예제 #1
    def create_retention_policy(self, name, duration, replication,
                                database=None, default=False):
        """Create a retention policy for a database.

        :param name: the name of the new retention policy
        :type name: str
        :param duration: the duration of the new retention policy.
            Durations such as 1h, 90m, 12h, 7d, and 4w, are all supported
            and mean 1 hour, 90 minutes, 12 hours, 7 day, and 4 weeks,
            respectively. For infinite retention – meaning the data will
            never be deleted – use 'INF' for duration.
            The minimum retention period is 1 hour.
        :type duration: str
        :param replication: the replication of the retention policy
        :type replication: str
        :param database: the database for which the retention policy is
            created. Defaults to current client's database
        :type database: str
        :param default: whether or not to set the policy as default
        :type default: bool
        query_string = \
            "CREATE RETENTION POLICY {0} ON {1} " \
            "DURATION {2} REPLICATION {3}".format(
                quote_ident(name), quote_ident(database or self._database),
                duration, replication)

        if default is True:
            query_string += " DEFAULT"

예제 #2
    def drop_retention_policy(self, name, database=None):
        """Drop an existing retention policy for a database.

        :param name: the name of the retention policy to drop
        :type name: str
        :param database: the database for which the retention policy is
            dropped. Defaults to current client's database
        :type database: str
        query_string = (
            "DROP RETENTION POLICY {0} ON {1}"
        ).format(quote_ident(name), quote_ident(database or self._database))
예제 #3
    def grant_privilege(self, privilege, database, username):
        """Grant a privilege on a database to a user.

        :param privilege: the privilege to grant, one of 'read', 'write'
            or 'all'. The string is case-insensitive
        :type privilege: str
        :param database: the database to grant the privilege on
        :type database: str
        :param username: the username to grant the privilege to
        :type username: str
        text = "GRANT {0} ON {1} TO {2}".format(privilege,
예제 #4
    def revoke_privilege(self, privilege, database, username):
        """Revoke a privilege on a database from a user.

        :param privilege: the privilege to revoke, one of 'read', 'write'
            or 'all'. The string is case-insensitive
        :type privilege: str
        :param database: the database to revoke the privilege on
        :type database: str
        :param username: the username to revoke the privilege from
        :type username: str
        text = "REVOKE {0} ON {1} FROM {2}".format(privilege,
예제 #5
    def alter_retention_policy(self, name, database=None,
                               duration=None, replication=None,
                               default=None, shard_duration=None):
        """Modify an existing retention policy for a database.

        :param name: the name of the retention policy to modify
        :type name: str
        :param database: the database for which the retention policy is
            modified. Defaults to current client's database
        :type database: str
        :param duration: the new duration of the existing retention policy.
            Durations such as 1h, 90m, 12h, 7d, and 4w, are all supported
            and mean 1 hour, 90 minutes, 12 hours, 7 day, and 4 weeks,
            respectively. For infinite retention, meaning the data will
            never be deleted, use 'INF' for duration.
            The minimum retention period is 1 hour.
        :type duration: str
        :param replication: the new replication of the existing
            retention policy
        :type replication: int
        :param default: whether or not to set the modified policy as default
        :type default: bool
        :param shard_duration: the shard duration of the retention policy.
            Durations such as 1h, 90m, 12h, 7d, and 4w, are all supported and
            mean 1 hour, 90 minutes, 12 hours, 7 day, and 4 weeks,
            respectively. Infinite retention is not supported. As a workaround,
            specify a "1000w" duration to achieve an extremely long shard group
            The minimum shard group duration is 1 hour.
        :type shard_duration: str

        .. note:: at least one of duration, replication, or default flag
            should be set. Otherwise the operation will fail.
        query_string = (
            "ALTER RETENTION POLICY {0} ON {1}"
                 quote_ident(database or self._database), shard_duration)
        if duration:
            query_string += " DURATION {0}".format(duration)
        if shard_duration:
            query_string += " SHARD DURATION {0}".format(shard_duration)
        if replication:
            query_string += " REPLICATION {0}".format(replication)
        if default is True:
            query_string += " DEFAULT"

        self.query(query_string, method="POST")
예제 #6
    def drop_database(self, dbname):
        """Drop a database from InfluxDB.

        :param dbname: the name of the database to drop
        :type dbname: str
        self.query("DROP DATABASE {0}".format(quote_ident(dbname)))
예제 #7
    def create_database(self, dbname):
        """Create a new database in InfluxDB.

        :param dbname: the name of the database to create
        :type dbname: str
        self.query("CREATE DATABASE {0}".format(quote_ident(dbname)))
예제 #8
    def drop_measurement(self, measurement):
        """Drop a measurement from InfluxDB.

        :param measurement: the name of the measurement to drop
        :type measurement: str
        self.query("DROP MEASUREMENT {0}".format(quote_ident(measurement)))
예제 #9
    def drop_database(self, dbname):
        """Drop a database from InfluxDB.

        :param dbname: the name of the database to drop
        :type dbname: str
        self.query("DROP DATABASE {0}".format(quote_ident(dbname)))
예제 #10
    def drop_measurement(self, measurement):
        """Drop a measurement from InfluxDB.

        :param measurement: the name of the measurement to drop
        :type measurement: str
        self.query("DROP MEASUREMENT {0}".format(quote_ident(measurement)))
예제 #11
    def get_list_retention_policies(self, database=None):
        """Get the list of retention policies for a database.

        :param database: the name of the database, defaults to the client's
            current database
        :type database: str
        :returns: all retention policies for the database
        :rtype: list of dictionaries



            >> ret_policies = client.get_list_retention_policies('my_db')
            >> ret_policies
            [{u'default': True,
              u'duration': u'0',
              u'name': u'default',
              u'replicaN': 1}]

        if not (database or self._database):
            raise InfluxDBClientError(
                "get_list_retention_policies() requires a database as a "
                "parameter or the client to be using a database")

        rsp = self.query("SHOW RETENTION POLICIES ON {0}".format(
            quote_ident(database or self._database)))
        return list(rsp.get_points())
예제 #12
    def get_list_retention_policies(self, database=None):
        """Get the list of retention policies for a database.

        :param database: the name of the database, defaults to the client's
            current database
        :type database: str
        :returns: all retention policies for the database
        :rtype: list of dictionaries



            >> ret_policies = client.get_list_retention_policies('my_db')
            >> ret_policies
            [{u'default': True,
              u'duration': u'0',
              u'name': u'default',
              u'replicaN': 1}]

        if not (database or self._database):
            raise InfluxDBClientError(
                "get_list_retention_policies() requires a database as a "
                "parameter or the client to be using a database")

        rsp = self.query(
            "SHOW RETENTION POLICIES ON {0}".format(
                quote_ident(database or self._database))
        return list(rsp.get_points())
예제 #13
    def create_database(self, dbname):
        """Create a new database in InfluxDB.

        :param dbname: the name of the database to create
        :type dbname: str
        self.query("CREATE DATABASE {0}".format(quote_ident(dbname)))
예제 #14
    def drop_user(self, username):
        """Drop a user from InfluxDB.

        :param username: the username to drop
        :type username: str
        text = "DROP USER {0}".format(quote_ident(username))
예제 #15
    def drop_user(self, username):
        """Drop a user from InfluxDB.

        :param username: the username to drop
        :type username: str
        text = "DROP USER {0}".format(quote_ident(username))
예제 #16
    def create_retention_policy(self,
        """Create a retention policy for a database.

        :param name: the name of the new retention policy
        :type name: str
        :param duration: the duration of the new retention policy.
            Durations such as 1h, 90m, 12h, 7d, and 4w, are all supported
            and mean 1 hour, 90 minutes, 12 hours, 7 day, and 4 weeks,
            respectively. For infinite retention - meaning the data will
            never be deleted - use 'INF' for duration.
            The minimum retention period is 1 hour.
        :type duration: str
        :param replication: the replication of the retention policy
        :type replication: str
        :param database: the database for which the retention policy is
            created. Defaults to current client's database
        :type database: str
        :param default: whether or not to set the policy as default
        :type default: bool
        :param shard_duration: the shard duration of the retention policy.
            Durations such as 1h, 90m, 12h, 7d, and 4w, are all supported and
            mean 1 hour, 90 minutes, 12 hours, 7 day, and 4 weeks,
            respectively. Infinite retention is not supported. As a workaround,
            specify a "1000w" duration to achieve an extremely long shard group
            duration. Defaults to "0s", which is interpreted by the database
            to mean the default value given the duration.
            The minimum shard group duration is 1 hour.
        :type shard_duration: str
        query_string = \
            "CREATE RETENTION POLICY {0} ON {1} " \
            "DURATION {2} REPLICATION {3} SHARD DURATION {4}".format(
                quote_ident(name), quote_ident(database or self._database),
                duration, replication, shard_duration)

        if default is True:
            query_string += " DEFAULT"

        self.query(query_string, method="POST")
예제 #17
    def create_continuous_query(self, name, select, database=None,
        r"""Create a continuous query for a database.

        :param name: the name of continuous query to create
        :type name: str
        :param select: select statement for the continuous query
        :type select: str
        :param database: the database for which the continuous query is
            created. Defaults to current client's database
        :type database: str
        :param resample_opts: resample options
        :type resample_opts: str



            >> select_clause = 'SELECT mean("value") INTO "cpu_mean" ' \
            ...                 'FROM "cpu" GROUP BY time(1m)'
            >> client.create_continuous_query(
            ...     'cpu_mean', select_clause, 'db_name', 'EVERY 10s FOR 2m'
            ... )
            >> client.get_list_continuous_queries()
                    'db_name': [
                            'name': 'cpu_mean',
                            'query': 'CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "cpu_mean" '
                                    'ON "db_name" '
                                    'RESAMPLE EVERY 10s FOR 2m '
                                    'BEGIN SELECT mean("value") '
                                    'INTO "cpu_mean" FROM "cpu" '
                                    'GROUP BY time(1m) END'
        query_string = (
            "CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY {0} ON {1}{2} BEGIN {3} END"
        ).format(quote_ident(name), quote_ident(database or self._database),
                 ' RESAMPLE ' + resample_opts if resample_opts else '', select)
예제 #18
    def revoke_admin_privileges(self, username):
        """Revoke cluster administration privileges from a user.

        :param username: the username to revoke privileges from
        :type username: str

        .. note:: Only a cluster administrator can create/ drop databases
            and manage users.
        text = "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM {0}".format(quote_ident(username))
예제 #19
    def grant_admin_privileges(self, username):
        """Grant cluster administration privileges to a user.

        :param username: the username to grant privileges to
        :type username: str

        .. note:: Only a cluster administrator can create/drop databases
            and manage users.
        text = "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO {0}".format(quote_ident(username))
예제 #20
    def revoke_admin_privileges(self, username):
        """Revoke cluster administration privileges from a user.

        :param username: the username to revoke privileges from
        :type username: str

        .. note:: Only a cluster administrator can create/ drop databases
            and manage users.
        text = "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM {0}".format(quote_ident(username))
예제 #21
    def grant_admin_privileges(self, username):
        """Grant cluster administration privileges to a user.

        :param username: the username to grant privileges to
        :type username: str

        .. note:: Only a cluster administrator can create/drop databases
            and manage users.
        text = "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO {0}".format(quote_ident(username))
예제 #22
    def set_user_password(self, username, password):
        """Change the password of an existing user.

        :param username: the username who's password is being changed
        :type username: str
        :param password: the new password for the user
        :type password: str
        text = "SET PASSWORD FOR {0} = {1}".format(
            quote_ident(username), quote_literal(password))
예제 #23
    def set_user_password(self, username, password):
        """Change the password of an existing user.

        :param username: the username who's password is being changed
        :type username: str
        :param password: the new password for the user
        :type password: str
        text = "SET PASSWORD FOR {0} = {1}".format(quote_ident(username),
예제 #24
    def create_retention_policy(self, name, duration, replication,
                                default=False, shard_duration="0s"):
        """Create a retention policy for a database.

        :param name: the name of the new retention policy
        :type name: str
        :param duration: the duration of the new retention policy.
            Durations such as 1h, 90m, 12h, 7d, and 4w, are all supported
            and mean 1 hour, 90 minutes, 12 hours, 7 day, and 4 weeks,
            respectively. For infinite retention - meaning the data will
            never be deleted - use 'INF' for duration.
            The minimum retention period is 1 hour.
        :type duration: str
        :param replication: the replication of the retention policy
        :type replication: str
        :param database: the database for which the retention policy is
            created. Defaults to current client's database
        :type database: str
        :param default: whether or not to set the policy as default
        :type default: bool
        :param shard_duration: the shard duration of the retention policy.
            Durations such as 1h, 90m, 12h, 7d, and 4w, are all supported and
            mean 1 hour, 90 minutes, 12 hours, 7 day, and 4 weeks,
            respectively. Infinite retention is not supported. As a workaround,
            specify a "1000w" duration to achieve an extremely long shard group
            duration. Defaults to "0s", which is interpreted by the database
            to mean the default value given the duration.
            The minimum shard group duration is 1 hour.
        :type shard_duration: str
        query_string = \
            "CREATE RETENTION POLICY {0} ON {1} " \
            "DURATION {2} REPLICATION {3} SHARD DURATION {4}".format(
                quote_ident(name), quote_ident(database or self._database),
                duration, replication, shard_duration)

        if default is True:
            query_string += " DEFAULT"

        self.query(query_string, method="POST")
예제 #25
    def alter_retention_policy(self,
        """Mofidy an existing retention policy for a database.

        :param name: the name of the retention policy to modify
        :type name: str
        :param database: the database for which the retention policy is
            modified. Defaults to current client's database
        :type database: str
        :param duration: the new duration of the existing retention policy.
            Durations such as 1h, 90m, 12h, 7d, and 4w, are all supported
            and mean 1 hour, 90 minutes, 12 hours, 7 day, and 4 weeks,
            respectively. For infinite retention, meaning the data will
            never be deleted, use 'INF' for duration.
            The minimum retention period is 1 hour.
        :type duration: str
        :param replication: the new replication of the existing
            retention policy
        :type replication: int
        :param default: whether or not to set the modified policy as default
        :type default: bool

        .. note:: at least one of duration, replication, or default flag
            should be set. Otherwise the operation will fail.
        query_string = ("ALTER RETENTION POLICY {0} ON {1}").format(
            quote_ident(name), quote_ident(database or self._database))
        if duration:
            query_string += " DURATION {0}".format(duration)
        if replication:
            query_string += " REPLICATION {0}".format(replication)
        if default is True:
            query_string += " DEFAULT"

예제 #26
    def delete_series(self, database=None, measurement=None, tags=None):
        """Delete series from a database. Series can be filtered by
        measurement and tags.

        :param database: the database from which the series should be
            deleted, defaults to client's current database
        :type database: str
        :param measurement: Delete all series from a measurement
        :type id: str
        :param tags: Delete all series that match given tags
        :type id: dict
        database = database or self._database
        query_str = 'DROP SERIES'
        if measurement:
            query_str += ' FROM {0}'.format(quote_ident(measurement))

        if tags:
            tag_eq_list = ["{0}={1}".format(quote_ident(k), quote_literal(v))
                           for k, v in tags.items()]
            query_str += ' WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(tag_eq_list)
        self.query(query_str, database=database)
예제 #27
    def delete_series(self, database=None, measurement=None, tags=None):
        """Delete series from a database. Series can be filtered by
        measurement and tags.

        :param database: the database from which the series should be
            deleted, defaults to client's current database
        :type database: str
        :param measurement: Delete all series from a measurement
        :type measurement: str
        :param tags: Delete all series that match given tags
        :type tags: dict
        database = database or self._database
        query_str = 'DROP SERIES'
        if measurement:
            query_str += ' FROM {0}'.format(quote_ident(measurement))

        if tags:
            tag_eq_list = ["{0}={1}".format(quote_ident(k), quote_literal(v))
                           for k, v in tags.items()]
            query_str += ' WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(tag_eq_list)
        self.query(query_str, database=database)
예제 #28
    def create_user(self, username, password, admin=False):
        """Create a new user in InfluxDB

        :param username: the new username to create
        :type username: str
        :param password: the password for the new user
        :type password: str
        :param admin: whether the user should have cluster administration
            privileges or not
        :type admin: boolean
        text = "CREATE USER {0} WITH PASSWORD {1}".format(
            quote_ident(username), quote_literal(password))
        if admin:
            text += ' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES'
예제 #29
    def create_user(self, username, password, admin=False):
        """Create a new user in InfluxDB.

        :param username: the new username to create
        :type username: str
        :param password: the password for the new user
        :type password: str
        :param admin: whether the user should have cluster administration
            privileges or not
        :type admin: boolean
        text = "CREATE USER {0} WITH PASSWORD {1}".format(
            quote_ident(username), quote_literal(password))
        if admin:
            text += ' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES'
예제 #30
    def get_list_privileges(self, username):
        """Get the list of all privileges granted to given user.

        :param username: the username to get privileges of
        :type username: str

        :returns: all privileges granted to given user
        :rtype: list of dictionaries



            >> privileges = client.get_list_privileges('user1')
            >> privileges
            [{u'privilege': u'WRITE', u'database': u'db1'},
             {u'privilege': u'ALL PRIVILEGES', u'database': u'db2'},
             {u'privilege': u'NO PRIVILEGES', u'database': u'db3'}]
        text = "SHOW GRANTS FOR {0}".format(quote_ident(username))
        return list(self.query(text).get_points())
예제 #31
    def get_list_privileges(self, username):
        """Get the list of all privileges granted to given user.

        :param username: the username to get privileges of
        :type username: str

        :returns: all privileges granted to given user
        :rtype: list of dictionaries



            >> privileges = client.get_list_privileges('user1')
            >> privileges
            [{u'privilege': u'WRITE', u'database': u'db1'},
             {u'privilege': u'ALL PRIVILEGES', u'database': u'db2'},
             {u'privilege': u'NO PRIVILEGES', u'database': u'db3'}]
        text = "SHOW GRANTS FOR {0}".format(quote_ident(username))
        return list(self.query(text).get_points())
 def test_quote_ident(self):
     """Test quote indentation in TestLineProtocol object."""
         line_protocol.quote_ident(r"""\foo ' bar " Örf"""),
         r'''"\\foo ' bar \" Örf"'''
예제 #33
 def test_quote_ident(self):
     """Test quote indentation in TestLineProtocol object."""
     self.assertEqual(line_protocol.quote_ident(r"""\foo ' bar " Örf"""),
                      r'''"\\foo ' bar \" Örf"''')
예제 #34
 def test_quote_ident(self):
     self.assertEqual(line_protocol.quote_ident(r"""\foo ' bar " Örf"""),
                      r'''"\\foo ' bar \" Örf"''')
예제 #35
 def test_quote_ident(self):
         line_protocol.quote_ident(r"""\foo ' bar " Örf"""),
         r'''"\\foo ' bar \" Örf"'''