예제 #1
def import_vol_surface():
    """Import volatility surface.
    Infer risk-free rate directly from data.

    zf = zipfile.ZipFile(path + "SPX_surface.zip", "r")
    name = zf.namelist()[0]
    df = pd.read_csv(zf.open(name), converters={"date": convert_dates})
    df.loc[:, "weekday"] = df["date"].apply(lambda x: x.weekday())

    # Apply some filters
    df = df[df["weekday"] == 2]
    df = df[df["days"] <= 365]
    df = df.drop("weekday", axis=1)

    surface = df  # .set_index(['cp_flag', 'date', 'days']).sort_index()

    cols = {"impl_volatility": "imp_vol", "impl_strike": "strike", "impl_premium": "premium"}
    surface.rename(columns=cols, inplace=True)

    # TODO : who term structure should be imported and merged!
    riskfree = load_riskfree().reset_index()
    dividends = load_dividends().reset_index()
    spx = load_spx().reset_index()

    surface = pd.merge(surface, riskfree)
    surface = pd.merge(surface, spx)
    surface = pd.merge(surface, dividends)

    # Adjust riskfree by dividend yield
    surface["riskfree"] -= surface["rate"]
    # Remove percentage point
    surface["riskfree"] /= 100
    # Replace 'cp_flag' with True/False 'call' variable
    surface.loc[:, "call"] = True
    surface.loc[surface["cp_flag"] == "P", "call"] = False
    # Normalize maturity to being a share of the year
    surface["maturity"] = surface["days"] / 365
    # Rename columns
    surface.rename(columns={"spx": "price"}, inplace=True)
    # Compute lf-moneyness
    surface["moneyness"] = lfmoneyness(surface["price"], surface["strike"], surface["riskfree"], surface["maturity"])
    # Compute option Delta normalized by current price
    surface["delta"] = delta(surface["moneyness"], surface["maturity"], surface["imp_vol"], surface["call"])
    # Compute option Vega normalized by current price
    surface["vega"] = vega(surface["moneyness"], surface["maturity"], surface["imp_vol"])
    # Sort index
    surface.sort_index(by=["date", "maturity", "moneyness"], inplace=True)


    surface.to_hdf(path + "surface.h5", "surface")
예제 #2
def import_vol_surface_simple():
    """Import volatility surface. Simple version.

    zf = zipfile.ZipFile(path + "SPX_surface.zip", "r")
    name = zf.namelist()[0]
    df = pd.read_csv(zf.open(name), converters={"date": convert_dates})
    df.loc[:, "weekday"] = df["date"].apply(lambda x: x.weekday())

    # Apply some filters
    df = df[df["weekday"] == 2]
    df = df[df["days"] <= 365]
    surface = df.drop("weekday", axis=1)

    cols = {"impl_volatility": "imp_vol", "impl_strike": "strike", "impl_premium": "premium"}
    surface.rename(columns=cols, inplace=True)

    spx = load_spx().reset_index()
    standard_options = load_standard_options()[["forward"]].reset_index()

    surface = pd.merge(surface, standard_options)
    surface = pd.merge(surface, spx)

    # Normalize maturity to being a share of the year
    surface["maturity"] = surface["days"] / 365
    surface["riskfree"] = np.log(surface["forward"] / surface["spx"])
    surface["riskfree"] /= surface["maturity"]
    # Remove percentage point

    # Replace 'cp_flag' with True/False 'call' variable
    surface.loc[:, "call"] = True
    surface.loc[surface["cp_flag"] == "P", "call"] = False
    # Rename columns
    surface.rename(columns={"spx": "price"}, inplace=True)
    # Compute lf-moneyness
    surface["moneyness"] = lfmoneyness(surface["price"], surface["strike"], surface["riskfree"], surface["maturity"])
    # Compute option Delta normalized by current price
    surface["delta"] = delta(surface["moneyness"], surface["maturity"], surface["imp_vol"], surface["call"])
    # Compute option Vega normalized by current price
    surface["vega"] = vega(surface["moneyness"], surface["maturity"], surface["imp_vol"])
    # Take out-of-the-money options
    calls = surface["call"] & (surface["moneyness"] >= 0)
    puts = np.logical_not(surface["call"]) & (surface["moneyness"] < 0)
    surface = pd.concat([surface[calls], surface[puts]])
    # Sort index
    surface.sort_index(by=["date", "maturity", "moneyness"], inplace=True)


    surface.to_hdf(path + "surface.h5", "surface")