예제 #1
    def checkSequence(self, cclass, class_frame, proj):
        classrows = class_frame[class_frame['class'] == cclass]
        sqstats = self.getSequenceStats(classrows, proj)
        cname = sqstats['name']
        clat = sqstats['center_lat']
        clon = sqstats['center_lon']
        radius = sqstats['radius']
        seq_query = 'SELECT id, name, center_lat, center_lon, radius FROM sequence WHERE sequence_ended = 0'
        seq_rows = self._cursor.fetchall()
        if not len(seq_rows):
            return None
        for row in seq_rows:
            sid = row['id']
            name = row['name']
            center_lat = row['center_lat']
            center_lon = row['center_lon']
            sradius = row['radius']
            # what is the distance in km from one center to another?
            dist = geodetic_distance(clat, clon, center_lat, center_lon)
            if name[0:7] == cname[0:7] and name.startswith('West'):
                foo = 1
            cmp_dist = max(radius + sradius, EQDIST2)
            if dist < cmp_dist:
                return sid

        return None
예제 #2
    def getSequenceStats(self, class_frame, proj):
        start_time = class_frame['time'].min()
        end_time = class_frame['time'].max()
        class_lat = class_frame['latitude'].tolist()
        class_lon = class_frame['longitude'].tolist()
        x, y = proj(class_lon, class_lat)
        x = np.array(x)
        y = np.array(y)
        cx = np.mean(x)
        cy = np.mean(y)
        clon, clat = proj(cx, cy, inverse=True)
        near_cities = self._cities.limitByRadius(
            clat, clon, CITY_SEARCH_RADIUS).getDataFrame()
        citylat = near_cities['lat']
        citylon = near_cities['lon']
        dist = geodetic_distance(clon, clat, citylon, citylat)
        near_cities['distance'] = dist
        near_cities = near_cities.sort_values('distance')

        # get the distance from the center of mass to all the points
        dxsq = np.power((x - cx), 2)
        dysq = np.power((y - cy), 2)
        cdist = np.sqrt(dxsq + dysq)
        radius = cdist.max() / 1000
        xmin = x.min()
        xmax = x.max()
        ymin = y.min()
        ymax = y.max()
        ulx, uly = proj(xmin, ymax, inverse=True)
        lrx, lry = proj(xmax, ymin, inverse=True)
        # Earthquake name should NearestCity_YYYY, followed by _1, _2
        # when there are multiple sequences near that city in that year
            nearest_city = near_cities.iloc[0]
            name = nearest_city['name'] + start_time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
            name = re.sub('\s+', '_', name)
        except IndexError:
            name = 'No_Nearest_City' + start_time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
            nearest_city = {'name': 'No_Nearest_City', 'distance': np.nan}
        sequence = {
            'name': name,
            'start_time': start_time,
            'end_time': end_time,
            'n_earthquakes': len(class_frame),
            'center_lat': clat,
            'center_lon': clon,
            'nearest_city': nearest_city['name'],
            'dist_nearest_city': nearest_city['distance'],
            'radius': radius,
            'projstr': proj.srs,
            'xmin': ulx,
            'xmax': lrx,
            'ymin': lry,
            'ymax': uly
        return sequence
예제 #3
 def selectByRadius(self, clat, clon, radius):
     """Select events by restricting to those within a search radius around a set of coordinates."""
     lons = self._dataframe["Lon"]
     lats = self._dataframe["Lat"]
     distances = geodetic_distance(clon, clat, lons, lats)
     iclose = pd.Series(distances < radius)
     newdf = self._dataframe[iclose]
     d1 = distances[distances < radius]
     newdf = newdf.assign(Distance=d1)
     return ExpoCat(newdf)
예제 #4
    def getSequenceStats(self, class_frame, proj):
        start_time = class_frame['time'].min()
        end_time = class_frame['time'].max()
        class_lat = class_frame['latitude'].tolist()
        class_lon = class_frame['longitude'].tolist()
        xmin = np.min(class_lon)
        xmax = np.max(class_lon)
        ymin = np.min(class_lat)
        ymax = np.max(class_lat)
        clon = (xmin + xmax) / 2
        clat = (ymin + ymax) / 2

        cradius = self._config['CITY_SEARCH_RADIUS']
        near_cities = self._cities.limitByRadius(
            clat, clon, cradius).getDataFrame()
        citylat = near_cities['lat']
        citylon = near_cities['lon']
        dist = geodetic_distance(clon, clat, citylon, citylat)
        near_cities['distance'] = dist
        near_cities = near_cities.sort_values('distance')

        dlon = (xmax - xmin) / 2 * 111 * np.cos(np.radians(clat))
        dlat = (ymax - ymin) / 2 * 111
        radius = np.mean([dlon, dlat])

        if radius > 200:
            foo = 1

        # Earthquake name should NearestCity_YYYY, followed by _1, _2
        # when there are multiple sequences near that city in that year
            nearest_city = near_cities.iloc[0]
            name = nearest_city['name'] + start_time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
            name = re.sub('\s+', '_', name)
        except IndexError:
            name = 'No_Nearest_City' + start_time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
            nearest_city = {'name': 'No_Nearest_City',
                            'distance': np.nan}
        sequence = {'name': name,
                    'start_time': start_time,
                    'end_time': end_time,
                    'n_earthquakes': len(class_frame),
                    'center_lat': clat,
                    'center_lon': clon,
                    'nearest_city': nearest_city['name'],
                    'dist_nearest_city': nearest_city['distance'],
                    'radius': radius,
                    'projstr': proj.srs,
                    'xmin': xmin,
                    'xmax': xmax,
                    'ymin': ymin,
                    'ymax': ymax}
        return sequence
예제 #5
파일: city.py 프로젝트: mtoqeerpk/MapIO
 def limitByRadius(self,lat,lon,radius):
     """Search for cities within a radius (km) around a central point.
     :param lat:
       Central latitude coordinate (dd).
     :param lon:
       Central longitude coordinate (dd).
     :param radius:
       Radius (km) around which cities will be searched.
       New Cities instance containing smaller cities data set.
     #TODO - figure out what to do with a meridian crossing?
     newdf = self._dataframe.copy()
     dist = geodetic_distance(lon,lat,self._dataframe['lon'],self._dataframe['lat'])
     newdf['dist'] = dist
     newdf = newdf[newdf['dist'] <= radius]
     del newdf['dist']
     return type(self)(newdf)
예제 #6
    def checkSequence(self, sqstats):
        clat = sqstats['center_lat']
        clon = sqstats['center_lon']
        radius = sqstats['radius']
        seq_query = 'SELECT id, name, center_lat, center_lon, radius FROM sequence WHERE sequence_ended = 0'
        seq_rows = self._cursor.fetchall()
        if not len(seq_rows):
            return None
        for row in seq_rows:
            sid = row['id']
            center_lat = row['center_lat']
            center_lon = row['center_lon']
            sradius = row['radius']
            # what is the distance in km from one center to another?
            dist = geodetic_distance(clat, clon, center_lat, center_lon)
            # cmp_dist=max(radius + sradius, self._config['EQDIST2'])
            cmp_dist = radius + sradius
            if dist < cmp_dist:
                return sid

        return None
예제 #7
def get_quake_desc(event, lat, lon, isMainEvent):
    ndeaths = event["TotalDeaths"]
    # summarize the exposure values
    exposures = np.array([
    exposures = np.array([round_to_nearest(exp, 1000) for exp in exposures])
    # get the highest two exposures greater than zero
    iexp = np.where(exposures > 0)[0][::-1]

    romans = [
        "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX or greater"
    if len(iexp) >= 2:
        exposures = [exposures[iexp[1]], exposures[iexp[0]]]
        ilevels = [romans[iexp[1]], romans[iexp[0]]]
        expfmt = ", with estimated population exposures of %s at intensity"
        expfmt = expfmt + " %s and %s at intensity %s"
        exptxt = expfmt % (
        exptxt = ""

    # create string describing this most impactful event
    dfmt = "A magnitude %.1f earthquake %i km %s of this event struck %s on %s (UTC)%s"

    mag = event["Magnitude"]
    etime = pd.Timestamp(event["Time"])
    etime = etime.strftime("%B %d, %Y")
    etime = re.sub(" 0", " ", etime)
    country = Country()
    if pd.isnull(event["Name"]):
        # hack for persistent error in expocat
        if event["CountryCode"] == "UM" and event["Lat"] > 40:
            cdict = country.getCountry("US")
            cdict = country.getCountry(event["CountryCode"])
        if cdict:
            cname = cdict["Name"]
            cname = "in the open ocean"
        cname = event["Name"].replace('"', "")

    cdist = round(geodetic_distance(event["Lat"], event["Lon"], lat, lon))
    cdir = get_compass_dir(lat, lon, event["Lat"], event["Lon"],
    if ndeaths and str(ndeaths) != "nan":
        dfmt = dfmt + ", resulting in a reported %s %s."

        if ndeaths > 1:
            dstr = "fatalities"
            dstr = "fatality"

        ndeathstr = commify(int(ndeaths))
        eqdesc = dfmt % (mag, cdist, cdir, cname, etime, exptxt, ndeathstr,
        dfmt = dfmt + ", with no reported fatalities."
        eqdesc = dfmt % (mag, cdist, cdir, cname, etime, exptxt)

    return eqdesc