def testQueryBound( self ) : renderer = GafferScene.Private.IECoreScenePreview.Renderer.create( "OpenGL", GafferScene.Private.IECoreScenePreview.Renderer.RenderType.Interactive ) cube = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -1 ), imath.V3f( 9 ) ) ) o = renderer.object( "/cube", cube, renderer.attributes( IECore.CompoundObject() ) ) o.transform( imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f( 1 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( renderer.command( "gl:queryBound", {} ), imath.Box3f( cube.bound().min() + imath.V3f( 1 ), cube.bound().max() + imath.V3f( 1 ) ) ) del o
def testShape(self): node = GafferOSL.OSLLight() self.assertEqual(node["out"].object("/light"), IECoreScene.DiskPrimitive(0.01)) node["radius"].setValue(2) self.assertEqual(node["out"].object("/light"), IECoreScene.DiskPrimitive(2)) node["shape"].setValue(node.Shape.Sphere) self.assertEqual(node["out"].object("/light"), IECoreScene.SpherePrimitive(2)) node["shape"].setValue(node.Shape.Geometry) node["geometryType"].setValue("teapot") node["geometryBound"].setValue( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-0.5), imath.V3f(0.5))) node["geometryParameters"].addChild( Gaffer.NameValuePlug("color", imath.Color3f(1, 0, 0))) self.assertEqual( node["out"].object("/light"), GafferScene.Private.IECoreScenePreview.Geometry( "teapot", imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-0.5), imath.V3f(0.5)), { "color": imath.Color3f(1, 0, 0), }))
def testSpaces(self): sphere = maya.cmds.polySphere(subdivisionsX=10, subdivisionsY=5, constructionHistory=False) maya.cmds.move(1, 2, 3, sphere) sphere = maya.cmds.listRelatives(sphere, shapes=True)[0] combiner = maya.cmds.createNode("ieGeometryCombiner") maya.cmds.connectAttr(sphere + ".worldMesh", combiner + ".inputGeometry", nextAvailable=True) self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.getAttr(combiner + ".conversionSpace"), IECoreMaya.FromMayaShapeConverter.Space.World.real) combined = IECoreMaya.FromMayaPlugConverter.create( combiner + ".outputGroup").convert() self.assertTrue( IECore.BoxAlgo.contains( imath.Box3f( imath.V3f(-1.0001) + imath.V3f(1, 2, 3), imath.V3f(1.0001) + imath.V3f(1, 2, 3)), combined.bound())) maya.cmds.setAttr(combiner + ".conversionSpace", IECoreMaya.FromMayaShapeConverter.Space.Object.real) combined = IECoreMaya.FromMayaPlugConverter.create( combiner + ".outputGroup").convert() self.assertTrue( IECore.BoxAlgo.contains( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-1.0001), imath.V3f(1.0001)), combined.bound()))
def writeAnimatedSCC( self ) : scene = IECoreScene.SceneCache( self.__testFile, IECore.IndexedIO.OpenMode.Write ) time = 0 sc1 = scene.createChild( str( 1 ) ) mesh = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox(imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0),imath.V3f(1))) mesh["Cd"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Uniform, IECore.V3fVectorData( [ imath.V3f( 1, 0, 0 ) ] * 6 ) ) sc1.writeObject( mesh, time ) sc1.writeTransform( IECore.M44dData(), time ) sc2 = sc1.createChild( str( 2 ) ) mesh = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox(imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0),imath.V3f(1))) mesh["Cd"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Uniform, IECore.V3fVectorData( [ imath.V3f( 0, 1, 0 ) ] * 6 ) ) sc2.writeObject( mesh, time ) sc2.writeTransform( IECore.M44dData(), time ) sc3 = sc2.createChild( str( 3 ) ) mesh = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox(imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0),imath.V3f(1))) mesh["Cd"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Uniform, IECore.V3fVectorData( [ imath.V3f( 0, 0, 1 ) ] * 6 ) ) sc3.writeObject( mesh, time ) sc3.writeTransform( IECore.M44dData(), time ) for frame in [ 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 5, 10 ] : matrix = imath.M44d().translate( imath.V3d( 1, frame, 0 ) ) sc1.writeTransform( IECore.M44dData( matrix ), float( frame ) / 24 ) mesh["Cd"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Uniform, IECore.V3fVectorData( [ imath.V3f( frame, 1, 0 ) ] * 6 ) ) sc2.writeObject( mesh, float( frame ) / 24 ) matrix = imath.M44d().translate( imath.V3d( 2, frame, 0 ) ) sc2.writeTransform( IECore.M44dData( matrix ), float( frame ) / 24 ) matrix = imath.M44d().translate( imath.V3d( 3, frame, 0 ) ) sc3.writeTransform( IECore.M44dData( matrix ), float( frame ) / 24 )
def testObjectSpaceCulling(self): p = self.RecursiveProcedural() def renderWithCulling(box): r = IECoreGL.Renderer() r.setOption("gl:mode", IECore.StringData("deferred")) r.worldBegin() r.sphere(1.5, 0, 1, 360, {}) r.procedural(p) r.attributeBegin() if True: r.setAttribute("gl:cullingSpace", IECore.StringData("object")) r.setAttribute("gl:cullingBox", IECore.Box3fData(box)) # everything in this block is culled r.sphere(1.5, 0, 1, 360, {}) r.procedural(p) r.attributeEnd() r.worldEnd() return self.__countChildrenRecursive(r.scene().root()) noCullingCounter = renderWithCulling(imath.Box3f()) # verify that only half of the things are renderer when the giving culling box is defined. self.assertEqual( renderWithCulling( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(2, -1, -1), imath.V3f(3, 1, 1))) * 2, noCullingCounter)
def testSpaces( self ) : arc = ch = False, sweep=180 )[0] maya.cmds.move( 1, 2, 3, arc ) arc = maya.cmds.listRelatives( arc, shapes=True )[0] converter = IECoreMaya.FromMayaShapeConverter.create( str( arc ), IECoreScene.CurvesPrimitive.staticTypeId() ) self.assertEqual( converter["space"].getNumericValue(), IECoreMaya.FromMayaCurveConverter.Space.Object ) c = converter.convert() self.assertTrue( IECore.BoxAlgo.contains( imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -1.1, -1.01, -0.01 ), imath.V3f( 0.01, 1.01, 0.01 ) ), c.bound() ) ) converter["space"].setNumericValue( IECoreMaya.FromMayaCurveConverter.Space.World ) c = converter.convert() self.assertTrue( IECore.BoxAlgo.contains( imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.1, 0.99, 2.99 ), imath.V3f( 1.01, 3.01, 3.01 ) ), c.bound() ) )
def testTimeContext(self): s = Gaffer.ScriptNode() s["cube"] = GafferScene.Cube() s["e"] = Gaffer.Expression() s["e"].setExpression( 'parent["cube"]["dimensions"] = imath.V3f( context["frame"] )') s["n"] = GafferScene.SceneTimeWarp() s["n"]["in"].setInput(s["cube"]["out"]) s["n"]["speed"].setValue(0) s["n"]["offset"].setValue(3) self.assertEqual(s["n"]["out"].bound("/cube"), imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-1.5), imath.V3f(1.5))) s["e2"] = Gaffer.Expression() s["e2"].setExpression( inspect.cleandoc(""" assert( context.get( "scene:path", None ) is None ) parent["n"]["offset"] = 5 """)) self.assertEqual(s["n"]["out"].bound("/cube"), imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-2.5), imath.V3f(2.5)))
def testTranformation( self ) : m = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -1 ), imath.V3f( 1 ) ) ) IECoreScene.MeshNormalsOp()( input = m, copyInput = False ) m["vel"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Vertex, IECore.V3fVectorData( [ imath.V3f( 0.5 ) ] * 8, IECore.GeometricData.Interpretation.Vector ) ) m["notVel"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Vertex, IECore.V3fVectorData( [ imath.V3f( 0.5 ) ] * 8 ) ) mt = IECoreScene.TransformOp()( input=m, primVarsToModify = IECore.StringVectorData( m.keys() ), matrix = IECore.M44fData( imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f( 1 ) ) ) ) self.assertEqual( mt.bound(), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 0 ), imath.V3f( 2 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( mt["P"].data, IECore.V3fVectorData( [ x + imath.V3f( 1 ) for x in m["P"].data ], IECore.GeometricData.Interpretation.Point ) ) self.assertEqual( mt["N"].data, m["N"].data ) self.assertEqual( mt["vel"].data, m["vel"].data ) self.assertEqual( mt["notVel"].data, m["notVel"].data ) ms = IECoreScene.TransformOp()( input=m, primVarsToModify = IECore.StringVectorData( m.keys() ), matrix = IECore.M44fData( imath.M44f().scale( imath.V3f( 1, 2, 3 ) ) ) ) self.assertEqual( ms.bound(), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -1, -2, -3 ), imath.V3f( 1, 2, 3 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( ms["P"].data, IECore.V3fVectorData( [ x * imath.V3f( 1, 2, 3 ) for x in m["P"].data ], IECore.GeometricData.Interpretation.Point ) ) self.assertNotEqual( ms["N"].data, m["N"].data ) self.assertNotEqual( ms["N"].data, IECore.V3fVectorData( [ x * imath.V3f( 1, 2, 3 ) for x in m["N"].data ], IECore.GeometricData.Interpretation.Normal ) ) self.assertEqual( ms["vel"].data, IECore.V3fVectorData( [ x * imath.V3f( 1, 2, 3 ) for x in m["vel"].data ], IECore.GeometricData.Interpretation.Vector ) ) self.assertEqual( ms["notVel"].data, m["notVel"].data ) self.assertEqual( ms["P"].data.getInterpretation(), IECore.GeometricData.Interpretation.Point ) self.assertEqual( ms["N"].data.getInterpretation(), IECore.GeometricData.Interpretation.Normal ) self.assertEqual( ms["vel"].data.getInterpretation(), IECore.GeometricData.Interpretation.Vector ) self.assertEqual( ms["notVel"].data.getInterpretation(), IECore.GeometricData.Interpretation.None )
def test( self ) : p = GafferScene.Plane() options = GafferScene.CustomOptions() options["in"].setInput( p["out"] ) # check that the scene hierarchy is passed through self.assertEqual( options["out"].object( "/" ), IECore.NullObject() ) self.assertEqual( options["out"].transform( "/" ), imath.M44f() ) self.assertEqual( options["out"].bound( "/" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5, -0.5, 0 ), imath.V3f( 0.5, 0.5, 0 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( options["out"].childNames( "/" ), IECore.InternedStringVectorData( [ "plane" ] ) ) self.assertEqual( options["out"].object( "/plane" ), IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createPlane( imath.Box2f( imath.V2f( -0.5 ), imath.V2f( 0.5 ) ) ) ) self.assertEqual( options["out"].transform( "/plane" ), imath.M44f() ) self.assertEqual( options["out"].bound( "/plane" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5, -0.5, 0 ), imath.V3f( 0.5, 0.5, 0 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( options["out"].childNames( "/plane" ), IECore.InternedStringVectorData() ) # check that we can make options options["options"].addChild( Gaffer.NameValuePlug( "test", IECore.IntData( 10 ) ) ) options["options"].addChild( Gaffer.NameValuePlug( "test2", IECore.StringData( "10" ) ) ) g = options["out"]["globals"].getValue() self.assertEqual( len( g ), 2 ) self.assertEqual( g["option:test"], IECore.IntData( 10 ) ) self.assertEqual( g["option:test2"], IECore.StringData( "10" ) )
def test( self ) : v = GafferArnold.ArnoldVDB() # Just an empty procedural at this point. self.assertEqual( v["out"].childNames( "/" ), IECore.InternedStringVectorData( [ "volume" ] ) ) self.assertSceneValid( v["out"] ) self.assertEqual( v["out"].bound( "/volume" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5 ), imath.V3f( 0.5 ) ) ) self.assertTrue( isinstance( v["out"].object( "/volume" ), IECoreScene.ExternalProcedural ) ) # If we enter a valid vdb filename, then we should get something # with the right bounds, and the right parameters in the procedural. v["fileName"].setValue( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), "volumes", "sphere.vdb" ) ) self.assertEqual( v["out"].bound( "/volume" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -1.1, 1.1, -1.1 ), imath.V3f( 1.1, 2.9, 1.1 ) ) ) procedural = v["out"].object( "/volume" ) self.assertTrue( isinstance( procedural, IECoreScene.ExternalProcedural ) ) self.assertEqual( procedural.getBound(), v["out"].bound( "/volume" ) ) self.assertEqual( procedural.getFileName(), "volume" ) self.assertEqual( procedural.parameters()["filename" ].value, v["fileName"].getValue() ) self.assertEqual( procedural.parameters()["grids" ], IECore.StringVectorData( [ v["grids"].getValue() ] ) ) # Invalid grid names should create errors. v["grids"].setValue( "notAGrid" ) with six.assertRaisesRegex( self, Gaffer.ProcessException, "has no grid named \"notAGrid\"" ) as caught : v["out"].bound( "/volume" ) # As should invalid file names. v["grids"].setValue( "density" ) v["fileName"].setValue( "notAFile.vdb" ) with six.assertRaisesRegex( self, Gaffer.ProcessException, "No such file or directory" ) : v["out"].bound( "/volume" )
def testTimeSetting( self ): fileName = "{}/testUSDTimeSettings.scc".format( self.temporaryDirectory() ) for sampleType in ( "transform", "attribute", "object" ): m = IECoreScene.SceneCache( fileName, IECore.IndexedIO.OpenMode.Write ) t = m.createChild( "t" ) if sampleType == "transform": t.writeTransform( IECore.M44dData(imath.M44d().translate(imath.V3d( 1, 0, 0 ))), 1.0 ) t.writeTransform( IECore.M44dData(imath.M44d().translate(imath.V3d( 2, 0, 0 ))), 2.0 ) elif sampleType == "attribute": t.writeAttribute( IECoreScene.SceneInterface.visibilityName, IECore.BoolData( True ), 1.0 ) t.writeAttribute( IECoreScene.SceneInterface.visibilityName, IECore.BoolData( False ), 2.0 ) else: boxA = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 0 ), imath.V3f( 1 ) ) ) t.writeObject( boxA, 1.0 ) boxB = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 1 ), imath.V3f( 2 ) ) ) t.writeObject( boxB, 2.0 ) del m, t # root stage = pxr.Usd.Stage.Open( fileName ) root = stage.GetPseudoRoot() metadata = root.GetAllMetadata() self.assertEqual( metadata["startTimeCode"], 24.0 ) self.assertEqual( metadata["endTimeCode"], 48.0 ) self.assertEqual( metadata["timeCodesPerSecond"], 24.0 )
def testConversion(self): g = IECoreScene.Group() g.setTransform( IECoreScene.MatrixTransform(imath.M44f().scale(imath.V3f(2)))) c1 = IECoreScene.Group() c1.addChild( IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-1), imath.V3f(1)))) c1.setTransform( IECoreScene.MatrixTransform(imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f(2, 0, 0)))) g.addChild(c1) c2 = IECoreScene.Group() c2.addChild( IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-1), imath.V3f(1)))) c2.setTransform( IECoreScene.MatrixTransform(imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f(-2, 0, 0)))) g.addChild(c2) p = maya.cmds.createNode("transform") IECoreMaya.ToMayaGroupConverter(g).convert(p) mg = maya.cmds.listRelatives(p, fullPath=True) self.assertEqual(len(mg), 1) self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.nodeType(mg[0]), "transform") self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.getAttr(mg[0] + ".translate"), [(0, 0, 0)]) self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.getAttr(mg[0] + ".rotate"), [(0, 0, 0)]) self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.getAttr(mg[0] + ".scale"), [(2, 2, 2)]) mgg = maya.cmds.listRelatives(mg[0], fullPath=True) self.assertEqual(len(mgg), 2) self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.nodeType(mgg[0]), "transform") self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.getAttr(mgg[0] + ".translate"), [(2, 0, 0)]) self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.getAttr(mgg[0] + ".rotate"), [(0, 0, 0)]) self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.getAttr(mgg[0] + ".scale"), [(1, 1, 1)]) self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.nodeType(mgg[1]), "transform") self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.getAttr(mgg[1] + ".translate"), [(-2, 0, 0)]) self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.getAttr(mgg[1] + ".rotate"), [(0, 0, 0)]) self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.getAttr(mgg[1] + ".scale"), [(1, 1, 1)]) m1 = maya.cmds.listRelatives(mgg[0], fullPath=True) self.assertEqual(len(m1), 1) self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.nodeType(m1[0]), "mesh") self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.polyEvaluate(m1[0], face=True), 6) m2 = maya.cmds.listRelatives(mgg[1], fullPath=True) self.assertEqual(len(m2), 1) self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.nodeType(m2[0]), "mesh") self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.polyEvaluate(m2[0], face=True), 6)
def testBound(self): g = GafferImageUI.ImageGadget() self.assertEqual(g.bound(), imath.Box3f()) c = GafferImage.Constant() c["format"].setValue(GafferImage.Format(200, 100)) g.setImage(c["out"]) self.assertEqual(g.bound(), imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0), imath.V3f(200, 100, 0))) c["format"].setValue(GafferImage.Format(200, 100, 2)) self.assertEqual(g.bound(), imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0), imath.V3f(400, 100, 0))) c2 = GafferImage.Constant() g.setImage(c2["out"]) f = GafferImage.FormatPlug.getDefaultFormat( g.getContext()).getDisplayWindow() self.assertEqual( g.bound(), imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(f.min().x, f.min().y, 0), imath.V3f(f.max().x, f.max().y, 0))) GafferImage.FormatPlug.setDefaultFormat( g.getContext(), GafferImage.Format( imath.Box2i(imath.V2i(10, 20), imath.V2i(30, 40)))) self.assertEqual( g.bound(), imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(10, 20, 0), imath.V3f(30, 40, 0)))
def setUp(self): scene = IECoreScene.SceneCache(FnSceneShapeTest.__testFile, IECore.IndexedIO.OpenMode.Write) sc = scene.createChild(str(1)) mesh = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0), imath.V3f(1))) mesh["Cd"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Uniform, IECore.V3fVectorData([imath.V3f(1, 0, 0)] * 6)) sc.writeObject(mesh, 0.0) matrix = imath.M44d().translate(imath.V3d(1, 0, 0)) sc.writeTransform(IECore.M44dData(matrix), 0.0) sc = sc.createChild("child") mesh = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0), imath.V3f(1))) mesh["Cd"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Uniform, IECore.V3fVectorData([imath.V3f(0, 1, 0)] * 6)) sc.writeObject(mesh, 0.0) matrix = imath.M44d().translate(imath.V3d(2, 0, 0)) sc.writeTransform(IECore.M44dData(matrix), 0.0) sc = sc.createChild(str(3)) mesh = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0), imath.V3f(1))) mesh["Cd"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Uniform, IECore.V3fVectorData([imath.V3f(0, 0, 1)] * 6)) sc.writeObject(mesh, 0.0) matrix = imath.M44d().translate(imath.V3d(3, 0, 0)) sc.writeTransform(IECore.M44dData(matrix), 0.0) return scene
def _writeScene( self, fileName, transformRootChildren=False, writeInvalidUSDName=False, writeCs=False ): m = IECoreScene.SceneCache( fileName, IECore.IndexedIO.OpenMode.Write ) t = m.createChild( "t" ) s = t.createChild( "s" ) if writeInvalidUSDName: invalidUSDName = m.createChild( "r-invalid" ) if transformRootChildren: t.writeTransform( IECore.M44dData(imath.M44d().translate(imath.V3d( 2, 0, 0 ))), 2.0 ) boxA = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 0 ), imath.V3f( 1 ) ) ) if writeCs: boxA["Cs"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Vertex, IECore.Color3fVectorData( [ imath.Color3f( p.x *.5, p.y * 0.5, p.z * 0.5 ) for p in boxA["P"].data ] ) ) s.writeObject( boxA, 1.0 ) boxB = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 1 ), imath.V3f( 2 ) ) ) if writeCs: boxB["Cs"] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable( IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable.Interpolation.Vertex, IECore.Color3fVectorData( [ imath.Color3f( p.z * .5, p.y * .5, p.x * .5 ) for p in boxA["P"].data ] ) ) s.writeObject( boxB, 2.0 ) # need to delete all the SceneCache references to finalise the file del m, t, s, if writeInvalidUSDName: del invalidUSDName
def writeSCC(self, file, rotation=imath.V3d(0, 0, 0), time=0): scene = IECoreScene.SceneCache(file, IECore.IndexedIO.OpenMode.Write) sc = scene.createChild(str(1)) mesh = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0), imath.V3f(1))) sc.writeObject(mesh, time) matrix = imath.M44d().translate(imath.V3d(1, 0, 0)) matrix = matrix.rotate(rotation) sc.writeTransform(IECore.M44dData(matrix), time) sc = sc.createChild(str(2)) mesh = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0), imath.V3f(1))) sc.writeObject(mesh, time) matrix = imath.M44d().translate(imath.V3d(2, 0, 0)) matrix = matrix.rotate(rotation) sc.writeTransform(IECore.M44dData(matrix), time) sc = sc.createChild(str(3)) mesh = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0), imath.V3f(1))) sc.writeObject(mesh, time) matrix = imath.M44d().translate(imath.V3d(3, 0, 0)) matrix = matrix.rotate(rotation) sc.writeTransform(IECore.M44dData(matrix), time) return scene
def testDirection(self): first = GafferUI.SpacerGadget( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-1, -2, 0), imath.V3f(1, 2, 0))) second = GafferUI.SpacerGadget( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-1, -2, 0), imath.V3f(1, 2, 0))) c = GafferUI.LinearContainer( orientation=GafferUI.LinearContainer.Orientation.Y) c["c1"] = first c["c2"] = second self.assertEqual(c.bound(), imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-1, -4, 0), imath.V3f(1, 4, 0))) self.assertEqual(first.getTransform(), imath.M44f().translate(imath.V3f(0, -2, 0))) self.assertEqual(second.getTransform(), imath.M44f().translate(imath.V3f(0, 2, 0))) c.setDirection(GafferUI.LinearContainer.Direction.Decreasing) self.assertEqual(c.bound(), imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-1, -4, 0), imath.V3f(1, 4, 0))) self.assertEqual(first.getTransform(), imath.M44f().translate(imath.V3f(0, 2, 0))) self.assertEqual(second.getTransform(), imath.M44f().translate(imath.V3f(0, -2, 0)))
def testChildBoundsWhenNoChildren( self ) : plane = GafferScene.Plane() sphere = GafferScene.Sphere() self.assertEqual( plane["out"].childBounds( "/plane" ), imath.Box3f() ) self.assertEqual( sphere["out"].childBounds( "/sphere" ), imath.Box3f() )
def testSceneCacheRoundtrip(self): scene = IECoreScene.SceneCache( self.temporaryDirectory() + "/fromPython.scc", IECore.IndexedIO.OpenMode.Write) sc = scene.createChild("a") sc.writeObject( IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0), imath.V3f(1))), 0) matrix = imath.M44d().translate(imath.V3d(1, 0, 0)).rotate( imath.V3d(0, 0, IECore.degreesToRadians(-30))) sc.writeTransform(IECore.M44dData(matrix), 0) sc = sc.createChild("b") sc.writeObject( IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0), imath.V3f(1))), 0) sc.writeTransform(IECore.M44dData(matrix), 0) sc = sc.createChild("c") sc.writeObject( IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(0), imath.V3f(1))), 0) sc.writeTransform(IECore.M44dData(matrix), 0) del scene, sc def testCacheFile(f): sc = IECoreScene.SceneCache(f, IECore.IndexedIO.OpenMode.Read) a = sc.child("a") self.assertTrue(a.hasObject()) self.assertIsInstance(a.readObject(0), IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive) self.assertTrue( a.readTransformAsMatrix(0).equalWithAbsError(matrix, 1e-6)) b = a.child("b") self.assertTrue(b.hasObject()) self.assertIsInstance(b.readObject(0), IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive) self.assertTrue( b.readTransformAsMatrix(0).equalWithAbsError(matrix, 1e-6)) c = b.child("c") self.assertTrue(c.hasObject()) self.assertIsInstance(c.readObject(0), IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive) self.assertTrue( c.readTransformAsMatrix(0).equalWithAbsError(matrix, 1e-6)) testCacheFile(self.temporaryDirectory() + "/fromPython.scc") reader = GafferScene.SceneReader() reader["fileName"].setValue(self.temporaryDirectory() + "/fromPython.scc") script = Gaffer.ScriptNode() writer = GafferScene.SceneWriter() script["writer"] = writer writer["in"].setInput(reader["out"]) writer["fileName"].setValue(self.temporaryDirectory() + "/test.scc") writer.execute() os.remove(self.temporaryDirectory() + "/fromPython.scc") testCacheFile(self.temporaryDirectory() + "/test.scc")
def testEquality(self): """Test Box3f comparison for equality""" b1 = imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)) b2 = imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)) self.assert_(b1 == b2) b2 = imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(3.0, 2.0, 1.0)) self.assert_(b1 != b2)
def test( self ) : s = GafferUI.SpacerGadget( imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -1 ), imath.V3f( 3 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( s.bound(), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -1 ), imath.V3f( 3 ) ) ) t = GafferUI.TextGadget( "t" ) self.assertFalse( s.acceptsChild( t ) ) self.assertRaises( RuntimeError, s.addChild, t )
def testTransformAffectsParentBound( self ) : l = GafferSceneTest.TestLight() g = GafferScene.Group() g["in"][0].setInput( l["out"] ) # No transform self.assertEqual( l["out"].bound( "/" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5 ), imath.V3f( 0.5 ) ), ) self.assertEqual( l["out"].bound( "/light" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5 ), imath.V3f( 0.5 ) ), ) self.assertEqual( g["out"].bound( "/" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5 ), imath.V3f( 0.5 ) ), ) self.assertEqual( g["out"].bound( "/group" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5 ), imath.V3f( 0.5 ) ), ) self.assertEqual( g["out"].bound( "/group/light" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5 ), imath.V3f( 0.5 ) ), ) # Transform l["transform"]["translate"].setValue( imath.V3f( 1 ) ) self.assertEqual( l["out"].bound( "/" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 0.5 ), imath.V3f( 1.5 ) ), ) self.assertEqual( l["out"].bound( "/light" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5 ), imath.V3f( 0.5 ) ), ) self.assertEqual( g["out"].bound( "/" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 0.5 ), imath.V3f( 1.5 ) ), ) self.assertEqual( g["out"].bound( "/group" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 0.5 ), imath.V3f( 1.5 ) ), ) self.assertEqual( g["out"].bound( "/group/light" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5 ), imath.V3f( 0.5 ) ), )
def testTransform( self ) : c = GafferScene.Cube() c["transform"]["translate"].setValue( imath.V3f( 1, 0, 0 ) ) self.assertEqual( c["out"].transform( "/" ), imath.M44f() ) self.assertEqual( c["out"].transform( "/cube" ), imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f( 1, 0, 0 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( c["out"].bound( "/" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5 ), imath.V3f( 1.5, 0.5, 0.5 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( c["out"].bound( "/cube" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5, -0.5, -0.5 ), imath.V3f( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ) ) )
def testTransform( self ) : p = GafferScene.Plane() p["transform"]["translate"].setValue( imath.V3f( 1, 0, 0 ) ) self.assertEqual( p["out"].transform( "/" ), imath.M44f() ) self.assertEqual( p["out"].transform( "/plane" ), imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f( 1, 0, 0 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( p["out"].bound( "/" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 0.5, -0.5, 0 ), imath.V3f( 1.5, 0.5, 0 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( p["out"].bound( "/plane" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5, -0.5, 0 ), imath.V3f( 0.5, 0.5, 0 ) ) )
def test(self): p = GafferScene.Plane() outputs = GafferScene.Outputs() outputs["in"].setInput(p["out"]) # check that the scene hierarchy is passed through self.assertEqual(outputs["out"].object("/"), IECore.NullObject()) self.assertEqual(outputs["out"].transform("/"), imath.M44f()) self.assertEqual( outputs["out"].bound("/"), imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-0.5, -0.5, 0), imath.V3f(0.5, 0.5, 0))) self.assertEqual(outputs["out"].childNames("/"), IECore.InternedStringVectorData(["plane"])) self.assertEqual( outputs["out"].object("/plane"), IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createPlane( imath.Box2f(imath.V2f(-0.5), imath.V2f(0.5)))) self.assertEqual(outputs["out"].transform("/plane"), imath.M44f()) self.assertEqual( outputs["out"].bound("/plane"), imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-0.5, -0.5, 0), imath.V3f(0.5, 0.5, 0))) self.assertEqual(outputs["out"].childNames("/plane"), IECore.InternedStringVectorData()) # check that we have some outputs output = outputs.addOutput( "beauty", IECoreScene.Output("beauty.exr", "exr", "rgba")) output["parameters"].addChild( Gaffer.NameValuePlug("test", IECore.FloatData(10))) outputs.addOutput( "diffuse", IECoreScene.Output("diffuse.exr", "exr", "color aov_diffuse")) g = outputs["out"]["globals"].getValue() self.assertEqual(len(g), 2) self.assertEqual( g["output:beauty"], IECoreScene.Output("beauty.exr", "exr", "rgba", {"test": 10.0})) self.assertEqual( g["output:diffuse"], IECoreScene.Output("diffuse.exr", "exr", "color aov_diffuse")) # check that we can turn 'em off as well output["active"].setValue(False) g = outputs["out"]["globals"].getValue() self.assertEqual(len(g), 1) self.assertEqual( g["output:diffuse"], IECoreScene.Output("diffuse.exr", "exr", "color aov_diffuse"))
def testTransform( self ) : s = GafferScene.Sphere() s["type"].setValue( GafferScene.Sphere.Type.Primitive ) s["transform"]["translate"].setValue( imath.V3f( 1, 0, 0 ) ) self.assertEqual( s["out"].transform( "/" ), imath.M44f() ) self.assertEqual( s["out"].transform( "/sphere" ), imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f( 1, 0, 0 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( s["out"].bound( "/" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 0, -1, -1 ), imath.V3f( 2, 1, 1 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( s["out"].bound( "/sphere" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -1 ), imath.V3f( 1 ) ) )
def __frame(self, nodes, extend=False): graphGadget = self.graphGadget() # get the bounds of the nodes bound = imath.Box3f() for node in nodes: nodeGadget = graphGadget.nodeGadget(node) if nodeGadget: bound.extendBy(nodeGadget.transformedBound(graphGadget)) # if there were no nodes then use the bound of the whole # graph. if bound.isEmpty(): bound = graphGadget.bound() # if there's still nothing then an arbitrary area in the centre of the world if bound.isEmpty(): bound = imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-10, -10, 0), imath.V3f(10, 10, 0)) # pad it a little bit so # it sits nicer in the frame bound.setMin(bound.min() - imath.V3f(1, 1, 0)) bound.setMax(bound.max() + imath.V3f(1, 1, 0)) if extend: # we're extending the existing framing, which we assume the # user was happy with other than it not showing the nodes in question. # so we just take the union of the existing frame and the one for the nodes. cb = self.__currentFrame() bound.extendBy( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(cb.min().x, cb.min().y, 0), imath.V3f(cb.max().x, cb.max().y, 0))) else: # we're reframing from scratch, so the frame for the nodes is all we need. # we do however want to make sure that we don't zoom in too far if the node # bounds are small, as having a single node filling the screen is of little use - # it's better to see some context around it. boundSize = bound.size() widgetSize = imath.V3f(self._qtWidget().width(), self._qtWidget().height(), 0) pixelsPerUnit = min(widgetSize.x / boundSize.x, widgetSize.y / boundSize.y) adjustedPixelsPerUnit = min(pixelsPerUnit, 10) newBoundSize = widgetSize / adjustedPixelsPerUnit boundCenter = bound.setMin(boundCenter - newBoundSize / 2.0) bound.setMax(boundCenter + newBoundSize / 2.0) self.__gadgetWidget.getViewportGadget().frame(bound)
def testThreading(self): sphere = IECoreScene.SpherePrimitive() instanceInput = GafferSceneTest.CompoundObjectSource() instanceInput["in"].setValue( IECore.CompoundObject({ "bound": IECore.Box3fData(imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(-2), imath.V3f(2))), "children": { "sphere": { "object": sphere, "bound": IECore.Box3fData(sphere.bound()), "transform": IECore.M44fData(imath.M44f().scale(imath.V3f(2))), }, } })) seeds = IECoreScene.PointsPrimitive( IECore.V3fVectorData([ imath.V3f(1, 0, 0), imath.V3f(1, 1, 0), imath.V3f(0, 1, 0), imath.V3f(0, 0, 0) ])) seedsInput = GafferSceneTest.CompoundObjectSource() seedsInput["in"].setValue( IECore.CompoundObject( { "bound": IECore.Box3fData( imath.Box3f(imath.V3f(1, 0, 0), imath.V3f(2, 1, 0))), "children": { "seeds": { "bound": IECore.Box3fData(seeds.bound()), "transform": IECore.M44fData(imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f(1, 0, 0))), "object": seeds, }, }, }, )) instancer = GafferScene.Instancer() instancer["in"].setInput(seedsInput["out"]) instancer["instances"].setInput(instanceInput["out"]) instancer["parent"].setValue("/seeds") instancer["name"].setValue("instances") GafferSceneTest.traverseScene(instancer["out"])
def test( self ) : sphere = IECoreScene.SpherePrimitive() input = GafferSceneTest.CompoundObjectSource() input["in"].setValue( IECore.CompoundObject( { "bound" : IECore.Box3fData( sphere.bound() ), "children" : { "group" : { "bound" : IECore.Box3fData( sphere.bound() ), "children" : { "sphere" : { "bound" : IECore.Box3fData( sphere.bound() ), "object" : sphere, }, }, }, }, } ), ) self.assertSceneValid( input["out"] ) transform = GafferScene.Transform() transform["in"].setInput( input["out"] ) # by default transform should do nothing self.assertSceneValid( transform["out"] ) self.assertScenesEqual( transform["out"], input["out"] ) # even when setting a transform it should do nothing, as # it requires a filter before operating (applying the same transform # at every location is really not very useful). transform["transform"]["translate"].setValue( imath.V3f( 1, 2, 3 ) ) self.assertSceneValid( transform["out"] ) self.assertScenesEqual( transform["out"], input["out"] ) # applying a filter should cause things to happen filter = GafferScene.PathFilter() filter["paths"].setValue( IECore.StringVectorData( [ "/group/sphere" ] ) ) transform["filter"].setInput( filter["out"] ) self.assertSceneValid( transform["out"] ) self.assertEqual( transform["out"].transform( "/group/sphere" ), imath.M44f().translate( imath.V3f( 1, 2, 3 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( transform["out"].transform( "/group" ), imath.M44f() ) self.assertEqual( transform["out"].bound( "/group/sphere" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -1 ), imath.V3f( 1 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( transform["out"].bound( "/group" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 0, 1, 2 ), imath.V3f( 2, 3, 4 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( transform["out"].bound( "/" ), imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( 0, 1, 2 ), imath.V3f( 2, 3, 4 ) ) )
def testPlugs( self ) : c = GafferScene.Cube() m = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -0.5 ), imath.V3f( 0.5 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( c["out"].object( "/cube" ), m ) h = c["out"].objectHash( "/cube" ) c["dimensions"].setValue( imath.V3f( 2.5, 5, 6 ) ) m = IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.createBox( imath.Box3f( imath.V3f( -1.25, -2.5, -3 ), imath.V3f( 1.25, 2.5, 3 ) ) ) self.assertEqual( c["out"].object( "/cube" ), m ) self.assertNotEqual( c["out"].objectHash( "/cube" ), h )