskov')
    source = np.empty((100))
    target = np.empty((100))

    # Wrong type for options dictinoary
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=None)
    # Missing history for the target
    analysis_opts = {}
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=analysis_opts)
    # Run analysis with all default vales
    analysis_opts = {'history_target': 3}
    te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=analysis_opts)
예제 #9
def test_te_estimator_jidt_discrete():
    """Test TE estimation on sets of discrete random data."""
    opts = {"num_discrete_bins": 2, "history_target": 1, "discretise_method": "none"}
    calculator_name = "jidt_discrete"
    est = Estimator_te(calculator_name)
    n = 1001  # Need this to be an odd number for the test to work
    source_1 = np.zeros(n, np.int_)
    target = np.zeros(n, np.int_)

    # Test 1: target is an independent copy of the source, with no k=1
    # dependence
    target[0] = 1
    for t in range(n):
        # Create source array: 0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,...
        source_1[t] = math.floor(t / 2) % 2
        if t > 0:
            target[t] = source_1[t - 1]
    res_1 = est.estimate(source_1, target, opts)
    print("Example 1: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 1 bit for the " "copy".format(res_1))
    assert np.abs(res_1 - 1) < 0.0001, "TE calculation for copy failed."

    # Test 2: target is a copy of the source, but dictacted by k=2 history
    # of source
    opts["history_target"] = 2
    res_2 = est.estimate(source_1, target, opts)
        "Example 2: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 0 bit for k={1:d}"
        " dependent copy".format(res_2, opts["history_target"])
    assert np.abs(res_2 - 0) < 0.0001, "TE calculation for k=2 dependent " "copy failed."

    # Test 3: target is an XOR of source and target past
    opts["history_target"] = 1
    source_2 = np.array([rn.randint(0, 1) for t in range(n)])
    for t in range(1, n):
        target[t] = target[t - 1] ^ source_2[t - 1]
    res_3 = est.estimate(source_2, target, opts)
        "Example 3: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 1 bit for k={1:d}"
        " dependent XOR".format(res_3, opts["history_target"])
    assert np.abs(res_3 - 1) < 0.01, "TE calculation for XOR failed."

    # Test 4: target is an XOR of source and delayed target past
    opts["history_target"] = 1
    target[1] = 0
    for t in range(2, n):
        target[t] = target[t - 2] ^ source_2[t - 1]
    res_4a = est.estimate(source_2, target, opts)
    print("Example 4a: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 0 bit for " "delayed XOR beyond k=1".format(res_4a))
    assert np.abs(res_4a - 0) < 0.01, "TE calculation for delayed XOR " "failed."
    opts["history_target"] = 2
    res_4b = est.estimate(source_2, target, opts)
    print("Example 4b: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 1 bit for " "delayed XOR at k=2".format(res_4b))
    assert np.abs(res_4b - 1) < 0.01, "TE calculation for delayed XOR " "failed."

    # Test 5: target is an XOR of source and delayed target past
    opts["history_target"] = 1
    for t in range(2, n):
        target[t] = target[t - 1] ^ source_2[t - 2]
    res_5a = est.estimate(source_2, target, opts)
        "Example 5a: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 0 bit for "
        "delayed XOR beyond source delay 1".format(res_5a)
    assert np.abs(res_5a - 0) < 0.01, "TE calculation for delayed XOR " "failed."
    opts["history_source"] = 2
    res_5b = est.estimate(source_2, target, opts)
        "Example 5b: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 1 bit for "
        "delayed XOR at source history length 2".format(res_5b)
    assert np.abs(res_5b - 1) < 0.01, "TE calculation for delayed XOR " "failed."
    opts["history_source"] = 1
    opts["source_target_delay"] = 2
    res_5c = est.estimate(source_2, target, opts)
        "Example 5c: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 1 bit for " "delayed XOR at source delay 2".format(res_5c)
    assert np.abs(res_5c - 1) < 0.01, "TE calculation for delayed XOR " "failed."
예제 #10
def test_jidt_discrete_input():
    """Test handling of wrong inputs to the JIDT discrete TE-estimator."""
    calculator_name = 'jidt_discrete'
    te_est = Estimator_te(calculator_name)
    n = 100
    source = np.zeros(n, np.int_)
    target = np.zeros(n, np.int_)

    # Wrong type for options dictinoary
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=None)
    # Missing history for the target
    analysis_opts = {}
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=analysis_opts)
    # Run analysis with all default vales
    analysis_opts = {'history_target': 3}
    te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=analysis_opts)

    # Test handling of incorrect alphabet sizes
    analysis_opts = {
        'history_target': 3,
        'alph_source': 2,
        'alph_target': 2
    source = np.random.randint(5, size=(n, 4))
    target = np.random.randint(2, size=(n, 4))
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=analysis_opts)
    source = np.random.randint(2, size=(n, 4))
    target = np.random.randint(5, size=(n, 4))
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=analysis_opts)

    # Test multidimensional variables
    analysis_opts = {
        'history_target': 3,
        'alph_source': 2,
        'alph_target': 2
    source = np.random.randint(2, size=(n, 2))
    target = np.random.randint(2, size=(n, 2))
    te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=analysis_opts)

    # Test discretisation methods
    analysis_opts = {
        'history_target': 3,
        'discretise_method': 'equal'
    source = np.random.randn(n, 2)
    target = np.random.randn(n, 2)
    te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=analysis_opts)
    analysis_opts['discretise_method'] = 'max_ent'
    te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=analysis_opts)
    analysis_opts['num_discrete_bins'] = 3
    te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=analysis_opts)
    analysis_opts['discretise_method'] = 'equal'
    te_est.estimate(source=source, target=target, opts=analysis_opts)
예제 #11
def test_te_estimator_jidt_discrete():
    """Test TE estimation on sets of discrete random data."""
    opts = {'num_discrete_bins': 2,
            'history_target': 1,
            'discretise_method': 'none'}
    calculator_name = 'jidt_discrete'
    est = Estimator_te(calculator_name)
    n = 1001  # Need this to be an odd number for the test to work
    source_1 = np.zeros(n, np.int_)
    target = np.zeros(n, np.int_)

    # Test 1: target is an independent copy of the source, with no k=1
    # dependence
    target[0] = 1
    for t in range(n):
        # Create source array: 0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,...
        source_1[t] = math.floor(t / 2) % 2
        if (t > 0):
            target[t] = source_1[t-1]
    res_1 = est.estimate(source_1, target, opts)
    print('Example 1: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 1 bit for the '
    assert (np.abs(res_1 - 1) < 0.0001), ('TE calculation for copy failed.')

    # Test 2: target is a copy of the source, but dictacted by k=2 history
    # of source
    opts['history_target'] = 2
    res_2 = est.estimate(source_1, target, opts)
    print('Example 2: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 0 bit for k={1:d}'
          ' dependent copy'.format(res_2, opts['history_target']))
    assert(np.abs(res_2 - 0) < 0.0001), ('TE calculation for k=2 dependent '
                                         'copy failed.')

    # Test 3: target is an XOR of source and target past
    opts['history_target'] = 1
    source_2 = np.array([rn.randint(0, 1) for t in range(n)])
    for t in range(1, n):
        target[t] = target[t-1] ^ source_2[t-1]
    res_3 = est.estimate(source_2, target, opts)
    print('Example 3: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 1 bit for k={1:d}'
          ' dependent XOR'.format(res_3, opts['history_target']))
    assert (np.abs(res_3 - 1) < 0.01), ('TE calculation for XOR failed.')

    # Test 4: target is an XOR of source and delayed target past
    opts['history_target'] = 1
    target[1] = 0
    for t in range(2, n):
        target[t] = target[t-2] ^ source_2[t-1]
    res_4a = est.estimate(source_2, target, opts)
    print('Example 4a: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 0 bit for '
          'delayed XOR beyond k=1'.format(res_4a))
    assert (np.abs(res_4a - 0) < 0.01), ('TE calculation for delayed XOR '
    opts['history_target'] = 2
    res_4b = est.estimate(source_2, target, opts)
    print('Example 4b: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 1 bit for '
          'delayed XOR at k=2'.format(res_4b))
    assert (np.abs(res_4b - 1) < 0.01), ('TE calculation for delayed XOR '

    # Test 5: target is an XOR of source and delayed target past
    opts['history_target'] = 1
    for t in range(2, n):
        target[t] = target[t-1] ^ source_2[t-2]
    res_5a = est.estimate(source_2, target, opts)
    print('Example 5a: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 0 bit for '
          'delayed XOR beyond source delay 1'.format(res_5a))
    assert (np.abs(res_5a - 0) < 0.01), ('TE calculation for delayed XOR '
    opts['history_source'] = 2
    res_5b = est.estimate(source_2, target, opts)
    print('Example 5b: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 1 bit for '
          'delayed XOR at source history length 2'.format(res_5b))
    assert (np.abs(res_5b - 1) < 0.01), ('TE calculation for delayed XOR '
    opts['history_source'] = 1
    opts['source_target_delay'] = 2
    res_5c = est.estimate(source_2, target, opts)
    print('Example 5c: TE result {0:.4f} bits; expected to be 1 bit for '
          'delayed XOR at source delay 2'.format(res_5c))
    assert (np.abs(res_5c - 1) < 0.01), ('TE calculation for delayed XOR '