def main(): "main function" d = xmlReader() tdelta = d.gettimedelta() cur_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()) + timedelta(hours=tdelta) print(cur_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), '-- Start calculate tile keys...') r = "" try: query_select = d.getquery(name="select_coor_to_calculate") dbinfo = d.getdbinfo() db = pymysql.connect(**dbinfo) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query_select) r = cursor.fetchall() except Exception as e: raise e finally: cursor.close() db.close() if r: for result in r: field = { 'minLngE6': int(result[0]), 'minLatE6': int(result[1]), 'maxLngE6': int(result[0]), 'maxLatE6': int(result[1]), } xtile, ytile = ingrex.Utils.calc_tile(field['minLngE6'] / 1E6, field['minLatE6'] / 1E6, 15) tilekey = d.gettilekeyformat().format(xtile, ytile) try: query_update = d.getquery(name="calculate_tilekey").format( tilekey, result[0], result[1]) db = pymysql.connect(**dbinfo) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query_update) db.commit() print('Tilekey[{}] is updated.'.format(tilekey)) except Exception as e: print(query_update) raise e finally: if cursor: cursor.close() if db: db.close() else: print('No record is found to calculate tilekey.') print('-' * 80)
def main(): "main function" islocal = True d = xmlReader() tdelta = d.gettimedelta() cur_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()) + timedelta(hours=tdelta) print(cur_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), '-- Start insert portal list.') if islocal is False: reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') field = d.getfieldrange() s = requests.Session() tilekeys = get_tile_keys() if len(tilekeys) > 0: for i in range(0, len(tilekeys)): if i >= 30: print('Tilekey list is too long. Only select 30 tilekeys to process...') break key = tilekeys[i] tilekey = key[0] print(tilekey) with open(d.getcookiepath(islocal=islocal)) as cookies: cookies = intel = Intel(cookies, field, s) result = intel.fetch_map([tilekey]) entities = result['map'][tilekey]['gameEntities'] try: for entity in entities: if entity[0][-3:] in d.getentityendings(): portal = ingrex.Portal(entity) insert_portal_from_tile(portal) except Exception as e: update_tile_sync_status(tilekey, syncfail=True) print(e) else: update_tile_sync_status(tilekey) time.sleep(60) else: print('No tilekey to be fetched.') print('-' * 80)
import requests, re, time, json import lxml from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs from requests.utils import cookiejar_from_dict from datetime import datetime, timedelta from ingrex.xmlReader import xmlReader islocal = False d = xmlReader() tdelta = d.gettimedelta() cur_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()) + timedelta(hours=tdelta) print(cur_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), '-- Start verify cookie status.') with open(d.getcookiepath(islocal=islocal)) as cookie: cookie = print('Before refresh:') print(cookie) cookie_dict = {} googleaccount = d.getgoogleaccount() username, password = googleaccount['username'], googleaccount['password'] lst_keys = [] lst_values = [] lst_cookies = cookie.split(";") for lst_cookie in lst_cookies: lst_keys.append(lst_cookie.split("=")[0].strip()) lst_values.append(lst_cookie.split("=")[1].strip()) cookie_dict = dict(zip(lst_keys, lst_values)) cookie_dict.pop('SACSID') try:
def get_query(name): d = xmlReader() return d.getquery(name)
def connect_to_db(): d = xmlReader() dbinfo = d.getdbinfo() db = pymysql.connect(**dbinfo) cursor = db.cursor() return db, cursor
def main(): "main function" islocal = False d = xmlReader() tdelta = d.gettimedelta() cur_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time()) + timedelta(hours=tdelta) cur_time = cur_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print('{} -- Start Logging...'.format(cur_time)) if islocal is False: reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') field = d.getfieldrange() mints = get_max_timestamp() maxts = int(time.time() * 1000) l_mints = maxts print('The overall timestamp duration is {}~{}.'.format(mints, maxts)) result = '' s = requests.Session() with open(d.getcookiepath(islocal=islocal)) as cookies: cookies = intel = ingrex.Intel(cookies, field, s) update_maxts(int(maxts)) while True: result = intel.fetch_msg(mints=int(mints), maxts=int(maxts)) if result: for item in result[::-1]: message = ingrex.Message(item) ts = int(message.timestamp) if ts <= l_mints: l_mints = ts print('{} {} {}'.format(message.time,, message.text)) if message.player_action.strip() in d.getactions(): insert_comm(message) portal_guid = fetch_portal_guid(message) if portal_guid == "": insert_for_update(message) else: portal_raw = intel.fetch_portal(guid=portal_guid) portal = ingrex.Portal(portal_raw, fromdetail=True) if message.player_action.strip() == 'captured': update_capture_status(message, portal) else: update_capture_status(message, portal, iscapture=False) print('Fetched {} comm logs during the timestamp period {}~{}.'. format(len(result), int(l_mints), int(maxts))) print('+' * 80) else: print('No result can be fetched during the period {}~{}. Exit...'. format(mints, maxts)) break if len(result) < 50: break if mints != l_mints: mints, maxts = mints, l_mints - 1 else: break time.sleep(20) print('-' * 80)