예제 #1
def optic_disk_detect_3(img):
    Method that seems to work well with DIARETDB1 database.

    hsi = rgb_to_hsi(img)
    intensity = hsi[:, :, 2].copy()
    #plt.axis('off'); show_image(intensity)
    #i_sp = add_salt_and_pepper(intensity, 0.005)
    i_med = mh.median_filter(intensity)    # use Wiener filter instead?
    i_clahe = skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist(i_med)
    #plt.axis('off'); show_image(i_clahe)
    seeds = (i_clahe > 0.85)
    seeds = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(seeds, min_size=300, connectivity=2)
    #plt.axis('off'); show_image(seeds)
    optic_disk_map = region_growing_1(i_clahe, radius=3, tol1=0.1, tol2=0.2, tol3=0.2, seeds=seeds)
    optic_disk_map += 1
    #plt.axis('off'); show_image(optic_disk_map)

    _cl_areas = cl_areas(optic_disk_map)
    print _cl_areas
    optic_disk_map = leave_segments_by_mask(optic_disk_map,
                                            (8000 < _cl_areas) & (_cl_areas < 30000))

    #optic_disk_map = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(optic_disk_map, min_size=500, connectivity=2)
    optic_disk_map = mh.close_holes(mh.close(optic_disk_map, Bc=np.ones((10, 10))))
    #optic_disk_map = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(optic_disk_map, min_size=5000, connectivity=2)
    if np.all(optic_disk_map == 0):
        print 'Disk not found'
    return optic_disk_map
예제 #2
def optic_disk_detect_2(img):
    hsi = rgb_to_hsi(img)
    intensity = hsi[:, :, 2].copy()
    i_sp = add_salt_and_pepper(intensity, 0.005)
    i_med = mh.median_filter(i_sp)
    i_clahe = skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist(i_med)
    optic_disk_map = (i_clahe > 0.6) & (hsi[:, :, 1] < 0.3)
    optic_disk_map = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(optic_disk_map, min_size=500, connectivity=2)
    optic_disk_map = mh.close_holes(mh.close(optic_disk_map, Bc=np.ones((30, 30))))
    optic_disk_map = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(optic_disk_map, min_size=10000, connectivity=2)
    if np.all(optic_disk_map == 0):
        print 'Disk not found'
    return optic_disk_map
예제 #3
def exudates_get_features_3(folder, elements_folder, fundus_mask, num_imgs=10, 

    thr_high = 189.0 / 255.0
    y = []
    pxl_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['hue', 'intensity', 'mean intensity', 'std intensity', 'dist to optic disk'])
    for img_fn in image_names_in_folder(folder)[:num_imgs]:
        print 'Image filename:', img_fn
        img = load_image(img_fn)
        short_fn = os.path.split(img_fn)[-1]
        hard_exud = load_image(os.path.join(elements_folder, short_fn))
        hsi = rgb_to_hsi(img)
        intensity = hsi[:, :, 2].copy()
        #i_sp = add_salt_and_pepper(intensity, 0.005)
        i_med = mh.median_filter(intensity)    # use Wiener filter instead?
        i_clahe = skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist(i_med)
        optic_disk_map = optic_disk_detect_3(img)
        mask, optic_disk_center = optic_disk_mask(optic_disk_map, return_center=True)
        print 'Disk center: ', optic_disk_center
        fundus_wo_disk_mask = fundus_mask & (~mask)
        pxl_mask = np.zeros_like(i_clahe, dtype=np.bool)
        pxl_mask[::stride_width, ::stride_width] = True
        pxl_mask[~fundus_wo_disk_mask] = False
        bbox = bounding_box(hard_exud >= thr_high, bbox_radius_ratio=2)
        pxl_mask &= bbox
        cur_pxl_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['hue', 'intensity', 'mean intensity', 'std intensity', 'dist to optic disk'])
        cur_pxl_df['hue'] = hsi[:, :, 0][pxl_mask].ravel()
        cur_pxl_df['intensity'] = i_clahe[pxl_mask].ravel()
        cur_pxl_df['mean intensity'] = pf.pxls_mean_intensity(i_clahe, stride_width, neighbd_rad=7, mask=pxl_mask).ravel()
        cur_pxl_df['std intensity'] = pf.pxls_std_intensity(i_clahe, stride_width, neighbd_rad=3, mask=pxl_mask).ravel()
        cur_pxl_df['dist to optic disk'] = pf.pxls_dist_to_pnt(i_clahe.shape, optic_disk_center, 
                                                               stride_width, mask=pxl_mask).ravel()
        print 'Accounted pixels: ', len(cur_pxl_df)
        y.append(hard_exud[pxl_mask])        # we can use fraction of white points in a neighborhood instead, 
                                             # but it becomes regression task then
        pxl_df = pd.concat((pxl_df, cur_pxl_df), axis=0, ignore_index=True)
    y = np.hstack(y)
    y = y >= thr_high
    return pxl_df, y
예제 #4
def hemorrhages_detect_3(img, fundus_mask, clf, stride_width=6):
    #thr_high = 189.0 / 255.0

    #img = imh.load_image(img_fn)
    #short_fn = os.path.split(img_fn)[-1]
    #hard_exud = imh.load_image(os.path.join(hard_exud_folder, short_fn))
    hsi = rgb_to_hsi(img)
    intensity = hsi[:, :, 2].copy()
    #i_sp = add_salt_and_pepper(intensity, 0.005)
    i_med = mh.median_filter(intensity)    # use Wiener filter instead?
    i_clahe = skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist(i_med)
    optic_disk_map = optic_disk_detect_3(img)
    mask, optic_disk_center = optic_disk_mask(optic_disk_map, return_center=True)
    #print 'Disk center: ', optic_disk_center
    fundus_wo_disk_mask = fundus_mask & (~mask)
    pxl_mask = np.zeros_like(i_clahe, dtype=np.bool)
    pxl_mask[::stride_width, ::stride_width] = True
    pxl_mask[~fundus_wo_disk_mask] = False
    cur_pxl_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['hue', 'saturation', 'intensity', 'mean intensity', 'std intensity'])
    cur_pxl_df['hue'] = hsi[:, :, 0][::stride_width, ::stride_width].ravel()
    cur_pxl_df['saturation'] = hsi[:, :, 1][::stride_width, ::stride_width].ravel()
    cur_pxl_df['intensity'] = i_clahe[::stride_width, ::stride_width].ravel()
    cur_pxl_df['mean intensity'] = pf.pxls_mean_intensity(i_clahe, stride_width, neighbd_rad=3).ravel()
    cur_pxl_df['std intensity'] = pf.pxls_std_intensity(i_clahe, stride_width, neighbd_rad=7).ravel()
    print 'Accounted pixels: ', len(cur_pxl_df)
    scaler = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler()
    cur_pxl_df_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(cur_pxl_df)
    pred = clf.predict(cur_pxl_df_scaled)
    pred_map = np.zeros_like(pxl_mask, dtype=np.uint8)
    k = 0
    for i in xrange(pred_map.shape[0]):
        for j in xrange(pred_map.shape[1]):
            if pxl_mask[i, j]:
                pred_map[i, j] = 255 * pred[k]
                if pred[k]:
                    cv2.circle(pred_map, (i, j), 8, (255, 255, 255))
                k += 1
    pred_map = pred.reshape(pxl_mask[::stride_width, ::stride_width].shape)
    pred_map &= pxl_mask[::stride_width, ::stride_width]
    pred_map_full = np.zeros_like(pxl_mask, dtype=np.uint8)
    pred_map_full[::stride_width, ::stride_width] = pred_map
    pred_map_full_enl = np.zeros_like(pred_map_full, dtype=np.uint8)
    for i in xrange(pred_map_full.shape[0]):
        for j in xrange(pred_map_full.shape[1]):
            if pred_map_full[i, j]:
                #cv2.circle(pred_map_full_enl, (i, j), 3, (255, 255, 255))
                sz = stride_width        
                pred_map_full_enl[i - sz + 1:i + sz, j - sz + 1:j + sz] = 1
    return pred_map_full_enl