예제 #1
def stmts_from_indranet_path(path, model, signed, from_db=True, stmts=None):
    """Return source Statements corresponding to a path in an IndraNet model
    (found by SignedGraphModelChecker or UnsignedGraphModelChecker).

    path : list[tuple[str, int]]
        A list of tuples where the first element of the tuple is the
        name of an agent, and the second is the associated polarity along
        a path.
    model : nx.Digraph or nx.MultiDiGraph
        An IndraNet model flattened into an unsigned DiGraph or signed
    signed : bool
        Whether the model and path are signed.
    from_db : bool
        If True, uses statement hashes to query the database. Otherwise, looks
        for path statements in provided stmts.
    stmts : Optional[list[indra.statements.Statement]]
        A list of INDRA Statements from which the model was assembled. Required
        if from_db is set to False.

    path_stmts : list[[indra.statements.Statement]]
        A list of lists of INDRA statements explaining the path (each inner
        corresponds to one step in the path because the flattened model can
        have multiple statements per edge).
    steps = []
    for i in range(len(path[:-1])):
        source = path[i]
        target = path[i+1]
        if len(source) == 3:
            edge = RefEdge._from_json(source)
        elif len(target) == 3:
            edge = RefEdge._from_json(target)
        if signed:
            if source[1] == target[1]:
                sign = 0
                sign = 1
            stmt_data = model[source[0]][target[0]][sign]['statements']
            stmt_data = model[source[0]][target[0]]['statements']
        hashes = [stmt['stmt_hash'] for stmt in stmt_data]
        if from_db:
            p = get_statements_by_hash(hashes)
            statements = p.statements
            statements = [
                stmt for stmt in stmts if stmt.get_hash() in hashes]
    return steps
예제 #2
def stmts_from_pybel_path(path, model, from_db=True, stmts=None):
    """Return source Statements corresponding to a path in a PyBEL model.

    path : list[tuple[str, int]]
        A list of tuples where the first element of the tuple is the
        name of an agent, and the second is the associated polarity along
        a path.
    model : pybel.BELGraph
        A PyBEL BELGraph model.
    from_db : bool
        If True, uses statement hashes to query the database. Otherwise, looks
        for path statements in provided stmts.
    stmts : Optional[list[indra.statements.Statement]]
        A list of INDRA Statements from which the model was assembled. Required
        if from_db is set to False.

    path_stmts : list[[indra.statements.Statement]]
        A list of lists of INDRA statements explaining the path (each inner
        corresponds to one step in the path because PyBEL model can have
        multiple edges representing multiple statements and evidences between
        two nodes).
    steps = []
    for i in range(len(path[:-1])):
        source = path[i]
        target = path[i+1]
        edges = model[source[0]][target[0]]
        hashes = set()
        for j in range(len(edges)):
            if from_db:
                statements = get_statements_by_hash(list(hashes))
                statements = [
                    stmt for stmt in stmts if stmt.get_hash() in hashes]
    return steps
예제 #3
def stmts_from_pybel_path(path, model, from_db=True, stmts=None):
    """Return source Statements corresponding to a path in a PyBEL model.

    path : list[tuple[str, int]]
        A list of tuples where the first element of the tuple is the
        name of an agent, and the second is the associated polarity along
        a path.
    model : pybel.BELGraph
        A PyBEL BELGraph model.
    from_db : bool
        If True, uses statement hashes to query the database. Otherwise, looks
        for path statements in provided stmts.
    stmts : Optional[list[indra.statements.Statement]]
        A list of INDRA Statements from which the model was assembled. Required
        if from_db is set to False.

    path_stmts : list[[indra.statements.Statement]]
        A list of lists of INDRA statements explaining the path (each inner
        corresponds to one step in the path because PyBEL model can have
        multiple edges representing multiple statements and evidences between
        two nodes).
    import pybel.constants as pc
    from indra.sources.bel.processor import get_agent
    steps = []
    for i in range(len(path[:-1])):
        source = path[i]
        target = path[i + 1]
        # Check if the signs of source and target nodes are the same
        positive = (source[1] == target[1])
        reverse = False
            all_edges = model[source[0]][target[0]]
        except KeyError:
            # May be a symmetric edge
            all_edges = model[target[0]][source[0]]
            reverse = True
        # Only keep the edges with correct sign or non-causal
        edges = {}
        key = 0
        for edge_data in all_edges.values():
            if edge_data['relation'] not in pc.CAUSAL_RELATIONS:
                edges[key] = edge_data
                key += 1
            if positive and \
                    edge_data['relation'] in pc.CAUSAL_INCREASE_RELATIONS:
                edges[key] = edge_data
                key += 1
            elif not positive and \
                    edge_data['relation'] in pc.CAUSAL_DECREASE_RELATIONS:
                edges[key] = edge_data
                key += 1
        hashes = set()
        for j in range(len(edges)):
            # partOf and hasVariant edges don't have hashes
            except KeyError:
        # If we didn't get any hashes, we can get PybelEdge object from
        # partOf and hasVariant edges
        if not hashes:
            statements = []
            # Can't get statements without hash from db
            for edge_v in edges.values():
                rel = edge_v['relation']
                edge = PybelEdge(get_agent(source[0]), get_agent(target[0]),
                                 rel, reverse)
                # Stop if we have an edge to avoid duplicates
                if len(statements) > 0:
        # If we have hashes, retrieve statements from them
            if from_db:
                statements = get_statements_by_hash(list(hashes),
                statements = [
                    stmt for stmt in stmts if stmt.get_hash() in hashes
    return steps