예제 #1
class TestConfig(unittest.TestCase):
    config_name = 'tests/test_config.json'
    config_name_alt = 'tests/test_save.json'

    def setUp(self):
        self.config = Config(TestConfig.config_name, save=False)

    def tearDown(self):
        Config.configs = {}
        if os.path.exists(TestConfig.config_name_alt):

    def test_empty(self):
        self.config = Config('does_not_exist', save=False)
        self.assertEqual(self.config, {}, "empty config not created")

    def test_keys(self):
        for key in "abcd":
            self.assertIn(key, self.config, "key missing in config")
        self.assertNotIn("e", self.config, "extra key present")

    def test_save(self):
        old_name = self.config.name
        self.config.name = TestConfig.config_name_alt
        self.config.name = old_name

        test_config = Config(TestConfig.config_name_alt, save=False)

        self.assertEqual(self.config, test_config, "saving does not work")

    def test_object_encode(self):  #TODO

    def test_object_decode(self):  #TODO

    def test_get(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.config.get("a"), 10, "get method failed")

    def test_brace_get(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.config["b"], [1, 2, 3],
                         "get using brackets failed")

    def test_delete(self):
        del self.config["a"]
        self.assertNotIn("a", self.config, "key not deleted")

    def test_set(self):
        self.config["new"] = "testing insert"
        self.assertEqual(self.config.get("new"), "testing insert",
                         "insert failed")
예제 #2
class MemeGenerator:
  pattern = re.compile(r'(\w+)\s+(.*)$')
  def __init__(self, bot):
    self.bot    = bot
    self.conf   = Config('configs/memes.json')
    doc  = self.meme.__dict__['help']
    doc += '\n  '
    doc += '\n  '.join(sorted(self.conf.get('memes', {}).keys()))

    self.meme.__dict__['help'] = doc

  async def meme(self, ctx, *, text : str):
    Adds text to images

    Valid names so far:
    async with ctx.typing():
      match = MemeGenerator.pattern.match(text)
      name  = match.group(1).lower() if match else text
      text  = match.group(2) if match else ''
      text  = ' '.join(dh.remove_comments(text.split()))

      cfg = self.conf.get('memes', {}).get(name, None)

      if not cfg:
        await ctx.send(error('Could not find image'))
      if not text:
        await ctx.send(error('Are you trying to get an empty image?'))

      temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png")

      if 'font' not in cfg:
        cfg['font'] = self.conf.get('font', '')
      if 'path' not in cfg:
        cfg['path'] = self.conf.get('path', '')

      write_image(text, temp.name, **cfg)

      await ctx.send(file=discord.File(temp.name))

예제 #3
class Games:
  def __init__(self, bot):
    self.bot  = bot
    self.conf = Config('configs/games.json')

  async def fake_artist_add(self, ctx, *, themes):
    await ctx.send(formatter.ok())

  async def fake_artist(self, ctx, number : int):
    conf   = self.conf.get('fake_artist', {})
    themes = conf.get('themes', [])
    themes = random.sample(themes, len(themes)-len(themes)%number)
    output = [[] for i in range(number)]
    fakes  = list(range(number))*(len(themes)//number)
    say = 'here are the links:'

    # generate
    for theme,fake in zip(themes, fakes):
      for i in range(len(output)):
        output[i].append(theme if i != fake else 'YOU ARE THE FAKE')

    # generate master file
    with open(os.path.join(conf.get('path',''), 'master.html'), 'w') as f:
      for i,theme in enumerate(themes):
        f.write(f'''<li><input class="spoilerbutton" type="button"'''+ \
                f'''value="show" onclick="this.value=this.value=='show'''+ \

    # generate player files
    for i in range(len(output)):
      filename = os.path.join(conf.get('path',''), f'{i+1}.html')
      with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        for theme in output[i]:
      say += f'\nhttps://andy29485.tk/files/{i+1}.html'

    await ctx.send(formatter.ok(say))
예제 #4
async def on_message(message):
  logger.debug('global on message start')

  if message.author.bot:
    logger.debug('  ignoring message (reason: bot)')

  # check if user is not the ignore list
  perms = Config('configs/perms.json')
  if str(message.author.id) in perms.get('ignore', []):
    logger.debug('  ignoring message (reason: user in ingore list)')

  # check if command is a valid one
  if not re.search('^[\\.!\\?\\$]{2,}', message.content):
    await bot.process_commands(message)
  logger.debug('global on message end')
예제 #5
class Server:
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        self.conf = Config('configs/server.json')
        self.cut = {}

        heap = self.bot.get_cog('HeapCog')
        for rem in self.conf.pop('end_role', []):

    async def _prune(self, ctx, num_to_delete: int, *message):
    deletes specified number of messages from channel
    if message is specified, message will be echoed by bot after prune

    USAGE: .prune <num> [user] [message...]

    NOTE: if first word after number is a user,
          only user's messages will be pruned
        # tmp channel/server pointer
        chan = ctx.message.channel
        serv = ctx.message.guild

        #if num_to_delete > 100:                       # api only allows up to 100
        #  await ctx.send('Sorry, only up to 100') # TODO - copy thing done in
        #  return                                      #        self._paste
        if num_to_delete < 1:  # delete nothing?
            await ctx.send('umm... no')  #  answer: no

        # if the first word in the message matches a user,
        #   remove that word from the message, store the user
            user = dh.get_user(serv or self.bot, message[0])
            if user:
                message = message[1:]
            logger.debug('did not match a user')
            user = None

        check = lambda m: True
        if user:  # if a user was matched, delete messages for that user only
            logger.debug(f'pruning for user {user.name}')
            check = lambda m: str(m.author.id) == str(user.id)

        message = ' '.join(message)  #make the message a string

        logs = []
        async for m in chan.history(limit=num_to_delete, reverse=True):
            if check(m):

        deleted = len(logs)
        old = False
        while len(logs) > 0:  # while there are messages to delete
            if len(logs) > 1:  #   if more than one left to delete and not old,
                if not old:  #     attempt batch delete [2-100] messages
                        await chan.delete_messages(logs[:100])
                    except:  #   if problem when batch deleting
                        old = True  #     then the messages must be old
                if old:  # if old, traverse and delete individually
                    for entry in logs[:100]:
                            await entry.delete()
                                '<{0.author.name}> {0.content}'.format(entry))
                logs = logs[100:]
            else:  # if only one message, delete individually
                await logs[0].delete()

        #report that prume was complete, how many were prunned, and the message
        await ctx.send(
            ok('Deleted {} message{} {}'.format(
                deleted, '' if deleted == 1 else 's',
                f'({message})' if message else '')))

    @commands.group(name='role', aliases=['give', 'giveme', 'gimme'])
    async def _role(self, ctx):
    Manage publicly available roles
        # if no sub commands were called, guess at what the user wanted to do
        if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
            msg = ctx.message.content.split()  # attempt to parse args
            if len(msg) < 2:
                await ctx.send('see help (`.help role`)')
            role = msg[1]
            date = ' '.join(msg[2:])

            # if the user cannot manage roles, then they must be requesting a role
            #   or they are trying to do something that they are not allowed to
            if not perms.check_permissions(ctx.message, manage_roles=True):
                await self._request_wrap(ctx, role,
                                         date)  # attempt to request role

            #if the user does have permission to manage, they must be an admin/mod
            #  ask them what they want to do - since they clearly did not know what
            #  they were trying to do
            await ctx.send('Are you trying to [a]dd a new role ' + \
                               'or are you [r]equesting this role for yourself?'
            try:  # wait for them to reply

                def check(m):
                    return m.author == ctx.message.author and \
                           m.channel == ctx.message.channel

                msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message',
            except:  # if they do not reply, give them a helpful reply
                #   without commenting on their IQ
                await ctx.send(
                    error('Response timeout, maybe look at the help?'))
            # if a reply was recived, check what they wanted to do and pass along
            msg = msg.content.lower()
            if msg.startswith('a') or 'add' in msg:  # adding new role to list
                await self._add_wrap(ctx, role)
                reply = f"Please run `.role request {role}` to get the \"{role}\" role"
                await ctx.send(reply)
            elif msg.startswith(
                    'r') or 'request' in msg:  # requesting existing role
                await self._request_wrap(ctx, role, date)
            else:  # they can't read
                await ctx.send(error('I have no idea what you are attempting' + \
                                         ' to do, maybe look at the help?')

    @_role.command(name='add', aliases=['create', 'a'])
    async def _add(self, ctx, role: str):
    adds role to list of public roles
        await self._add_wrap(ctx, role)

    @_role.command(name='list', aliases=['ls', 'l'])
    async def _list(self, ctx):
    lists public roles avalible in the server

        # pull roles out of the config file
        serv = ctx.message.guild
        names = []
        m_len = 0
        available_roles = self.conf.get(str(serv.id), {}).get('pub_roles', [])

        # if no roles, say so
        if not available_roles:
            await ctx.send('no public roles in this server\n' + \
                               ' see `.help role create` and `.help role add`'

        # For each id in list
        #   find matching role in server
        #   if role exists, add it to the role list
        # Note: this block also finds the strlen of the longest role name,
        #       this will be used later for formatting
        for role_id in available_roles:
            role = discord.utils.find(lambda r: str(r.id) == role_id,
            if role:
                m_len = max(m_len, len(role.name))

        # create a message with each role name and id on a seperate line
        # seperators(role - id) should align due to spacing - this is what the
        #   lenght of the longest role name is used for
        msg = 'Roles:\n```'
        line = '{{:{}}} - {{}}\n'.format(m_len)
        for name, rid in zip(names, available_roles):
            msg += line.format(name, rid)

        # send message with role list
        await ctx.send(msg + '```')

    @_role.command(name='remove', aliases=['rm'])
    async def _delete(self, ctx, role: str):
    removes role from list of public roles

        # attempt to find specified role and get list of roles in server
        serv = ctx.message.guild
        role = dh.get_role(serv, role)
        guild_id = str(serv.id)
        role_id = str(role.id)
        available_roles = self.conf.get(guild_id, {}).get('pub_roles', [])

        # if user failed to specify role, complain
        if not role:
            await ctx.send('Please specify a valid role')

        if guild_id not in self.conf:
            self.conf[guild_id] = {'pub_roles': []}
        elif 'pub_roles' not in self.conf[guild_id]:
            self.conf[guild_id]['pub_roles'] = []

        if role_id in available_roles:  # if role is found, remove and report
            await ctx.send(ok('role removed from public list'))
        else:  # if role is not in server, just report
            await ctx.send(error('role is not in the list'))

    @_role.command(name='request', aliases=['r'])
    async def _request(self, ctx, role: str, date: str = ''):
    adds role to requester(if in list)
        await self._request_wrap(ctx, role, date)

    @_role.command(name='unrequest', aliases=['rmr', 'u'])
    async def _unrequest(self, ctx, role: str):
        """removes role from requester(if in list)"""

        # attempt to find role that user specied for removal
        auth = ctx.message.author
        serv = ctx.message.guild
        role = dh.get_role(serv, role)
        guild_id = str(serv.id)
        role_id = str(role.id)

        # if user failed to find specify role, complain
        if not role:
            await ctx.send('Please specify a valid role')

        # get a list of roles that are listed as public and the user roles
        available_roles = self.conf.get(guild_id, {}).get('pub_roles', [])
        user_roles = discord.utils.find(lambda r: str(r.id) == role_id,

        # ONLY remove roles if they are in the public roles list
        # Unless there is no list,
        #   in which case any of the user's roles can be removed
        if role_id in available_roles or user_roles:
            await auth.remove_roles(role)
            await ctx.send(ok('you no longer have that role'))
            await ctx.send(error('I\'m afraid that I can\'t remove that role'))

    # wrapper function for adding roles to public list
    async def _add_wrap(self, ctx, role):
        serv = ctx.message.guild

        # find the role,
        # if it is not found, create a new role
        role_str = role
        if type(role) != discord.Role:
            role = dh.get_role(serv, role_str)
        if not role:
            role = await serv.create_role(name=role_str, mentionable=True)
            await ctx.send(ok(f'New role created: {role_str}'))

        # if still no role, report and stop
        if not role:
            await ctx.send(error("could not find or create role role"))

        guild_id = str(serv.id)
        role_id = str(role.id)

        # The @everyone role (also @here iiuc) cannot be given/taken
        if role.is_everyone:
            await ctx.send(error('umm... no'))

        if guild_id not in self.conf:  # if server does not have a list yet create it
            self.conf[guild_id] = {'pub_roles': [role_id]}
        elif 'pub_roles' not in self.conf[guild_id]:  # if list is corruptted
            self.conf[guild_id]['pub_roles'] = [role_id]  # fix it
        elif role_id in self.conf[guild_id][
                'pub_roles']:  # if role is already there
            await ctx.send('role already in list')  #   report and stop
        else:  # otherwise add it to the list and end

        # save any changes to config file, and report success
        await ctx.send(ok('role added to public role list'))

    # wrapper function for getting roles that are on the list
    async def _request_wrap(self, ctx, role, date=''):
        auth = ctx.message.author
        chan = ctx.message.channel
        serv = ctx.message.guild

        # attempt to find the role if a string was given,
        #   if not found, stop
        if type(role) != discord.Role:
            role = dh.get_role(serv, role)
        if not role:
            await ctx.send(error("could not find role, ask a mod to create it")

        # get list of public roles
        available_roles = self.conf.get(guild_id, {}).get('pub_roles', [])
        role_id = str(role.id)
        guild_id = str(serv.id)

        if role_id in available_roles:  # if role is a public role,
            await auth.add_roles(role)  #   give it
            await ctx.send(ok('you now have that role'))
        else:  # otherwise don't
            await ctx.send(
                error('I\'m afraid that I can\'t give you that role'))

        if date:  # if a timeout was specified
            end_time = dh.get_end_time(date)[0]
            role_end = RoleRemove(end_time, role_id, str(auth.id),
                                  str(chan.id), guild_id)

            await self.bot.get_cog('HeapCog').push(role_end, self.bot)

    async def _cut(self, ctx, cut: str, skip: str = ''):
    cuts num_to_cut messages from the current channel
    skips over num_to_skip messages (skips none if not specified)

    User1: first message
    User2: other message
    User3: final message
    Using ".cut 1"             will cut User3's message
    Using ".cut 1 1"           will cut User2's message
    Using ".cut 3"             will cut all messages
    Using ".cut 3:other"       will cut User2 and 3's messages
    Using ".cut id:XXX"        will cut id XXX
    Using ".cut id:XXX id:YYY" will cut messages in range (id XXX, id YYY]

    messages will not be deleted until paste
    needs manage_messages perm in the current channel to use
    see .paste
        #if num_to_cut > 100:
        #  await ctx.send('Sorry, only up to 100')
        #  return
        in_id = re.search('^id:(\\d+)$', cut)
        in_re = re.search('^(\d+):(.+)$', cut)
        if in_id:
            cut = await ctx.message.channel.get_message(int(in_id.group(1)))
        elif in_re:
            cut = int(in_re.group(1))
            in_re = re.compile(in_re.group(2))
        elif re.search('^\d+$', cut):
            cut = int(cut)
            await ctx.send(error('bad cut parameter'))

        skip_id = re.search('^id:(\\d+)$', skip)
        skip_re = re.search('^(\d+):(.+)$', skip)
        if skip_id:
            skip = await ctx.message.channel.get_message(int(skip_id.group(1)))
        elif skip_re:
            skip = int(skip_re.group(1))
            skip_re = re.compile(skip_re.group(2))
        elif not skip or re.search('^\d+$', skip):
            skip = int(skip or '0')
            await ctx.send(error('bad skip parameter'))

        if not cut or (type(cut) == int and cut < 1):  # can't cut no messages
            await ctx.send('umm... no')

        # store info in easier to access variables
        chan = ctx.message.channel
        bef = ctx.message.created_at
        aid = str(ctx.message.author.id)
        cid = str(chan.id)

        # delete the original `.cut` message(not part of cutting)
        # also sorta serves as confirmation that messages have been cut
        await ctx.message.delete()

        # if messages should be skipped when cutting
        # save the timestamp of the oldest message
        if skip:
            if type(skip) == int:
                run = lambda: chan.history(limit=skip, reverse=True)
                run = lambda: chan.history(after=skip, reverse=True)

            async for m in run():
                if skip_re and not skip_re.search(m.content):
                bef = m.created_at

        # save the logs to a list
        #store true in position 0 of list if channel is a nsfw channel
        logs = ['nsfw' in chan.name.lower()]
        if type(cut) == int:
            run = lambda: chan.history(limit=cut, before=bef, reverse=True)
            run = lambda: chan.history(after=cut, before=bef, reverse=True)

        async for m in run():
            if in_re and in_re.search(m.content):
                in_re = False
            elif in_re:

        # save logs to dict (associate with user)
        self.cut[aid] = logs

    async def _paste(self, ctx):
    paste cutted messages to current channel

    needs manage_messages perm in the current channel to use
    deletes original messages
    see .cut
        # get messages that were cut and other variables
        aid = str(ctx.message.author.id)
        chan = ctx.message.channel
        logs = self.cut.pop(aid, [])

        # if nothing was cut, stop
        if not logs:
            await ctx.send('You have not cut anything')

        # it messages were cut in a nsfw channel,
        #   do not paste unless this is a nsfw channel
        # NOTE: cutting/pasting to/from PMs is not possible(for now)
        if logs[0] and 'nsfw' not in chan.name.lower():
            await ctx.send('That which hath been cut in nsfw, ' + \
                               'mustn\'t be pasted in such a place'

        # remove the nsfw indicator(since it's not really part of the logs)
        logs = logs[1:]

        # delete the `.paste` message
        await ctx.message.delete()

        # compress the messages - many messages can be squished into 1 big message
        # but ensure that output messages do not exceede the discord message limit
        buf = ''  # current out message that is being compressed to
        out = []  # output messages that have been compressed
        for message in logs:
            # save messages as:
            #   <nick> message
            # and attachments as(after the message):
            #   filename: url_to_attachment
            if message.content or message.attachments:
                tmp = '<{0.author.name}> {0.content}\n'.format(message)
                for a in message.attachments:
                    tmp += '{0.filename}: {0.url}\n'.format(a)
                tmp = ''
            # if this message would make the current output buffer too long,
            #   append it to the output message list and reset the buffer
            # or just append to the buffer if it's not going to be too long
            if len(buf) + len(tmp) > 1900:
                buf = tmp
                buf += tmp

            # if the message is composed of *only* embeds,
            #   flush buffer,
            #   and append embed to output list
            if message.embeds and not message.content:
                if buf:
                    buf = ''
                for embed in message.embeds:

        # if there is still content in the buffer after messages have been traversed
        #   treat buffer as complete message
        if buf:

        # send each message in output list
        for mes in out:
            if type(mes) == str:
                if mes:
                    await ctx.send(mes)
            else:  # if it's an embed, n
                await ctx.send(embed=EmWrap(mes))  #   it needs to be wrapped

        # once all messages have been pasted, delete(since cut) the old ones

        old = False  # messages older than 2 weeks cannot be batch deleted

        while len(logs) > 0:  # while there are messages to delete
            if len(logs) > 1:  #   if more than one left to delete and not old,
                if not old:  #     attempt batch delete [2-100] messages
                        await chan.delete_messages(logs[:100])
                    except:  #   if problem when batch deleting
                        old = True  #     then the messages must be old
                if old:  # if old, traverse and delete individually
                    for entry in logs[:100]:
                        await entry.delete()
                logs = logs[100:]
            else:  # if only one message, delete individually
                await logs[0].delete()

        # remove cut entry from dict of cuts
        if aid in self.cut:
            del self.cut[aid]

    async def _topic(self, ctx, *, new_topic=''):
        """manage topic

    if a new_topic is specified, changes the topic
    otherwise, displays the current topic
        # store channel in tmp pointer
        c = ctx.message.channel

        if new_topic:
            # if a topic was passed,
            #   change it if user has the permisssions to do so
            #   or tell user that they can't do that
            if perms.check_permissions(ctx.message, manage_channels=True):
                await c.edit(topic=new_topic)
                await ctx.send(
                    ok('Topic for #{} has been changed'.format(c.name)))
                await ctx.send(
                    error('You cannot change the topic for #{}'.format(c.name))
        elif c.topic:
            # if no topic has been passed,
            #   say the topic
            await ctx.send('Topic for #{}: `{}`'.format(c.name, c.topic))
            # if not topic in channel,
            #   say so
            await ctx.send('#{} has no topic'.format(c.name))

    @commands.command(name='timeout_send', aliases=['ts'])
    async def _timeout_send(self,
                            member: discord.Member,
                            time: float = 300):
        """puts a member in timeout for a duration(default 5 min)

    usage `.timeout [add] @member [time in seconds]`
        heap = self.bot.get_cog('HeapCog')
        if not perms.is_owner() and \
          ctx.message.author.server_permissions < member.server_permissions:
            await ctx.send('Can\'t send higher ranking members to timeout')

        server = ctx.message.guild
        channel = ctx.message.channel

        if perms.in_group('timeout') and not perms.is_owner():
            await ctx.send('You\'re in timeout... No.')

        if not ctx.message.guild:
            await ctx.send('not in a server at the moment')

        if time < 10:
            await ctx.send('And what would the point of that be?')

        if time > 10000:
            await ctx.send('Too long, at this point consider banning them')

        criteria = lambda m: re.search('(?i)^time?[ _-]?out.*', m.name)

        to_role = discord.utils.find(criteria, server.roles)
        to_chan = discord.utils.find(criteria, server.channels)

            timeout_obj = Timeout(channel, server, member, time)
            await heap.push(timeout_obj, self.bot, to_role, to_chan)
            for index, obj in enumerate(heap):
                if obj == timeout_obj:
            await ctx.send(
                'There was an error sending {}\'s to timeout \n({}{}\n)'.
                    '\n  - do I have permission to manage roles(and possibly channels)?',
                    '\n  - is my highest role above {}\'s highest role?'.

    @commands.command(name='timeout_end', aliases=['te'])
    async def _timeout_end(self, ctx, member: discord.Member):
        """removes a member from timeout

    usage `.timeout end @member`
        server = ctx.message.guild
        channel = ctx.message.channel

        if perms.in_group('timeout') and not perms.is_owner():
            await ctx.send('You\'re in timeout... No.')

        if not ctx.message.guild:
            await ctx.send('not in a server at the moment')

        # test timeout object for comparison
        test = namedtuple({
            'server_id': int(server.id),
            'user_id': int(member.id)
        index = 0  # inext is used to more efficently pop from heap

        # error message in case ending timeout fails
        error_msg = 'There was an error ending {}\'s timeout \n({}{}\n)'.format(
            '\n  - do I have permission to manage roles(and possibly channels)?',
            '\n  - is my highest role above {}\'s highest role?'.format(

        for timeout in Timeout.conf['timeouts']:  # look trhough all timouts
            if timeout == test:  #   if found
                    await timeout.end(self.bot, index)  #     attempt to end
                    await ctx.send(error_msg
                                   )  #     if error when ending, report
            index += 1  #   not found increment index
        else:  # not found at all, report
            await ctx.send('{} is not in timeout...'.format(member.name))

    # checks timeouts and restores perms when timout expires
    async def check_timeouts(self):
        if 'timeouts' not in Timeout.conf:  #create timeouts list if needed
            Timeout.conf['timeouts'] = []

        while self == self.bot.get_cog('Server'):  # in case of cog reload
            # while timeouts exist, and the next one's time has come,
            #   end it
            while Timeout.conf['timeouts'] and \
                  Timeout.conf['timeouts'][0].time_left < 1:
                await Timeout.conf['timeouts'][0].end(self.bot, 0)

            # wait a bit and check again
            #   if the next one ends in < 15s, wait that much instead of 15s
            if Timeout.conf['timeouts']:
                delay = min(Timeout.conf['timeouts'].time_left, 15)
                delay = 15
            await asyncio.sleep(delay + 0.5)
예제 #6
  if message.author.bot:
    logger.debug('  ignoring message (reason: bot)')

  # check if user is not the ignore list
  perms = Config('configs/perms.json')
  if str(message.author.id) in perms.get('ignore', []):
    logger.debug('  ignoring message (reason: user in ingore list)')

  # check if command is a valid one
  if not re.search('^[\\.!\\?\\$]{2,}', message.content):
    await bot.process_commands(message)
  logger.debug('global on message end')

# load token and start bot
#   if not token, ask
while len(auth.get('token', '')) < 30:
  auth['token'] = input("Please enter bot's token: ")

if len(auth.get('cogs', [])) == 0:
  is_cog = lambda fname: ord(fname[0]) <= ord('z') \
                     and ord(fname[0]) >= ord('a') \
                     and fname.endswith('.py')
  auth['cogs'] = ['cogs.'+x[:-3] for x in os.listdir('cogs/') if is_cog(x)]

#start bot
예제 #7
class AZ:
    def __init__(self, test=False):
        self.last = {}
        self.conf = Config('configs/az.json', save=(not test))
        if 'lenny' not in self.conf:
            self.conf['lenny'] = {}
        if 'img-reps' not in self.conf:
            self.conf['img-reps'] = {}
        if 'repeat_after' not in self.conf:
            self.conf['repeat_after'] = 3

    def lenny(self, first=''):
        out = None
            num = int(first)
            if num < 1:
                num = 1
            if num > 10:
                num = 10
            num = 1
            out = self.conf['lenny'].get(first.lower(), None)
        out = formatter.code(out) if out else '\n( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )'
        return out * num

    def shrug(self):
        return '¯\_(ツ)_/¯'

    def renderLatex(text,
        if type(file) == str and file:
            if not file.endswith(fmt):
                file += '.' + fmt
            with open(file, 'w') as f:
                return renderLatex(text, fntsz, dpi, fsz, fmt, f, **kargs)
        text = text.strip().replace('\n', '\\\\')
        if text.startswith('\\begin'):
            text = f'\\[{text}\\]'
        elif not text.startswith('$') and not text.startswith('\\['):
            text = f'\\[\\begin{{split}}{text}\\end{{split}}\\]'
        logger.debug(f'attempting to render latex string: \"{text}\"')

        plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
        plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = [

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fsz, fsz))

        output = BytesIO() if file is None else file

        if file is None:
            return output

    def get_colour(self, colour):
        colour = colour.lower().strip()
        match = re.search('^(0[hx])?([a-f0-9]{6})$', colour)
        if colour in dh.colours:
            c = dh.colours[colour]
        elif match:
            c = discord.Colour(int(match.group(2), 16))
            return None
        return c

    def img(self, *search):
        if not os.path.exists(self.conf.get('path', '')):
            logger.debug('could not find images')
            raise IOError('No images found')

        #  git_sync(self.conf.get('path'))
        #  pass

        logger.debug('input: %s', ', '.join(search))
        search = [re.sub(r'[^\w\./#\* -]+', '', i).lower() for i in search]
        search = dh.remove_comments(search)
        logger.debug('uncomment: %s', ', '.join(search))

            path = azfind.search(self.conf['path'], search)
            path = ''

        if not path.strip():
            return None, None

        # fix line apngs a bit (they only loop once)

            if self.conf.get('path-rep'):
                url = path.replace(self.conf['path'], self.conf['path-rep'])
                url = 'No url, `pat-rep` not set'
            return path, url

    async def censor(self, bot, message):
        reps = self.conf.get('censor', {})
        cont = message.content
        chan = message.channel
        auth = message.author.mention
        send = False

        for pat, rep in reps.items():
            if re.search(pat, cont):
                send = True
                cont = re.sub(pat, rep, cont)

        if send:
            await message.delete()
            await chan.send(f'<{auth}> {cont}')

    async def repeat(self, bot, message):
        chan = message.channel
        data = self.last.get(chan, ['', 0])

        if not message.content:

        if data[0] == message.content.lower():
            data[1] += 1
            data = [message.content.lower(), 1]

        if data[1] == self.conf.get('repeat_after', 3):
            await chan.send(message.content)
            data[1] = 0

        self.last[chan] = data