예제 #1
    def robotInit(self):
        # optimization problem
        T = 100  # horizon
        x0 = array([0, 0, 0])  # initial state
        u0 = .1 * random.randn(T, 2)  # initial controls
        #u0 = zeros((T, 2))  # initial controls
        options = {}

        # run the optimization
        options["lims"] = array([[-1, 1], [-1, 1]])

        start_time = time.time()
        self.x, self.u, L, Vx, Vxx, cost = ilqg.ilqg(
            lambda x, u: dynamics_func(x, u), cost_func, x0, u0, options)
        self.i = 0
        print("ilqg took {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time))
        self.drive = wpilib.RobotDrive(0, 1)
        self.joystick = wpilib.Joystick(0)
예제 #2
    def robotInit(self):
        # optimization problem
        T = 100              # horizon
        x0 = array([0,  0,  0])   # initial state
        u0 = .1*random.randn(T, 2)  # initial controls
        #u0 = zeros((T, 2))  # initial controls
        options = {}

        # run the optimization
        options["lims"] = array([[-1, 1],
                                 [-1, 1]])

        start_time = time.time()
        self.x, self.u, L, Vx, Vxx, cost = ilqg.ilqg(lambda x, u: dynamics_func(x, u), cost_func, x0, u0, options)
        self.i = 0
        print("ilqg took {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time))
        self.drive = wpilib.RobotDrive(0, 1)
        self.joystick = wpilib.Joystick(0)
A = expm(h * A)  # discrete time
B = h * random.randn(m, n)
#A = array([[1, -1.5e-4, -4.6e-5],
#           [1.5e-4,  1,  1.1e-4],
#           [4.5e-5, -1.1e-4,  1]])
#B = array([[-1.7e-5, 1.1e-4],
#           [1.5e-4, 4.4e-6],
#           [-1.4e-5, 3.7e-6]])

# quadratic costs
Q = h * eye(n)
R = .1 * h * eye(m)

# control limits
#Op.lims = ones(m,1)*[-1 1]*.6;

# optimization problem
dyncst = lambda x, u, i, want_all=False: lin_dyn_cst(x, u, A, B, Q, R, want_all
T = 100  # horizon
x0 = random.randn(n)  # initial state
u0 = .1 * random.randn(T, m)  # initial controls
#x0 = array([[ 0.07919485],
#      [-0.39150426],
#      [ 0.39676904]])
#u0 = array([[0.08702516, -0.10695812, -0.03761507, 0.00790764, 0.00532442, 0.08218673, -0.04070015, 0.05781017, 0.0340251, 0.15567711],
#            [-0.16786378, 0.08034461, -0.23664327, 0.16031643, 0.15972222, 0.00393588, -0.01797945, -0.14965136, 0.13926328, -0.00071236]])
#u0 = tile(u0, (1, T/10))
# run the optimization
x, u, L, Vx, Vxx, cost = ilqg.ilqg(dyncst, x0, u0, {})
# final convergence will be much faster (quadratic)
full_DDP = True

# optimization problem
DYNCST  = lambda x, u, i, want_all=False: dyn_cst(x, u, want_all)
T       = 500              # horizon
x0      = array([1, 1, pi*3/2, 0])   # initial state
u0      = .1*random.randn(T, 2)  # initial controls
#u0 = zeros((T, 2))
options = {}
options["lims"]  = array([[-.5, .5],         # wheel angle limits (radians)
                          [ -2,  2]])       # acceleration limits (m/s^2)

# run the optimization
#options["maxIter"] = 5
x, u, L, Vx, Vxx, cost = ilqg(DYNCST, x0, u0, options)
## ======== graphics functions ========
#function h = car_plot(x,u)
#body        = [0.9 2.1 0.3]           # body = [width length curvature]
#bodycolor   = 0.5*[1 1 1]
#headlights  = [0.25 0.1 .1 body(1)/2] # headlights [width length curvature x]
#lightcolor  = [1 1 0]
#wheel       = [0.15 0.4 .06 1.1*body(1) -1.1 .9]  # wheels = [width length curvature x yb yf]
#wheelcolor  = 'k'
#h = []
## make wheels
#for front = 1:2
A = A-A.T  # skew-symmetric = pure imaginary eigenvalues
A = expm(h*A)  # discrete time
B = h*random.randn(m, n)
#A = array([[1, -1.5e-4, -4.6e-5],
#           [1.5e-4,  1,  1.1e-4],
#           [4.5e-5, -1.1e-4,  1]])
#B = array([[-1.7e-5, 1.1e-4],
#           [1.5e-4, 4.4e-6],
#           [-1.4e-5, 3.7e-6]])

# quadratic costs
Q = h*eye(n)
R = .1*h*eye(m)

# control limits
#Op.lims = ones(m,1)*[-1 1]*.6;

# optimization problem
dyncst = lambda x, u, i, want_all=False: lin_dyn_cst(x, u, A, B, Q, R, want_all)
T = 100  # horizon
x0 = random.randn(n)  # initial state
u0 = .1*random.randn(T, m)  # initial controls
#x0 = array([[ 0.07919485],
#      [-0.39150426],
#      [ 0.39676904]])
#u0 = array([[0.08702516, -0.10695812, -0.03761507, 0.00790764, 0.00532442, 0.08218673, -0.04070015, 0.05781017, 0.0340251, 0.15567711],
#            [-0.16786378, 0.08034461, -0.23664327, 0.16031643, 0.15972222, 0.00393588, -0.01797945, -0.14965136, 0.13926328, -0.00071236]])
#u0 = tile(u0, (1, T/10))
# run the optimization
x, u, L, Vx, Vxx, cost = ilqg.ilqg(dyncst, x0, u0, {})
예제 #6
# optimization problem
DYNCST = lambda x, u, i, want_all=False: dyn_cst(x, u, want_all)
T = 500  # horizon
x0 = array([1, 1, pi * 3 / 2, 0])  # initial state
u0 = .1 * random.randn(T, 2)  # initial controls
#u0 = zeros((T, 2))
options = {}
options["lims"] = array([
    [-.5, .5],  # wheel angle limits (radians)
    [-2, 2]
])  # acceleration limits (m/s^2)

# run the optimization
#options["maxIter"] = 5
x, u, L, Vx, Vxx, cost = ilqg(DYNCST, x0, u0, options)

## ======== graphics functions ========
#function h = car_plot(x,u)
#body        = [0.9 2.1 0.3]           # body = [width length curvature]
#bodycolor   = 0.5*[1 1 1]
#headlights  = [0.25 0.1 .1 body(1)/2] # headlights [width length curvature x]
#lightcolor  = [1 1 0]
#wheel       = [0.15 0.4 .06 1.1*body(1) -1.1 .9]  # wheels = [width length curvature x yb yf]
#wheelcolor  = 'k'
#h = []
## make wheels