def importRaster(): try: ilw.Engine.setWorkingCatalog("file:///C:/xxx") raster = ilw.RasterCoverage("EV_2003_al_warp.bsq") b = rasterCoverageToIndexedNumpy(raster, 28992, 366, 'bycolumn') print('saving object to disk') fileIO.saveObject('C:/xxx/new/EV_2003_al_warp', b) print('loading object from disk') c = fileIO.loadObject('C:/xxx/new/EV_2003_al_warp') return b, c except Exception as e: print(e)
def importSingleBandRaster(): try: ilw.Engine.setWorkingCatalog("file:///D:/xxx/new") raster = ilw.RasterCoverage("T_2010_all_warp.bsq") b=rasterCoverageToIndexedNumpy(raster,28992,1,'bycolumn') print ('saving object to disk') fileIO.saveObject('D:/xxx/T_2010_all_warp_1',b) print ('loading object from disk') c=fileIO.loadObject('D:/xxx/T_2010_all_warp_1') return b,c except Exception as e: print (e)
def importSingleBand(): try: ilw.Engine.setWorkingCatalog("file:///D:/xxx/new") raster = ilw.RasterCoverage("T_2010_all_warp.bsq") print ('creating pixel iterator') it = iter(raster) print ('exporting to indexed numpy array') a=singleBandToIndexedNumpy(it) print ('saving object to disk') fileIO.saveObject('D:/xxx/new/T_2010_single',a) print ('loading object from disk') c=fileIO.loadObject('D:/xxx/new/T_2010_single') return a,c except Exception as e: print (e)
import ilwisobjects as ilwis import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #do not visualize the ilwis messages ilwis.disconnectIssueLogger() means = [] bandmeans = [] ndvinodatavalue = -10 rdnew = 28992 for ndviname in ['T_2009.tif']: print('loading raster') ilwis.Engine.setWorkingCatalog(r'D:\xxx\new') ndvi = ilwis.RasterCoverage(ndviname) csynew = ilwis.CoordinateSystem('epsg:' + str(rdnew)) ndvi.geoReference().setCoordinateSystem(csynew) #georeference="code=georef:type=corners,csy=epsg:"+str(epsg)+",envelope="+str(topleftx)+" "+str(toplefty)+" "+str(bottomrightx)+" "+str(bottomrighty)+",gridsize="+str(width)+" "+str(height)+",cornerofcorners=yes,name="+name nbands = ndvi.size().zsize print('ndvi has ' + str(nbands) + ' bands') b = ilwisRasterIO.rasterCoverageToIndexedNumpy(ndvi, rdnew, nbands, 'bycolumn', ndvinodatavalue) print(b[0][0].shape) print(b[1].shape) means.append(b[1].mean()) xxx = [] #dividing the raster into 30 bands each and calculating the mean
def describeRaster(): ilw.Engine.setWorkingCatalog("file:///D:/xxx/new") raster = ilw.RasterCoverage("T_2010_all_warp.bsq") #raster = ilw.RasterCoverage("2003.tif") return describeRasterCoverage(raster,28992)
def indexedNumpyToRasterDataset(c, nodata=-1e+308, returnlist=True): """Create a raster dataset from an indexed numpy array input: input tuple (index+indexed array+properties dictionary), nodata value, return a list with the bands? output: a raster coverage, may return a list where each element as a 1dimensional array for each raster band """ try: print('initializing new raster...') #Create range nr = ilw.NumericRange(0.0, 100000000.0, 0.00001) #Create empty Numeric Domain numdom = ilw.NumericDomain() #Set range of new domain numdom.setRange(nr) df = ilw.DataDefinition(numdom, nr) #initialize new raster coverage rc = ilw.RasterCoverage() georef = ilw.GeoReference(c[2]['spatialref']) rc.setGeoReference(georef) rc.setDataDef(df) #initialize a support raster coverage rc2 = ilw.RasterCoverage() rc2.setGeoReference(georef) rc2.setDataDef(df) #get the number of bands if c[1].ndim==1: nbands=1 #else: nbands=c[1].shape[1] # bands were stores bycolumn or byrow else: if c[2]['band'] == 'byrow': nbands=c[1].shape[0] else: nbands=c[1].shape[1] print ('This array has '+str(nbands)+' bands') #create a list to store the bands if returnlist:bands=[] #create band by band print('getting band data....') for i in range(nbands): itNew = rc2.begin() #set an empty numpy array for the band a = np.zeros((c[2]['rows']*c[2]['columns']))+nodata #fill np array with data from the indexed np array using the index if c[1].ndim>1: if c[2]['band']=='bycolumn': #a[c[0]] = c[1][:,i].flatten() #flatten will always make a copy a[c[0]] = c[1][:,i].ravel() else: #byrows #a[c[0]] = c[1][i,:].flatten() a[c[0]] = c[1][i,:].ravel() else: #single band raster a[c[0]] = c[1][:].flatten() #print (a) #print (a.shape[0]) if returnlist:bands.append(a) #fill iterator with pixel data for y in range(a.shape[0]): itNew[y] = a[y] print ('adding band'+ str(i)) #for bands other than the first add the band ''' if i > 0: rc.addBand(i+1, rc2.begin()) else: rc.addBand(1, rc.begin()) ''' rc.addBand(i, rc2.begin()) if returnlist: return bands,rc else: return rc except Exception as e: raise e
print(pointmap.coordinateSystem().name()) print(pointmap.featureCount()) #reproject the points from WGS84 lat/lon to ETRS1989 ## csynew = ilwis.CoordinateSystem('epsg:'+str(ETRS1989)) ## pointmap.reprojectFeatures(csynew) #this will reprojrct the featurecoverage, does not return a new featurecoverage ## ## print(pointmap.coordinateSystem().name()) ## print(pointmap.featureCount()) ##'pointfile_reprojected') ## #save the reproject featurecoverage to the reprojectd folder ##'file:///'+ workingcatalog4+'/' + reprojected, 'ESRI Shapefile', 'gdal') ## #load the raster print('loading land cover map...') ilwis.Engine.setWorkingCatalog('file:///' + workingcatalog3) raster = ilwis.RasterCoverage(rastername) # perform the pointrastercrossing operation between points and print('crossing points with land use map to get the labels...') print('getting values...') #get the raster value for each point; rastervalues = [] for fc in pointmap: x = fc.geometry().envelope().maxCorner().x y = fc.geometry().envelope().maxCorner().y rastervalues.append(raster.coord2value(ilwis.Coordinate(x, y))) #import the raster print('loading raster...')
#####import multiband image####### ''' print ('indexing multiband raster...') def saveimage(): ilwis.Engine.setWorkingCatalog('file:///'+workingcatalog) raster = ilwis.RasterCoverage(inputraster) b=ilwisRasterIO.rasterCoverageToIndexedNumpy(raster, epsg, bandstoimport, 'bycolumn', innodatavalue) print ('saving object to disk') fileIO.saveObject(workingcatalog2+'/'+binaryfile,b) #you can comment this out once is done once saveimage() ''' ilwis.Engine.setWorkingCatalog('file:///' + workingcatalog) raster = ilwis.RasterCoverage(inputraster) inputdata = ilwisRasterIO.rasterCoverageToIndexedNumpy(raster, epsg, bandstoimport, 'bycolumn', innodatavalue) print("loading the indexed array from disk...") #load the indexed array from disk (you created one with #inputdata=fileIO.loadObject(workingcatalog2+'/'+binaryfile) ####classify image; export image########## def classify(inputdata, classifier, outnodatavalue, outputpath, outname, frmt): print('classify raster, wait...') #use only the indexed array inputdata[0] is the index, inputdata[1] the indexed array,