예제 #1
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: xinluh/takeNote
def find_text_in_video(frame_iterator, find_text_in_frame_func, stability_threshold=5):
    base_frame = []
    pending_blobs = []
    past_blobs = []

    frame_queue = deque(maxlen=stability_threshold) # general buffer
    rewinding_queue = deque()
    frame_iterator = iter(frame_iterator)

    def next_frame():
        while True:
            if len(rewinding_queue) > 0: yield rewinding_queue.popleft()
            else: yield frame_iterator.next()

    def rewind(nframe):
        assert(nframe <= len(frame_queue))
        for _ in xrange(len(frame_queue)-nframe): frame_queue.popleft()

    for sec, frame in next_frame():
        yield 'new_frame', (sec,frame)

        if len(base_frame) ==  0:
            base_frame = [frame]

        for blob in past_blobs[:]:
            if len(blob.get('removed_changed_frac',[])) >= stability_threshold:
                # if np.median(blob['removed_changed_frac']) < 0.4: # erasure seems stable
                fracs = np.array(blob['removed_changed_frac'])
                # second largest unchanged fraction is < 0.4, so lots seem to have been changed...
                if fracs[fracs.argsort()[-2:][0]] < 0.4: 
                    print blob['sec'], np.median(blob['removed_changed_frac']) 
                        yield 'erased_blob', blob
                    except Exception, e:
                        print e
                        print int(blob['sec']),blob['left_corner']
                    # todo rewind?
                    # print 'frame reset at', blob['removed_at_sec']
                    base_frame = [blob['removed_at_frame']] # reset base frame 
                else: # probably not actual erasure
                    del blob['removed_at_sec'], blob['removed_at_frame'], blob['removed_changed_frac']
        for blob in past_blobs:
            b = blob.get('blob_bw', img_proc_utils.otsu_thresholded(blob['blob']))
            x, y = blob['left_corner']
            current_blob = (img_proc_utils.otsu_thresholded(frame[x:x+b.shape[0],y:y+b.shape[1]]).astype(np.bool))
            frac = img_proc_utils.unchanged_fraction(b, current_blob, white_overweight=1/2.)
            if 'removed_at_sec' in blob: # pending erasure
            elif frac < 0.4:
                blob['removed_at_sec'] = int(sec)
                blob['removed_at_frame'] = frame
                blob['removed_changed_frac'] = [frac]

        # which pending blob is stable and thus a real text change? 
        for blob in (b for b in pending_blobs if len(b['unchange_frac']) == stability_threshold):
            if np.median(blob['unchange_frac'])>0.7: # seems stable between frames
                other_blobs = [b for b in pending_blobs if len(b['unchange_frac']) < stability_threshold 
                                                   and img_proc_utils.shared_fraction(blob, b) > 0.4]
                largest_blob = max([blob]+other_blobs, key=lambda x: np.count_nonzero(img_proc_utils.threshold_otsu(x['blob'])>0))
                base_frame = [largest_blob['frame']] # reset base frame 
                for b in other_blobs: 
                largest_blob['n_sameblobs'] = [b['proba'] for b in [blob]+other_blobs]
                yield 'new_blob', largest_blob 
        # compute the change frac with subsequent frames
        for blob in (b for b in pending_blobs if len(b['unchange_frac']) < stability_threshold): 
            b = blob.get('blob_bw', img_proc_utils.otsu_thresholded(blob['blob']))
            x, y = blob['left_corner']
            frac = img_proc_utils.unchanged_fraction(b, img_proc_utils.otsu_thresholded(frame[x:x+b.shape[0],y:y+b.shape[1]]), white_overweight=2)

        # calculate new blobs
        text_blobs = find_text_in_frame_func(frame, base_frame)
        for blob in text_blobs:
            #print blob
            blob.update({'frame': frame, 'sec': int(sec), 'unchange_frac':[]})
        pending_blobs += text_blobs
예제 #2
파일: views.py 프로젝트: xinluh/takeNote
def stream_frames(stream, pafy_video = None):
    r = StrictRedis('localhost')
        r.incr('counter') # keep track of how many processes are running
        demo_diff = 0
        video_length = pafy_video.length if pafy_video else (5412-demo_diff if 'rubakov1' in stream else 5000)
        if pafy_video:
            yield server_event_msg({'video_length': pafy_video.length,
                                    'video_title': pafy_video.title,
                                    'video_desc': pafy_video.description,
                                    'video_author': pafy_video.author,
                                    'video_url': pafy_video.url},
            if 'rubakov1' in stream:
                demo_diff = 4*60 # the demo video is four min in
                yield server_event_msg({"video_author": "Galileo Galilei",
                                        "video_length": 5412-demo_diff,
                                        "video_title": "Early Universe - V. Rubakov - lecture 1/9",
                                        "video_url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsqtPhra2f0",
                                        "video_desc": "GGI lectures on the theory of fundamental interactions, January 2015\nhttp://heidi.pd.infn.it/html/GGI/index.php"},
                yield server_event_msg({'video_length': 5000,'video_title': stream }, 'onstart')
        hist = defaultdict(float)
        it = utils.find_text_in_video(
                 lambda frame,base_frames: utils.find_text_in_frame(frame, base_frames, proba_threshold=0.5))
        for dtype, data in it:
            if dtype == 'new_frame':
                yield server_event_msg({'sec': int(data[0])},'onprogress')
            elif dtype == 'new_blob':
                yield server_event_msg({'img': utils.img_to_base64_bytes(data['blob']), #utils.img_to_base64_bytes(255-np.nan_to_num(abs(blob))),
                                                 'sec': int(data['sec']+demo_diff),
                                                 'proba': round(data['proba'],2),
                                                 'left_corner': data['left_corner'],
                                                 'size': data['blob'].shape,
                                                 'n_sameblobs': data['n_sameblobs'],
                                                 # 'frame': utils.img_to_base64_bytes(data['frame'])
                if 'blob_bw' not in data: data['blob_bw'] = img_proc_utils.otsu_thresholded(data['blob'])
                hist[(int(data['sec']+demo_diff)/60)] += np.count_nonzero(data['blob_bw'][data['blob_bw']>0])
                # print hist, {'hist': [{'x': k, 'y': v} for k,v in hist.iteritems()]}
                # yield server_event_msg({'hist': [{'x': k, 'y': int(v/10.)} for k,v in hist.iteritems()]}, 'onhist')
                yield server_event_msg({'hist': [{'x': i, 'y':  hist.get(i,0)} for i in xrange(video_length/60)]}, 'onhist')
            elif dtype == "erased_blob":
                yield server_event_msg({'sec': int(data['sec']+demo_diff),
                                        'removed_sec': int(data['removed_at_sec']+demo_diff),
                                        'left_corner': data['left_corner']},
                hist[(int(data['removed_at_sec']+demo_diff)/60)] -= np.count_nonzero(data['blob_bw'][data['blob_bw']>0])
                yield server_event_msg({'hist': [{'x': i, 'y':  hist.get(i,0)} for i in xrange(video_length/60)]}, 'onhist')
        yield server_event_msg({'end':True}, 'onend')
        raise StopIteration