class LFI(object): """LFI Class.""" def __init__(self, debug=False): self.logger = ServerLogger(__name__, debug=debug) # Path of file containing lfi payloads self.PAYLOAD_FILE = "/home/gourav/Desktop/IEMLAV/iemlav/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/payloads/lfi.txt" # Load lfi payloads self.payloads = utils.open_file(self.PAYLOAD_FILE) # Logged IP list self.logged_IP = list() def detect_lfi(self, data): """ Detect possible Local File Inclusion (lfi) attacks. Use string comparison to scan GET request with the list of possible LFI payloads. Args: data (dict): Parsed log file data Raises: None Returns: None """ for ip in data.keys(): get_req = data[ip]["get"] if (self.payload_match(get_req)): if ip not in self.logged_IP: # if IP not logged earlier self.logged_IP.append(ip) msg = "Possible LFI injection detected from: " + str(ip) + \ " on: " + utils.epoch_to_date(data[ip]["ep_time"][0]) self.logger.log(msg, logtype="warning") utils.write_ip(str(ip)) def payload_match(self, get_req): """ Match parsed GET request for a possible lfi payload. Args: get_req (str): GET request on which to perform payload string matching Raises: None Returns: TYPE: bool """ for req in get_req: for payload in self.payloads: payload = payload.strip(" ").strip("\n") if (payload in req or utils.uri_encode(payload) in req): return True
class Engine(object): """ServerLog Monitor Engine.""" def __init__(self, debug=False, log_type=None, log_file=None, window=30, ip_list=None, status_code=None): """ Initialize ServerLog Monitor Engine. Args: debug (bool): Log on terminal or not log_type (str): Type of log file (Apache, Nginx) log_file (str): Path of the log file window (int): Days old log to process (default: 30 days) ip_list (list): List of IPs to filter / grab of the log file status_code (list): List of status code to filter / grab of the log file Raises: None Returns: None """ # Initialize logger self.logger = ServerLogger(__name__, debug=debug) if log_type is None: self.logger.log("No server type selected, exiting.", logtype="error") sys.exit(0) # Initialize log file path as None self.log_file_path = None # OS to log file path mapping self.system_log_file_map = { "apache": { "debian": "/var/log/apache2/access.log", "fedora": "/var/log/httpd/access_log", "freebsd": "/var/log/httpd-access.log" }, "nginx": { "debian": "/var/log/nginx/access.log" } } if log_file: self.log_file_path = str(log_file) else: os_name = utils.categorize_os() if os_name: try: self.log_file_path = self.system_log_file_map[log_type][ os_name] except KeyError: self.logger.log( "Could not find a suitable log file path, exiting.", logtype="error") sys.exit(0) else: self.logger.log( "OS not recognized, log file path not selected, exiting.", logtype="error") sys.exit(0) # Create specific parser objects if self.log_file_path: # if log file path is valid if log_type == "apache": # if Apache log file self.parser_obj = apache.ApacheParser(debug=debug, window=window, path=self.log_file_path) elif log_type == "nginx": # if Nginx log file self.parser_obj = nginx.NginxParser(debug=debug, window=window, path=self.log_file_path) if self.log_file_path and self.parser_obj: # if log file path is valid # Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Detection self.xss_obj = xss.CrossSite(debug=True) # SQL injection (SQLi) Detection self.sqli_obj = sqli.SQLi(debug=debug) # Local File Inclusion (LFI) Detection self.lfi_obj = lfi.LFI(debug=debug) # Web Shell Detection self.web_shell_obj = web_shell.WebShell(debug=debug) # Port Scan Detection self.port_scan_obj = port_scan.PortScan(debug=debug) # URL Fuzzer Detection self.fuzzer_obj = fuzzer.FuzzerDetect(debug=debug) # Spider / Web Crawler / Bad user agent self.spider_obj = spider.SpiderDetect(debug=debug) # DDoS Detection self.ddos_obj = ddos.DDoS(debug=debug) # UserFilter object self.user_filter_obj = user_filter.UserFilter( debug=debug, ip_list=ip_list, status_code=status_code) def run(self): """ Start the ServerLog Monitor Engine. Args: None Raises: None Returns: None """ thread_pool = [] # Collection of all the threads while True: # Run in an endless parent thread loop # Parse the logfile data = self.parser_obj.parse() # Create multiple threads for various detection xss_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.xss_obj.detect_xss, args=(data, )) sqli_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.sqli_obj.detect_sqli, args=(data, )) lfi_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.lfi_obj.detect_lfi, args=(data, )) web_shell_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.web_shell_obj.detect_web_shell, args=(data, )) port_scan_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.port_scan_obj.detect_port_scan, args=(data, )) fuzzer_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.fuzzer_obj.detect_fuzzer, args=(data, )) spider_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.spider_obj.detect_spider, args=(data, )) ddos_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.ddos_obj.detect_ddos, args=(data, )) user_filter_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.user_filter_obj.filter_user_criteria, args=(data, )) # Add created threads to the thread pool thread_pool.append(xss_thread) thread_pool.append(sqli_thread) thread_pool.append(lfi_thread) thread_pool.append(web_shell_thread) thread_pool.append(port_scan_thread) thread_pool.append(fuzzer_thread) thread_pool.append(spider_thread) thread_pool.append(ddos_thread) thread_pool.append(user_filter_thread) # Start the thread process xss_thread.start() sqli_thread.start() lfi_thread.start() web_shell_thread.start() port_scan_thread.start() fuzzer_thread.start() spider_thread.start() ddos_thread.start() user_filter_thread.start() # Complete the thread execution for thread in thread_pool: thread.join()
class NginxParser(object): """NginxParser Class.""" def __init__(self, debug=False, path=None, window=30): """ Initialize NginxParser class. Args: debug (bool): Log on terminal or not path (str): Path of the log file window (int): Days old log file to process Raises: None Returns: None """ # Initialize logger self.logger = ServerLogger(__name__, debug=debug) if path is not None: self.path = path else: self.logger.log("No log path specified, exiting.", logtype="error") sys.exit(0) # Convert window (in days) to seconds self.window = int(window) * 24 * 3600 # days * hours * seconds # Regex for parsing nginx log file self.NGINX_RGX = r'(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}).*\[([0-9]' \ r'+/[a-zA-Z]+/[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+).*"GET\s(.*)"\s(\d+).*"\s"([^"]+)' # Initialize dict for containing parsed data self.nginx_dict = dict() def parse(self): """ Parse the log file and save the parsed data into a dict. Args: None Raises: None Returns: nginx_dict (dict): Dict containing the parsed data, IP being the key """ # Clear & rotate log file parsed data self.nginx_dict.clear() self.nginx_log_data = utils.open_file(self.path) for line in self.nginx_log_data: parsed_data = re.findall(self.NGINX_RGX, line) if parsed_data: ip = parsed_data[0][0] date = parsed_data[0][1].strip(" ") day = date.split("/")[0] month = date.split("/")[1] year = str(date.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]) last_time = ":".join(str(date.split("/")[2]).split(":")[1:]) ep_time = utils.get_epoch_time(month, day, year, last_time) get = parsed_data[0][2] status_code = parsed_data[0][3].strip(" ") user_agent = parsed_data[0][4] if self.check_within_window(ep_time): self.update_dict(ip, ep_time, get, status_code, user_agent) return self.nginx_dict def update_dict(self, ip, ep_time, get, status_code, user_agent): """ Update nginx_dict with the values passed. Args: ip (str): IP address of the source ep_time (str): Time of action in epoch time get (str): GET request status_code (int): Status code of the request user_agent (str): User agent of the source Raises: None Returns: None """ if self.nginx_dict.get(ip) is None: # if new IP address self.nginx_dict[ip] = { "ep_time": [ep_time], "get": [get], "status_code": [int(status_code)], "ua": [user_agent], "count": 1, "unique_get": [get] } else: # if IP address already in dict prev_count = self.nginx_dict[ip]["count"] new_count = prev_count + 1 self.nginx_dict[ip]["count"] = new_count self.nginx_dict[ip]["ep_time"].append(ep_time) self.nginx_dict[ip]["get"].append(get) if get not in self.nginx_dict[ip]["unique_get"]: self.nginx_dict[ip]["unique_get"].append(get) self.nginx_dict[ip]["status_code"].append(int(status_code)) self.nginx_dict[ip]["ua"].append(user_agent) def check_within_window(self, ep_time): """ Check whether the time is within the specified window. Args: ep_time (int): Epoch time to check Raises: None Returns: TYPE: bool """ current_time = int(time.time()) if int(current_time - ep_time) < self.window: return True
class UserFilter(object): """UserFilter class.""" def __init__(self, debug=False, ip_list=None, status_code=None): """ Initialize UserFilter. Args: debug (bool): Log on terminal or not ip_list (list): List of IPs to filter / grab of the log file status_code (list): List of status code to filter / grab of the log file Raises: None Returns: None """ # Initialize logger self.logger = ServerLogger(__name__, debug=debug) if ip_list: self.ip = ip_list else: self.ip = [] # Initialize as empty list if status_code: self.status_code = [int(status) for status in status_code] else: self.status_code = [] # Initialize as empty list # List of logged IPs self.logged_IP = list() # Don't log these IPs again def filter_user_criteria(self, data): """ Filter / grab data as per user rules from the log file on the basis of IP & status code. Args: data (dict): Parsed log file data Raises: None Returns: None """ for ip in data.keys(): if (ip in self.ip): # Look for IP match # User rule matched if ip not in self.logged_IP: # Logged earlier or not self.logged_IP.append(ip) self.generate_log_report(ip, data) for ip in data.keys(): # Look for status code match status_code = data[ip]["status_code"] for index, code in enumerate(status_code): if code in self.status_code: # User rule matched if ip not in self.logged_IP: # Logged earlier or not self.logged_IP.append(ip) msg = "IP: " + str(ip) + " GET: " + str(data[ip]["get"][index]) + \ " " + "Status code: " + str(code) + \ " on: " + utils.epoch_to_date(data[ip]["ep_time"][index]) self.logger.log(msg, logtype="info") def generate_log_report(self, ip, data): """ Log the filtered data in the following format. IP: <ip> GET: <get_request> Status Code: <status_code> on: <date> Args: ip (str): IP address filtered data (dict): Log file parsed data Raises: None Returns: None """ for index, req in enumerate(data[ip]["get"]): msg = "IP: " + str(ip) + " GET: " + str(req) + \ " " + "Status Code: " + str(data[ip]["status_code"][index]) + \ " on: " + utils.epoch_to_date(data[ip]["ep_time"][index]) # Log the message self.logger.log(msg, logtype="info")
class PortScan(object): """PortScan Class.""" def __init__(self, debug=False): """ Initialize PortScan. Args: debug (bool): Log on terminal or not Raises: None Returns: None """ # Initialize logger self.logger = ServerLogger(__name__, debug=debug) # Path of file containing port_scan payloads self.PAYLOAD_FILE = "/home/gourav/Desktop/IEMLAV/iemlav/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/payloads/port_scan_ua.txt" # Load port_scan payloads self.payloads = utils.open_file(self.PAYLOAD_FILE) # List of IPs self.logged_IP = list() def detect_port_scan(self, data): """ Detect possible Port Scan recon attacks. Look for a possible port scan user agent payload in the user agent field. Args: data (dict): Parsed log file data Raises: None Returns: None """ for ip in data.keys(): user_agent = data[ip]["ua"] if (self.payload_match(user_agent)): if ip not in self.logged_IP: self.logged_IP.append(ip) last_time = data[ip]["ep_time"][0] msg = "Possible port scan detected from: " + str(ip) + \ " on: " + utils.epoch_to_date(last_time) self.logger.log(msg, logtype="warning") utils.write_ip(str(ip)) def payload_match(self, user_agent): """ Match parsed user agent for a possible port scan user agent payload. Args: user_agent (str): User agent on which to perform payload string matching Raises: None Returns: TYPE: bool """ for agent in user_agent: for payload in self.payloads: payload = payload.strip(" ").strip("\n") if payload in agent: return True
class WebShell(object): """WebShell Class.""" def __init__(self, debug=False): """ Initialize WebShell. Args: debug (bool): Log on terminal or not Raises: None Returns: None """ # Initialize logger self.logger = ServerLogger(__name__, debug=debug) # Path of file containing web_shell payloads self.PAYLOAD_FILE = "/home/gourav/Desktop/IEMLAV/iemlav/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/payloads/web_shell.txt" # Load web_shell payloads self.payloads = utils.open_file(self.PAYLOAD_FILE) # Logged IP list self.logged_IP = list() def detect_web_shell(self, data): """ Detect possible Web Shell attacks. Use string comparison to scan GET request with the list of possible web shell payloads. Args: data (dict): Parsed log file data Raises: None Returns: None """ for ip in data.keys(): get_req = data[ip]["get"] if (self.payload_match(get_req)): if ip not in self.logged_IP: # if not logged earlier self.logged_IP.append(ip) last_time = data[ip]["ep_time"][0] msg = "Possible web shell detected from: " + str(ip) + \ " on: " + str(utils.epoch_to_date(last_time)) self.logger.log(msg, logtype="warning") utils.write_ip(str(ip)) def payload_match(self, get_req): """ Match parsed GET request for a possible web shell payload. Args: get_req (str): GET request on which to perform payload string matching Raises: None Returns: TYPE: bool """ for req in get_req: for payload in self.payloads: payload = payload.strip(" ").strip("\n") if (payload in req or utils.uri_encode(payload) in req): return True
class FuzzerDetect(object): """FuzzerDetect Class.""" def __init__(self, debug=False): """ Initialize FuzzerDetect. Args: debug (bool): Log on terminal or not Raises: None Returns: None """ # Initialize logger self.logger = ServerLogger(__name__, debug=debug) # Set threshold to 25 failure attempts / second self._THRESHOLD = 25 # inter = 0.04 # List of IPs self.logged_IP = list() @staticmethod def count_failure(status_code): """ Counts the number of failure status code. Args: status_code (list): List of status codes Raises: None Returns: failure_count (int): Count of failure code """ failure_count = 0 for code in status_code: if (400 <= code < 500): # if failure code failure_count = failure_count + 1 return failure_count def detect_fuzzer(self, data): """ Detect possible URL fuzzing attacks. High number of failure codes (400-500) range from an IP within a small period of time indicates a possible fuzzing attack. Args: data (dict): Parsed log file data Raises: None Returns: None """ for ip in data.keys(): status_code = data[ip]["status_code"] # Count failure attempts for that IP failure_count = self.count_failure(status_code) last_time = data[ip]["ep_time"][0] initial_time = data[ip]["ep_time"][int( len(data[ip]["ep_time"]) - 1)] delta = abs(int(last_time - initial_time)) try: calc_count_thresh = failure_count / delta calc_get_thresh = len(data[ip]["get"]) / delta except ZeroDivisionError: calc_count_thresh = failure_count calc_get_thresh = len(data[ip]["get"]) if (calc_count_thresh > self._THRESHOLD or calc_get_thresh > self._THRESHOLD): if ip not in self.logged_IP: self.logged_IP.append(ip) msg = "Possible URL fuzzing detected from: " + str(ip) + \ " on: " + utils.epoch_to_date(data[ip]["ep_time"][0]) self.logger.log(msg, logtype="warning") utils.write_ip(str(ip))
class SpiderDetect(object): """SpiderDetect Class.""" def __init__(self, debug=False): """ Initialize SpiderDetect. Args: debug (bool): Log on terminal or not Raises: None Returns: None """ # Initialize logger self.logger = ServerLogger(__name__, debug=debug) # Path of file containing spider user agents payloads self._PAYLOAD_FILE = "/home/gourav/Desktop/IEMLAV/iemlav/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/payloads/bad_ua.txt" # Load spider user agents payloads self.payloads = utils.open_file(self._PAYLOAD_FILE) # Initialize threshold to 50 request / second self._THRESHOLD = 50 # inter = 0.02 # List of IPs self.logged_IP = list() def detect_spider(self, data): """ Detect possible Web Crawler / Spider / Bad user agents. High amount of unique GET request from an IP within a small period of time are likely to indicate a web crawler / spider. """ for ip in data.keys(): count = data[ip]["count"] last_time = data[ip]["ep_time"][0] initial_time = data[ip]["ep_time"][int( len(data[ip]["ep_time"]) - 1)] delta = abs(int(last_time - initial_time)) try: calc_count_thresh = count / delta calc_get_thresh = len(data[ip]["unique_get"]) / delta except ZeroDivisionError: calc_count_thresh = count calc_get_thresh = len(data[ip]["unique_get"]) if (calc_count_thresh > self._THRESHOLD or calc_get_thresh > self._THRESHOLD or self.payload_match(data[ip]["ua"])): if ip not in self.logged_IP: self.logged_IP.append(ip) self.logger.log( "Possible web crawler / spider / bad user agent detected from: " + str(ip), logtype="warning") utils.write_ip(str(ip)) def payload_match(self, user_agent): for agent in user_agent: for payload in self.payloads: payload = payload.strip(" ").strip("\n") if payload in agent: return True
class IemlAVServerLog(object): """ServerLog Class.""" def __init__(self, debug=False, log_type=None, log_file=None, window=30, ip_list=None, status_code=None): """ Initialize ServerLog Monitor Engine. Args: debug (bool): Log on terminal or not type (str): Type of log file (Apache, Nginx) log_file (str): Path of the log file window (int): Days old log to process ip_list (str): List of IPs to filter status_code (str): List of status code to filter Raises: None Returns: None """ # Initialize logger self.logger = ServerLogger(__name__, debug=debug) # Check running as root or not if not utils.check_root(): self.logger.log("Please start as root, exiting.", logtype="error") sys.exit(0) if ip_list: ip_list = utils.get_list(ip_list) if status_code: status_code = utils.get_list(status_code) # Check the variables if log_file == "": log_file = None else: log_file = log_file.strip(" ") if log_type == "": log_type = None else: log_type = log_type.strip(" ") if window == "": window = 30 else: window = int(window) # Create Engine self.engine_obj = Engine(debug=debug, log_type=log_type, log_file=log_file, window=window, ip_list=ip_list, status_code=status_code) def run(self): """ Run Server Log Monitor. Args: None Raises: None Returns: None """ try: # Start the engine except KeyboardInterrupt: self.logger.log("Exiting.", logtype="info")
class SQLi(object): """SQLi Class.""" def __init__(self, debug=False): """ Initialize SQLi. Args: debug (bool): Log on terminal or not Raises: None Returns: None """ # Initialize logger self.logger = ServerLogger(__name__, debug=debug) # Path of file containing sqli payloads self.PAYLOAD_FILE = "/home/gourav/Desktop/IEMLAV/iemlav/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/payloads/sqli.txt" # Path of file containing sqli regex rules self.REGEX_FILE = "/home/gourav/Desktop/IEMLAV/iemlav/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/regex/sqli.txt" # Load sqli payloads self.payloads = utils.open_file(self.PAYLOAD_FILE) # Load sqli regex rules self.regex = utils.open_file(self.REGEX_FILE) # Logged IP list self.logged_IP = list() def detect_sqli(self, data): """ Detect possible SQL Injection (sqli) attacks. Use regex rules and string matching to detect SQLi attacks. 4 Level rules: - Simple regex - Hex regex - Payload string matching - URI encoded string matching Args: data (dict): Parsed log file data Raises: None Returns: None """ for ip in data.keys(): get_req = data[ip]["get"] last_time = data[ip]["ep_time"][0] if (self.payload_match(get_req) or self.regex_check(get_req)): if ip not in self.logged_IP: # if not logged earlier self.logged_IP.append(ip) msg = "Possible SQL injection (sqli) detected from: " + str(ip) + \ " on: " + str(utils.epoch_to_date(last_time)) self.logger.log(msg, logtype="warning") utils.write_ip(str(ip)) def payload_match(self, get_req): """ Match parsed GET request for a possible sqli payload. Args: get_req (str): GET request on which to perform payload string matching Raises: None Returns: TYPE: bool """ for req in get_req: for payload in self.payloads: payload = payload.strip(" ").strip("\n") if (payload in req or utils.uri_encode(payload) in req): return True def regex_check(self, get_req): """ Match parsed GET request with a sqli regex rules. Args: get_req (str): GET request on which to perform regex matching Raises: None Returns: TYPE: bool """ for req in get_req: for reg in self.regex: reg = reg.strip(" ").strip("\n") if re.findall(reg, req) != []: return True
class DDoS(object): """DDoS Class.""" def __init__(self, debug=False): """ Initialize DDoS. Args: debug (bool): Log on terminal or not Raises: None Returns: None """ # Initialize logger self.logger = ServerLogger(__name__, debug=debug) # Initialize threshold to 1000 packets per second self._SISP_THRESHOLD = 1000 # inter = 0.001 self._SIMP_THRESHOLD = 100 # 100 different IPs that trigger SISP DoS # List of IPs self.SISP_LIST = list() def detect_ddos(self, data): """ Detect DoS attack. Classify DoS attack into two categories: - Single IP Single Port DoS Attack - Single IP Multiple Port DoS Attack Look for IP addresses having high number of GET request and a small time difference to predict SISP DoS attack. High number of alarms triggered for SISP DoS attack indicates MISP DoS attack. Args: data (dict): Parsed log file data Raises: None Returns: None """ for ip in data.keys(): count = data[ip]["count"] last_time = data[ip]["ep_time"][0] initial_time = data[ip]["ep_time"][int( len(data[ip]["ep_time"]) - 1)] delta = abs(int(last_time - initial_time)) try: calc_count_thresh = int(count / delta) except ZeroDivisionError: calc_count_thresh = int(count) if calc_count_thresh > self._SISP_THRESHOLD: # if crosses threshold, trigger alarm msg = "Possible Single IP DoS Attack Detected from: " + \ str(ip) + " on: " + utils.epoch_to_date(last_time) self.logger.log(msg, logtype="warning") if ip not in self.SISP_LIST: self.SISP_LIST.append(ip) if len(self.SISP_LIST ) > self._SIMP_THRESHOLD: # if no. of SISP is huge for ip in self.SISP_LIST: self.logger.log( "Possible Multiple IP DoS Attack Detected from: " + str(ip), logtype="warning")