def visualize_image_with_mask(line_id): ''' Function to visualize the image and the mask. INPUT: line_id - id of the line to visualize the masks ''' # replace null values with '-1' im_df = train_df.fillna('-1') # get segmentation mask np_mask = get_mask(line_id) # open the image image = + im_df.loc[line_id]['Image']) # create segmentation map segmap = SegmentationMapOnImage(np_mask, np_mask.shape, nb_classes=2) # visualize the image and map side_by_side = np.hstack([segmap.draw_on_image(np.asarray(image)) ]).reshape(np.asarray(image).shape) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) ax.axis('off') plt.title(im_df.loc[line_id]['Label']) ax.imshow(side_by_side)
def apply_transform(self, im, mask): if self.transform is not None: mask = SegmentationMapOnImage(mask.astype(bool), im.shape) im, mask = self.transform(image=im, segmentation_maps=mask) mask = mask.get_arr_int() * 255 return im, mask
def __getitem__(self, index): batch_urls = self.img_set[index * self.batch_size:(index + 1) * self.batch_size] batch_images = [] batch_labels = [] det = self.seq.to_deterministic() for url in batch_urls: current_image = np.array(, 'image', url + '.png'))) current_image = det.augment_image(current_image) batch_images.append(current_image) current_label = np.array( os.path.join(self.dir_path, 'annotation', url + '_label.png'))) // 60 current_label = SegmentationMapOnImage(current_label, shape=current_label.shape, nb_classes=4) current_label = det.augment_segmentation_maps(current_label) current_label = current_label.get_arr_int() batch_labels.append(current_label) batch_images = np.array(batch_images)[:, :, :, :3] / 255. batch_labels = np.array(to_categorical(batch_labels, num_classes=4)) # det = self.seq.to_deterministic() # batch_images = det.augment_image(batch_images) # batch_labels = det.augment_segmentation_maps(batch_labels) # batch_images, batch_labels = self.seq(image=batch_images, segmentation_maps=batch_labels) return batch_images, batch_labels
def normalize_segmentation_maps(inputs, shapes=None): # TODO get rid of this deferred import from imgaug.augmentables.segmaps import SegmentationMapOnImage shapes = _preprocess_shapes(shapes) ntype = estimate_segmaps_norm_type(inputs) _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial = functools.partial( _assert_exactly_n_shapes, from_ntype=ntype, to_ntype="List[SegmentationMapOnImage]", shapes=shapes) if ntype == "None": return None elif ntype in ["array[int]", "array[uint]", "array[bool]"]: _assert_single_array_ndim(inputs, 3, "(N,H,W)", "SegmentationMapOnImage") _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) if ntype == "array[bool]": return [ SegmentationMapOnImage(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] return [ SegmentationMapOnImage(attr_i, shape=shape, nb_classes=1 + np.max(attr_i)) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] elif ntype == "SegmentationMapOnImage": return [inputs] elif ntype == "iterable[empty]": return None elif ntype in [ "iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]", "iterable-array[bool]" ]: _assert_many_arrays_ndim(inputs, 2, "(H,W)", "SegmentationMapsOnImage") _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) if ntype == "iterable-array[bool]": return [ SegmentationMapOnImage(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] return [ SegmentationMapOnImage(attr_i, shape=shape, nb_classes=1 + np.max(attr_i)) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] else: assert ntype == "iterable-SegmentationMapOnImage", ( "Got unknown normalization type '%s'." % (ntype, )) return inputs # len allowed to differ from len of images
def augment_with_segmap(image, segmap, num_classes): if random.random() < 0.3: return image, segmap segmap = SegmentationMapOnImage(segmap, shape=image.shape, nb_classes=num_classes) image_aug, segmap_aug = seq(image=image, segmentation_maps=segmap) return image_aug, None
def preprocessing(image, mask): image, mask = random_scale_fn(image, mask) if iaa_aug is not None: image, segmap = iaa_aug(image=image, segmentation_maps=SegmentationMapOnImage( mask, shape=mask.shape, nb_classes=19)) mask = segmap.get_arr_int() image, mask = random_rotate_crop_fn(image, mask) return image, mask
def augmentaion(img, lab, mask, times): # rotate if times < 1: return [], [], [] lab[lab > 0] = 1 lab = SegmentationMapOnImage(lab, shape=img.shape, nb_classes=2) if mask is not None: mask[mask > 0] = 1 mask = SegmentationMapOnImage(mask, shape=img.shape, nb_classes=2) a_imgs = [] a_labs = [] a_masks = [] sometimes = lambda aug: iaa.Sometimes(0.8, aug) seq = iaa.Sequential( [ iaa.Fliplr(p=0.5), iaa.Flipud(p=0.5), # iaa.ElasticTransformation(alpha=(10.0,40.0), sigma=(4.0,5.0)), sometimes(iaa.ContrastNormalization((0.5, 2.0))), sometimes(iaa.PerspectiveTransform(scale=(0.02, 0.1))) ], random_order=True) for _ in range(times): _aug = seq._to_deterministic() aug_img = _aug.augment_image(img) aug_lab = _aug.augment_segmentation_maps(lab).get_arr_int() aug_lab[aug_lab > 0] = 255 a_imgs.append(aug_img) a_labs.append(aug_lab) if mask is not None: aug_mask = _aug.augment_segmentation_maps(mask).get_arr_int() aug_mask[aug_mask > 0] = 255 a_masks.append(aug_mask) # a_imgs = aug_imgs[0:, 0, ...] # a_labs = aug_imgs[0:, 1, ...] return a_imgs, a_labs, a_masks
def get_random(self): bg = self.backgrounds.get_random() bg = self.resize_bg.augment_image(bg) while True: card1, card_name1, hull1 = card_aug1, kpsoi_aug1, segmap_aug1 = self.augment_card( card1, hull1) card_mask1 = self.kps_to_mask(kpsoi_aug1) card2, card_name2, hull2 = card_aug2, kpsoi_aug2, segmap_aug2 = self.augment_card( card2, hull2) card_mask2 = self.kps_to_mask(kpsoi_aug2) # Handle superposition arr = segmap_aug1.get_arr_int() original_size = np.sum(arr) arr = np.where(card_mask2[:, :, 0], 0, arr) segmap_aug1 = SegmentationMapOnImage(arr, nb_classes=2, shape=bg.shape) new_size = np.sum(arr) final = np.where(card_mask1, card_aug1, bg) final = np.where(card_mask2, card_aug2, final) if new_size < original_size * self.ratio: continue break # create empty segmentation map for classes: background, tree, chipmunk mask_final = np.zeros((imgH, imgW, 2), dtype=np.uint8) mask_final[:, :, 0] = segmap_aug1.get_arr_int() mask_final[:, :, 1] = segmap_aug2.get_arr_int() # Add classes class_id = np.array([ self.labels.index(card_name1) + 1, self.labels.index(card_name2) + 1 ]) return final, (mask_final, class_id)
def do_imgaug(num): ia.seed(1) new_id = 1000 for id_ in tqdm(range(num), total=num): new_id += 1 id_ = id_ % (len(raw_img_name)-1) image = imread(RAW_IMG_PATH + raw_img_name[id_]) segmap = imread(RAW_MASK_PATH + raw_mask_name[id_]) segmap = SegmentationMapOnImage(segmap, nb_classes=2, shape=image.shape) seq_det = seq.to_deterministic() imsave(AUG_IMG_PATH + str(new_id) + ".png", seq_det.augment_image(image)) imsave(AUG_MASK_PATH + str(new_id) + ".png", seq_det.augment_segmentation_maps(segmap).get_arr())
def augment_card(self, card, hull): cardH, cardW, _ = card.shape decalX = int((self.imgW - cardW) / 2) decalY = int((self.imgH - cardH) / 2) img_card = np.zeros((self.imgH, self.imgW, 4), dtype=np.uint8) img_card[decalY:decalY + cardH, decalX:decalX + cardW, :] = card card = img_card[:, :, :3] hull = hull[:, 0, :] card_kps_xy = np.float32([[decalX, decalY], [decalX + cardW, decalY], [decalX + cardW, decalY + cardH], [decalX, decalY + cardH]]) kpsoi_card = KeypointsOnImage.from_xy_array(card_kps_xy, shape=card.shape) # hull is a cv2.Contour, shape : Nx1x2 kpsoi_hull = [ ia.Keypoint(x=p[0] + decalX, y=p[1] + decalY) for p in hull.reshape(-1, 2) ] kpsoi_hull = KeypointsOnImage(kpsoi_hull, shape=(self.imgH, self.imgW, 3)) # create polygon poly_hull = Polygon(kpsoi_hull.keypoints) # create empty segmentation map for classes: background and card segmap = np.zeros((card.shape[0], card.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) # draw the tree polygon into the second channel segmap = poly_hull.draw_on_image(segmap, color=(0, 255, 0), alpha=1.0, alpha_lines=0.0, alpha_points=0.0) # merge the two channels to a single one segmap = np.argmax(segmap, axis=2) segmap = segmap.astype(np.uint8) segmap = SegmentationMapOnImage(segmap, nb_classes=2, shape=card.shape) myseq = self.seq.to_deterministic() card_aug, segmap_aug = myseq(image=card, segmentation_maps=segmap) card_aug, kpsoi_aug = myseq(image=card, keypoints=kpsoi_card) return card_aug, kpsoi_aug, segmap_aug
def put_object_onto_background(self, img_obj, # image of the object mask_obj, # mask of the object img_bg, # bgd -> background ): ''' Put object onto background image with random transformations specified by args ''' img_obj = img_obj.copy() mask_obj = mask_obj.copy() img_bg = img_bg.copy() new_bg, new_mask = self._put_object_onto_background(img_obj, mask_obj, img_bg) # Augment again to the big image # (Not use this: This causes problem when adding several objects.) if 0: segmap = SegmentationMapOnImage(new_mask, nb_classes=2, shape=new_bg.shape) new_bg, new_mask = self.seq(image=new_bg, segmentation_maps=segmap) new_mask = new_mask.get_arr_int().astype(np.uint8) return new_bg, new_mask
def create_segmap(image_id): ''' Helper function to create a segmentation map for an image by image filename ''' # open the image image = np.asarray( # get masks for different classes fish_mask = get_mask_by_image_id(image_id, 'Fish') flower_mask = get_mask_by_image_id(image_id, 'Flower') gravel_mask = get_mask_by_image_id(image_id, 'Gravel') sugar_mask = get_mask_by_image_id(image_id, 'Sugar') # label numpy map with 4 classes segmap = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1]), dtype=np.int32) segmap = np.where(fish_mask == 1, 1, segmap) segmap = np.where(flower_mask == 1, 2, segmap) segmap = np.where(gravel_mask == 1, 3, segmap) segmap = np.where(sugar_mask == 1, 4, segmap) # create a segmantation map segmap = SegmentationMapOnImage(segmap, shape=image.shape, nb_classes=5) return segmap
def _augment_seg(img, seg): if seq[0] is None: load_aug() if params.augType == 'sto': # stohastic augmentation aug_sto = seq[0] images = [] labels = [] image_aug = aug_sto.augment_image( img ) seg_aug = SegmentationMapOnImage(seg , nb_classes=np.max(seg)+1 , shape=img.shape) segmap_aug = aug_sto.augment_segmentation_maps( seg_aug ) segmap_aug = segmap_aug.get_arr_int(background_class_id=3) return image_aug, segmap_aug if params.augType == 'det': # deterministic augmentation aug_det = seq[0].to_deterministic() images = [] labels = [] image_aug = aug_det.augment_image( img )
def plot_training_images_and_masks(n_images=3): ''' Function to plot several random images with segmentation masks. INPUT: n_images - number of images to visualize ''' # get a list of images from training set images = sorted(glob(TRAIN_PATH + '*.jpg')) fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_images, 4, figsize=(20, 10)) # create a list of random indices rnd_indices = [ np.random.choice(range(0, len(images))) for i in range(n_images) ] for im in range(0, n_images): # open image with a random index image =[rnd_indices[im]]) # get segmentation masks fish = get_mask_by_image_id(images[rnd_indices[im]], 'Fish') flower = get_mask_by_image_id(images[rnd_indices[im]], 'Flower') gravel = get_mask_by_image_id(images[rnd_indices[im]], 'Gravel') sugar = get_mask_by_image_id(images[rnd_indices[im]], 'Sugar') # draw masks on images shape = (np.asarray(image).shape[0], np.asarray(image).shape[1]) if np.sum(fish) > 0: segmap_fish = SegmentationMapOnImage(fish, shape=shape, nb_classes=2) im_fish = np.array(segmap_fish.draw_on_image( np.asarray(image))).reshape(np.asarray(image).shape) else: im_fish = np.asarray(image) if np.sum(flower) > 0: segmap_flower = SegmentationMapOnImage(flower, shape=shape, nb_classes=2) im_flower = np.array(segmap_flower.draw_on_image( np.asarray(image))).reshape(np.asarray(image).shape) else: im_flower = np.asarray(image) if np.sum(gravel) > 0: segmap_gravel = SegmentationMapOnImage(gravel, shape=shape, nb_classes=2) im_gravel = np.array(segmap_gravel.draw_on_image( np.asarray(image))).reshape(np.asarray(image).shape) else: im_gravel = np.asarray(image) if np.sum(sugar) > 0: segmap_sugar = SegmentationMapOnImage(sugar, shape=shape, nb_classes=2) im_sugar = np.array(segmap_sugar.draw_on_image( np.asarray(image))).reshape(np.asarray(image).shape) else: im_sugar = np.asarray(image) # plot images and masks ax[im, 0].imshow(im_fish) ax[im, 0].axis('off') ax[im, 0].set_title('Fish') # plot images and masks ax[im, 1].imshow(im_flower) ax[im, 1].axis('off') ax[im, 1].set_title('Flower') # plot images and masks ax[im, 2].imshow(im_gravel) ax[im, 2].axis('off') ax[im, 2].set_title('Gravel') # plot images and masks ax[im, 3].imshow(im_sugar) ax[im, 3].axis('off') ax[im, 3].set_title('Sugar') plt.suptitle('Sample images from the train set')
def __getitem__(self, idx): image_id = self.sample_list[idx] info = self.image_info[image_id] img_path = info["image_path"] img = + '.png').convert("RGB") width, height = img.size img = img.resize((self.width, self.height), resample=Image.BILINEAR) boxes = [] masks = [] for anno in info['annotations']: mask = rle2mask(anno, width, height).T mask = Image.fromarray(mask) mask = mask.resize((self.width, self.height), resample=Image.BILINEAR) mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=0) pos = np.where(np.array(mask)[0, :, :]) xmin = np.min(pos[1]) xmax = np.max(pos[1]) ymin = np.min(pos[0]) ymax = np.max(pos[0]) ''' xmin = np.min(pos[0]) xmax = np.max(pos[0]) ymin = np.min(pos[1]) ymax = np.max(pos[1]) ''' box = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] boxes.append(box) masks.append(mask.squeeze()) img = np.asarray(img) if self.aug is not None: if len(masks) > 0: bbs = BoundingBoxesOnImage([ BoundingBox(box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]) for box in boxes ], shape=img.shape) segs = [ SegmentationMapOnImage(np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2), shape=img.shape, nb_classes=2) for mask in masks ] aug_det = self.aug.to_deterministic() aug_img = aug_det.augment_image(img) aug_bbs = aug_det.augment_bounding_boxes( bbs).clip_out_of_image() aug_segs = [ aug_det.augment_segmentation_maps(seg) for seg in segs ] # if all bboxes are moved out of image # then we just use the original sample if len(aug_bbs.to_xyxy_array()) > 0: _img = aug_img.copy() # boxes = aug_bbs.to_xyxy_array() _masks = [ aug_seg.get_arr_int() * 255 for aug_seg in aug_segs ] # recreate bboxes from masks to keep tight _boxes = [] for _mask in _masks: _mask = np.expand_dims(_mask, axis=0) pos = np.where(np.array(_mask)[0, :, :]) # double check if len(pos[1]) > 0: xmin = np.min(pos[1]) xmax = np.max(pos[1]) ymin = np.min(pos[0]) ymax = np.max(pos[0]) box = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] _boxes.append(box) # the last check if len(_boxes) > 0: img = _img boxes = _boxes masks = _masks boxes = torch.as_tensor(boxes, dtype=torch.float32) masks = torch.as_tensor(np.stack(masks, axis=0), dtype=torch.float32) areas = (boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]) * (boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]) labels = torch.ones((len(areas), ), dtype=torch.int64) image_id = torch.tensor([idx]) iscrowd = torch.zeros((len(areas), ), dtype=torch.int64) target = {} target["boxes"] = boxes target["labels"] = labels target["masks"] = masks / 255 target["image_id"] = image_id target["area"] = areas target["iscrowd"] = iscrowd return transforms.ToTensor()(img), target
def get_segmentation_map(self, segmap, nb_classes, shape): return SegmentationMapOnImage(segmap, nb_classes=nb_classes, shape=shape)
image_list = os.listdir(file_path) #mask_list = [image for image in image_list if image.split('.')[1] == 'png'] image_list = sorted([image for image in image_list if image.split('.')[1]!='png']) image_list = image_list[1:] #image_list = random.sample(image_list, k=10) for img in image_list: # Load image and mask mask_path = os.path.join('./mask', img.split('.')[0] + '_color_mask.png') image =,img)) h,w,_ = image.shape image = np.pad(image, ((100,100), (100,100), (0, 0)), mode='constant') segmap ='float32') segmap = np.pad(segmap, ((100,100), (100,100), (0, 0)), mode='constant') segmap = SegmentationMapOnImage(segmap, nb_classes=3, shape=image.shape) # Define our augmentation pipeline. seq = iaa.Sequential([ #iaa.PadToFixedSize(height=h+100,width=w+100, position='center'), iaa.Fliplr(0.5), iaa.Flipud(0.5), iaa.AddToHueAndSaturation((-50, 50)), # change hue and saturation #iaa.Dropout([0.05, 0.2]), # drop 5% or 20% of all pixels #iaa.Sharpen((0.0, 1.0)), # sharpen the image iaa.Affine(rotate=(-90, 90)), # rotate by -30 to 30 degrees (affects segmaps) #iaa.ElasticTransformation(alpha=50, sigma=5) # apply water effect (affects segmaps) iaa.PerspectiveTransform(scale=(0.04, 0.1)), iaa.PiecewiseAffine(scale=(0.04, 0.05)) ], random_order=False)