def inference(saved_model_filepath, image_folder, output_filepath,

    img_filepath_list = [
        os.path.join(image_folder, fn) for fn in os.listdir(image_folder)
        if fn.endswith('.{}'.format(image_format))

    model = tf.saved_model.load(saved_model_filepath)

    with open(output_filepath, 'w') as fh:
        print('Starting inference of file list')
        for i in range(len(img_filepath_list)):
            img_filepath = img_filepath_list[i]
            _, img_name = os.path.split(img_filepath)
            print('{}/{} : {}'.format(i, len(img_filepath_list), img_name))

            img = imagereader.imread(img_filepath)
            img = img.astype(np.float32)

            # normalize with whole image stats
            img = imagereader.zscore_normalize(img)

            pred = _inference(img, model)
            fh.write('{}, {}\n'.format(img_name, float(pred)))
            print('  Regression Value: {} '.format(pred))
def inference(checkpoint_filepath, image_folder, output_folder, number_classes, number_channels, image_format):
    print('checkpoint_filepath = {}'.format(checkpoint_filepath))
    print('image_folder = {}'.format(image_folder))
    print('output_folder = {}'.format(output_folder))
    print('number_classes = {}'.format(number_classes))
    print('number_channels = {}'.format(number_channels))
    print('image_format = {}'.format(image_format))

    # create output filepath
    if not os.path.exists(output_folder):

    img_filepath_list = [os.path.join(image_folder, fn) for fn in os.listdir(image_folder) if fn.endswith('.{}'.format(image_format))]

    fcd_model = model.FCDensenet(number_classes, 1, number_channels, 1e-4)

    print('Starting inference of file list')
    for i in range(len(img_filepath_list)):
        img_filepath = img_filepath_list[i]
        _, slide_name = os.path.split(img_filepath)
        print('{}/{} : {}'.format(i, len(img_filepath_list), slide_name))

        print('Loading image: {}'.format(img_filepath))
        img = imagereader.imread(img_filepath)
        img = img.astype(np.float32)

        # normalize with whole image stats
        img = imagereader.zscore_normalize(img)
        print('  img.shape={}'.format(img.shape))

        if img.shape[0] > INF_TILE_SIZE or img.shape[1] > INF_TILE_SIZE:
            tile_size = INF_TILE_SIZE
            segmented_mask = _inference_tiling(img, fcd_model, tile_size)
            segmented_mask = _inference(img, fcd_model)

        if 0 <= np.max(segmented_mask) <= 255:
            segmented_mask = segmented_mask.astype(np.uint8)
        if 255 < np.max(segmented_mask) < 65536:
            segmented_mask = segmented_mask.astype(np.uint16)
        if np.max(segmented_mask) > 65536:
            segmented_mask = segmented_mask.astype(np.int32)
        if 'tif' in image_format:
  , slide_name), segmented_mask, compress=6, bigtiff=True, tile=(1024,1024))
      , slide_name), segmented_mask, compress=6)
            except TypeError:  # compress option not valid
      , slide_name), segmented_mask)
예제 #3
def inference(image_folder, image_format, saved_model_filepath, output_folder,
    # create output filepath
    if not os.path.exists(output_folder):

    if image_format.startswith('.'):
        image_format = image_format[1:]

    img_filepath_list = [
        os.path.join(image_folder, fn) for fn in os.listdir(image_folder)
        if fn.endswith('.{}'.format(image_format))

    # load the saved model
    yolo_model = tf.saved_model.load(saved_model_filepath)

    print('Starting inference of file list')
    for i in range(len(img_filepath_list)):
        img_filepath = img_filepath_list[i]
        _, file_name = os.path.split(img_filepath)
        print('{}/{} : {}'.format(i, len(img_filepath_list), file_name))

        print('Loading image: {}'.format(img_filepath))
        img = imagereader.imread(img_filepath)
        height, width, channels = img.shape
        img = img.astype(np.float32)

        # normalize with whole image stats
        img = imagereader.zscore_normalize(img)
        print('  img.shape={}'.format(img.shape))

        # convert HWC to CHW
        batch_data = img.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        # convert CHW to NCHW
        batch_data = batch_data.reshape(
            (1, batch_data.shape[0], batch_data.shape[1], batch_data.shape[2]))
        batch_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(batch_data)

        boxes = yolo_model(batch_data, training=False)
        # boxes are [x1,y1,x2,y2,c]

        # constrain boxes to image coordinates
        boxes[:, 0] = np.clip(boxes[:, 0], 0, width)
        boxes[:, 1] = np.clip(boxes[:, 1], 0, height)
        boxes[:, 2] = np.clip(boxes[:, 2], 0, width)
        boxes[:, 3] = np.clip(boxes[:, 3], 0, height)

        # strip out batch_size which is fixed at one
        boxes = np.array(boxes)
        boxes = boxes[0, ]

        boxes = bbox_utils.filter_small_boxes(boxes, min_box_size)

        objectness = boxes[:, 4:5]
        class_probs = boxes[:, 5:]
        boxes = boxes[:, 0:4]

        # nms boxes per tile being passed through the network
        boxes, scores, class_label = bbox_utils.per_class_nms(
            boxes, objectness, class_probs)
        # convert [x1, y1, x2, y2] to [x, y, w, h]
        boxes[:, 2] = boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]
        boxes[:, 3] = boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]

        class_label = np.reshape(class_label, (-1, 1))
        boxes = np.concatenate((boxes, class_label), axis=-1)
        boxes = boxes.astype(np.int32)

        # # draw boxes on the images and save
        # import
        # ofp = './inference-results'
        # img = img - np.min(img)
        # img = img / np.max(img)
        # img = np.asarray(img * 255, dtype=np.uint8)
        # fn = '{:08d}.png'.format(i)
        # print(boxes)
        #, fn), bbox_utils.draw_boxes(img.copy(), boxes))

        # write merged rois
        print('Found: {} rois'.format(boxes.shape[0]))
        output_csv_file = os.path.join(output_folder,
                                       file_name.replace(image_format, 'csv'))
        bbox_utils.write_boxes_from_xywhc(boxes, output_csv_file)