예제 #1
    if viewer.core.is_animating:
        anim_t += anim_t_dir

    return False

def key_down(viewer, key, mods):
    if key == ord(' '):
        viewer.core.is_animating = not viewer.core.is_animating
        return True
    return False

igl.readOFF("../../tutorial/shared/decimated-knight.off", V, F)
U = igl.eigen.MatrixXd(V)
igl.readDMAT("../../tutorial/shared/decimated-knight-selection.dmat", S)

# Vertices in selection

b = igl.eigen.MatrixXi([[
    t[0] for t in [(i, S[i]) for i in range(0, V.rows())] if t[1] >= 0

# Centroid
mid = 0.5 * (V.colwiseMaxCoeff() + V.colwiseMinCoeff())

# Precomputation
arap_data.max_iter = 100
igl.arap_precomputation(V, F, V.cols(), b, arap_data)

# Set color based on selection
예제 #2
# Add the igl library to the modules search path
import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd() + "/../")

import igl

V = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
F = igl.eigen.MatrixXi()

# Load a mesh in OFF format
igl.readOFF("../../tutorial/shared/cheburashka.off", V, F)

# Read scalar function values from a file, U: #V by 1
U = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
igl.readDMAT("../../tutorial/shared/cheburashka-scalar.dmat", U)
U = U.col(0)

# Compute gradient operator: #F*3 by #V
G = igl.eigen.SparseMatrixd()
igl.grad(V, F, G)

# Compute gradient of U
GU = (G * U).MapMatrix(F.rows(), 3)

# Compute gradient magnitude
GU_mag = GU.rowwiseNorm()

viewer = igl.viewer.Viewer()
viewer.data.set_mesh(V, F)

# Compute pseudocolor for original function
    if key == ord(' '):
        viewer.core.is_animating = not viewer.core.is_animating
        return True
    if key == ord('D') or key == ord('d'):
        deformation_field = not deformation_field;
        return True
    return False

U = igl.eigen.MatrixXd(V)

# S(i) = j: j<0 (vertex i not in handle), j >= 0 (vertex i in handle j)
S = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()

S = S.castint()

b = igl.eigen.MatrixXi([[t[0] for t in [(i,S[i]) for i in range(0,V.rows())] if t[1] >= 0]]).transpose()

# Boundary conditions directly on deformed positions

for bi in range(0,b.rows()):

    if (S[b[bi]] == 0):
        # Don't move handle 0
예제 #4
import igl

V = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
F = igl.eigen.MatrixXi()

# Load a mesh in OFF format
igl.readOFF("../tutorial/shared/cheburashka.off", V, F)

# Read scalar function values from a file, U: #V by 1
U = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
U = U.col(0)

# Compute gradient operator: #F*3 by #V
G = igl.eigen.SparseMatrixd()

# Compute gradient of U
GU = (G*U).MapMatrix(F.rows(),3)

# Compute gradient magnitude
GU_mag = GU.rowwiseNorm()

viewer = igl.viewer.Viewer()
viewer.data.set_mesh(V, F)

# Compute pseudocolor for original function
C = igl.eigen.MatrixXd()
