예제 #1
    def __init__(self, address, db):
        for key in ['Year', 'Month', 'Arrest', 'Latitude', 'Longitude']:
            if key not in db.columns:
                raise ValueError('Database does not contain mandatory "{}" column.'.format(key))

        if not isinstance(address, Address):
            raise TypeError('Receive address is not of type addressClass.Address')

        self.address = address

        district = address.district
        district_db = self._filter_db_by_district(district,db)
        self.district = district
        #Setting attributes to total district info
        self.dist_crime_density = iu.get_density(polygon = du.get_polygon(district), ammount = len(district_db))
        self.dist_police_effectiveness = iu.effectiveness_police(data = district_db)
        self.dist_police_effectiveness_density = iu.effectiveness_sq_mile(polygon = du.get_polygon(district), data = district_db)

        #Setting attributes by month/year  from the district
        self.dist_crime_density_month = self._generate_db_month_district_indicator(district_db, 'density')
        self.dist_police_effectiveness_month = self._generate_db_month_district_indicator(district_db,'effect')
        self.dist_police_effectiveness_density_month = self._generate_db_month_district_indicator(district_db, 'effectsq')

        circle_data = self._get_data_crime_circle(db)

        #Setting attributes to circle, total info
        self.circ_crime_density = iu.get_density(polygon = self._get_circle_boundaries(), ammount = len(circle_data))
        self.circ_police_effectiveness = iu.effectiveness_police(data = circle_data)
        self.circ_police_effectiveness_density = iu.effectiveness_sq_mile(polygon = self._get_circle_boundaries(), data = circle_data)

        #Setting attributes to circle, by month/year
        self.circ_crime_density_month = self._generate_db_month_district_indicator(circle_data, 'density')
        self.circ_police_effectiveness_month = self._generate_db_month_district_indicator(circle_data,'effect')
        self.circ_police_effectiveness_density_month = self._generate_db_month_district_indicator(circle_data, 'effectsq')
예제 #2
    def crime_density_by_district(self):
        Computes the indicator of number of crimes per square mile by district in the whole Chicago area
        Its output is a dictionary with each value, where key is the number of district
        crime_per_milesq = {}

        for district in self.districts_contained:
            data_district = self[self['District'] == district]
                crimes_per_district = iu.get_density(polygon=du.get_polygon(district), ammount=len(data_district))
            except iu.ZeroAreaPolygon as errmessage:
                crime_per_milesq[district] = np.nan
                crime_per_milesq[district] = crimes_per_district

        return crime_per_milesq
예제 #3
	def test_get_density(self):
		self.assertTrue(iu.get_density(self.boundaries, len(self.data)))
예제 #4
 def _generate_db_summarized_for_district(self, db):
     This functions returns a dataframe of the indicators per month/year.
     It filters the data in year and then in month, so that it can compute the indicators in each subset (month and year).
     As a note, it uses the following pd.datetime.strptime(str(int(month)).zfill(2)+str(year), '%m%Y')
     in order to create the index as a date type, making it easier to plot later.                
     :param db: 
     Years = db.Year.unique()
     data_ind = pd.DataFrame(columns=('density', 'effectiveness', 'effect_by_sqm'))
     for year in Years:
         data_year = db[db['Year'] == year]
         for month in range(1,13):
             data_district_month = data_year[data_year.Month == month]
             if len(data_district_month) == 0:
                 data_ind.loc[ pd.datetime.strptime(str(int(month)).zfill(2)+str(year), '%m%Y')] =[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]
                 data_ind.loc[pd.datetime.strptime(str(int(month)).zfill(2)+str(year), '%m%Y')] = [iu.get_density(polygon=du.get_polygon(district_number=self.district), ammount= len(data_district_month)),
                                                                                                 iu.effectiveness_sq_mile(polygon = du.get_polygon(self.district), data =data_district_month)]
     return data_ind
예제 #5
    def _generate_db_month_district(self, district=0):
        Filters the DB according to the district and generates a dictionary with the number of
        crimes by month and year, for each indicator. 
        If district is set to zero, computes the total of all Chicago.
        As a note, it uses the following pd.datetime.strptime(str(int(month)).zfill(2)+str(year), '%m%Y')
        in order to create the index as a date type, making it easier to plot later.
         If there is no crime data, it sets the value Nan from numpy. Returns a a dictionary of the number of crimes
        :return data_ind
        Years = self.Year.unique()
        data_ind = pd.DataFrame(columns=('density', 'effectiveness', 'effect_by_sqm'))

        #CHicago considers the total information by month/year
        if district == 0:
            area = 0
            for district in self.districts_contained:
                area += proj.PolygonProjection(du.get_polygon(district)).calculate_area_in_miles()

            for year in Years:
                data_district_year = self[self['Year'] == year]
                for month in range(1,13):
                    data_district_month = data_district_year[data_district_year['Month'] == month]
                    if len(data_district_month) == 0:
                        data_ind.loc[ pd.datetime.strptime(str(int(month)).zfill(2)+str(year), '%m%Y')] =[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]
                        data_ind.loc[ pd.datetime.strptime(str(int(month)).zfill(2)+str(year), '%m%Y')] = [ len(data_district_month)/ area,
                                                                                                            len(data_district_month[data_district_month['Arrest'] == True])*1.0 / len(data_district_month),
                                                                                                           (len(data_district_month[data_district_month['Arrest'] == True])*1.0 / len(data_district_month['Arrest']))/area]
        #Other case, it computes the indicator of the inputted district
            for year in Years:
                data_district_year = self[(self['District'] == district) & (self['Year'] == year)]
                for month in range(1,13):
                    data_district_month = data_district_year[data_district_year['Month'] == month]
                    if len(data_district_month) == 0:
                        data_ind.loc[ pd.datetime.strptime(str(int(month)).zfill(2)+str(year), '%m%Y')] =[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]
                        data_ind.loc[ pd.datetime.strptime(str(int(month)).zfill(2)+str(year), '%m%Y')] = [iu.get_density(polygon = du.get_polygon(district), ammount = len(data_district_month)),
                                                                                                            iu.effectiveness_sq_mile(polygon = du.get_polygon(district), data =data_district_month)]
        return data_ind