예제 #1
from subprocess import check_output
from indexes import Au_index, H2O_index
gold = Au_index()
length = 60.
width = 25.
AR = (length - width) / width  # Definition of ADDA for Aspect Ratio
medium_n = 1.3330  # Refractive index of Water
Q_abss = []
C_abss = []
Q_extt = []
C_extt = []

for wavelength in range(500, 800):
    wl = wavelength / 1000  # change wl to micrometers

    gold_n = gold.r_i(wl)
    wl = wl / medium_n
    gold_n = gold_n / medium_n

    stdout = check_output(
        "adda -shape capsule " + str(AR) + " -size " + str(width / 1000) +
        " -grid 16 -orient 0 90 0 -lambda " + str(wl) + " -m " +
        str(gold_n.real) + " " + str(gold_n.imag),

    # Format the output to a usable format
    std = str(stdout)
    std = std.split('\n')
예제 #2
from subprocess import check_output
from indexes import Au_index, H2O_index
gold = Au_index()
length = 60.
width = 25.
AR = (length-width)/width # Definition of ADDA for Aspect Ratio
medium_n = 1.3330 # Refractive index of Water 
Q_abss = []
C_abss = []
Q_extt = []
C_extt = []

for wavelength in range(500,800):
	wl = wavelength/1000 # change wl to micrometers
	gold_n = gold.r_i(wl)
	wl = wl/medium_n
	gold_n = gold_n / medium_n

	stdout = check_output("adda -shape capsule " + str(AR) + " -size " + str(width/1000) + " -grid 16 -orient 0 90 0 -lambda " + str(wl) + " -m " + str(gold_n.real) + " " + str(gold_n.imag),shell=True)

	# Format the output to a usable format
	std = str(stdout)
	std = std.split('\n')
예제 #3
init_width = float(conf_param[2])
etching = float(conf_param[3])

print("Starting Simulation with the following parameters:")
print("Starting wavelength: {}nm.".format(starting_wavelength))
print("Initial length: {}nm. Initial width: {}nm".format(init_length, init_width))
print("Etching step: {}nm. Total number of simulations: {}\n".format(etching, number_simulations))

#total_wl = 200 # Total number of wavelengths
#start_wl = 600 # Starting wavelength in nm
#stop_wl = 800  # Ending wavelength in nm

gold = Au_index()
water = H2O_index()

#init_length = 60 # Initial length in nm
#init_width = 25 # Initial width in nm
#etching = .5 # Etching rate between simulations
#number_simulations = 20

directory = str(init_length) + "X" + str(init_width)

if not os.path.exists(directory):
    os.mkdir(str(init_length) + "X" + str(init_width))

# Variables to store the data
Q_abss = []