예제 #1
파일: util.py 프로젝트: bkolobara/indico
def get_upcoming_events():
    """Get the global list of upcoming events"""
    from indico.modules.events import Event
    data = upcoming_events_settings.get_all()
    if not data['max_entries'] or not data['entries']:
    tz = timezone(config.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE)
    now = now_utc(False).astimezone(tz)
    base_query = (Event.query
                  .filter(Event.effective_protection_mode == ProtectionMode.public,
                          Event.end_dt.astimezone(tz) > now)
                  .options(load_only('id', 'title', 'start_dt', 'end_dt')))
    queries = []
    cols = {'category': Event.category_id,
            'event': Event.id}
    for entry in data['entries']:
        delta = timedelta(days=entry['days'])
        query = (base_query
                 .filter(cols[entry['type']] == entry['id'])
                 .filter(db.cast(Event.start_dt.astimezone(tz), db.Date) > (now - delta).date())
                 .with_entities(Event, db.literal(entry['weight']).label('weight')))

    query = (queries[0].union(*queries[1:])
             .order_by(db.desc('weight'), Event.start_dt, Event.title)
    for row in query:
        event = row[0]
        # we cache the result of the function and is_deleted is used in the repr
        # and having a broken repr on the cached objects would be ugly
        set_committed_value(event, 'is_deleted', False)
        yield event
예제 #2
파일: util.py 프로젝트: iammujtaba/indico
def get_upcoming_events():
    """Get the global list of upcoming events"""
    from indico.modules.events import Event
    data = upcoming_events_settings.get_all()
    if not data['max_entries'] or not data['entries']:
    tz = timezone(config.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE)
    now = now_utc(False).astimezone(tz)
    base_query = (Event.query
                  .filter(Event.effective_protection_mode == ProtectionMode.public,
                          Event.end_dt.astimezone(tz) > now)
                  .options(load_only('id', 'title', 'start_dt', 'end_dt')))
    queries = []
    predicates = {'category': lambda id_: Event.category_id == id_,
                  'category_tree': lambda id_: Event.category_chain_overlaps(id_) & Event.is_visible_in(id_),
                  'event': lambda id_: Event.id == id_}
    for entry in data['entries']:
        delta = timedelta(days=entry['days'])
        query = (base_query
                 .filter(db.cast(Event.start_dt.astimezone(tz), db.Date) > (now - delta).date())
                 .with_entities(Event, db.literal(entry['weight']).label('weight')))

    query = (queries[0].union(*queries[1:])
             .order_by(db.desc('weight'), Event.start_dt, Event.title)
    for row in query:
        event = row[0]
        # we cache the result of the function and is_deleted is used in the repr
        # and having a broken repr on the cached objects would be ugly
        set_committed_value(event, 'is_deleted', False)
        yield event
예제 #3
    def _iter_allowed_rooms(self):
        query = (db.session.query(VCRoom, func.count(VCRoomEventAssociation.id).label('event_count'))
                 .filter(func.lower(VCRoom.name).contains(self.query.lower()), VCRoom.status != VCRoomStatus.deleted,
                         VCRoom.type == self.plugin.service_name)

        return ((room, count) for room, count in query if room.plugin.can_manage_vc_room(session.avatar, room))
예제 #4
    def _iter_allowed_rooms(self):
        query = (db.session.query(VCRoom, func.count(VCRoomEventAssociation.id).label('event_count'))
                 .filter(func.lower(VCRoom.name).contains(self.query.lower()), VCRoom.status != VCRoomStatus.deleted,
                         VCRoom.type == self.plugin.service_name)
                 # Plugins might add eager-loaded extensions to the table - since we cannot group by them
                 # we need to make sure everything is lazy-loaded here.
                 .options(lazyload(r) for r in inspect(VCRoom).relationships.keys())

        return ((room, count) for room, count in query if room.plugin.can_manage_vc_room(session.user, room))
예제 #5
    def _iter_allowed_rooms(self):
        query = (db.session.query(VCRoom, func.count(VCRoomEventAssociation.id).label('event_count'))
                 .filter(func.lower(VCRoom.name).contains(self.query.lower()), VCRoom.status != VCRoomStatus.deleted,
                         VCRoom.type == self.plugin.service_name)
                 # Plugins might add eager-loaded extensions to the table - since we cannot group by them
                 # we need to make sure everything is lazy-loaded here.
                 .options(lazyload(r) for r in inspect(VCRoom).relationships.keys())

        return ((room, count) for room, count in query if room.plugin.can_manage_vc_room(session.user, room))