예제 #1
def _update_metadata_from_fn(fwobj, fn):
    Re-parses the .cab file and updates the database version.

    # load cab file
    arc = cabarchive.CabArchive()
        if os.path.exists(CABEXTRACT_CMD):
    except cabarchive.CorruptionError as e:
        return error_internal('Invalid file type: %s' % str(e))

    # parse the MetaInfo file
    cf = arc.find_file("*.metainfo.xml")
    if not cf:
        return error_internal('The firmware file had no valid metadata')
    component = appstream.Component()
    except appstream.ParseError as e:
        return error_internal('The metadata could not be parsed: ' + str(e))

    # parse the inf file
    cf = arc.find_file("*.inf")
    if not cf:
        return error_internal('The firmware file had no valid inf file')
    cfg = InfParser()
        tmp = cfg.get('Version', 'DriverVer')
        driver_ver = tmp.split(',')
        if len(driver_ver) != 2:
            return error_internal('The inf file Version:DriverVer was invalid')
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError as e:
        driver_ver = None

    # get the contents
    fw_data = arc.find_file('*.bin')
    if not fw_data:
        fw_data = arc.find_file('*.rom')
    if not fw_data:
        fw_data = arc.find_file('*.cap')
    if not fw_data:
        return error_internal('No firmware found in the archive')

    # update sizes
    fwobj.mds[0].release_installed_size = len(fw_data.contents)
    fwobj.mds[0].release_download_size = os.path.getsize(fn)

    # update the descriptions
    fwobj.mds[0].release_description = component.releases[0].description
    fwobj.mds[0].description = component.description
    if driver_ver:
        fwobj.version_display = driver_ver[1]
    db = LvfsDatabase(os.environ)
    db_firmware = LvfsDatabaseFirmware(db)
    return None
예제 #2
def upload():
    """ Upload a .cab file to the LVFS service """

    # only accept form data
    if request.method != 'POST':
        return redirect(url_for('.index'))

    # not correct parameters
    if not 'target' in request.form:
        return error_internal('No target')
    if not 'file' in request.files:
        return error_internal('No file')

    # can the user upload directly to stable
    if request.form['target'] in ['stable', 'testing']:
        if not session['qa_capability']:
            return error_permission_denied('Unable to upload to this target as not QA user')

    # check size < 50Mb
    fileitem = request.files['file']
    if not fileitem:
        return error_internal('No file object')
    data = fileitem.read()
    if len(data) > 50000000:
        return error_internal('File too large, limit is 50Mb', 413)
    if len(data) == 0:
        return error_internal('File has no content')
    if len(data) < 1024:
        return error_internal('File too small, mimimum is 1k')

    # check the file does not already exist
    db = LvfsDatabase(os.environ)
    db_firmware = LvfsDatabaseFirmware(db)
    fwid = hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest()
        item = db_firmware.get_item(fwid)
    except CursorError as e:
        return error_internal(str(e))
    if item:
        return error_internal("A firmware file with hash %s already exists" % fwid, 422)

    # parse the file
    arc = cabarchive.CabArchive()
        if os.path.exists(CABEXTRACT_CMD):
    except cabarchive.CorruptionError as e:
        return error_internal('Invalid file type: %s' % str(e), 415)
    except cabarchive.NotSupportedError as e:
        return error_internal('The file is unsupported: %s' % str(e), 415)

    # check .inf exists
    fw_version_inf = None
    fw_version_display_inf = None
    cf = arc.find_file("*.inf")
    if cf:
        if cf.contents.find('FIXME') != -1:
            return error_internal("The inf file was not complete; "
                                  "Any FIXME text must be replaced with the correct values.")

        # check .inf file is valid
        cfg = InfParser()
            tmp = cfg.get('Version', 'Class')
        except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError) as e:
            return error_internal('The inf file Version:Class was missing')
        if tmp != 'Firmware':
            return error_internal('The inf file Version:Class was invalid')
            tmp = cfg.get('Version', 'ClassGuid')
        except ConfigParser.NoOptionError as e:
            return error_internal('The inf file Version:ClassGuid was missing')
        if tmp != '{f2e7dd72-6468-4e36-b6f1-6488f42c1b52}':
            return error_internal('The inf file Version:ClassGuid was invalid')
            tmp = cfg.get('Version', 'DriverVer')
            fw_version_display_inf = tmp.split(',')
            if len(fw_version_display_inf) != 2:
                return error_internal('The inf file Version:DriverVer was invalid')
        except ConfigParser.NoOptionError as e:

        # this is optional, but if supplied must match the version in the XML
        # -- also note this will not work with multi-firmware .cab files
            fw_version_inf = cfg.get('Firmware_AddReg', 'HKR->FirmwareVersion')
            if fw_version_inf.startswith('0x'):
                fw_version_inf = str(int(fw_version_inf[2:], 16))
            if fw_version_inf == '0':
                fw_version_inf = None
        except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError) as e:

    # check metainfo exists
    cfs = arc.find_files("*.metainfo.xml")
    if len(cfs) == 0:
        return error_internal('The firmware file had no .metadata.xml files')

    # parse each MetaInfo file
    apps = []
    for cf in cfs:
        component = appstream.Component()
        except appstream.ParseError as e:
            return error_internal('The metadata %s could not be parsed: %s' % (cf, str(e)))
        except appstream.ValidationError as e:
            return error_internal('The metadata %s file did not validate: %s' % (cf, str(e)))

        # check the file does not have any missing request.form
        if cf.contents.find('FIXME') != -1:
            return error_internal("The metadata file was not complete; "
                                  "Any FIXME text must be replaced with the correct values.")

        # check the firmware provides something
        if len(component.provides) == 0:
            return error_internal("The metadata file did not provide any GUID.")
        if len(component.releases) == 0:
            return error_internal("The metadata file did not provide any releases.")

        # check the inf file matches up with the .xml file
        if fw_version_inf and fw_version_inf != component.releases[0].version:
            return error_internal("The inf Firmware_AddReg[HKR->FirmwareVersion] "
                                  "'%s' did not match the metainfo.xml value '%s'."
                                  % (fw_version_inf, component.releases[0].version))

        # check the guid and version does not already exist
            items = db_firmware.get_items()
        except CursorError as e:
            return error_internal(str(e))
        for item in items:
            for md in item.mds:
                if md.guid == component.provides[0].value and md.version == component.releases[0].version:
                    return error_internal("A firmware file for this version already exists", 422)

        # check the ID hasn't been reused by a different GUID
        for item in items:
            for md in item.mds:
                if md.cid == component.id and not md.guid == component.provides[0].value:
                    return error_internal("The %s ID has already been used by GUID %s" % (md.cid, md.guid), 422)

        # add to array

    # only save if we passed all tests
    basename = os.path.basename(fileitem.filename)
    new_filename = fwid + '-' + basename

    # add these after parsing in case multiple components use the same file
    asc_files = {}

    # fix up the checksums and add the detached signature
    for component in apps:

        # ensure there's always a container checksum
        release = component.releases[0]
        csum = release.get_checksum_by_target('content')
        if not csum:
            csum = appstream.Checksum()
            csum.target = 'content'
            csum.filename = 'firmware.bin'

        # get the contents checksum
        fw_data = arc.find_file(csum.filename)
        if not fw_data:
            return error_internal('No %s found in the archive' % csum.filename)
        csum.kind = 'sha1'
        csum.value = hashlib.sha1(fw_data.contents).hexdigest()

        # set the sizes
        release.size_installed = len(fw_data.contents)
        release.size_download = len(data)

        # add the detached signature if not already signed
        sig_data = arc.find_file(csum.filename + ".asc")
        if not sig_data:
            if not csum.filename in asc_files:
                    affidavit = create_affidavit()
                except NoKeyError as e:
                    return error_internal('Failed to sign archive: ' + str(e))
                cff = cabarchive.CabFile(fw_data.filename + '.asc',
                asc_files[csum.filename] = cff
            # check this file is signed by something we trust
                affidavit = create_affidavit()
            except NoKeyError as e:
                return error_internal('Failed to verify archive: ' + str(e))

    # add all the .asc files to the archive
    for key in asc_files:

    # export the new archive and get the checksum
    cab_data = arc.save(compressed=True)
    checksum_container = hashlib.sha1(cab_data).hexdigest()

    # dump to a file
    if not os.path.exists(DOWNLOAD_DIR):
    fn = os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_DIR, new_filename)
    open(fn, 'wb').write(cab_data)

    # dump to the CDN
    _upload_to_cdn(new_filename, StringIO(cab_data))

    # create parent firmware object
    target = request.form['target']
    fwobj = LvfsFirmware()
    fwobj.qa_group = session['qa_group']
    fwobj.addr = _get_client_address()
    fwobj.filename = new_filename
    fwobj.fwid = fwid
    fwobj.target = target
    if fw_version_display_inf:
        fwobj.version_display = fw_version_display_inf[1]

    # create child metadata object for the component
    for component in apps:
        md = LvfsFirmwareMd()
        md.fwid = fwid
        md.cid = component.id
        md.name = component.name
        md.summary = component.summary
        md.developer_name = component.developer_name
        md.metadata_license = component.metadata_license
        md.project_license = component.project_license
        md.url_homepage = component.urls['homepage']
        md.description = component.description
        md.checksum_container = checksum_container

        # from the provide
        prov = component.provides[0]
        md.guid = prov.value

        # from the release
        rel = component.releases[0]
        md.version = rel.version
        md.release_description = rel.description
        md.release_timestamp = rel.timestamp
        md.release_installed_size = rel.size_installed
        md.release_download_size = rel.size_download
        md.release_urgency = rel.urgency

        # from the first screenshot
        if len(component.screenshots) > 0:
            ss = component.screenshots[0]
            if ss.caption:
                md.screenshot_caption = ss.caption
            if len(ss.images) > 0:
                im = ss.images[0]
                if im.url:
                    md.screenshot_url = im.url

        # from the content checksum
        csum = component.releases[0].get_checksum_by_target('content')
        md.checksum_contents = csum.value
        md.filename_contents = csum.filename


    # add to database
    except CursorError as e:
        return error_internal(str(e))
    # set correct response code
    _event_log("Uploaded file %s to %s" % (new_filename, target))

    # ensure up to date
        if target != 'private':
        if target == 'stable':
            metadata_update_targets(['stable', 'testing'])
        elif target == 'testing':

    except NoKeyError as e:
        return error_internal('Failed to sign metadata: ' + str(e))
    except CursorError as e:
        return error_internal('Failed to generate metadata: ' + str(e))

    return redirect(url_for('.firmware_id', fwid=fwid))