예제 #1
파일: Random.py 프로젝트: joshcoales/Hallo
 def run_dice_format(self, num_dice, num_sides):
     """Rolls numDice number of dice, each with numSides number of sides"""
     if num_dice == 0 or num_dice > 100:
         return "Invalid number of dice."
     if num_sides == 0 or num_sides > 1000000:
         return "Invalid number of sides."
     if num_dice == 1:
         rand = Commons.get_random_int(1, num_sides)[0]
         return "I roll {}!!!".format(rand)
         dice_rolls = Commons.get_random_int(1, num_sides, num_dice)
         output_string = "I roll {}. The total is {}.".format(", ".join([str(x) for x in dice_rolls]),
         return output_string
예제 #2
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     """WH40K Thought for the day. Format: thought_for_the_day"""
     thought_list = Commons.read_file_to_list('store/WH40K_ToTD2.txt')
     rand = Commons.get_random_int(0, len(thought_list) - 1)[0]
     if thought_list[rand][-1] not in ['.', '!', '?']:
         thought_list[rand] += "."
     return '"' + thought_list[rand] + '"'
예제 #3
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     word_list = Commons.read_file_to_list('store/ouija_wordlist.txt')
     rand_list = Commons.get_random_int(0, len(word_list) - 1, 4)
     num_words = (rand_list[0] % 3) + 1
     output_string = "I'm getting a message from the other side..."
     output_string += " ".join([word_list[rand_list[x + 2]] for x in range(num_words)])
     output_string += "."
     return output_string
예제 #4
 def run(self, line, user_obj, channel_obj=None):
     choices = re.compile(', | or ', re.IGNORECASE).split(line)
     numchoices = len(choices)
     if numchoices == 1:
         return 'Please present me with more than 1 thing to choose from!'
         rand = Commons.get_random_int(0, numchoices - 1)[0]
         choice = choices[rand]
         return 'I choose "' + choice + '".'
예제 #5
 def run(self, line, user_obj, channel_obj=None):
     responses = ['It is certain', 'It is decidedly so', 'Without a doubt', 'Yes definitely', 'You may rely on it']
     responses += ['As I see it yes', 'Most likely', 'Outlook good', 'Yes', 'Signs point to yes']
     responses += ['Reply hazy try again', 'Ask again later', 'Better not tell you now', 'Cannot predict now',
                   'Concentrate and ask again']
     responses += ["Don't count on it", 'My reply is no', 'My sources say no', 'Outlook not so good',
                   'Very doubtful']
     rand = Commons.get_random_int(0, len(responses) - 1)[0]
     return responses[rand] + "."
예제 #6
 def run(self, line, user_obj, channel_obj=None):
     # If this command is run in privmsg, it won't work
     if channel_obj is None or channel_obj.is_user():
         return "This function can only be used in a channel"
     # Get the user list
     user_set = channel_obj.get_user_list()
     # Get list of users' names
     names_list = [user_obj.get_name() for user_obj in user_set]
     rand = Commons.get_random_int(0, len(names_list) - 1)[0]
     return 'It should be obvious by now that ' + names_list[rand] + ' is the chosen one.'
예제 #7
 def test_get_random_int(self):
     for count in range(1, 3):
         for max_int in range(2, 10):
             for min_int in range(1, 5):
                 if min_int > max_int:
                 rand_list = Commons.get_random_int(min_int, max_int, count)
                 assert len(rand_list) == count, "Random integer list is the wrong length. " + str(rand_list) + \
                                                 " not " + str(count) + " elements"
                 for rand in rand_list:
                     assert rand >= min_int, "Random integer was too small. " + str(rand) + " < " + str(min_int)
                     assert rand <= max_int, "Random integer was too big. " + str(rand) + " > " + str(max_int)
예제 #8
파일: Random.py 프로젝트: joshcoales/Hallo
 def run(self, event):
     rgb_list = Commons.get_random_int(0, 255, 3)
     hex_code = "{}{}{}".format(hex(rgb_list[0])[2:].zfill(2),
     url = "https://www.thecolorapi.com/id?hex={}".format(hex_code)
     human_url = "{}&format=html".format(url)
     colour_data = Commons.load_url_json(url)
     colour_name = colour_data["name"]["value"]
     output = "Randomly chosen colour is: {} #{} or rgb({},{},{}) {}".format(colour_name, hex_code, rgb_list[0],
                                                                             rgb_list[1], rgb_list[2], human_url)
     return event.create_response(output)
예제 #9
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     rgb_list = Commons.get_random_int(0, 256, 3)
     hex_code = (hex(rgb_list[0])[2:] + hex(rgb_list[1])[2:] + hex(rgb_list[2])[2:]).upper()
     url = "http://www.perbang.dk/rgb/" + hex_code + "/"
     url_data = Commons.load_url_string(url)
     colour_match = re.search('<meta name="Description" content="([A-Za-z ]+)#', url_data, re.M)
     if colour_match is None or colour_match.group(1) is None:
         output = "Randomly chosen colour is: #" + hex_code + " or rgb(" + str(rgb_list[0]) + "," + str(
                 rgb_list[1]) + "," + str(rgb_list[2]) + ") " + url
         colour_name = colour_match.group(1)
         output = "Randomly chosen colour is: " + colour_name + " #" + hex_code + " or rgb(" + str(
                 rgb_list[0]) + "," + str(rgb_list[1]) + "," + str(rgb_list[2]) + ") " + url
     return output
예제 #10
파일: Random.py 프로젝트: joshcoales/Hallo
 def run(self, event):
     """FOOOOOOOOOF. Format: foof"""
     rand = Commons.get_random_int(0, 60)[0]
     if rand <= 20:
         return event.create_response('doof')
     elif rand <= 40:
         return event.create_response('doooooof')
         if rand == 40 + 15:
             server_obj = event.server
             server_obj.send(event.create_response("Powering up..."))
             return event.create_response('d' * 100 + 'o' * 1000 + 'f' * 200 + '!' * 50)
             return event.create_response('ddddoooooooooooooooooooooffffffffff.')
예제 #11
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     """FOOOOOOOOOF. Format: foof"""
     rand = Commons.get_random_int(0, 60)
     if rand <= 20:
         return 'doof'
     elif rand <= 40:
         return 'doooooof'
         if rand == 40 + 15:
             server_obj = user_obj.get_server()
             server_obj.send('powering up...', destination_obj)
             return 'd' * 100 + 'o' * 1000 + 'f' * 200 + '!' * 50
             return 'ddddoooooooooooooooooooooffffffffff.'
예제 #12
    def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
        """Prints ascii dragon. Format: dragon"""
        dragon_deer = r'''hmm.. nah. have another deer.
       ""\/ \/""
 -. ______-LJ
  ,'        |
  |.____..  /
  \\      /A\
  |A      |//'''
        dragon_one = r'''                     _ _
              _     //` `\
          _,-"\%   // /``\`\
     ~^~ >__^  |% // /  } `\`\
            )  )%// / }  } }`\`\
           /  (%/'/.\_/\_/\_/\`/
          (    '         `-._`
           \   ,     (  \   _`-.__.-;%>
          /_`\ \      `\ \." `-..-'`
         ``` /_/`"-=-'`/_/
    jgs     ```       ```'''
        dragon_two = r'''           ____ __
          { --.\  |          .)%%%)%%
           '-._\\ | (\___   %)%%(%%(%%%
               `\\|{/ ^ _)-%(%%%%)%%;%%%
           .'^^^^^^^  /`    %%)%%%%)%%%'
  jgs     //\   ) ,  /       '%%%%(%%'
    ,  _.'/  `\<-- \<
     `^^^`     ^^   ^^'''
        rand = Commons.get_random_int(0, 100)[0]
        if rand == 15:
            dragon = dragon_deer
        elif rand % 2 == 0:
            dragon = dragon_one
            dragon = dragon_two
        return dragon
예제 #13
파일: Random.py 프로젝트: joshcoales/Hallo
 def run_range_format(self, range_min, range_max):
     """Generates a random number between rangeMin and rangeMax"""
     rand = Commons.get_random_int(range_min, range_max)[0]
     return "I roll {}!!!".format(rand)
예제 #14
파일: Random.py 프로젝트: joshcoales/Hallo
 def run(self, event):
     word_list = Commons.read_file_to_list('store/ouija_wordlist.txt')
     num_words = Commons.get_random_int(1, 3)[0]
     rand_words = Commons.get_random_choice(word_list, num_words)
     output_string = "I'm getting a message from the other side... {}.".format(" ".join(rand_words))
     return event.create_response(output_string)
예제 #15
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     rand = Commons.get_random_int(0, len(self.proverb_list) - 1)[0]
     return self.proverb_list[rand]