예제 #1
    def __init__(self, name):

        self.name = name
        # Params inference
        self.fps = 1
        self.period = 1 / self.fps
        self.batch_size = 1
        self.points_sub = 256  # 128 256 512
        self.block_sub = 0.2
        self.stride_sub = 0.2
        self.gpu_index = 0
        self.desired_points = 0

        self.model_path = "/home/miguel/Desktop/test_po3d/256_22_2/model.ckpt"
        self.path_cls = "/home/miguel/Desktop/test_po3d/1.txt"
        self.classes, self.labels, self.label2color = indoor3d_util.get_info_classes(

        # TODO importar modelos valvulas, convertirlos a o3d pointclouds, calcular fpfh y meterlos en una lista

        self.init = False
        self.new_pc = False

        # Set image subscriber
        pc_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(
            '/stereo_down/scaled_x2/points2_filtered', PointCloud2)
        #pc_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/stereo_down/scaled_x2/points2', PointCloud2)
        info_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/stereo_down/left/camera_info',
        ts_image = message_filters.TimeSynchronizer([pc_sub, info_sub], 10)

        # Set class image publisher
        self.pub_pc_base = rospy.Publisher(
            "/stereo_down/scaled_x2/points2_base", PointCloud2, queue_size=4)
        self.pub_pc_seg = rospy.Publisher("/stereo_down/scaled_x2/points2_seg",

        # Set classification timer
        rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(self.period), self.run)

        # CvBridge for image conversion
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
예제 #2
def eval_one_epoch(sess, ops, room_path, out_data_label_filename,
    error_cnt = 0
    is_training = False
    total_correct = 0
    total_seen = 0
    loss_sum = 0
    total_seen_class = [0 for _ in range(NUM_CLASSES)]
    total_correct_class = [0 for _ in range(NUM_CLASSES)]
    if parsed_args.visu:
        fout = open(
                         os.path.basename(room_path)[:-4] + '_pred.obj'), 'w')
        fout_gt = open(
                         os.path.basename(room_path)[:-4] + '_gt.obj'), 'w')
    fout_data_label = open(out_data_label_filename, 'w')
    fout_gt_label = open(out_gt_label_filename, 'w')

    current_data, current_label = indoor3d_util.room2blocks_wrapper_normalized(
        room_path, NUM_POINT, block_size=0.1, stride=0.1)
    current_data = current_data[:, 0:NUM_POINT, :]
    current_label = np.squeeze(current_label)
    # Get room dimension..
    data_label = np.load(room_path)
    data = data_label[:, 0:6]
    max_room_x = max(data[:, 0])
    max_room_y = max(data[:, 1])
    max_room_z = max(data[:, 2])

    file_size = current_data.shape[0]
    print("--------------- FILE SIZE: " + str(file_size))
    num_batches = file_size // BATCH_SIZE

    for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
        start_idx = batch_idx * BATCH_SIZE
        end_idx = (batch_idx + 1) * BATCH_SIZE
        cur_batch_size = end_idx - start_idx

        feed_dict = {
            ops['pointclouds_pl']: current_data[start_idx:end_idx, :, :],
            ops['labels_pl']: current_label[start_idx:end_idx],
            ops['is_training_pl']: is_training
        loss_val, pred_val = sess.run([ops['loss'], ops['pred_softmax']],

        if parsed_args.no_clutter:
            pred_label = np.argmax(pred_val[:, :, 0:12], 2)  # BxN
            pred_label = np.argmax(pred_val, 2)  # BxN
        # Save prediction labels to OBJ file
        for b in range(BATCH_SIZE):
            pts = current_data[start_idx + b, :, :]
            l = current_label[start_idx + b, :]
            pts[:, 6] *= max_room_x
            pts[:, 7] *= max_room_y
            pts[:, 8] *= max_room_z
            pts[:, 3:6] *= 255.0
            pred = pred_label[b, :]
            for i in range(NUM_POINT):

                g_classes, g_class2label, g_label2color = indoor3d_util.get_info_classes(
                color = g_label2color[pred[i]]
                color_gt = g_label2color[current_label[start_idx + b, i]]

                if parsed_args.visu:
                    fout.write('v %f %f %f %d %d %d\n' %
                               (pts[i, 6], pts[i, 7], pts[i, 8], color[0],
                                color[1], color[2]))
                    fout_gt.write('v %f %f %f %d %d %d\n' %
                                  (pts[i, 6], pts[i, 7], pts[i, 8],
                                   color_gt[0], color_gt[1], color_gt[2]))
                    '%f %f %f %d %d %d %f %d\n' %
                    (pts[i, 6], pts[i, 7], pts[i, 8], pts[i, 3], pts[i, 4],
                     pts[i, 5], pred_val[b, i, pred[i]], pred[i]))
                fout_gt_label.write('%d\n' % (l[i]))
        correct = np.sum(pred_label == current_label[start_idx:end_idx, :])
        total_correct += correct
        total_seen += (cur_batch_size * NUM_POINT)
        loss_sum += (loss_val * BATCH_SIZE)
        for i in range(start_idx, end_idx):
            for j in range(NUM_POINT):
                l = current_label[i, j]
                total_seen_class[l] += 1
                total_correct_class[l] += (pred_label[i - start_idx, j] == l)

    log_string('eval mean loss: %f' %
               (loss_sum / float(total_seen / NUM_POINT)))
    if total_seen > 0:
        log_string('eval accuracy: %f' % (total_correct / float(total_seen)))
    if parsed_args.visu:
    return total_correct, total_seen
예제 #3
                    help='Point number sub [default: 4096]')
parser.add_argument('--test_name', help='name of the test')

parsed_args = parser.parse_args()

path_data = parsed_args.path_data
path_cls = parsed_args.path_cls
model_path = os.path.join(parsed_args.model_path, "model.ckpt")
points_sub = parsed_args.points_sub
test_name = parsed_args.test_name
dump_path = os.path.join(parsed_args.model_path, "dump_" + test_name)
if not os.path.exists(dump_path): os.mkdir(dump_path)

classes, labels, label2color = indoor3d_util.get_info_classes(path_cls)
num_classes = len(classes)

batch_size = 1
gpu_index = 0
block_sub = 0.2
stride_sub = 0.2

def evaluate(data, label, xyz_max, sess, ops):

    is_training = False

    label = np.squeeze(label)

    num_batches = data.shape[0] // batch_size
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

        # Params inference
        self.fps = 2                # target fps        //PARAM
        self.period = 1/self.fps    # target period     //PARAM
        self.batch_size = 1         #                   //PARAM
        self.points_sub = 128       #                   //PARAM
        self.block_sub = 0.1        #                   //PARAM
        self.stride_sub = 0.1       #                   //PARAM
        self.gpu_index = 0          #                   //PARAM
        self.desired_points = int(6000/(128/self.points_sub))  # n of points to wich the received pc will be downsampled    //PARAM

        # get valve matching targets
        self.targets_path = "/home/miguel/Desktop/PIPES2/dgcnn/valve_targets"      # //PARAM
        self.targets_list = list()
        for file_name in natsorted(os.listdir(self.targets_path)):
            target_path = os.path.join(self.targets_path, file_name)
            target = get_info.read_ply(target_path, "model")
            xyz_central = np.mean(target, axis=0)[0:3]
            target[:, 0:3] -= xyz_central  
            target[:, 2] *= -1                                                  # flip Z axis
            target_o3d = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
            target_o3d.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(target[:,0:3])
            target_o3d.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(target[:,3:6])
            target_o3d.estimate_normals(search_param=o3d.geometry.KDTreeSearchParamHybrid(radius=0.01, max_nn=15))  # //PARAM
            target_o3d.orient_normals_to_align_with_direction(orientation_reference=([0, 0, 1]))                    # //PARAM

        # Params get_instance
        self.col_inst = {
        0: [255, 255, 0],
        1: [255, 0, 255],
        2: [0, 255, 255],
        3: [0, 128, 0],
        4: [0, 0, 128],
        5: [128, 0, 0],
        6: [0, 255, 0],
        7: [0, 0, 255],
        8: [255, 0, 0],
        9: [0, 100, 0],
        10: [0, 0, 100],
        11: [100, 0, 0],
        12: [100, 0, 255],
        13: [0, 255, 100],
        13: [255, 100, 0]
        self.rad_p = 0.04               # max distance for pipe growing                             //PARAM
        self.rad_v = 0.04               # max distance for valve growing                            //PARAM
        self.dim_p = 3                  # compute 2D (2) or 3D (3) distance for pipe growing        //PARAM
        self.dim_v = 2                  # compute 2D (2) or 3D (3) distance for valve growing       //PARAM
        self.min_p_p = 60               # minimum number of points to consider a blob as a pipe     //PARAM
        self.min_p_v = 30 # 40 80 140   # minimum number of points to consider a blob as a valve    //PARAM

        self.model_path = "/home/miguel/Desktop/PIPES2/dgcnn/sem_seg/RUNS/sparus_xiroi/test/128_11_1/model.ckpt"          # path to model         //PARAM
        self.path_cls = "/home/miguel/Desktop/PIPES2/dgcnn/sem_seg/RUNS/sparus_xiroi/test/128_11_1/cls.txt"               # path to clases info   //PARAM
        self.classes, self.labels, self.label2color = indoor3d_util.get_info_classes(self.path_cls) # get classes info

        self.init = False
        self.new_pc = False

        # set subscribers
        pc_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/stereo_down/scaled_x2/points2_filtered', PointCloud2)     # //PARAM
        #pc_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/stereo_down/scaled_x2/points2', PointCloud2)             # //PARAM

        # Set class image publishers
        self.pub_pc_base = rospy.Publisher("/stereo_down/scaled_x2/points2_base", PointCloud2, queue_size=4)
        self.pub_pc_seg = rospy.Publisher("/stereo_down/scaled_x2/points2_seg", PointCloud2, queue_size=4)
        self.pub_pc_inst = rospy.Publisher("/stereo_down/scaled_x2/points2_inst", PointCloud2, queue_size=4)
        self.pub_pc_info = rospy.Publisher("/stereo_down/scaled_x2/points2_info", PointCloud2, queue_size=4)

        # Set segmentation timer
        rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(self.period), self.run)