def ping_url(protocol, url): url = to_string(url) protocol = to_string(protocol).lower() url_parts = url.split('/', 1) host = url_parts[0] if len(url_parts) == 1: path = '/' else: path = '/%s' % url_parts[1] if protocol == 'https': connection = HTTPSConnection(host) elif protocol == 'http': connection = HTTPConnection(host) else: raise ValueError('url', u('Invalid protocol %s. Use only http or https.') % protocol) valid_url = False try: connection.request('HEAD', path) response = connection.getresponse() except Exception: pass else: if response.status != 404: valid_url = True finally: connection.close() return valid_url
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): content_type = get_content_type(environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE')) if content_type == 'application/json' and 'wsgi.input' in environ: body = environ['wsgi.input'].read() if body: arguments = [] body = to_string(body) try: body_json = loads(body) for key, values in dict(body_json).items(): key = to_string(key) values = maybe_list(values) for value in values: if value is None: arguments.append('%s=' % key) else: arguments.append('%s=%s' % (key, quote(dump_query_value(value)))) body = string_join('&', arguments) except (ValueError, UnicodeEncodeError): headers = [('Content-type', 'application/json')] error = HTTPInvalidJSONPayload() start_response(error.status, headers) return format_error_response_to_json(error) environ_add_POST(environ, body or '') return self.application(environ, start_response)
def clean_string(value, replace_case=None, mapping_dict=None): value = to_string(value) get_letter = (mapping_dict or MAPPING).get if replace_case is not None: replace_case = to_string(replace_case) return ''.join(get_letter(letter, replace_case) for letter in value) else: return ''.join(get_letter(letter, letter) for letter in value)
def get_token_file_path(self, token_256): token_256 = to_string(token_256) return normpath( join_paths( self.settings['token.path'], token_256[0], token_256))
def run_monitor(self): try: self.validate_daemons() immediate_jobs = set( to_string(k) for k in self.config.cache.get_values(JOBS_IMMEDIATE_KEY, expire=None)) for apijob in list(JOBS): run_job = False if in immediate_jobs: run_job = True immediate_jobs.remove( elif apijob.will_run() and apijob.next_date <= NOW(): run_job = True if run_job: try: daemon = start_system_thread( 'job_%s' %, apijob, sleep_method=False) except KeyError: pass else: RUNNING_JOBS.append((apijob, daemon)) self.config.cache.replace_values(JOBS_IMMEDIATE_KEY, immediate_jobs, expire=None) except Exception as error: self.system_session().logging.log_critical('jobs_undefined_error', str(error)) return 5 else: return 0.5
def send_immediately(self, *args, **kwargs): fail_silently = kwargs.pop('fail_silently', False) mime_message = self.create_message(*args, **kwargs) try: self.api_session_manager.mailer.send_immediately(mime_message, fail_silently=fail_silently) except Exception as error: if isinstance(error, SMTPRecipientsRefused): for email, error_message in error.args[0].items(): code = error_message[0] if code == 554: raise Error('email', 'Invalid email "%s"' % to_string(email)) elif code == 450: raise Error('email', 'Invalid email domain "%s"' % to_string(email)) raise else: return True
def parse_request_type(content_type): if content_type is None: return 'text/plain' else: content_type = to_string(content_type) if ';' in content_type: content_type = content_type.split(';', 1)[0] return '/'.join(map(str.strip, content_type.lower().split('/')))
def parse_request_type(content_type): if content_type is None: return 'text/plain' content_type = to_string(content_type) if ';' in content_type: content_type = content_type.split(';', 1)[0] return string_join('/', (c.strip().lower() for c in content_type.split('/')))
def clean_junk_locks(self): for path, dirnames, filenames in walk_on_path(self.path): filenames = filenames or [] for dirname in dirnames: folder_path = join_paths(path, dirname) for filename in get_dir_filenames(folder_path): if not filename.startswith('.'): filenames.append(join_paths(dirname, filename)) for filename in filenames: filename = to_string(filename) if filename.startswith('.'): continue file_path = join_paths(path, filename) if '.' in filename: # Delete inactive positions locks binary = get_file_binary(file_path, mode='r') if binary: info = binary.split() if len(info) >= 2 and info[0] == DOMAIN_NAME and maybe_integer(info[1]): try: getpgid(int(info[1])) except OSError as error: if error.errno is errno.ESRCH: remove_file_quietly( file_path, retries=self.retries, retry_errno=self.retry_errno) else: # Clean locks wait list # Get last modified time, to check if file as been updated in the process modified_time = file_modified_time(file_path) if modified_time: binary = get_file_binary(file_path, mode='r') if binary: # Find alive locks keep_codes = binary.splitlines() for i, line in enumerate(keep_codes): info = line.split() if len(info) >= 2 and info[0] == DOMAIN_NAME and maybe_integer(info[1]): try: getpgid(int(info[1])) except OSError as error: if error.errno is errno.ESRCH: # Add empty line to keep position number keep_codes[i] = '' # Check if file as been updated in the process last_modified_time = file_modified_time(file_path) if last_modified_time and modified_time == last_modified_time: if not any(keep_codes): remove_file_quietly(file_path) else: with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(NEW_LINE.join(keep_codes))
def _render(value, system): value = to_string(value) request = system.get('request') if request is not None: response = request.response ct = response.content_type if ct == response.default_content_type: response.content_type = 'text/html' return value
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): try: for chunk in self.application(environ, start_response): yield chunk except (BaseException, Exception) as error: # Save / log error request = make_request(self.config, environ) try: small_message = '%s: %s' % (error.__class__.__name__, to_string(error)) except (BaseException, Exception): small_message = error print_message = True if request.api is not None: api_manager = self.settings.get('api_manager') if api_manager is not None: logging_api_name = api_manager.__api_name__ else: logging_api_name = 'logging' try: getattr(request.api, logging_api_name).log_critical( 'internal_server_error', str(small_message)) except (BaseException, Exception): pass else: print_message = False if print_message: print(''.join(format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))) if isinstance(request.registry.config, APIConfigurator): headers = [('Content-type', 'application/json')] internal_server_error = HTTPInternalServerError() start_response(internal_server_error.status, headers) response = format_error_response_to_json(internal_server_error, request=request) yield response else: return_default = False error_view = self.config.settings.get('errors.interface.global_error_view') if error_view is None: return_default = True else: try: response = error_view(error, request) except Exception: return_default = True else: start_response(response.status, response.headerlist) yield response.body if return_default: internal_server_error = HTTPInternalServerError() for response in internal_server_error(environ, start_response): yield response
def make_dir(path, mode=0o777, make_dir_recursively=False): path = to_string(path) try: mkdir(path, mode) except OSError as error: if make_dir_recursively and error.errno is errno.ENOENT: makedirs(path, mode) elif error.errno is not errno.EEXIST: raise return path
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): http_origin = environ.get('HTTP_ORIGIN') if not self.allow_all_origins and http_origin not in self.allowed_origins: return self.application(environ, start_response) http_method = environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD') if http_method not in self.allowed_methods: method_not_allowed = HTTPMethodNotAllowed() start_response( method_not_allowed.status, [('Content-type', 'application/json')]) return format_error_response_to_json(method_not_allowed) cors_headers = [] if self.allow_all_origins: cors_headers.append(('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')) else: cors_headers.append(('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', to_string(http_origin))) if http_method == 'OPTIONS': methods = environ.get('HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD') if methods: cors_headers.append(('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', to_string(methods))) http_headers = environ.get('HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS') if http_headers: cors_headers.append(('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', to_string(http_headers))) if self.max_age is not None: cors_headers.append(('Access-Control-Max-Age', to_string(self.max_age))) start_response(HTTPNoContent().status, cors_headers) return [] else: def start_response_decorator(status, headers, exc_info=None): headers.extend(cors_headers) return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) return self.application(environ, start_response_decorator)
def validate_skype_username(username, validate_with_api=False): if username: username = to_string(username) if SKYPE_USERNAME_REGEX.match(username): if not validate_with_api: return True response = open_json_url( '', data={'new_username': username}, method='get') if response['data']['markup'].lower() == 'skype name not available': return True return False
def open_url(url, data=None, timeout=None, headers=None, method='get'): if timeout: timeout = abs(float(timeout)) url = to_string(url) if ' ' in url: url = url.replace(' ', '%20') if data: if isinstance(data, string_types): data = to_string(data) elif isinstance(data, (dict, MultiDict)): data = list(data.items()) if isinstance(data, (dict, tuple, list)): data = dict((to_string(k), to_string(v)) for k, v in data) data = urlencode(data) if method.lower() == 'get': url += '?%s' % data data = None else: data = to_bytes(data) req = Request(url, data=data, headers=headers or {}) req.get_method = lambda: method.upper() try: response =, timeout=timeout) except Exception as error: message = u('Could not open the url: %s') % to_unicode(url) raise Error('url', message, exception=error) if isinstance(response, inesHTTPError): raise Error('url', response.message, exception=response) else: return response
def format_email(email, encoding=None, force_development_email=None): label = None if isinstance(email, dict): if 'label' in email: label = email['label'] email = email['email'] elif not isinstance(email, string_types): label, email = email return to_unicode( formataddr(( maybe_string(label, encoding=encoding), to_string(force_development_email or email, encoding=encoding))))
def format_email(email, encoding=None, force_development_email=None): label = None if isinstance(email, dict): email = to_string(email['email'], encoding=encoding) if 'label' in email: label = to_string(email['label'], encoding=encoding) elif not isinstance(email, str): label = to_string(email[0], encoding=encoding) email = to_string(email[1], encoding=encoding) else: email = to_string(email, encoding=encoding) return formataddr((label, force_development_email and to_string(force_development_email) or email))
def __call__(self, node, value): number = to_string(value).lower() if len(number) != self.length: raise Invalid(node, _('Need to have ${length} chars', mapping={'length': self.length})) digit_sum = 0 second_digit = False for letter in reversed(number): digit = PORTUGUESE_CC_LETTER_MAPPING.get(letter) if second_digit: digit *= 2 if digit > 9: digit -= 9 digit_sum += digit second_digit = not second_digit if digit_sum % 10: raise Invalid(node, _('Invalid code'))
def save_file( self, binary, application_code, code_key=None, type_key=None, data=None, filename=None, title=None, parent_id=None): file_path = self.save_file_path(binary, filename) session_id = session_type = None if self.request.authenticated: session_id = self.request.authenticated.session_id session_type = self.request.authenticated.session_type # Add applications file relation new = File(, parent_id=parent_id, key=make_unique_hash(70), application_code=to_string(application_code), code_key=maybe_string(code_key), type_key=maybe_string(type_key), data=maybe_string(data), filename=maybe_string(filename), title=maybe_string(title), session_type=session_type, session_id=session_id) self.session.add(new) self.session.flush() # Add some attributes new.size = file_path.size new.mimetype = file_path.mimetype return new
def put_binary_on_file( path, binary, mode='wb', retries=3, retry_errno=DEFAULT_RETRY_ERRNO, make_dir_recursively=False): if 'b' in mode: binary = to_bytes(binary) else: binary = to_string(binary) try: with open(path, mode) as f: f.write(binary) except IOError as error: if error.errno is errno.ENOENT: # Missing folder, create and try again make_dir(dirname(path), make_dir_recursively=make_dir_recursively) elif error.errno not in retry_errno: raise else: # Try again, or not! retries -= 1 if not retries: raise return put_binary_on_file( path, binary, mode=mode, retries=retries, retry_errno=retry_errno, make_dir_recursively=make_dir_recursively) else: return True
def create_message( self, subject, recipients, body=None, html=None, sender=None, cc=None, bcc=None, reply_to=None, content_charset='utf-8', attachments=None, message_id=None): force_development_email = None if not self.request.is_production_environ: force_development_email = self.settings.get('force_development_email') or None if body: body = to_string(body, encoding=content_charset) if not html: html = body.replace(NEW_LINE, HTML_NEW_LINE) if html: html = to_string(html, encoding=content_charset) if not html.lower().startswith('<html'): html = '<html><body>%s</body></html>' % html options = {} # FROM sender if sender: options['sender'] = format_email( sender, encoding=content_charset, force_development_email=force_development_email) # Envelope CC if cc: if isinstance(cc, dict): cc = [cc] options['cc'] = [ format_email(e, content_charset, force_development_email=force_development_email) for e in maybe_list(cc)] # Envelope BCC if bcc: if isinstance(bcc, dict): bcc = [bcc] options['bcc'] = [ format_email(e, content_charset, force_development_email=force_development_email) for e in maybe_list(bcc)] if not message_id: domain = self.settings.get('message_domain') or self.api_session_manager.default_domain message_id = make_msgid(make_unique_hash(10), domain) extra_headers = { 'Date': formatdate(localtime=True), 'Message-ID': to_string(message_id)} # Force reply to another email if reply_to: extra_headers['Reply-To'] = '<%s>' % to_string(reply_to) mime_attachments = [] if attachments: if isinstance(attachments, dict): attachments = [attachments] for attachment in maybe_list(attachments): f = attachment.get('file') or attachment['fp'] filename = to_string(attachment.get('filename') or basename(' ', '') mimetype = to_string(attachment.get('content_type') or find_mimetype(filename, f)) mime_attachments.append(self.api_session_manager.attachment_cls( data=f, filename=filename, content_type=mimetype)) return self.api_session_manager.message_cls( subject=to_string(subject, encoding=content_charset), html=html, body=body, recipients=[ format_email(e, content_charset, force_development_email=force_development_email) for e in maybe_list(recipients)], attachments=mime_attachments, extra_headers=extra_headers, **options)
def validate_gps(value): value = to_string(value) return bool(GPS_REGEX.match(value))
def _render(value, system): request = system.get('request') output_schema = None if isinstance(value, dict): output_schema = value['schema'] value = value['value'] delimiter = ';' quote_char = '"' line_terminator = '\r\n' quoting = QUOTE_ALL encoder = None if request is not None: response = request.response ct = response.content_type if ct == response.default_content_type: response.content_type = 'text/csv' output = request.registry.config.lookup_output_schema(, request_method=request.method) if output: output_schema = output[0].schema if output_schema: value = self.lookup_rows(request, output_schema.children[0], value) output_filename = getattr(output_schema, 'filename', None) if output_filename: if callable(output_filename): output_filename = output_filename() response.content_disposition = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % output_filename _get_param = request.params.get get_param = lambda k: _get_param(k) or _get_param(camelcase(k)) csv_delimiter = get_param('csv_delimiter') if csv_delimiter: delimiter = to_string(csv_delimiter) if delimiter == '\\t': delimiter = '\t' else: delimiter = delimiter[0] csv_quote_char = get_param('csv_quote_char') if csv_quote_char: quote_char = to_string(csv_quote_char) csv_line_terminator = get_param('csv_line_terminator') if csv_line_terminator: if csv_line_terminator == '\\n\\r': line_terminator = '\n\r' elif csv_line_terminator == '\\n': line_terminator = '\n' elif csv_line_terminator == '\\r': line_terminator = '\r' csv_encoding = get_param('csv_encoding') if csv_encoding: try: encoder = codecs.lookup(csv_encoding) except LookupError: raise Error('csv_encoding', _('Invalid CSV encoding')) else: if != 'utf-8': request.response.charset = yes_text = request.translate(_('Yes')) no_text = request.translate(_('No')) csv_quoting = get_param('csv_quoting') if csv_quoting: csv_quoting = to_string(csv_quoting).lower() if csv_quoting == 'minimal': quoting = QUOTE_MINIMAL elif csv_quoting == 'non_numeric': quoting = QUOTE_NONNUMERIC elif csv_quoting == 'none': quoting = QUOTE_NONE else: yes_text = 'Yes' no_text = 'No' if not value: return '' f = StringIO() csvfile = csv_writer( f, delimiter=delimiter, quotechar=quote_char, lineterminator=line_terminator, quoting=quoting) for value_items in value: row = [] for item in value_items: if item is None: item = '' elif not isinstance(item, str): if isinstance(item, bool): item = item and yes_text or no_text elif isinstance(item, (float, int)): item = str(item) elif isinstance(item, (DATE, DATETIME)): item = item.isoformat() elif not isinstance(item, str): item = to_string(item) row.append(item) csvfile.writerow(row) response = f.close() if encoder: response = encoder.decode(encoder.encode(response)[0])[0] else: response = to_string(response) return response
def validate_email(value): value = to_string(value) return bool(EMAIL_REGEX.match(value))
def dump_query_value(value): if isinstance(value, string_types): return to_string(value) else: return to_string(compact_dump(value))
def get_files( self, key=None, attributes=None, only_one=False, **kwargs): attributes = set(attributes or ['id']) return_open_file = 'open_file' in attributes if return_open_file: attributes.remove('open_file') attributes.add('id') columns = [] relate_with_path = False for attribute in attributes: if attribute in File.__table__.c: columns.append(File.__table__.c[attribute]) if attribute not in ('id', 'created_date') and attribute in FilePath.__table__.c: columns.append(FilePath.__table__.c[attribute]) relate_with_path = True query = self.session.query(*columns or []) if relate_with_path: query = query.filter(File.file_id == if 'id' in kwargs: query = query.filter(['id']))) if key: query = query.filter(File.key.in_(maybe_set(key))) if 'file_id' in kwargs: query = query.filter(File.file_id.in_(maybe_set(kwargs['file_id']))) if 'application_code' in kwargs: application_code = kwargs['application_code'] if application_code is None: query = query.filter(File.application_code.is_(None)) else: query = query.filter(File.application_code == to_string(application_code)) if 'code_key' in kwargs: code_key = kwargs['code_key'] if code_key is None: query = query.filter(File.code_key.is_(None)) else: query = query.filter(File.code_key == to_string(code_key)) if 'type_key' in kwargs: type_key = kwargs['type_key'] if type_key is None: query = query.filter(File.type_key.is_(None)) else: query = query.filter(File.type_key == to_string(type_key)) if 'data' in kwargs: data = kwargs['data'] if data is None: query = query.filter( else: query = query.filter( == to_string(data)) if 'parent_id' in kwargs: parent_id = kwargs['parent_id'] if parent_id is None: query = query.filter(File.parent_id.is_(None)) else: query = query.filter(File.parent_id == int(parent_id)) parent_key = kwargs.get('parent_key') if parent_key: parent = aliased(File) query = query.filter(File.parent_id == == to_string(parent_key)) order_by = kwargs.get('order_by') if order_by is not None: query = query.order_by(order_by) if only_one: response = query.first() else: response = query.all() if not return_open_file or not response: return response if only_one: response = [response] # Add items to SQLAlchemy tuple result files_binary = self.get_files_binary(*( for f in response)) new_namedtuple = new_lightweight_named_tuple(response[0], 'open_file') response[:] = [ new_namedtuple(r + (files_binary[], )) for r in response] if only_one: return response[0] else: return response
def maybe_email(value): value = to_string(value) if validate_email(value): return value
def user_agent_is_mobile(user_agent): if user_agent: user_agent = to_string(user_agent) return or[0:4]) return False
def maybe_phone_number(number): if number: number = to_string(number) number = clean_phone_number(number) if 21 > len(number or '') > 3: return number
def get_content_type(value): if value: return to_string(value).split(';', 1)[0].strip()