예제 #1
def test_reward_overwrite():
    """Test that reward wrapper actually overwrites base rewards."""
    env_name = "Pendulum-v0"
    num_envs = 3
    env = util.make_vec_env(env_name, num_envs)
    reward_fn = FunkyReward()
    wrapped_env = reward_wrapper.RewardVecEnvWrapper(env, reward_fn)
    policy = RandomPolicy(env.observation_space, env.action_space)
    sample_until = rollout.min_episodes(10)
    default_stats = rollout.rollout_stats(
        rollout.generate_trajectories(policy, env, sample_until))
    wrapped_stats = rollout.rollout_stats(
        rollout.generate_trajectories(policy, wrapped_env, sample_until))
    # Pendulum-v0 always has negative rewards
    assert default_stats["return_max"] < 0
    # ours gives between 1 * traj_len and num_envs * traj_len reward
    # (trajectories are all constant length of 200 in Pendulum)
    steps = wrapped_stats["len_mean"]
    assert wrapped_stats["return_min"] == 1 * steps
    assert wrapped_stats["return_max"] == num_envs * steps

    # check that wrapped reward is negative (all pendulum rewards is negative)
    # and other rewards are non-negative
    rand_act, _, _, _ = policy.step(wrapped_env.reset())
    _, rew, _, infos = wrapped_env.step(rand_act)
    assert np.all(rew >= 0)
    assert np.all([info_dict["wrapped_env_rew"] < 0 for info_dict in infos])
예제 #2
def eval_policy(
    rl_algo: Union[base_class.BaseAlgorithm, policies.BasePolicy],
    venv: vec_env.VecEnv,
    n_episodes_eval: int,
) -> Mapping[str, float]:
    """Evaluation of imitation learned policy.

        rl_algo: Algorithm to evaluate.
        venv: Environment to evaluate on.
        n_episodes_eval: The number of episodes to average over when calculating
            the average episode reward of the imitation policy for return.

        A dictionary with two keys. "imit_stats" gives the return value of
        `rollout_stats()` on rollouts test-reward-wrapped environment, using the final
        policy (remember that the ground-truth reward can be recovered from the
        "monitor_return" key). "expert_stats" gives the return value of
        `rollout_stats()` on the expert demonstrations loaded from `rollout_path`.
    sample_until_eval = rollout.make_min_episodes(n_episodes_eval)
    trajs = rollout.generate_trajectories(
    return rollout.rollout_stats(trajs)
예제 #3
def test_density_reward(density_type, is_stationary):
    # test on Pendulum rather than Cartpole because I don't handle episodes that
    # terminate early yet (see issue #40)
    env_name = "Pendulum-v0"
    env = util.make_vec_env(env_name, 2)

    # construct density-based reward from expert rollouts
    rollout_path = "tests/data/expert_models/pendulum_0/rollouts/final.pkl"
    expert_trajectories_all = types.load(rollout_path)
    n_experts = len(expert_trajectories_all)
    expert_trajectories_train = expert_trajectories_all[: n_experts // 2]
    reward_fn = DensityReward(

    # check that expert policy does better than a random policy under our reward
    # function
    random_policy = RandomPolicy(env.observation_space, env.action_space)
    sample_until = rollout.min_episodes(n_experts // 2)
    random_trajectories = rollout.generate_trajectories(
        random_policy, env, sample_until=sample_until
    expert_trajectories_test = expert_trajectories_all[n_experts // 2 :]
    random_score = score_trajectories(random_trajectories, reward_fn)
    expert_score = score_trajectories(expert_trajectories_test, reward_fn)
    assert expert_score > random_score
예제 #4
def _sample_fixed_length_trajectories(
    episode_lengths: Sequence[int], min_episodes: int, **kwargs,
) -> Sequence[types.Trajectory]:
    venv = vec_env.DummyVecEnv(
        [functools.partial(TerminalSentinelEnv, length) for length in episode_lengths]
    policy = RandomPolicy(venv.observation_space, venv.action_space)
    sample_until = rollout.min_episodes(min_episodes)
    trajectories = rollout.generate_trajectories(
        policy, venv, sample_until=sample_until, **kwargs,
    return trajectories
예제 #5
    def test_policy(self, *, min_episodes: int = 10) -> dict:
        """Test current imitation policy on environment & give some rollout stats.

          min_episodes: Minimum number of rolled-out episodes.

          rollout statistics collected by `imitation.utils.rollout.rollout_stats()`.
        trajs = rollout.generate_trajectories(
        reward_stats = rollout.rollout_stats(trajs)
        return reward_stats
예제 #6
def test_rollout_stats():
    """Applying `ObsRewIncrementWrapper` halves the reward mean.

    `rollout_stats` should reflect this.
    env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
    env = bench.Monitor(env, None)
    env = ObsRewHalveWrapper(env)
    venv = vec_env.DummyVecEnv([lambda: env])

    with serialize.load_policy("zero", "UNUSED", venv) as policy:
        trajs = rollout.generate_trajectories(policy, venv, rollout.min_episodes(10))
    s = rollout.rollout_stats(trajs)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(s["return_mean"], s["monitor_return_mean"] / 2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(s["return_std"], s["monitor_return_std"] / 2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(s["return_min"], s["monitor_return_min"] / 2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(s["return_max"], s["monitor_return_max"] / 2)
def generate_trajectories(venv: vec_env.VecEnv, policy: policies.BasePolicy,
                          trajectory_length: int,
                          num_trajectories: int) -> Sequence[types.Trajectory]:
    """Rollouts policy in venv collecting num_trajectories segments.

    Complete episodes are collected. An episode of length N is split into
    (N // trajectory_length) trajectories of trajectory_length. If N is not
    exactly divisible by trajectory_length, we start from a random offset between
    0 and (N % trajectory_length).

        venv: The environment to generate trajectories in.
        policy: The policy to generate trajectories with.
        trajectory_length: The length of each trajectory.
        num_trajectories: The number of trajectories to sample.

        A Sequence of num_trajectories trajectories, each of length
    def sample_until(episodes: Sequence[types.Trajectory]):
        """Computes whether a full batch of data has been collected."""
        episode_lengths = np.array([len(t.acts) for t in episodes])
        num_trajs = episode_lengths // trajectory_length
        return np.sum(num_trajs) >= num_trajectories

    episodes = rollout.generate_trajectories(policy, venv, sample_until)
    trajectories = []
    for episode in episodes:
        ep_len = len(episode.acts)
        remainder = ep_len % trajectory_length
        offset = 0 if remainder == 0 else np.random.randint(remainder)
        n_trajs = ep_len // trajectory_length
        for i in range(n_trajs):
            start = offset + i * trajectory_length
            end = start + trajectory_length
            trajectory = _slice_trajectory(episode, start, end)

    # We may collect too much data due to episode boundaries, truncate.
    trajectories = trajectories[:num_trajectories]
    assert len(trajectories) == num_trajectories
    return trajectories
예제 #8
def test_potential_shaping_cycle(graph,
                                 discount: float,
                                 num_episodes: int = 10) -> None:
    """Test that potential shaping is constant on any fixed-length cycle.

    Specifically, performs rollouts of a random policy in the environment.
    Fixes the starting state for each trajectory at the all-zero state.
    Then computes episode return, and checks they're all equal.

    Requires environment be fixed length, otherwise the episode return will vary
    (except in the undiscounted case).
    policy = base.RandomPolicy(venv.observation_space, venv.action_space)
    trajectories = rollout.generate_trajectories(
        policy, venv, sample_until=rollout.min_episodes(num_episodes))
    transitions = rollout.flatten_trajectories(trajectories)

    # Make initial state fixed as all-zero.
    # Note don't need to change final state, since `dones` being `True` should
    # force potential to be zero at those states.
    obs = np.array(transitions.obs)
    idxs = np.where(transitions.dones)[0] + 1
    idxs = np.pad(idxs[:-1], (1, 0), "constant")
    obs[idxs, :] = 0
    transitions = dataclasses.replace(transitions, obs=obs)

    with graph.as_default(), session.as_default():
        reward_model = potential_cls(venv.observation_space,
        rews = rewards.evaluate_models({"m": reward_model}, transitions)

    rets = rewards.compute_return_from_rews(rews,
    if discount == 1.0:
        assert np.allclose(rets, 0.0, atol=1e-5)
    assert np.allclose(rets, np.mean(rets), atol=1e-5)
예제 #9
    def test_policy(self, *, n_trajectories=10, true_reward=True):
        """Test current imitation policy on environment & give some rollout stats.

            n_trajectories (int): number of rolled-out trajectories.
            true_reward (bool): should this use ground truth reward from underlying
                environment (True), or imitation reward (False)?

            dict: rollout statistics collected by
        trajs = rollout.generate_trajectories(
            self.venv if true_reward else self.wrapped_env,
        reward_stats = rollout.rollout_stats(trajs)
        return reward_stats
예제 #10
def test_unwrap_traj():
    """Check that unwrap_traj reverses `ObsRewIncrementWrapper`.

    Also check that unwrapping twice is a no-op.
    env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
    env = wrappers.RolloutInfoWrapper(env)
    env = ObsRewHalveWrapper(env)
    venv = vec_env.DummyVecEnv([lambda: env])

    with serialize.load_policy("zero", "UNUSED", venv) as policy:
        trajs = rollout.generate_trajectories(policy, venv, rollout.min_episodes(10))
    trajs_unwrapped = [rollout.unwrap_traj(t) for t in trajs]
    trajs_unwrapped_twice = [rollout.unwrap_traj(t) for t in trajs_unwrapped]

    for t, t_unwrapped in zip(trajs, trajs_unwrapped):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(t.acts, t_unwrapped.acts)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(t.obs, t_unwrapped.obs / 2)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(t.rews, t_unwrapped.rews / 2)

    for t1, t2 in zip(trajs_unwrapped, trajs_unwrapped_twice):
        np.testing.assert_equal(t1.acts, t2.acts)
        np.testing.assert_equal(t1.obs, t2.obs)
        np.testing.assert_equal(t1.rews, t2.rews)
예제 #11
def batch_reward_heatmaps(
    checkpoints_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
    n_gen_trajs: int = 50,
    exp_trajs: Optional[List[types.Trajectory]] = None,
) -> Dict[pathlib.Path, plt.Figure]:
    """Build multiple mountain car reward heatmaps from a checkpoint directory.

    One plot is generated for every combination of action and checkpoint timestep.

        checkpoints_dir: Path to `checkpoint/` directory from AIRL or GAIL output
        n_gen_trajs: The number of trajectories to rollout using each generator
            checkpoint. The transitions in the trajectory are scatterplotted on top of
            the heatmap from the same checkpoint timestamp. Nonpositive indicates that
            no trajectories should be plotted.
        exp_trajs: Expert trajectories for scatterplotting. Generator trajectories
            are dynamically generated from generator checkpoints.

        A dictionary mapping relative paths to `plt.Figure`. Every key is of the
        form "{action_name}/{checkpoint_step}" where action_name is "left",
        "neutral", or "right".
    result = {}
    venv = vec_env.DummyVecEnv([lambda: gym.make("MountainCar-v0")])
    checkpoints_dir = pathlib.Path(checkpoints_dir)
    for checkpoint_dir in sorted(checkpoints_dir.iterdir()):
        vec_normalize_path = checkpoint_dir / "gen_policy" / "vec_normalize.pkl"
        discrim_path = checkpoint_dir / "discrim.pt"
        policy_path = checkpoint_dir / "gen_policy"

        if n_gen_trajs > 0:
            # `load_policy` automatically loads VecNormalize for policy evaluation.
            gen_policy = policies_serialize.load_policy(
                "ppo", str(policy_path), venv)
            gen_trajs = rollout.generate_trajectories(
            gen_trajs = None

        # `gen_trajs` contains unnormalized observations.
        # Load VecNormalize for use in RewardFn, which doesn't automatically
        # normalize input observations.
        with open(vec_normalize_path, "rb") as f:
            vec_normalize = pickle.load(f)  # type: vec_env.VecNormalize
        vec_normalize.training = False

        reward_fn = rewards_serialize.load_reward("DiscrimNet", discrim_path,
        norm_rew_fn = common.build_norm_reward_fn(reward_fn=reward_fn,
        for act in range(MC_NUM_ACTS):
            fig = make_heatmap(
            path = pathlib.Path(ACT_NAMES[act], checkpoint_dir.name)
            result[path] = fig
    return result
예제 #12
def eval_policy(
    _seed: int,
    env_name: str,
    eval_n_timesteps: Optional[int],
    eval_n_episodes: Optional[int],
    num_vec: int,
    parallel: bool,
    render: bool,
    render_fps: int,
    videos: bool,
    video_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any],
    log_dir: str,
    policy_type: str,
    policy_path: str,
    reward_type: Optional[str] = None,
    reward_path: Optional[str] = None,
    max_episode_steps: Optional[int] = None,
    """Rolls a policy out in an environment, collecting statistics.

      _seed: generated by Sacred.
      env_name: Gym environment identifier.
      eval_n_timesteps: Minimum number of timesteps to evaluate for. Set exactly
          one of `eval_n_episodes` and `eval_n_timesteps`.
      eval_n_episodes: Minimum number of episodes to evaluate for. Set exactly
          one of `eval_n_episodes` and `eval_n_timesteps`.
      num_vec: Number of environments to run simultaneously.
      parallel: If True, use `SubprocVecEnv` for true parallelism; otherwise,
          uses `DummyVecEnv`.
      max_episode_steps: If not None, then environments are wrapped by
          TimeLimit so that they have at most `max_episode_steps` steps per
      render: If True, renders interactively to the screen.
      render_fps: The target number of frames per second to render on screen.
      videos: If True, saves videos to `log_dir`.
      video_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed through to `video_wrapper.VideoWrapper`.
      log_dir: The directory to log intermediate output to, such as episode reward.
      policy_type: A unique identifier for the saved policy,
          defined in POLICY_CLASSES.
      policy_path: A path to the serialized policy.
      reward_type: If specified, overrides the environment reward with
          a reward of this.
      reward_path: If reward_type is specified, the path to a serialized reward
          of `reward_type` to override the environment reward with.

      Return value of `imitation.util.rollout.rollout_stats()`.
    os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
    sacred_util.build_sacred_symlink(log_dir, _run)

    logging.info("Logging to %s", log_dir)
    sample_until = rollout.make_sample_until(eval_n_timesteps, eval_n_episodes)
    post_wrappers = [video_wrapper_factory(log_dir, **video_kwargs)
                     ] if videos else None
    venv = util.make_vec_env(

        if render:
            # As of July 31, 2020, DummyVecEnv rendering only works with num_vec=1
            # due to a bug on Stable Baselines 3.
            venv = InteractiveRender(venv, render_fps)

        if reward_type is not None:
            reward_fn = load_reward(reward_type, reward_path, venv)
            venv = reward_wrapper.RewardVecEnvWrapper(venv, reward_fn)
                f"Wrapped env in reward {reward_type} from {reward_path}.")

        policy = serialize.load_policy(policy_type, policy_path, venv)
        trajs = rollout.generate_trajectories(policy, venv, sample_until)
        return rollout.rollout_stats(trajs)
 def f(
     sample_until: rollout.GenTrajTerminationFn
 ) -> Sequence[types.Trajectory]:
     return rollout.generate_trajectories(policy,
예제 #14
 def f(total_episodes: int) -> types.Transitions:
     return rollout.generate_trajectories(
         policy, venv, sample_until=rollout.min_episodes(total_episodes))
예제 #15
def train(
    _seed: int,
    algorithm: str,
    env_name: str,
    num_vec: int,
    parallel: bool,
    max_episode_steps: Optional[int],
    rollout_path: str,
    n_expert_demos: Optional[int],
    log_dir: str,
    total_timesteps: int,
    n_episodes_eval: int,
    init_tensorboard: bool,
    checkpoint_interval: int,
    gen_batch_size: int,
    init_rl_kwargs: Mapping,
    algorithm_kwargs: Mapping[str, Mapping],
    discrim_net_kwargs: Mapping[str, Mapping],
) -> dict:
    """Train an adversarial-network-based imitation learning algorithm.

        - DiscrimNets are saved to `f"{log_dir}/checkpoints/{step}/discrim/"`,
            where step is either the training round or "final".
        - Generator policies are saved to `f"{log_dir}/checkpoints/{step}/gen_policy/"`.

        _seed: Random seed.
        algorithm: A case-insensitive string determining which adversarial imitation
            learning algorithm is executed. Either "airl" or "gail".
        env_name: The environment to train in.
        num_vec: Number of `gym.Env` to vectorize.
        parallel: Whether to use "true" parallelism. If True, then use `SubProcVecEnv`.
            Otherwise, use `DummyVecEnv` which steps through environments serially.
        max_episode_steps: If not None, then a TimeLimit wrapper is applied to each
            environment to artificially limit the maximum number of timesteps in an
        rollout_path: Path to pickle containing list of Trajectories. Used as
            expert demonstrations.
        n_expert_demos: The number of expert trajectories to actually use
            after loading them from `rollout_path`.
            If None, then use all available trajectories.
            If `n_expert_demos` is an `int`, then use exactly `n_expert_demos`
            trajectories, erroring if there aren't enough trajectories. If there are
            surplus trajectories, then use the first `n_expert_demos` trajectories and
            drop the rest.
        log_dir: Directory to save models and other logging to.
        total_timesteps: The number of transitions to sample from the environment
            during training.
        n_episodes_eval: The number of episodes to average over when calculating
            the average episode reward of the imitation policy for return.
        init_tensorboard: If True, then write tensorboard logs to `{log_dir}/sb_tb`.
        checkpoint_interval: Save the discriminator and generator models every
            `checkpoint_interval` rounds and after training is complete. If 0,
            then only save weights after training is complete. If <0, then don't
            save weights at all.
        gen_batch_size: Batch size for generator updates. Sacred automatically uses
            this to calculate `n_steps` in `init_rl_kwargs`. In the script body, this
            is only used in sanity checks.
        init_rl_kwargs: Keyword arguments for `init_rl`, the RL algorithm initialization
            utility function.
        algorithm_kwargs: Keyword arguments for the `GAIL` or `AIRL` constructor
            that can apply to either constructor. Unlike a regular kwargs argument, this
            argument can only have the following keys: "shared", "airl", and "gail".

            `algorithm_kwargs["airl"]`, if it is provided, is a kwargs `Mapping` passed
            to the `AIRL` constructor when `algorithm == "airl"`. Likewise
            `algorithm_kwargs["gail"]` is passed to the `GAIL` constructor when
            `algorithm == "gail"`. `algorithm_kwargs["shared"]`, if provided, is passed
            to both the `AIRL` and `GAIL` constructors. Duplicate keyword argument keys
            between `algorithm_kwargs["shared"]` and `algorithm_kwargs["airl"]` (or
            "gail") leads to an error.
        discrim_net_kwargs: Keyword arguments for the `DiscrimNet` constructor. Unlike a
            regular kwargs argument, this argument can only have the following keys:
            "shared", "airl", "gail". These keys have the same meaning as they do in

        A dictionary with two keys. "imit_stats" gives the return value of
        `rollout_stats()` on rollouts test-reward-wrapped environment, using the final
        policy (remember that the ground-truth reward can be recovered from the
        "monitor_return" key). "expert_stats" gives the return value of
        `rollout_stats()` on the expert demonstrations loaded from `rollout_path`.
    if gen_batch_size % num_vec != 0:
        raise ValueError(
            f"num_vec={num_vec} must evenly divide gen_batch_size={gen_batch_size}."

    allowed_keys = {"shared", "gail", "airl"}
    if not discrim_net_kwargs.keys() <= allowed_keys:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid discrim_net_kwargs.keys()={discrim_net_kwargs.keys()}. "
            f"Allowed keys: {allowed_keys}"
    if not algorithm_kwargs.keys() <= allowed_keys:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid discrim_net_kwargs.keys()={algorithm_kwargs.keys()}. "
            f"Allowed keys: {allowed_keys}"

    if not os.path.exists(rollout_path):
        raise ValueError(f"File at rollout_path={rollout_path} does not exist.")

    expert_trajs = types.load(rollout_path)
    if n_expert_demos is not None:
        if not len(expert_trajs) >= n_expert_demos:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Want to use n_expert_demos={n_expert_demos} trajectories, but only "
                f"{len(expert_trajs)} are available via {rollout_path}."
        expert_trajs = expert_trajs[:n_expert_demos]
    expert_transitions = rollout.flatten_trajectories(expert_trajs)

    total_timesteps = int(total_timesteps)

    logging.info("Logging to %s", log_dir)
    logger.configure(log_dir, ["tensorboard", "stdout"])
    os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
    sacred_util.build_sacred_symlink(log_dir, _run)

    venv = util.make_vec_env(

    # if init_tensorboard:
    #     tensorboard_log = osp.join(log_dir, "sb_tb")
    # else:
    #     tensorboard_log = None

    gen_algo = util.init_rl(
        # FIXME(sam): ignoring tensorboard_log is a hack to prevent SB3 from
        # re-configuring the logger (SB3 issue #109). See init_rl() for details.
        # TODO(shwang): Let's get rid of init_rl after SB3 issue #109 is fixed?
        # Besides sidestepping #109, init_rl is just a stub function.

    discrim_kwargs_shared = discrim_net_kwargs.get("shared", {})
    discrim_kwargs_algo = discrim_net_kwargs.get(algorithm, {})
    final_discrim_kwargs = dict(**discrim_kwargs_shared, **discrim_kwargs_algo)

    algorithm_kwargs_shared = algorithm_kwargs.get("shared", {})
    algorithm_kwargs_algo = algorithm_kwargs.get(algorithm, {})
    final_algorithm_kwargs = dict(

    if algorithm.lower() == "gail":
        algo_cls = adversarial.GAIL
    elif algorithm.lower() == "airl":
        algo_cls = adversarial.AIRL
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid value algorithm={algorithm}.")

    trainer = algo_cls(

    def callback(round_num):
        if checkpoint_interval > 0 and round_num % checkpoint_interval == 0:
            save(trainer, os.path.join(log_dir, "checkpoints", f"{round_num:05d}"))

    trainer.train(total_timesteps, callback)

    # Save final artifacts.
    if checkpoint_interval >= 0:
        save(trainer, os.path.join(log_dir, "checkpoints", "final"))

    # Final evaluation of imitation policy.
    results = {}
    sample_until_eval = rollout.min_episodes(n_episodes_eval)
    trajs = rollout.generate_trajectories(
        trainer.gen_algo, trainer.venv_train_norm, sample_until=sample_until_eval
    results["expert_stats"] = rollout.rollout_stats(expert_trajs)
    results["imit_stats"] = rollout.rollout_stats(trajs)
    return results
예제 #16
def rollouts_and_policy(
    _seed: int,
    env_name: str,
    total_timesteps: int,
    log_dir: str,
    num_vec: int,
    parallel: bool,
    max_episode_steps: Optional[int],
    normalize: bool,
    normalize_kwargs: dict,
    init_rl_kwargs: dict,
    n_episodes_eval: int,
    reward_type: Optional[str],
    reward_path: Optional[str],
    rollout_save_interval: int,
    rollout_save_final: bool,
    rollout_save_n_timesteps: Optional[int],
    rollout_save_n_episodes: Optional[int],
    policy_save_interval: int,
    policy_save_final: bool,
    init_tensorboard: bool,
) -> dict:
    """Trains an expert policy from scratch and saves the rollouts and policy.

      At applicable training steps `step` (where step is either an integer or

        - Policies are saved to `{log_dir}/policies/{step}/`.
        - Rollouts are saved to `{log_dir}/rollouts/{step}.pkl`.

        env_name: The gym.Env name. Loaded as VecEnv.
        total_timesteps: Number of training timesteps in `model.learn()`.
        log_dir: The root directory to save metrics and checkpoints to.
        num_vec: Number of environments in VecEnv.
        parallel: If True, then use DummyVecEnv. Otherwise use SubprocVecEnv.
        max_episode_steps: If not None, then environments are wrapped by
            TimeLimit so that they have at most `max_episode_steps` steps per
        normalize: If True, then rescale observations and reward.
        normalize_kwargs: kwargs for `VecNormalize`.
        init_rl_kwargs: kwargs for `init_rl`.

        n_episodes_eval: The number of episodes to average over when calculating
            the average ground truth reward return of the final policy.

        reward_type: If provided, then load the serialized reward of this type,
            wrapping the environment in this reward. This is useful to test
            whether a reward model transfers. For more information, see
        reward_path: A specifier, such as a path to a file on disk, used by
            reward_type to load the reward model. For more information, see

        rollout_save_interval: The number of training updates in between
            intermediate rollout saves. If the argument is nonpositive, then
            don't save intermediate updates.
        rollout_save_final: If True, then save rollouts right after training is
        rollout_save_n_timesteps: The minimum number of timesteps saved in every
            file. Could be more than `rollout_save_n_timesteps` because
            trajectories are saved by episode rather than by transition.
            Must set exactly one of `rollout_save_n_timesteps`
            and `rollout_save_n_episodes`.
        rollout_save_n_episodes: The number of episodes saved in every
            file. Must set exactly one of `rollout_save_n_timesteps` and

        policy_save_interval: The number of training updates between saves. Has
            the same semantics are `rollout_save_interval`.
        policy_save_final: If True, then save the policy right after training is

        init_tensorboard: If True, then write tensorboard logs to {log_dir}/sb_tb
            and "output/summary/...".

      The return value of `rollout_stats()` using the final policy.
    os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
    sacred_util.build_sacred_symlink(log_dir, _run)

    sample_until = rollout.make_sample_until(rollout_save_n_timesteps,
    eval_sample_until = rollout.min_episodes(n_episodes_eval)

    with networks.make_session():
        logger.configure(folder=osp.join(log_dir, "rl"),
                         format_strs=["tensorboard", "stdout"])

        rollout_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "rollouts")
        policy_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "policies")
        os.makedirs(rollout_dir, exist_ok=True)
        os.makedirs(policy_dir, exist_ok=True)

        if init_tensorboard:
            sb_tensorboard_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "sb_tb")
            # Convert sacred's ReadOnlyDict to dict so we can modify on next line.
            init_rl_kwargs = dict(init_rl_kwargs)
            init_rl_kwargs["tensorboard_log"] = sb_tensorboard_dir

        venv = util.make_vec_env(

        log_callbacks = []
        with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
            if reward_type is not None:
                reward_fn_ctx = load_reward(reward_type, reward_path, venv)
                reward_fn = stack.enter_context(reward_fn_ctx)
                venv = RewardVecEnvWrapper(venv, reward_fn)
                    f"Wrapped env in reward {reward_type} from {reward_path}.")

            vec_normalize = None
            if normalize:
                venv = vec_normalize = VecNormalize(venv, **normalize_kwargs)

            policy = util.init_rl(venv, verbose=1, **init_rl_kwargs)

            # Make callback to save intermediate artifacts during training.
            step = 0

            def callback(locals_: dict, _) -> bool:
                nonlocal step
                step += 1
                policy = locals_["self"]

                # TODO(adam): make logging frequency configurable
                for callback in log_callbacks:

                if rollout_save_interval > 0 and step % rollout_save_interval == 0:
                    save_path = osp.join(rollout_dir, f"{step}.pkl")
                    rollout.rollout_and_save(save_path, policy, venv,
                if policy_save_interval > 0 and step % policy_save_interval == 0:
                    output_dir = os.path.join(policy_dir, f"{step:05d}")
                    serialize.save_stable_model(output_dir, policy,

            policy.learn(total_timesteps, callback=callback)

            # Save final artifacts after training is complete.
            if rollout_save_final:
                save_path = osp.join(rollout_dir, "final.pkl")
                rollout.rollout_and_save(save_path, policy, venv, sample_until)
            if policy_save_final:
                output_dir = os.path.join(policy_dir, "final")
                serialize.save_stable_model(output_dir, policy, vec_normalize)

            # Final evaluation of expert policy.
            trajs = rollout.generate_trajectories(policy, venv,
            stats = rollout.rollout_stats(trajs)

    return stats
예제 #17
def eval_policy(
    _seed: int,
    env_name: str,
    eval_n_timesteps: Optional[int],
    eval_n_episodes: Optional[int],
    num_vec: int,
    parallel: bool,
    render: bool,
    render_fps: int,
    log_dir: str,
    policy_type: str,
    policy_path: str,
    reward_type: Optional[str] = None,
    reward_path: Optional[str] = None,
    max_episode_steps: Optional[int] = None,
    """Rolls a policy out in an environment, collecting statistics.

      _seed: generated by Sacred.
      env_name: Gym environment identifier.
      eval_n_timesteps: Minimum number of timesteps to evaluate for. Set exactly
          one of `eval_n_episodes` and `eval_n_timesteps`.
      eval_n_episodes: Minimum number of episodes to evaluate for. Set exactly
          one of `eval_n_episodes` and `eval_n_timesteps`.
      num_vec: Number of environments to run simultaneously.
      parallel: If True, use `SubprocVecEnv` for true parallelism; otherwise,
          uses `DummyVecEnv`.
      max_episode_steps: If not None, then environments are wrapped by
          TimeLimit so that they have at most `max_episode_steps` steps per
      render: If True, renders interactively to the screen.
      log_dir: The directory to log intermediate output to. (As of 2019-07-19
          this is just episode-by-episode reward from bench.Monitor.)
      policy_type: A unique identifier for the saved policy,
          defined in POLICY_CLASSES.
      policy_path: A path to the serialized policy.
      reward_type: If specified, overrides the environment reward with
          a reward of this.
      reward_path: If reward_type is specified, the path to a serialized reward
          of `reward_type` to override the environment reward with.

      Return value of `imitation.util.rollout.rollout_stats()`.
    os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
    sacred_util.build_sacred_symlink(log_dir, _run)

    tf.logging.info("Logging to %s", log_dir)
    sample_until = rollout.make_sample_until(eval_n_timesteps, eval_n_episodes)
    venv = util.make_vec_env(

    if render:
        venv = InteractiveRender(venv, render_fps)
    # TODO(adam): add support for videos using VideoRecorder?

    with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
        if reward_type is not None:
            reward_fn_ctx = load_reward(reward_type, reward_path, venv)
            reward_fn = stack.enter_context(reward_fn_ctx)
            venv = reward_wrapper.RewardVecEnvWrapper(venv, reward_fn)
                f"Wrapped env in reward {reward_type} from {reward_path}.")

        with serialize.load_policy(policy_type, policy_path, venv) as policy:
            trajs = rollout.generate_trajectories(policy, venv, sample_until)
    return rollout.rollout_stats(trajs)
예제 #18
def trajs(venv, rand_policy):
    return rollout.generate_trajectories(rand_policy,
예제 #19
def train(
    _seed: int,
    env_name: str,
    rollout_path: str,
    n_expert_demos: Optional[int],
    log_dir: str,
    init_trainer_kwargs: dict,
    total_timesteps: int,
    n_episodes_eval: int,
    init_tensorboard: bool,
    checkpoint_interval: int,
) -> dict:
    """Train an adversarial-network-based imitation learning algorithm.

    Plots (turn on using `plot_interval > 0`):
      - Plot discriminator loss during discriminator training steps in blue and
        discriminator loss during generator training steps in red.
      - Plot the performance of the generator policy versus the performance of
        a random policy. Also plot the performance of an expert policy if that is
        provided in the arguments.

      - DiscrimNets are saved to f"{log_dir}/checkpoints/{step}/discrim/",
        where step is either the training epoch or "final".
      - Generator policies are saved to

      _seed: Random seed.
      env_name: The environment to train in.
      rollout_path: Path to pickle containing list of Trajectories. Used as
        expert demonstrations.
      n_expert_demos: The number of expert trajectories to actually use
        after loading them from `rollout_path`.
        If None, then use all available trajectories.
        If `n_expert_demos` is an `int`, then use exactly `n_expert_demos`
        trajectories, erroring if there aren't enough trajectories. If there are
        surplus trajectories, then use the
        first `n_expert_demos` trajectories and drop the rest.
      log_dir: Directory to save models and other logging to.

      init_trainer_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `init_trainer`,
        used to initialize the trainer.
      total_timesteps: The number of transitions to sample from the environment
        during training.
      n_episodes_eval: The number of episodes to average over when calculating
        the average episode reward of the imitation policy for return.

      plot_interval: The number of epochs between each plot. If negative,
        then plots are disabled. If zero, then only plot at the end of training.
      n_plot_episodes: The number of episodes averaged over when
        calculating the average episode reward of a policy for the performance
      extra_episode_data_interval: Usually mean episode rewards are calculated
        immediately before every plot. Set this parameter to a nonnegative number
        to also add episode reward data points every
        `extra_episodes_data_interval` epochs.
      show_plots: Figures are always saved to `f"{log_dir}/plots/*.png"`. If
        `show_plots` is True, then also show plots as they are created.
      init_tensorboard: If True, then write tensorboard logs to `{log_dir}/sb_tb`.

      checkpoint_interval: Save the discriminator and generator models every
        `checkpoint_interval` epochs and after training is complete. If 0,
        then only save weights after training is complete. If <0, then don't
        save weights at all.

      A dictionary with two keys. "imit_stats" gives the return value of
        `rollout_stats()` on rollouts test-reward-wrapped
        environment, using the final policy (remember that the ground-truth reward
        can be recovered from the "monitor_return" key). "expert_stats" gives the
        return value of `rollout_stats()` on the expert demonstrations loaded from
    total_timesteps = int(total_timesteps)

    tf.logging.info("Logging to %s", log_dir)
    os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
    sacred_util.build_sacred_symlink(log_dir, _run)

    # Calculate stats for expert rollouts. Used for plot and return value.
    expert_trajs = types.load(rollout_path)

    if n_expert_demos is not None:
        assert len(expert_trajs) >= n_expert_demos
        expert_trajs = expert_trajs[:n_expert_demos]

    expert_stats = rollout.rollout_stats(expert_trajs)

    with networks.make_session():
        if init_tensorboard:
            sb_tensorboard_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "sb_tb")
            kwargs = init_trainer_kwargs
            kwargs["init_rl_kwargs"] = kwargs.get("init_rl_kwargs", {})
            kwargs["init_rl_kwargs"]["tensorboard_log"] = sb_tensorboard_dir

        trainer = init_trainer(env_name,

        def callback(epoch):
            if checkpoint_interval > 0 and epoch % checkpoint_interval == 0:
                     os.path.join(log_dir, "checkpoints", f"{epoch:05d}"))

        trainer.train(total_timesteps, callback)

        # Save final artifacts.
        if checkpoint_interval >= 0:
            save(trainer, os.path.join(log_dir, "checkpoints", "final"))

        # Final evaluation of imitation policy.
        results = {}
        sample_until_eval = rollout.min_episodes(n_episodes_eval)
        trajs = rollout.generate_trajectories(trainer.gen_policy,
        results["imit_stats"] = rollout.rollout_stats(trajs)
        results["expert_stats"] = expert_stats
        return results