def get_positions(filepath, colour1=None, colour2=None, colour_limits=None, fits_file=None, fig_dir='.', addsavename='', returnflux=False, ignore_points=()):
    sex = read_sextractor_output(filepath)
    ignore_indexes = []
    for xignore, yignore in ignore_points:
        ignore_indexes += list(np.where(sex.X_IMAGE == xignore)[0] & np.where(sex.Y_IMAGE == yignore)[0])
    sex = sex.drop(ignore_indexes)

    x = sex.X_IMAGE
    y = sex.Y_IMAGE
    flux = sex.FLUX_ISO

    if fits_file is not None:
        plot_image(fits_file, vmin=0, vmax=0.35)
    plt.scatter(x, y, marker='o', c='b', alpha=0.2)

    if colour_limits is not None:
        (x1, x2), (y1, y2) = colour_limits
        mask = (colour1 > x1) & (colour1 < x2) & (colour2 > y1) & (colour2 < y2)
        x = x[mask]
        y = y[mask]
        flux = flux[mask]

    plt.scatter(x, y, marker='+', c='g', alpha=0.9)

    plt.xlim(min(x), max(x))
    plt.ylim(min(y), max(y))
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'cluster_members{}'.format(addsavename)))

    if returnflux:
        return x, y, flux
        return x, y
예제 #2
def plot_img_pos(pars, pix_scale=1., threshold=0.8, fits_file=None, img_xobs=None, img_yobs=None, d=None):
    xsrcA, ysrcA, sigsrcA, xlens, ylens, blens, qlens, plens = pars
    fig_dir = 'Figures/lensed_quasar/'
    sa = (0, 100)  # search area is 2000 pixels to 5000 pixels

    # Define source positions as a Guassian surface brightness profile
    X1, Y1, Q1, P1, S1, srcs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
    X1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('X1A', 0., 100., value=xsrcA)
    Y1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('Y1A', 0., 100., value=ysrcA)
    Q1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('Q1A', 0.2, 1., value=1.)
    P1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('P1A', -180., 180., value=0.)
    S1['A'] = pymc.Uniform('N1A', 0., 6., value=sigsrcA)
    srcs['A'] = SBObjects.Gauss('', {'x': X1['A'], 'y': Y1['A'], 'q': Q1['A'],'pa': P1['A'], 'sigma': S1['A']})

    # Define lens mass model
    LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 100., value=xlens)
    LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 100., value=ylens)
    LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 0., 100., value=blens)
    LQ = pymc.Uniform('lq', 0.2, 1., value=qlens)
    LP = pymc.Uniform('lp', -180., 180., value=plens)
    XB = pymc.Uniform('xb', -0.2, 0.2, value=0.)
    XP = pymc.Uniform('xp', -180., 180., value=0.)
    lens = MassModels.SIE('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB, 'q': LQ, 'pa': LP})
    shear = MassModels.ExtShear('',{'x':LX,'y':LY,'b':XB,'pa':XP})
    lenses = [lens]

    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale), np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale))

    image_plane, image_coords_pred = {}, {}
    for name in ['A']:
        x_src, y_src = pylens.getDeflections(lenses, [x, y], d=d[name])
        image_plane[name] = srcs[name].pixeval(x_src, y_src)
        plt.imshow(image_plane[name], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
        plt.xlabel('%dx - %d pixels' % (pix_scale, sa[0]))
        plt.ylabel('%dy - %d pixels' % (pix_scale, sa[0]))
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, fig_dir, 'image_plane%s.png' % name))
        image_coords_pred[name] = np.add(np.multiply(np.where(image_plane[name] > threshold), pix_scale)[::-1], sa[0])

        lnlike, img_xpred_compare, img_ypred_compare = calc_lnlike(image_coords_pred[name], img_xobs[name], img_yobs[name])

        print(img_xpred_compare, img_xobs[name], lnlike)
        print(img_ypred_compare, img_yobs[name], lnlike)

    colors = (col for col in ['#1f77b4', '#2ca02c', '#9467bd', '#17becf', '#e377c2'])
    fig = plt.figure('image_and_position')
    plot_image(fits_file, figname='image_and_position', vmax=10.)
    plt.xlim(sa[0], sa[1])
    plt.ylim(sa[0], sa[1])
    for name in ['A']:
        plt.scatter(image_coords_pred[name][0], image_coords_pred[name][1], marker='.', alpha=0.3, c=next(colors))
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, fig_dir, 'image_with_predicted_image_plane.png'))
def plot_img_pos(pars,
    names = img_xobs.keys()
    sa = (2000, 4500)  # search area is 2000 pixels to 5000 pixels

    xsrc, ysrc, sigsrc = {}, {}, {}
    for i, name in enumerate(names):
        xsrc[name], ysrc[name], sigsrc[name] = pars[3 * i:3 * (i + 1)]
    xlens, ylens, blens, qlens, plens = pars[-5:]

    # Define source positions as a Guassian surface brightness profile
    X1, Y1, Q1, P1, S1, srcs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
    for name in names:
        X1[name] = pymc.Uniform('X1%s' % name, 0., 5000., value=xsrc[name])
        Y1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Y1%s' % name, 0., 5000., value=ysrc[name])
        Q1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Q1%s' % name, 0.2, 1., value=1.)
        P1[name] = pymc.Uniform('P1%s' % name, -180., 180., value=0.)
        S1[name] = pymc.Uniform('N1%s' % name, 0., 10000., value=sigsrc[name])
        srcs[name] = SBObjects.Gauss(
            '', {
                'x': X1[name],
                'y': Y1[name],
                'q': Q1[name],
                'pa': P1[name],
                'sigma': S1[name]

    # Define lens mass model
    LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 5000., value=xlens)
    LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 5000., value=ylens)
    LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 0., 5000., value=blens)
    LQ = pymc.Uniform('lq', 0.2, 1., value=qlens)
    LP = pymc.Uniform('lp', -180., 180., value=plens)
    XB = pymc.Uniform('xb', -0.2, 0.2, value=0.)
    XP = pymc.Uniform('xp', -180., 180., value=0.)
    lens = MassModels.SIE('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB, 'q': LQ, 'pa': LP})
    shear = MassModels.ExtShear('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': XB, 'pa': XP})
    lenses = [lens]

    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale),
                       np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale))

    image_plane, image_coords_pred = {}, {}
    for name in names:
        x_src, y_src = pylens.getDeflections(lenses, [x, y], d=d[name])
        image_plane[name] = srcs[name].pixeval(x_src, y_src)
        plt.imshow(image_plane[name], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
        plt.xlabel('%dx - %d pixels' % (pix_scale, sa[0]))
        plt.ylabel('%dy - %d pixels' % (pix_scale, sa[0]))
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, fig_dir,
                                 'image_plane%s.png' % name))
        image_indexes_pred = np.where(image_plane[name] > threshold)
        image_coords_pred[name] = np.array(
            [x[image_indexes_pred], y[image_indexes_pred]])
        print(name, image_coords_pred[name])

    colors = (col for col in
              ['#1f77b4', '#2ca02c', '#9467bd', '#17becf', '#e377c2', 'lime'])
    markers = (marker for marker in ['x', 'o', '*', '+', 'v', 'D'])
    fig = plt.figure('image_and_position', figsize=(13, 13))
    plot_image(fits_file, figname='image_and_position')
    plt.xlim(sa[0], sa[1])
    plt.ylim(sa[0], sa[1])
    for name in names:
                    label="%s obs" % name,
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
        os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, fig_dir,
def plot_source_and_pred_lens_positions(pars, img_xobs, img_yobs, d, fig_dir, threshold=0.01, plotimage=False, fits_file=None, mass_pos=None, flux_dependent_b=False, masses_flux=None, sa=(2000, 4500), pix_scale=10.):
    if plotimage:
        fig = plt.figure('image_and_position', figsize=(13, 13))
        plot_image(fits_file, figname='image_and_position')
    names = img_xobs.keys()

    xsrc, ysrc, sigsrc = {}, {}, {}
    for i, name in enumerate(names):
        xsrc[name], ysrc[name], sigsrc[name] = pars[3 * i: 3 * (i + 1)]

    xlens, ylens, blens, qlens, plens = pars[-7:-2]

    # Define source positions as a Guassian surface brightness profile
    X1, Y1, Q1, P1, S1, srcs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
    for name in names:
        X1[name] = pymc.Uniform('X1%s' % name, 0., 5000., value=xsrc[name])
        Y1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Y1%s' % name, 0., 5000., value=ysrc[name])
        Q1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Q1%s' % name, 0.2, 1., value=1.)
        P1[name] = pymc.Uniform('P1%s' % name, -180., 180., value=0.)
        S1[name] = pymc.Uniform('N1%s' % name, 0., 10000., value=sigsrc[name])
        srcs[name] = SBObjects.Gauss('', {'x': X1[name], 'y': Y1[name], 'q': Q1[name],'pa': P1[name], 'sigma': S1[name]})

    # Define lens mass model
    LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 5000., value=xlens)
    LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 5000., value=ylens)
    LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 0., 5000., value=blens)
    LQ = pymc.Uniform('lq', 0., 1., value=qlens)
    LP = pymc.Uniform('lp', -180., 180., value=plens)
    lens = MassModels.SIE('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB, 'q': LQ, 'pa': LP})
    lenses = [lens]

    if flux_dependent_b:
        for (lx, ly), flux in zip(mass_pos, masses_flux):
            slope, intercept = pars[-2:]
            LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 5000., value=lx)
            LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 5000., value=ly)
            LB = slope * np.log(flux) + intercept
            lens = MassModels.SIS('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB})
            lenses += [lens]
            print('lens einstein radius', lens.b)
        for b, (lx, ly) in zip(pars[-2:], mass_pos):
            LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 5000., value=lx)
            LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 5000., value=ly)
            LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 0., 5000., value=b)
            lens = MassModels.SIS('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB})
            lenses += [lens]
            print('lens einstein radius', lens.b)

    colors = (col for col in ['#1f77b4', '#2ca02c', '#9467bd', '#17becf', '#e377c2', '#ADFF2F'])
    markers = (marker for marker in ['x', 'o', '*', '+', 'v', 'D'])

    x_src, y_src = {}, {}
    image_plane, image_coords_pred = {}, {}
    X1, Y1, Q1, P1, S1, srcs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale), np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale))
    plt.xlim(sa[0], sa[1])
    plt.ylim(sa[0], sa[1])
    for name in names:

        col = next(colors)
        plt.scatter(img_xobs[name], img_yobs[name], marker=next(markers), c='white', label="%s obs" % name, alpha=0.8)
        plt.scatter(x_src[name], y_src[name], marker='.', alpha=0.5, c=col, label="%s pred src" % name)

        # Get Image plane
        x_src_all, y_src_all = pylens.getDeflections(lenses, [x, y], d=d[name])
        image_plane[name] = srcs[name].pixeval(x_src_all, y_src_all)
        image_indexes_pred = np.where(image_plane[name] > threshold)
        image_coords_pred[name] = np.array([x[image_indexes_pred], y[image_indexes_pred]])

        image_plane_norm = (image_plane[name] - image_plane[name].min())/(image_plane[name].max() - image_plane[name].min())
        rgba = np.zeros((len(image_coords_pred[name][0]), 4))
        rgba[:, 0:3] = list(int(col[i:i+2], 16)/256. for i in (1, 3, 5))
        rgba[:, 3] = 0.8 * np.array(image_plane_norm[image_indexes_pred])
        plt.scatter(image_coords_pred[name][0], image_coords_pred[name][1], marker='x', color=rgba, label="%s pred img" % name)
        plt.imshow(image_plane[name], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')

    print(x_src, y_src)
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'image_with_contours_and_images.png'))
예제 #5
def plot_source_and_pred_lens_positions(pars, img_xobs, img_yobs, d, fig_dir, threshold=0.01, plotimage=False, fits_file=None):
    if plotimage:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 13))
        plot_image(fits_file, fig)
    names = img_xobs.keys()
        xlens, ylens, blens, qlens, plens = pars
        bshear, pshear = 0., 0.
    except ValueError:  # includes shear
        xlens, ylens, blens, qlens, plens, bshear, pshear = pars

    # Define lens mass model
    LX = pymc.Uniform('lx', 0., 5000., value=xlens)
    LY = pymc.Uniform('ly', 0., 5000., value=ylens)
    LB = pymc.Uniform('lb', 0., 5000., value=blens)
    LQ = pymc.Uniform('lq', 0.2, 1., value=qlens)
    LP = pymc.Uniform('lp', -180., 180., value=plens)
    XB = pymc.Uniform('xb', -200., 200., value=bshear)
    XP = pymc.Uniform('xp', -180., 180., value=pshear)
    lens = MassModels.SIE('', {'x': LX, 'y': LY, 'b': LB, 'q': LQ, 'pa': LP})
    lenses = [lens]
    if len(pars) == 7:
        shear = MassModels.ExtShear('',{'x':LX,'y':LY,'b':XB,'pa':XP})
        lenses += [shear]

    colors = (col for col in ['#1f77b4', '#2ca02c', '#9467bd', '#17becf', '#e377c2', 'lime'])
    markers = (marker for marker in ['x', 'o', '*', '+', 'v', 'D'])

    x_src, y_src = {}, {}
    image_plane, image_coords_pred = {}, {}
    X1, Y1, Q1, P1, S1, srcs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
    print(float(lens.x), float(lens.y), float(lens.b), float(lens.q), float(
    sa = (2000, 4500)
    pix_scale = 10.
    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale), np.arange(sa[0], sa[1], pix_scale))
    plt.xlim(sa[0], sa[1])
    plt.ylim(sa[0], sa[1])
    for name in names:
        x_src[name], y_src[name] = pylens.getDeflections(lenses, [img_xobs[name], img_yobs[name]], d[name])
        xs = np.median(x_src[name])
        ys = np.median(y_src[name])
        lnlike = -0.5 * (x_src[name].var() + y_src[name].var())
        print(float(lens.x), float(lens.y), float(lens.b), float(lens.q), float(
        print(name, xs, ys, lnlike)

        col = next(colors)
        plt.scatter(img_xobs[name], img_yobs[name], marker=next(markers), c='white', label="%s obs" % name, alpha=0.8)
        plt.scatter(x_src[name], y_src[name], marker='.', alpha=0.5, c=col, label="%s pred src" % name)

        # CALC IMG POS
        # Assume gaussian surface brightness at (xs, ys)
        X1[name] = pymc.Uniform('X1%s' % name, 0., 5000., value=xs)
        Y1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Y1%s' % name, 0., 5000., value=ys)
        Q1[name] = pymc.Uniform('Q1%s' % name, 0.2, 1., value=1.)
        P1[name] = pymc.Uniform('P1%s' % name, -180., 180., value=0.)
        S1[name] = pymc.Uniform('N1%s' % name, 0., 10000., value=6.)
        srcs[name] = SBObjects.Gauss('', {'x': X1[name], 'y': Y1[name], 'q': Q1[name], 'pa': P1[name], 'sigma': S1[name]})
        # Get Image plane
        x_src_all, y_src_all = pylens.getDeflections(lenses, [x, y], d=d[name])
        image_plane[name] = srcs[name].pixeval(x_src_all, y_src_all)
        image_indexes_pred = np.where(image_plane[name] > threshold)
        image_coords_pred[name] = np.array([x[image_indexes_pred], y[image_indexes_pred]])
        plt.scatter(image_coords_pred[name][0], image_coords_pred[name][1], marker='x', alpha=0.5, c=col, label="%s pred img" % name)

    print(x_src, y_src)
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'image_with_contours_and_images.png'))