예제 #1
 def save_display_as_image(self, workspace, display, image_name):
     '''Convert an ImageJ display to an image and save in the image set
     workspace - current workspace
     display - an ImageJ Display
     image_name - save the image in the image set using this name.
     display_view = display.getActiveView()
     dataset = ij2.wrap_dataset(display_view.getData())
     pixel_data = dataset.get_pixel_data() / IMAGEJ_SCALE
     mask = ij2.create_mask(display)
     image = cpi.Image(pixel_data, mask=mask)
     workspace.image_set.add(image_name, image)
     return pixel_data
예제 #2
 def save_display_as_image(self, workspace, display, image_name):
     '''Convert an ImageJ display to an image and save in the image set
     workspace - current workspace
     display - an ImageJ Display
     image_name - save the image in the image set using this name.
     display_view = display.getActiveView()
     dataset = ij2.wrap_dataset(display_view.getData())
     pixel_data = dataset.get_pixel_data() / IMAGEJ_SCALE
     mask = ij2.create_mask(display)
     image = cpi.Image(pixel_data, mask=mask)
     workspace.image_set.add(image_name, image)
     return pixel_data
예제 #3
 def test_09_08_check_stride(self):
     # Rotate the image by 90 degrees to make sure the pixel copy
     # was properly strided
     svc = ij2.get_display_service(self.context)
     i, j = np.mgrid[0:5, 0:70:10]
     image = i + j
     ds = ij2.create_dataset(self.context, image, "Foo")
     display = svc.createDisplay("Foo", ds)
     outputs = dict(display=None)
                      dict(display=display), outputs)
     display_out = ij2.wrap_display(outputs["display"])
     dataset = ij2.wrap_dataset(display_out.getActiveView().getData())
     image_out = dataset.get_pixel_data()
     self.assertSequenceEqual(image_out.shape, list(reversed(image.shape)))
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(np.rot90(image), image_out)
예제 #4
 def test_09_08_check_stride(self):
     # Rotate the image by 90 degrees to make sure the pixel copy
     # was properly strided
     svc = ij2.get_display_service(self.context)
     i, j = np.mgrid[0:5, 0:70:10]
     image = i+j
     ds = ij2.create_dataset(self.context, image, "Foo")
     display = svc.createDisplay("Foo", ds)
     outputs = dict(display=None)
     display_out = ij2.wrap_display(outputs["display"])
     dataset = ij2.wrap_dataset(display_out.getActiveView().getData())
     image_out = dataset.get_pixel_data()
     self.assertSequenceEqual(image_out.shape, list(reversed(image.shape)))
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(np.rot90(image), image_out)
예제 #5
 def test_09_09_check_overlay(self):
     svc = ij2.get_display_service(self.context)
     r = np.random.RandomState()
     i, j = np.mgrid[0:11, 0:1300:100]
     image = i+j
     ds = ij2.create_dataset(self.context, image, "Foo")
     display = svc.createDisplay("Foo", ds)
     mask = np.zeros(image.shape, bool)
     mask[2:-1, 3:-4] = 1
     overlay = ij2.create_overlay(self.context, mask)
         display.o, J.make_list([overlay]))
     ij2.select_overlay(display.o, overlay)
                      dict(display=display), {})
     dataset = ij2.wrap_dataset(display.getActiveView().getData())
     image_out = dataset.get_pixel_data()
     self.assertSequenceEqual(image_out.shape, [7, 5])
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(image[2:-2, 3:-5], image_out)