def init(params, misc):

        # inputs
        image_encoding_size = params.get('image_encoding_size', 128)
        word_encoding_size = params.get('word_encoding_size', 128)
        hidden_size = params.get('hidden_size', 128)
        generator = params.get('generator', 'lstm')
        vocabulary_size = len(misc['wordtoix'])
        output_size = len(misc['ixtoword'])  # these should match though
        image_size = 4096  # size of CNN vectors hardcoded here

        if generator == 'lstm':
            assert image_encoding_size == word_encoding_size, 'this implementation does not support different sizes for these parameters'

        # initialize the encoder models
        model = {}
        model['We'] = initw(image_size, image_encoding_size)  # image encoder
        model['be'] = np.zeros((1, image_encoding_size))
        model['Ws'] = initw(vocabulary_size,
                            word_encoding_size)  # word encoder
        update = ['We', 'be', 'Ws']
        regularize = ['We', 'Ws']
        init_struct = {
            'model': model,
            'update': update,
            'regularize': regularize

        # descend into the specific Generator and initialize it
        Generator = decodeGenerator(generator)
        generator_init_struct = Generator.init(word_encoding_size, hidden_size,
        merge_init_structs(init_struct, generator_init_struct)
        return init_struct
  def init(params, misc):

    # inputs
    image_encoding_size = params.get('image_encoding_size', 128)
    word_encoding_size = params.get('word_encoding_size', 128)
    hidden_size = params.get('hidden_size', 128)
    generator = params.get('generator', 'lstm')
    vocabulary_size = len(misc['wordtoix'])
    output_size = len(misc['ixtoword']) # these should match though
    image_size = 4096 # size of CNN vectors hardcoded here

    if generator == 'lstm':
      assert image_encoding_size == word_encoding_size, 'this implementation does not support different sizes for these parameters'

    # initialize the encoder models
    model = {}
    model['We'] = initw(image_size, image_encoding_size) # image encoder
    model['be'] = np.zeros((1,image_encoding_size))
    model['Ws'] = initw(vocabulary_size, word_encoding_size) # word encoder
    update = ['We', 'be', 'Ws']
    regularize = ['We', 'Ws']
    init_struct = { 'model' : model, 'update' : update, 'regularize' : regularize}

    # descend into the specific Generator and initialize it
    Generator = decodeGenerator(generator)
    generator_init_struct = Generator.init(word_encoding_size, hidden_size, output_size)
    merge_init_structs(init_struct, generator_init_struct)
    return init_struct
예제 #3
    def init(input_size, hidden_size, output_size):

        model = {}
        # Recurrent weights: take x_t, h_{t-1}, and bias unit
        # and produce the 3 gates and the input to cell signal
        model['WLSTM'] = initw(input_size + hidden_size + 1, 4 * hidden_size)
        # Decoder weights (e.g. mapping to vocabulary)
        model['Wd'] = initw(hidden_size, output_size)  # decoder
        model['bd'] = np.zeros((1, output_size))

        update = ['WLSTM', 'Wd', 'bd']
        regularize = ['WLSTM', 'Wd']
        return {'model': model, 'update': update, 'regularize': regularize}
  def init(input_size, hidden_size, output_size):

    model = {}
    # Recurrent weights: take x_t, h_{t-1}, and bias unit
    # and produce the 3 gates and the input to cell signal
    model['WLSTM'] = initw(input_size + hidden_size + 1, 4 * hidden_size)
    # Decoder weights (e.g. mapping to vocabulary)
    model['Wd'] = initw(hidden_size, output_size) # decoder
    model['bd'] = np.zeros((1, output_size))

    update = ['WLSTM', 'Wd', 'bd']
    regularize = ['WLSTM', 'Wd']
    return { 'model' : model, 'update' : update, 'regularize' : regularize }
    def init(input_size, hidden_size, output_size):

        model = {}
        # Recurrent weights: take x_t, h_{t-1}, and bias unit
        # and produce the 3 gates and the input to cell signal
        model["WLSTM"] = initw(input_size + hidden_size + 1, 4 * hidden_size)
        # Decoder weights (e.g. mapping to vocabulary)
        model["Wd"] = initw(hidden_size, output_size)  # decoder
        model["bd"] = np.zeros((1, output_size))

        update = ["WLSTM", "Wd", "bd"]
        regularize = ["WLSTM", "Wd"]
        return {"model": model, "update": update, "regularize": regularize}
예제 #6
  def init(input_size, hidden_size, output_size):

    model = {}
    # connections to h_{t-1}
    model['Whh'] = initw(hidden_size, hidden_size)
    model['bhh'] = np.zeros((1, hidden_size))
    # Decoder weights (e.g. mapping to vocabulary)
    model['Wd'] = initw(hidden_size, output_size) * 0.01 # decoder
    model['bd'] = np.zeros((1, output_size))

    update = ['Whh', 'bhh', 'Wd', 'bd']
    regularize = ['Whh', 'Wd']
    return { 'model' : model, 'update' : update, 'regularize' : regularize }
예제 #7
    def init(input_size, hidden_size, output_size):

        model = {}
        # connections to h_{t-1}
        model['Whh'] = initw(hidden_size, hidden_size)
        model['bhh'] = np.zeros((1, hidden_size))
        # Decoder weights (e.g. mapping to vocabulary)
        model['Wd'] = initw(hidden_size, output_size) * 0.01  # decoder
        model['bd'] = np.zeros((1, output_size))

        update = ['Whh', 'bhh', 'Wd', 'bd']
        regularize = ['Whh', 'Wd']
        return {'model': model, 'update': update, 'regularize': regularize}
    def forward(self,H,n,model,cache):
        ''' Produces one forward step of the given model based on the given hidden layers H '''
        H2 = initw(n, self.d)
        A = model['A'+str(]
       # print(A)
       # print(str(A.size))
        M = fillMMatrix(A, n ,self.N)
        #M = np.zeros((n,n))
        if self.drop_prob_decoder > 0: # if we want dropout on the decoder
            if not self.predict_mode: # and we are in training mode
                scale2 = 1.0 / (1.0 - self.drop_prob_decoder)
                U2 = (np.random.rand(*(H.shape)) < (1 - self.drop_prob_decoder)) * scale2 # generate scaled mask
                H *= U2 # drop!
        # Update Hmem
        Hmem = np.maximum(, 0)

        # Hidden Layer 2
        for t in xrange(n):
            mem = Hmem[t - 1]
            H2[t] = np.maximum(H[t].dot(model['Whh'+str(]) + mem + model['bhh'+str(], 0)

        if not self.predict_mode:
            cache['Whh'+str(] = model['Whh'+str(]
            cache['H'+str(] = H2
            cache['bhh'+str(] = model['bhh'+str(]
            cache['M'+str(] = M
            cache['Hmem'+str(] = Hmem
            #cache['U2']= U2
        return H2,cache,M
예제 #9
    def init(input_size, hidden_size, output_size):

        model = {}
        # connections to x_t
        model["Wxh"] = initw(input_size, hidden_size)
        model["bxh"] = np.zeros((1, hidden_size))
        # connections to h_{t-1}
        model["Whh"] = initw(hidden_size, hidden_size)
        model["bhh"] = np.zeros((1, hidden_size))
        # Decoder weights (e.g. mapping to vocabulary)
        model["Wd"] = initw(hidden_size, output_size) * 0.1  # decoder
        model["bd"] = np.zeros((1, output_size))

        update = ["Whh", "bhh", "Wxh", "bxh", "Wd", "bd"]
        regularize = ["Whh", "Wxh", "Wd"]
        return {"model": model, "update": update, "regularize": regularize}
  def init(params, misc):

    # inputs
    image_encoding_size = params.get('image_encoding_size', 128)
    word_encoding_size = params.get('word_encoding_size', 128)
    hidden_size = params.get('hidden_size', 128)
    generator = params.get('generator', 'lstm')
    vocabulary_size = len(misc['wordtoix'])
    lda = params.get('lda',0) # LDA size used (0 if no LDA used)
    output_size = len(misc['ixtoword']) # these should match though
    image_size = 4096 # size of CNN vectors hardcoded here
    guide_input = params.get('guide',"image")
    if generator == 'lstm':
      assert image_encoding_size == word_encoding_size, 'this implementation does not support different sizes for these parameters'

    # initialize the encoder models
    model = {}
    model['We'] = initw(image_size, image_encoding_size) # image encoder
    model['be'] = np.zeros((1,image_encoding_size))
    model['Ws'] = initw(vocabulary_size, word_encoding_size) # word encoder

    update = ['We', 'be', 'Ws']
    regularize = ['We', 'Ws']

    # Added for LDA
    if lda:
      model['Wlda'] = initw(lda,image_encoding_size)

    init_struct = { 'model' : model, 'update' : update, 'regularize' : regularize}

    # descend into the specific Generator and initialize it
    Generator = decodeGenerator(generator)
    #ADDED for gLSTM
    if(generator != 'glstm'):
        generator_init_struct = Generator.init(word_encoding_size, hidden_size, output_size)
        if params['lda']:
          guide_size = get_guide_size(guide_input,params['lda'])
          guide_size = get_guide_size(guide_input,misc['ccaweights'])
        generator_init_struct = Generator.init(word_encoding_size, hidden_size, guide_size, output_size)
    merge_init_structs(init_struct, generator_init_struct)
    return init_struct
예제 #11
  def init(input_size, hidden_size, output_size):

    model = {}
    # Recurrent weights: take x_t, h_{t-1}, and bias unit
    # and produce the 3 gates and the input to cell signal
    model['WLSTM'] = initw(input_size + hidden_size + 1, 4 * hidden_size)

    # model['WLSTM'] = initw(input_size + hidden_size + 1, 4 * hidden_size,1.) / np.sqrt(input_size + hidden_size)
    # model['WLSTM'][0,:] = 0 # initialize biases to zero
    # fancy_forget_bias_init = 3
    # model['WLSTM'][0,hidden_size:2*hidden_size] = fancy_forget_bias_init

    # Decoder weights (e.g. mapping to vocabulary)
    model['Wd'] = initw(hidden_size, output_size) # decoder
    model['bd'] = np.zeros((1, output_size))

    update = ['WLSTM', 'Wd', 'bd']
    regularize = ['WLSTM', 'Wd']
    return { 'model' : model, 'update' : update, 'regularize' : regularize }
  def init(params, misc):

    # inputs
    image_encoding_size = params.get('image_encoding_size', 128)
    word_encoding_size = params.get('word_encoding_size', 128)
    hidden_size = params.get('hidden_size', 128)
    generator = params.get('generator', 'lstm')
    vocabulary_size = len(misc['wordtoix'])
    output_size = len(misc['ixtoword']) # these should match though
    image_size = 4096 # size of CNN vectors hardcoded here

    if generator == 'lstm':
      assert image_encoding_size == word_encoding_size, 'this implementation does not support different sizes for these parameters'

    # initialize the encoder models
    model = {}
    model['We'] = initw(image_size, image_encoding_size) # image encoder
    model['be'] = np.zeros((1,image_encoding_size))
    model['Ws'] = initw(vocabulary_size, word_encoding_size) # word encoder
    update = ['We', 'be', 'Ws']
    regularize = ['We', 'Ws']
    init_struct = { 'model' : model, 'update' : update, 'regularize' : regularize}

    # descend into the specific Generator and initialize it
    Generator = decodeGenerator(generator)
    generator_init_struct = Generator.init(word_encoding_size, hidden_size, output_size)
    Generator: word vector와 hidden layer의 size 받아서 RNN/LSTM 초기화,
               model, update, regularize를 return

               model: RNN/LSTM 모델 자체
               update: 학습시킬 weight들 model 중 학습
               regularize: weight 중 regularize시킬 것들
    merge_init_structs(init_struct, generator_init_struct)
    init_struct: We, be, Ws (각각 image encoder, image bias, word encoder
    generator_init_struct : RNN/LSTM 관련 weight들 ( decoder )

    return init_struct
예제 #13
    def init(params, misc):

        # inputs
        feat_encoding_size = params.get('feat_encoding_size', 128)

        hidden_size = params.get('hidden_size', 128)
        generator = params.get('generator', 'mvlstm')
        output_size = len(misc['ixtoclass'])  # these should match though
        v1_feat_size = params.get('v1_feat_size', 72)  # hog
        v2_feat_size = params.get('v2_feat_size', 90)  # hof
        v3_feat_size = params.get('v3_feat_size', 3)  # head

        # initialize the encoder models
        model = {}
        model['We_v1'] = initw(v1_feat_size,
                               feat_encoding_size)  # feature encoder
        model['be_v1'] = np.zeros((1, feat_encoding_size))
        model['We_v2'] = initw(v2_feat_size,
                               feat_encoding_size)  # feature encoder
        model['be_v2'] = np.zeros((1, feat_encoding_size))
        model['We_v3'] = initw(v3_feat_size,
                               feat_encoding_size)  # feature encoder
        model['be_v3'] = np.zeros((1, feat_encoding_size))
        update = ['We_v1', 'be_v1', 'We_v2', 'be_v2', 'We_v3', 'be_v3']
        regularize = ['We_v1', 'We_v2', 'We_v3']
        init_struct = {
            'model': model,
            'update': update,
            'regularize': regularize

        # descend into the specific Generator and initialize it
        Generator = decodeGenerator(generator)
        generator_init_struct = Generator.init(feat_encoding_size, hidden_size,
        merge_init_structs(init_struct, generator_init_struct)
        return init_struct
예제 #14
  def init(input_size, hidden_size, output_size):

    model = {}
    # Recurrent weights: take x_t, h_{t-1}, and bias unit
    # and produce the 3 gates and the input to cell signal
    # model['WLSTM'] = initw(input_size + hidden_size + 1, 4 * hidden_size) #original
    # model['WLSTM'] = np.random.randn(input_size + hidden_size + 1, 4 * hidden_size) / np.sqrt(input_size + hidden_size) #Karpathy
    model['WLSTM'] = initw(input_size + hidden_size + 1, 4 * hidden_size) / np.sqrt(input_size + hidden_size) #Andrey's suggestion
    model['WLSTM'][0,:] = 0 # initialize biases to zero
    fancy_forget_bias_init = 3
     # if fancy_forget_bias_init != 0:
      # forget gates get little bit negative bias initially to encourage them to be turned off
      # remember that due to Xavier initialization above, the raw output activations from gates before
      # nonlinearity are zero mean and on order of standard deviation ~1
    model['WLSTM'][0,hidden_size:2*hidden_size] = fancy_forget_bias_init

    # Decoder weights (e.g. mapping to vocabulary)
    model['Wd'] = initw(hidden_size, output_size) # decoder
    model['bd'] = np.zeros((1, output_size))

    update = ['WLSTM', 'Wd', 'bd']
    regularize = ['WLSTM', 'Wd']
    return { 'model' : model, 'update' : update, 'regularize' : regularize }