예제 #1
 def size(self):
     Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17920304/what-is-the-size-of-an-ltl-formula
     spot_formula = spot.formula(self.formula)
     unabbr_formula = str(spot.unabbreviate(spot_formula, "FGRMWie^"))
     return unabbr_formula.count("U") + unabbr_formula.count("X")
예제 #2
    def evaluate(self, st, *args, **kwargs):
        Evaluates the PL formula over the given state.

        :param st: (pyobject) An object representing state. It is user's duty to ensure the implementation
            of given ``eval_func`` consumes the given state object correctly.

        :return: (bool) If PL formula is evaluated to be ``True`` or ``False`` over given state.
        :raises ValueError: When result of evaluation is not a boolean.

        # Evaluate alphabet to get a substitution map
        subs_map = self.alphabet.evaluate(st, args, kwargs)

        # Substitute valuation of APs in PL formula
        plf = self.substitute(subs_map)

        # Simplify the formula
        spot_formula = spot.formula(plf.formula)

        if spot_formula.is_tt():
            return True

        elif spot_formula.is_ff():
            return False

        raise ValueError(
            f"{self.formula}.evaluate(st={st}, args={args}, kwargs={kwargs})"
            f"returned {plf}, which is not a boolean. Was the substitution map complete?"
예제 #3
    def parse(self, formula: str):

        # Invoke spot parser
            spot_formula = spot.formula(formula)
        except SyntaxError:
            raise ParsingError(
                f"The string {formula} is NOT an acceptable AP name.")

        # Check if spot recognizes this as an AP
        if not spot_formula.is_literal() and not spot_formula.is_tt(
        ) and not spot_formula.is_ff():
            raise ParsingError(
                f"The string {formula} is NOT an acceptable AP name.")

        # If input string is acceptable AP, then generate syntax tree and update internal variables
        tree = SyntaxTree()

        self._tree = tree
        self._formula = formula

        # Special APs: true and false
        if spot_formula.is_tt():
            self._eval_func = lambda st, *args, **kwargs: True

        if spot_formula.is_ff():
            self._eval_func = lambda st, *args, **kwargs: False
예제 #4
    def substitute(self, subs_map: dict):
        Substitutes the current AP with another AP according to given substitution map.

        :param subs_map: (dict[<Logic>: <Logic>]) A substitution map.
        :return: (AP) Substituted AP object.

        :raises KeyError: When subs_map does not contain the AP "self".
        # Copy the formula into a local variable
        formula = spot.formula(self.formula)

        # For all keys in substitution map, we try replacing self.formula with provided substitutions
        for p in subs_map:

            # Validate type of q. If q is True/False, replace with their logical equivalent.
            q = subs_map[p]
            if q is True:
                q = AP.TRUE

            if q is False:
                q = AP.FALSE

            if not isinstance(p, AP) or not isinstance(q, AP):
                    "PL.substitute(...) does not support substitution for non-AP objects. "
                    "The results of substitution may not be correct!")

            # Create instances of spot formula
            spot_p = spot.formula(p.formula)
            spot_q = spot.formula(q.formula)

            # Invoke spot.formula.substitute (defined in iglsynth.util.spot)
            formula = formula.substitute(formula=spot_p, new_formula=spot_q)

        return PL(formula=str(formula))
예제 #5
    def parse(self, formula: str):
        # Invoke spot parser
            spot_formula = spot.formula(formula)
        except SyntaxError:
            raise ParsingError(
                f"The string {formula} is NOT an acceptable PL formula name.")

        # Check if the formula is propositional logic formula
        mp_class = spot.mp_class(spot_formula)
        if mp_class != "B" and not spot_formula.is_tt(
        ) and not spot_formula.is_ff():
            raise ParsingError(
                f"The string {formula} is NOT an acceptable PL formula.")

        # If input string is acceptable PL formula, then generate syntax tree and update internal variables
        tree = SyntaxTree()

        # Set tree and formula string for PL formula
        self._tree = tree
        self._formula = formula

        # Update alphabet
        sigma = {AP(str(ap)) for ap in spot.atomic_prop_collect(spot_formula)}
        if self._alphabet is None:
            self._alphabet = Alphabet(sigma)
            assert sigma.issubset(
            ), f"Input formula contains APs not in alphabet, {self._alphabet}"

        # Special APs: true and false
        if spot_formula.is_tt():
            self._eval_func = lambda st, *args, **kwargs: True

        if spot_formula.is_ff():
            self._eval_func = lambda st, *args, **kwargs: False
예제 #6
    def build_from_spot_formula(self, spot_formula):
        Constructs a syntax tree from a given spot formula.

        :param spot_formula: (:class:`spot.formula`)
        :return: None
        # Start with root of tree
        root = SyntaxTree.Vertex(spot_formula=spot_formula)
        self._root = root

        # Iteratively visit root in spot formula and build a tree in IGLSynth representation.
        stack = [root]
        while len(stack) > 0:

            # Create a vertex for current spot node.
            igl_vertex = stack.pop(0)
            spot_formula = spot.formula(igl_vertex.formula)

            # Get children of spot node and add them to stack.
            for spot_child in spot_formula:
                igl_vertex_child = SyntaxTree.Vertex(spot_formula=spot_child)
예제 #7
 def is_contained_in(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, ILogic)
     checker = spot.language_containment_checker()
     return checker.contained(spot.formula(self.formula),
예제 #8
 def is_equivalent(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, ILogic)
     return spot.formula(self.formula) == spot.formula(other.formula)
예제 #9
    def __eq__(self, other):
        assert isinstance(other, ILogic), f"An AP can only be compared with another ILogic formula. " \
            f"Received other={type(other)}"

        return spot.formula(self.formula) == spot.formula(other.formula)
예제 #10
 def __hash__(self):
     return spot.formula(self._formula).__hash__()
예제 #11
 def __eq__(self, other):
     return spot.formula(self._formula) == spot.formula(other.formula)