def __init__(self, localized_caption_key: str="LocalizedText/None", font_size=14): super().__init__(Point(0, 0), height=25) self.padding = Padding(14, 14, 14, 14) self.caption = LocalizedLabel(Point(0, 0), key=localized_caption_key, size=font_size) self.text = self.caption.loc_text self.caption.fore_color = arcade.color.WHITE self.add_child(self.caption)
def __init__(self, color: tuple = arcade.color.BLACK, width: int = 75, height: int = 30, duration: float = 0.35, text=""): super().__init__(Point(0, 0), width, height) AnimatedControl.__init__(self) self._background_drawn = True self._color = color self.padding = Padding(10, 10, 10, 10) r, g, b = color self.back_color = (r, g, b, 0) self.caption = LocalizedLabel(Point(0, 0), size=14) self.text = self.caption.loc_text self.caption.fore_color = arcade.color.WHITE self.add_child(self.caption) self.opacity = 0 self.duration = duration self.await_duration = 0.5 self._triggered = False self.visible = True self._shape_list = arcade.ShapeElementList() SCREEN_WIDTH = 1920 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 1000 self._shape_list.center_x = SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 self._shape_list.center_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 # self._append_to_shape_list() self._autosize()
def __init__(self, position: Point, width=0, height=0, back_color=(0, 0, 0)): self._position = position self._sprite = None self.alignment = AlignStyle.NONE self._anchors = self.ANCHOR_LEFT self.visible = True self.flag = False self.margin = Margin() self._parent = None self.activated = False self.centeredly_drawn = False self._width = width self._anc_dist = Margin() self._height = height self.region = RectangularRegion(position, position + Point(width, 0), position + Point(width, height), position + Point(0, height)) self.click_event = Event(self) = Event(self) self.released = Event(self) self.double_clicked = Event(self) self.mouse_press = Event(self) self.mouse_motion = Event(self) self.mouse_enter = Event(self) self.mouse_leave = Event(self) self._dock = DockStyle.NONE self._mouse_down = False self._opacity = 255 self._mouse_enter = False self._mouse_enter_time = 0 self._color = (0, 0, 0) self.fore_color = self._color self.back_color = back_color
def align_center(self): if self._parent is not None: if self.alignment & AlignStyle.AlignXStyle.CENTER: self.position = Point(self.parent.width // 2 - self.width // 2, self.position.y) if self.alignment & AlignStyle.AlignYStyle.MIDDLE: self.position = Point(self.position.x, self.parent.height // 2 - self.height // 2)
def _align_to_anchors(self): if self.parent is not None: translated_x = self.parent.width - self._anc_dist.right - self.width + self.parent.position.x translated_y = self.parent.height - - self.height + self.parent.position.y if self.anchors & self.ANCHOR_RIGHT: self.position = Point(translated_x, self.position.y) if self.anchors & self.ANCHOR_TOP: # self.position = Point(self.position.x, (self.parent.height) - self.position = Point(self.position.x, translated_y)
def _realign(self): if self.parent is not None: if self.alignment & AlignStyle.AlignXStyle.RIGHT: self.position = Point(self.parent.position.x + self.parent.width - self.width - self.margin.right, self.position.y) if self.alignment & AlignStyle.AlignYStyle.TOP: self.position = Point(self.position.x, self.parent.position.y + self.parent.height - self.height - if self.alignment & AlignStyle.AlignYStyle.MIDDLE: self.position.y = self.parent.position.y + (self.parent.height//2) - self.height if self.alignment & AlignStyle.AlignYStyle.BOTTOM: self.position = Point(self.position.x, self.parent.position.y + self.margin.bottom)
def init_scrolling_button(self): x, y = self.width - self.spacing, 0 self._btn_next = Button(Point(x, y), "assets/images/ui/Next_button.png", height=75, width=20) self._btn_next.click_event += self.on_next self._btn_next.visible = False self._btn_prev = Button(Point(0, 0), "assets/images/ui/Prev_button.png", height=75, width=20) self._btn_prev.click_event += self.on_prev self._btn_prev.visible = False self.add_child(self._btn_next) self.add_child(self._btn_prev)
def on_animated(self, *args): self._menu_container.position = Point(self._menu_container.position.x, self.position.y - self._menu_container.height + 1) for item in self.__items__: if item.position.y > self._menu_container.position.y + self._menu_container.height: item.visible = False else: item.visible = True
def __init__(self, position: Point = Point(0, 0), text: str = "", size: int = 12, color: tuple = arcade.color.BLACK, align: AlignStyle = AlignStyle.NONE, font_name=('calibri', 'arial'), cached=False): super().__init__(position) self.__label__ = pyglet.text.Label(text, font_size=size, x=position.x, y=position.y) self.alignment = align self._text = text r, g, b = color self._color = color self.fore_color = (r, g, b, self.opacity) self._font_name = font_name self.__font_size__ = size self.cached = cached self.blur_factor = 0 self.width, self.height = PILText.determine_dimensions(self, self.text) if self.cached and self.visible: self.set_cached_sprite( PILText.render_text(self.text, self.position.x, self.position.y, self.fore_color, self.font_size, font_name=self.font_name, align=self._get_text_alignment(), width=self.width, anchor_x=self._get_anchors_x(), anchor_y=self._get_anchors_y()))
def translate_relative(self, control): offset = 0, 0 if self.centeredly_drawn: offset = self.width // 2, self.height // 2 control.position = Point( control.position.x + self.position.x - offset[0] + self.padding.left, control.position.y + self.position.y - offset[1] + self.padding.bottom)
def __init__(self, position: Point=Point(0,0), width: int=75, height: int=500, model: object=None, color: tuple=arcade.color.AMARANTH_PURPLE): super().__init__(position, width, height, color) self.model = model self.caption = Label self.tooltip = None self._generate_from_model()
def on_mouse_press(self, *args): x, y, btn, modifiers = tuple(args[-4:]) self.mouse_press(*args) if self.region.is_point_inside(Point(x, y)) and self.visible: self._mouse_down = True self.activated = True self.click_event(*args)*args) else: self.activated = False
def on_mouse_motion(self, *args): self.mouse_motion(*args) x, y, dx, dy = tuple(args[-4:]) if self.region.is_point_inside(Point(x, y)) and self.visible: if not self._mouse_enter: self.mouse_enter(*args) self._mouse_enter = True self._mouse_enter_time = time.time() else: if self._mouse_enter: self._mouse_enter = False self.mouse_leave(*args)
def __init__(self, position, width, height, item_height=75, font_size=14): super().__init__(position, width, height) AnimatedControl.__init__(self) self.padding = Padding(20, 10, 10, 10) self._item_height = item_height self._menu_container = Container(Point(0, 0), color=arcade.color.COPPER_ROSE) self._menu_height = DropdownMenu.DEFAULT_ITEM_LIMIT*75 _chevron_origin = Point(self.position.x + 50, self.position.y + 50) _chevron_p2 = Point(self.position.x + 50, self.position.y + 50) + Point(10, 0) _chevron_p3 = Point(_chevron_p2.x + _chevron_origin.x // 2, self.position.y) # self._chevron = arcade.create_triangles_filled_with_colors([_chevron_p2, _chevron_p3, _chevron_origin], [(255, 255, 255)]) self.caption = LocalizedLabel(Point(0, 0), size=font_size, custom_font=True) self.caption.font_name = "assets/fonts/Roboto-Medium" self.caption.fore_color = arcade.color.WHITE self.add_child(self.caption) self._menu_open = False self._shown_items = [] self.click_event += self.on_click self._resize_menu() self.duration = 0.75 self.selected_index_changed_event += self.on_selected_index_change self._extra_spacing = 5
def on_mouse_enter(self, *args): x, y, dx, dy = args[-4], args[-3], args[-2], args[-1] self.position = Point(x, y) self._mouse_enter_time = time.time() self._triggered = True
def set_vertical_position(self, y): self.set_position(Point(self.position.x, y))
def translate_controls(self, x, y): dx, dy = x - self.position.x, y - self.position.y for c in self.children: c.position = Point(c.position.x + dx, c.position.y + dy) c.reset_region()
def _resize_menu(self): self._menu_container.width = self.width self._menu_container.height = 0 self._menu_container.position = Point(self.position.x, self.position.y + 1) self._menu_container.visible = False
def reset_region(self): self.region = RectangularRegion(self.position, self.position + Point(self.width, 0), self.position + Point(self.width, self.height), self.position + Point(0, self.height))
def set_region_from_center(self): x, y = self.position.x - (self.width / 2), self.position.y - (self.height / 2) position = Point(x, y) self.region = RectangularRegion(position, position + Point(self.width, 0), position + Point(self.width, self.height), position + Point(0, self.height))