def bang(self, event): import re import importer pipes = [string.strip(i) for i in event.arguments.split('|')] pipein = "" for pipe in pipes: if pipe: postpipe =[0], pipe) if not postpipe: # invalid bang command syntax print "bang: invalid syntax - '" + pipe + "'" return name = arguments = string.strip( try: module = importer.__import__(name, globals(), locals(), 'plugins.bang') if hasattr(module, 'bang'): # New API respond = self.respond_to(event.source, (pubmsg, action) = module.bang(pipein, arguments, event) if pubmsg and pipe is pipes[-1]: if isinstance(pubmsg, (list, tuple)): lines = list() for line in pubmsg: lines += line.split('\n') else: lines = pubmsg.split('\n') if len(lines) > 13: # Private message respond = fishapi.getnick(event.source) for each in lines: if each != '': event.server.message(respond, each) elif pubmsg: if isinstance(pubmsg, (list, tuple)): pipein = string.join(pubmsg, '\n') else: pipein = pubmsg if action: if isinstance(action, (list, tuple)): for each in action: event.server.action(respond, each) else: event.server.action(respond, action) elif hasattr(module, 'handle_say'): # Old API module.handle_say(self, event.source,, event.arguments) except ImportError: return except: raise
def bang(pipein, arguments, event): if len(arguments) is 0: from glob import glob submodules = glob("plugins/bang/*.py") commands = set() for each in submodules: each = each.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] commands.add(each) commands.remove('__init__') return (fishapi.version + ". Available commands are: !" + string.join(sorted(commands),', !') + ".", None) else: reply = [] for each in arguments.split(): try: if each[0] is "!": each = each[1:] help_string = importer.__import__(each, globals(), locals(), 'plugins.bang').__doc__ reply.append(help_string) except: reply.append("No help available for %s." % each) raise return (reply, None)
def messaged(self, event): """As messages occur, call the appropriate hooks in the plugins. Any server message should call this method, this will execute the appropriate plugins.""" # Re-exec fishbot if fishbot itself has changed. # This is disabled, it's slightly broken. #if os.stat(sys.argv[0]).st_mtime > fishapi.execution_time: # for each in self.servers.values(): # each.disconnect("Fishbot has changed enough to require a restart.") # os.execv(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:]) # Execute the plugin tree as required. plugins = importer.__import__("plugins") print "Event: " + str(event) for each in sorted(plugins.expressions): match =, event.arguments) if match: name = str(plugins.expressions[each]) print "Expression: " + str(each) for each in plugins.expressions[each]: print "Plugin: " + str(each) thread = plugins.PluginThread(each, (self, event)) thread.start()
def bang(pipein, arguments, event): if len(arguments) is 0: from glob import glob submodules = glob("plugins/bang/*.py") commands = set() for each in submodules: each = each.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] commands.add(each) commands.remove('__init__') return (fishapi.version + ". Available commands are: !" + string.join(sorted(commands), ', !') + ".", None) else: reply = [] for each in arguments.split(): try: if each[0] is "!": each = each[1:] help_string = importer.__import__(each, globals(), locals(), 'plugins.bang').__doc__ reply.append(help_string) except: reply.append("No help available for %s." % each) raise return (reply, None)
#!/usr/bin/python """!wikipedia - Search wikipedia""" import re,importer google = importer.__import__("google", globals(), locals(), "plugins/bang") def bang(pipein, arguments, event): search = pipein or arguments return google.bang(" " + search, "", event)
#!/usr/bin/python """!wikipedia - Search wikipedia""" import re, importer google = importer.__import__("google", globals(), locals(), "plugins/bang") def bang(pipein, arguments, event): search = pipein or arguments return google.bang(" " + search, "", event)
from glob import glob expressions = {} submodules = glob("plugins/*") submodules.sort() __all__ = set() for each in submodules: each = each.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] __all__.add(each) __all__.remove('__init__') __all__ = list(__all__) __all__.sort() for each in __all__: module = importer.__import__(name=each, path="plugins") expression = module.expression[0] if expression in expressions: expressions[expression].append(module.expression[1]) else: expressions[expression] = [module.expression[1]] class PluginThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args): self.func = func self.args = args super(PluginThread, self).__init__() def run(self): self.func(*self.args)