예제 #1
def create_eval_engine(model, device):

    process_function = get_process_function(model, device)

    eval_engine = Engine(process_function)

    accuracy = Accuracy()
    accuracy.attach(eval_engine, "accuracy")
    recall = Recall(average=False)
    recall.attach(eval_engine, "recall")
    precision = Precision(average=False)
    precision.attach(eval_engine, "precision")
    f1 = (precision * recall * 2 / (precision + recall))
    f1.attach(eval_engine, "f1")
    f2 = (precision * recall * 5 / ((4 * precision) + recall))
    f2.attach(eval_engine, "f2")

    def Fbeta(r, p, beta):
        return torch.mean(
            (1 + beta**2) * p * r / (beta**2 * p + r + 1e-20)).item()

    avg_f1 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 1)
    avg_f1.attach(eval_engine, "average f1")
    avg_f2 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 2)
    avg_f2.attach(eval_engine, "average f2")
    avg_recall = Recall(average=True)
    avg_recall.attach(eval_engine, "average recall")
    avg_precision = Precision(average=True)
    avg_precision.attach(eval_engine, "average precision")

    return eval_engine
예제 #2
def test_state_metrics_ingredients_not_attached():

    y_pred = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(15, 10, 4)).float()
    y = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(15, 10, 4)).long()

    def update_fn(engine, batch):
        y_pred, y = batch
        return y_pred, y

    evaluator = Engine(update_fn)

    precision = Precision(average=False)
    recall = Recall(average=False)
    F1 = precision * recall * 2 / (precision + recall + 1e-20)
    F1 = MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), F1)

    F1.attach(evaluator, "F1")

    def data(y_pred, y):
        for i in range(y_pred.shape[0]):
            yield (y_pred[i], y[i])

    d = data(y_pred, y)
    state = evaluator.run(d, max_epochs=1)

    assert set(state.metrics.keys()) == set(["F1"])
예제 #3
def test_integration():

    n_iters = 10
    batch_size = 10
    n_classes = 10

    y_true = np.arange(0, n_iters * batch_size) % n_classes
    y_pred = 0.2 * np.random.rand(n_iters * batch_size, n_classes)
    for i in range(n_iters * batch_size):
        if np.random.rand() > 0.4:
            y_pred[i, y_true[i]] = 1.0
            j = np.random.randint(0, n_classes)
            y_pred[i, j] = 0.7

    y_true_batch_values = iter(y_true.reshape(n_iters, batch_size))
    y_pred_batch_values = iter(y_pred.reshape(n_iters, batch_size, n_classes))

    def update_fn(engine, batch):
        y_true_batch = next(y_true_batch_values)
        y_pred_batch = next(y_pred_batch_values)
        return torch.from_numpy(y_pred_batch), torch.from_numpy(y_true_batch)

    evaluator = Engine(update_fn)

    precision = Precision(average=False)
    recall = Recall(average=False)

    def Fbeta(r, p, beta):
        return torch.mean((1 + beta**2) * p * r / (beta**2 * p + r)).item()

    F1 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 1)

    precision.attach(evaluator, "precision")
    recall.attach(evaluator, "recall")
    F1.attach(evaluator, "f1")

    data = list(range(n_iters))
    state = evaluator.run(data, max_epochs=1)

    precision_true = precision_score(y_true,
                                     np.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1),
    recall_true = recall_score(y_true,
                               np.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1),
    f1_true = f1_score(y_true, np.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1), average='macro')

    precision = state.metrics['precision'].numpy()
    recall = state.metrics['recall'].numpy()

    assert precision_true == approx(precision), "{} vs {}".format(
        precision_true, precision)
    assert recall_true == approx(recall), "{} vs {}".format(
        recall_true, recall)
    assert f1_true == approx(state.metrics['f1']), "{} vs {}".format(
        f1_true, state.metrics['f1'])
예제 #4
    def _test():
        y_true = np.arange(0, n_iters * batch_size * dist.get_world_size()) % n_classes
        y_pred = 0.2 * np.random.rand(
            n_iters * batch_size * dist.get_world_size(), n_classes
        for i in range(n_iters * batch_size * dist.get_world_size()):
            if np.random.rand() > 0.4:
                y_pred[i, y_true[i]] = 1.0
                j = np.random.randint(0, n_classes)
                y_pred[i, j] = 0.7

        y_true = y_true.reshape(n_iters * dist.get_world_size(), batch_size)
        y_pred = y_pred.reshape(n_iters * dist.get_world_size(), batch_size, n_classes)

        def update_fn(engine, i):
            y_true_batch = y_true[i + rank * n_iters, ...]
            y_pred_batch = y_pred[i + rank * n_iters, ...]
            return torch.from_numpy(y_pred_batch), torch.from_numpy(y_true_batch)

        evaluator = Engine(update_fn)

        precision = Precision(average=False, device=device)
        recall = Recall(average=False, device=device)

        def Fbeta(r, p, beta):
            return torch.mean((1 + beta ** 2) * p * r / (beta ** 2 * p + r)).item()

        F1 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 1)
        F1.attach(evaluator, "f1")

        another_f1 = (
            (1.0 + precision * recall * 2 / (precision + recall + 1e-20)).mean().item()
        another_f1.attach(evaluator, "ff1")

        data = list(range(n_iters))
        state = evaluator.run(data, max_epochs=1)

        assert "f1" in state.metrics
        assert "ff1" in state.metrics
        f1_true = f1_score(
            np.argmax(y_pred.reshape(-1, n_classes), axis=-1),
        assert f1_true == approx(state.metrics["f1"])
        assert 1.0 + f1_true == approx(state.metrics["ff1"])
예제 #5
def test_metrics_lambda():
    m0 = ListGatherMetric(0)
    m1 = ListGatherMetric(1)
    m2 = ListGatherMetric(2)

    def process_function(engine, data):
        return data

    engine = Engine(process_function)
    m0_plus_m1 = MetricsLambda(lambda x, y: x + y, m0, m1)
    m2_plus_2 = MetricsLambda(lambda x, y: x + y, m2, 2)
    m0_plus_m1.attach(engine, 'm0_plus_m1')
    m2_plus_2.attach(engine, 'm2_plus_2')

    engine.run([[1, 10, 100]])
    assert engine.state.metrics['m0_plus_m1'] == 11
    assert engine.state.metrics['m2_plus_2'] == 102
    engine.run([[2, 20, 200]])
    assert engine.state.metrics['m0_plus_m1'] == 22
    assert engine.state.metrics['m2_plus_2'] == 202
예제 #6
def create_evaluator(model, criterion, cfg):
    def _validation_step(_, batch):
        with torch.no_grad():
            x, y = batch_to_tensor(batch, cfg)
            x, y = x.to(cfg.device), y.to(cfg.device)

            y_pred, hidden = model(x)
            loss = criterion(y_pred, y)

            if cfg.multi_label:
                y_pred = (y_pred > 0).float()

            return y_pred, y, loss, hidden

    evaluator = Engine(_validation_step)

    accuracy = Accuracy(lambda x: x[0:2], is_multilabel=cfg.multi_label)
    accuracy.attach(evaluator, "acc")

    precision = Precision(lambda x: x[0:2],
    precision.attach(evaluator, 'precision')
    MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(),
                  precision).attach(evaluator, "MP")

    recall = Recall(lambda x: x[0:2],
    recall.attach(evaluator, 'recall')
    MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(),
                  recall).attach(evaluator, "MR")

    F1 = 2. * precision * recall / (precision + recall + 1e-20)
    f1 = MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), F1)
    f1.attach(evaluator, "F1")

    Average(lambda x: x[2]).attach(evaluator, 'loss')

    return evaluator
예제 #7
def test_integration_ingredients_not_attached():

    n_iters = 10
    batch_size = 10
    n_classes = 10

    y_true = np.arange(0, n_iters * batch_size, dtype="int64") % n_classes
    y_pred = 0.2 * np.random.rand(n_iters * batch_size, n_classes)
    for i in range(n_iters * batch_size):
        if np.random.rand() > 0.4:
            y_pred[i, y_true[i]] = 1.0
            j = np.random.randint(0, n_classes)
            y_pred[i, j] = 0.7

    y_true_batch_values = iter(y_true.reshape(n_iters, batch_size))
    y_pred_batch_values = iter(y_pred.reshape(n_iters, batch_size, n_classes))

    def update_fn(engine, batch):
        y_true_batch = next(y_true_batch_values)
        y_pred_batch = next(y_pred_batch_values)
        return torch.from_numpy(y_pred_batch), torch.from_numpy(y_true_batch)

    evaluator = Engine(update_fn)

    precision = Precision(average=False)
    recall = Recall(average=False)

    def Fbeta(r, p, beta):
        return torch.mean((1 + beta**2) * p * r / (beta**2 * p + r)).item()

    F1 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 1)
    F1.attach(evaluator, "f1")

    data = list(range(n_iters))
    state = evaluator.run(data, max_epochs=1)
    f1_true = f1_score(y_true, np.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1), average="macro")
    assert f1_true == approx(
        state.metrics["f1"]), f"{f1_true} vs {state.metrics['f1']}"
예제 #8
def test_metrics_lambda():
    m0 = ListGatherMetric(0)
    m1 = ListGatherMetric(1)
    m2 = ListGatherMetric(2)

    def process_function(engine, data):
        return data

    engine = Engine(process_function)

    def plus(this, other):
        return this + other

    m0_plus_m1 = MetricsLambda(plus, m0, other=m1)
    m2_plus_2 = MetricsLambda(plus, m2, 2)
    m0_plus_m1.attach(engine, "m0_plus_m1")
    m2_plus_2.attach(engine, "m2_plus_2")

    engine.run([[1, 10, 100]])
    assert engine.state.metrics["m0_plus_m1"] == 11
    assert engine.state.metrics["m2_plus_2"] == 102
    engine.run([[2, 20, 200]])
    assert engine.state.metrics["m0_plus_m1"] == 22
    assert engine.state.metrics["m2_plus_2"] == 202
예제 #9
def test_metrics_lambda():
    m0 = ListGatherMetric(0)
    m1 = ListGatherMetric(1)
    m2 = ListGatherMetric(2)

    def process_function(engine, data):
        return data

    engine = Engine(process_function)

    def plus(this, other):
        return this + other

    m0_plus_m1 = MetricsLambda(plus, m0, other=m1)
    m2_plus_2 = MetricsLambda(plus, m2, 2)
    m0_plus_m1.attach(engine, "m0_plus_m1")
    m2_plus_2.attach(engine, "m2_plus_2")

    engine.run([[1, 10, 100]])
    assert engine.state.metrics["m0_plus_m1"] == 11
    assert engine.state.metrics["m2_plus_2"] == 102
    engine.run([[2, 20, 200]])
    assert engine.state.metrics["m0_plus_m1"] == 22
    assert engine.state.metrics["m2_plus_2"] == 202

    # metrics are partially attached
    assert not m0.is_attached(engine)
    assert not m1.is_attached(engine)
    assert not m2.is_attached(engine)

    # a dependency is detached
    # so the lambda metric is too
    assert not m0_plus_m1.is_attached(engine)
    # the lambda is attached again
    m0_plus_m1.attach(engine, "m0_plus_m1")
    assert m0_plus_m1.is_attached(engine)
    # metrics are always partially attached
    assert not m0.is_attached(engine)
    assert not m0_plus_m1.is_attached(engine)
    # detached (and no longer partially attached)
    assert not m0.is_attached(engine)
예제 #10
def test_metrics_lambda_update_and_attach_together():

    y_pred = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(15, 10, 4)).float()
    y = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(15, 10, 4)).long()

    def update_fn(engine, batch):
        y_pred, y = batch
        return y_pred, y

    engine = Engine(update_fn)

    precision = Precision(average=False)
    recall = Recall(average=False)

    def Fbeta(r, p, beta):
        return torch.mean((1 + beta**2) * p * r / (beta**2 * p + r)).item()

    F1 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 1)

    F1.attach(engine, "f1")
    with pytest.raises(
            match=r"MetricsLambda is already attached to an engine"):
        F1.update((y_pred, y))

    y_pred = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(15, 10, 4)).float()
    y = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(15, 10, 4)).long()

    F1 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 1)
    F1.update((y_pred, y))

    engine = Engine(update_fn)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match=r"The underlying metrics are already updated"):
        F1.attach(engine, "f1")

    F1.attach(engine, "f1")
예제 #11
def train(
    trn_path: Path,
    save_dir: Path,
    dev_path: Optional[Path] = None,
    vocab_path: Optional[Path] = None,
    encoding: str = 'utf8',
    lr: float = 1e-3,
    max_epochs: int = 50,
    batch_size: int = 16,
    patience: int = 5,
    numeric: bool = False,
    device: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    logging.info('Creating save directory if not exist in %s', save_dir)

    ### Read/create/load samples and vocab

    trn_samples = read_or_load_samples(trn_path, encoding=encoding)
    vocab = create_or_load_vocab(trn_samples, path=vocab_path)
    dev_samples = None
    if dev_path is not None:
        dev_samples = read_or_load_samples(dev_path,

    ### Numericalize samples

    if not numeric:
        logging.info('Numericalizing train samples')
        trn_samples = list(vocab.apply_to(trn_samples))
        if dev_samples is not None:
            logging.info('Numericalizing dev samples')
            dev_samples = list(vocab.apply_to(dev_samples))

    ### Save vocab and samples

    fnames = ['vocab.pkl', 'train-samples.pkl', 'dev-samples.pkl']
    objs = [vocab, trn_samples]
    if dev_samples is not None:
    for fname, obj in zip(fnames, objs):
        save_path = save_dir / fname
        logging.info('Saving to %s', save_path)
        with open(save_path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(obj, f)

    ### Create model, optimizer, and loss fn

    logging.info('Creating language model')
    padding_idx = vocab['words']['<pad>']
    max_width = get_max_filter_width([trn_samples, dev_samples])
    model = create_lm(
        filter_widths=list(range(1, max_width)),
    logging.info('Model created with %d parameters',
                 sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()))
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
    loss_fn = LMLoss(padding_idx=padding_idx)

    ### Save model metadata

    metadata_path = save_dir / 'metadata.yml'
    logging.info('Saving model metadata to %s', metadata_path)
    metadata_path.write_text(dump(model), encoding='utf8')

    ### Prepare engines

    def batch2tensors(
        batch: Batch,
        device: Optional[str] = None,
        non_blocking: Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> Tuple[dict, torch.LongTensor]:
        arr = batch.to_array(pad_with=padding_idx)
        tsr = {
            k: torch.from_numpy(v).to(device=device)
            for k, v in arr.items()
        words = tsr['words'][:, :-1].contiguous()
        chars = tsr['chars'][:, :-1, :].contiguous()
        targets = tsr['words'][:, 1:].contiguous()
        return {'words': words, 'chars': chars}, targets

    trainer = create_supervised_trainer(model,
    trn_evaluator = create_supervised_evaluator(model,
    dev_evaluator = create_supervised_evaluator(model,

    ### Attach metrics

    loss = Loss(loss_fn,
                batch_size=lambda tgt:
                (tgt != padding_idx).long().sum().item())
    ppl = MetricsLambda(math.exp, loss)
    loss.attach(trn_evaluator, 'loss')
    loss.attach(dev_evaluator, 'loss')
    ppl.attach(trn_evaluator, 'ppl')
    ppl.attach(dev_evaluator, 'ppl')

    ### Attach timers

    epoch_timer = Timer()

    ### Attach progress bars

    trn_pbar = ProgressBar(bar_format=None, unit='batch', desc='Training')
                    output_transform=lambda loss: {
                        'loss': loss,
                        'ppl': math.exp(loss)
    eval_pbar = ProgressBar(bar_format=None, unit='sent', desc='Evaluating')

    ### Attach checkpointers

    if dev_samples is None:
        ckptr_kwargs: dict = {'save_interval': 1, 'n_saved': 5}
        ckptr_engine = trainer
        ckptr_kwargs = {
            'score_function': lambda eng: -eng.state.metrics['ppl'],
            'score_name': 'dev_ppl'
        ckptr_engine = dev_evaluator
    ckptr = ModelCheckpoint(str(save_dir / 'checkpoints'),
    ckptr_engine.add_event_handler(Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED, ckptr, {
        'model': model,
        'optimizer': optimizer

    ### Attach early stopper

    if dev_samples is not None:
        early_stopper = EarlyStopping(patience,
                                      lambda eng: -eng.state.metrics['ppl'],
        dev_evaluator.add_event_handler(Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED, early_stopper)

    ### Attach custom handlers

    def start_epoch(engine: Engine) -> None:
        logging.info('[Epoch %d/%d] Starting', engine.state.epoch,

    def complete_epoch(engine: Engine) -> None:
        epoch = engine.state.epoch
        max_epochs = engine.state.max_epochs
        logging.info('[Epoch %d/%d] Done in %s', epoch, max_epochs,
        logging.info('[Epoch %d/%d] Evaluating on train corpus', epoch,
        if dev_samples is not None:
            logging.info('[Epoch %d/%d] Evaluating on dev corpus', epoch,

    def print_metrics(engine: Engine) -> None:
        loss = engine.state.metrics['loss']
        ppl = engine.state.metrics['ppl']
        logging.info('||| loss %.4f | ppl %.4f', loss, ppl)

    ### Start training

    iterator = ShuffleIterator(trn_samples, key=lambda s: len(s['words']))
    iterator = BatchIterator(iterator, batch_size=batch_size)
        trainer.run(iterator, max_epochs=max_epochs)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        logging.info('Interrupt detected, aborting training')
예제 #12
def create_evaluator(model, cfg):
    def _validation_step(_, batch):
        with torch.no_grad():
            x_char, x_type, y_word, y_syllable = batch_to_tensor(batch, cfg)
            x_char, x_type, y_word, y_syllable = (t.to(
                cfg.device) for t in [x_char, x_type, y_word, y_syllable])

            logits_word, logits_syllable = model(x_char, x_type)
            loss, word_loss, syllable_loss, align_loss = model.joint_loss(
                logits_word, y_word, logits_syllable, y_syllable)

            return ((logits_word > 0.5).long(), y_word,
                    (logits_syllable > 0.5).long(), y_syllable, loss,
                    word_loss, syllable_loss, align_loss)

    evaluator = Engine(_validation_step)

    w_loss = Accuracy(lambda x: x[0:2])
    w_loss.attach(evaluator, 'w_acc')

    s_acc = Accuracy(lambda x: x[2:4])
    s_acc.attach(evaluator, 's_acc')

    Average(lambda x: x[4]).attach(evaluator, 'loss')
    Average(lambda x: x[5]).attach(evaluator, 'w_loss')
    Average(lambda x: x[6]).attach(evaluator, 's_loss')
    Average(lambda x: x[7]).attach(evaluator, 'a_loss')

    accuracy = Accuracy(lambda x: x[0:2])
    accuracy.attach(evaluator, "acc")

    w_precision = Precision(lambda x: x[0:2])
    w_precision.attach(evaluator, 'WP')
    MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(),
                  w_precision).attach(evaluator, "WMP")

    s_precision = Precision(lambda x: x[2:4])
    s_precision.attach(evaluator, 'SP')
    MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(),
                  s_precision).attach(evaluator, "SMP")

    w_recall = Recall(lambda x: x[0:2])
    w_recall.attach(evaluator, 'WR')
    MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(),
                  w_recall).attach(evaluator, "WMR")

    s_recall = Recall(lambda x: x[2:4])
    s_recall.attach(evaluator, 'SR')
    MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(),
                  s_recall).attach(evaluator, "SMR")

    w_f1 = 2. * w_precision * w_recall / (w_precision + w_recall + 1e-20)
    w_f1 = MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), w_f1)
    w_f1.attach(evaluator, "WF1")

    s_f1 = 2. * s_precision * s_recall / (s_precision + s_recall + 1e-20)
    s_f1 = MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), s_f1)
    s_f1.attach(evaluator, "SF1")

    return evaluator