예제 #1
    def __init__(self, method, rootPath, intf):
        """@param method hd://device:fstype:/path"""
        method = method[5:]
        device = method[0:method.index(":")]
        tmpmethod = method[method.index(":") + 1:]
        fstype = tmpmethod[0:tmpmethod.index("/")]
        path = tmpmethod[tmpmethod.index("/") + 1:]

	ImageInstallMethod.__init__(self, method, rootPath, intf)

	self.device = device
	self.path = path
	self.fstype = fstype
        self.isoDirIsMounted = 0
        self.mediaIsMounted = 0
	self.messageWindow = intf.messageWindow
        self.currentMedia = []
        self.tree = "/tmp/isomedia/"

        # Mount the partition containing the ISO images just long enough for
        # us to build up a list of all the path names.
	self.discImages = findIsoImages(self.isoDir + '/' + self.path, self.messageWindow)