def alert_available(self): """ Alert, Termin verfügbar! Und Exit """ self.logger.warning('Available appointments!') alert = settings.ALERT_AVAILABLE.replace('{{ LOCATION }}', self.location_full) #alert = alert.replace('{{ APPOINTMENTS }}', ' \n'.join(self.parse_appointments())) send_alert(alert) sleep(settings.WAIT_SMS_MANUAL) self.keep_browser = True self.logger.warning( 'Exiting in 10 minutes, our job here is done. Keeping browser open.' ) sleep(600) exit()
def alert_sms(self) -> str: """ Benachrichtigung User - um entweder SMS Code via ext. Plattform (Zulip, ...) oder manuell einzugeben. Wartet max. 10 Minuten, und fährt dann fährt dann fort """ self.logger.warning('Enter SMS code! Waiting for user input.') send_alert( settings.ALERT_SMS.replace('{{ LOCATION }}', self.location_full)) start = time() while (time() - start) < settings.WAIT_SMS_MANUAL: _code = read_backend('sms') if _code: self.logger.warning( f'Received Code from backend: {_code} - entering now...') send_alert(f'Entering code "{_code}"; check your mails! \n' f'Thanks for using RAUSYS Technologies :)') return _code sleep(15) self.logger.warning('No SMS code received from backend')
def control_sms(self) -> None: """ 2/2 Kontrollfunktion um Vermittlungscode zu beziehen """ self.logger.warning( f'We have vacancy! Requesting Vermittlungscode for {self.driver.current_url}' ) self.claim_code() if self.register_limit_reached: self.logger.error( 'Request limit reached - try using a different phone number and email' ) send_alert( f'Server [{self.server_id}] returned max. requests. Consider changing phone number and email' ) return sms_code = self.alert_sms() self.enter_sms(sms_code) 'Add the code you got via mail to and restart the script!' )
def alert_appointment(self) -> None: """ Benachrichtigung User - um entweder Termin via ext. Plattform (Zulip, ...) zu buchen oder manuell einzugeben. Kritischste Funktion – max. Exception-Verschachtelung """ self.logger.warning('Available appointments! Waiting for user input') alert = settings.ALERT_AVAILABLE\ .replace('{{ LOCATION }}', self.location_full)\ .replace('{{ LINK }}', self.driver.current_url) send_alert(alert) self.keep_browser = True if not settings.BOOK_REMOTELY: self.logger.warning( 'Exiting in 10 minutes, our job here is done. Keeping browser open.' ) return try: self.remote_booking() except: self.logger.exception( 'Unexpected exception occurred trying to book appointments remotely!' ) send_alert( 'Appointment could not be booked – please continue manually!')
def remote_booking(self) -> None: """ Hilfsfunktion um Termine Remote zu buchen – wartet auf max 10 Minuten auf User Input via Chat App und fährt dann fährt dann fort """ # Booking remotely - should probably be a dedicated function api = API(driver=self) appointments = api.control_appointments() if not appointments: self.logger.warning( 'BOOK_REMOTELY enabled, but appointments empty! Please continue manually' ) send_alert( 'Booking remotely enabled, but didn\'t get appointments from backend. Please continue manually!' ) return fappointments = format_appointments(appointments.get('termine')) send_alert( settings.ALERT_BOOKINGS.replace('{{ APPOINTMENTS }}', ' \n'.join(fappointments))) start = time() while (time() - start) < settings.WAIT_SMS_MANUAL: _code = read_backend('appt') if _code: self.logger.warning( f'Received Appointment indicator from backend: {_code} - booking now...' ) if api.book_appointment(appointments, int(_code)) or self.book_appointment( int(_code)): appointment = fappointments[int(_code) - 1].replace( "* ", "").replace(f' (appt:{_code})', '') send_alert( f'Successfully booked appointment "**{appointment}**" – check your mails! \n' f'Thanks for using RAUSYS Technologies :) \n' f'Feedback is highly appreciated: ' f' and only takes 2 seconds!' ) 'Booking confirmed! Feedback is highly appreciated: ' ' and only takes 2 seconds!' ) return raise Exception('Did not get <201 Created> from server') sleep(15) self.logger.warning('No Appointment indicator received from backend')
action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--surf', help='Interactive Surf Session for Cookie Enrichment', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--version', help='Print version and exit', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print_version() exit() if args.alerts: print_config() send_alert( 'Notification test from Impf -' ) exit() f'Starting up Impf - github/@alfonsrv, 05/2021 (version {v})') if args.code: instant_code() exit() if args.manual: print('Try in combination with --code') exit() elif x = Browser(location='', code='') input('Press Enter to end interactive session') x.driver.quit()'Waiting until {( + timedelta(seconds=settings.WAIT_LOCATIONS)).strftime("%H:%M:%S")} ' f'before checking the next location') sleep(settings.WAIT_LOCATIONS) if not x.keep_browser: x.driver.close() return location if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--alerts', help='Check all alert backends and exit', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--version', help='Print version and exit', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print_version(); exit() if args.alerts: print_config(); send_alert('Notification test from Impf -'); exit()'Starting up Impf - github/@alfonsrv, 05/2021') print_config() while True: if settings.CONCURRENT_ENABLED:'CONCURRENT_ENABLED set with {settings.CONCURRENT_WORKERS} simultaneous workers')'Spawning Browsers with {settings.WAIT_CONCURRENT}s delay.') locations = settings.LOCATIONS with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=settings.CONCURRENT_WORKERS) as executor: #futures = [executor.submit(impf_me, location) for location in settings.LOCATIONS]10 futures = [] for location in settings.LOCATIONS: futures.append(executor.submit(impf_me, location)) sleep(30)