예제 #1
파일: stations.py 프로젝트: Bishi/gtfs_feed
                           'Trzin Mlake', 'Trzin', 'Dom¾ale', 'Rodica', 'Jar¹e-Menge¹', 'Homec pri Kamniku',
                           '©marca', 'Duplica-Bakovnik', 'Kamnik'],
    'Kamnik - Ljubljana': ['Kamnik', 'Duplica-Bakovnik', '©marca', 'Homec pri Kamniku', 'Rodica', 'Dom¾ale', 'Trzin',
                           'Trzin Mlake', 'Trzin ind. cona', 'Ljubljana Èrnuèe', 'Ljubljana Je¾ica', 'Ljubljana Brinje'

# Test routes
# bus_stations = {
#     '27 (NS Rudnik)': ['204051', '204041', '204031', '204021', '204011', '203191', '203141', '203241', '203131',
#                        '203121', '203111', '203101', '203091', '203041', '202043', '202012', '301011', '300011',
#                        '600012', '600022', '601012', '602022', '602062', '602102', '602112', '503014', '603122',
#                        '603094', '603152', '503052', '504042', '504122', '504052'],
# }

bus_stations = read_data('out/routes.json')
bus_stations = clean_stations(bus_stations)
train_stations = clean_stations(train_stations)

# remove redundant city lines
bus_stations.pop('28 (Mali Lipoglav)', None)
bus_stations.pop('29 (Kajuhova)', None)
bus_stations.pop('29 (Tuji Grm)', None)
bus_stations.pop('30 (Vodice)', None)
bus_stations.pop('30 (Medvode)', None)
bus_stations.pop('51 (Polhov Gradec)', None)
bus_stations.pop('52 (Crni Vrh)', None)
bus_stations.pop('52 (Polhov Gradec)', None)
bus_stations.pop('53 (Suhi Dol)', None)
bus_stations.pop('53 (Polhov Gradec)', None)
예제 #2
def create_bus_routes():
    This method parses the HTML of the LPP page, eg.
    It goes through all the entries contained in the 'out/routes_dicts.json' file, where the key (282 in the example's
    case) is an arbitrary value used in the LPP url to get the correct route number, and the value is the route name

    :return: dictionary with bus routes eg. {'20 (Fuzine)': ['123451', '123461', '654261', ...], ...} where the key
    is the route name and the value is a list of all stations in that route, sorted from first to last. Also writes
    'out/routes.json', needed for the main program to get the bus boutes.
    print("Making routes, please wait")

    routes_dict = read_data('out/routes_dict.json')

    url = 'http://www.lpp.si/sites/default/files/lpp_vozniredi/iskalnik/index.php?stop=0&line='

    final_routes_dict = {}

    for key, value in routes_dict.items():
        buffer = BytesIO()
        handle = pycurl.Curl()
        handle.setopt(pycurl.URL, url + '' + key)
        handle.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ['Accept: application/json'])
        handle.setopt(pycurl.WRITEDATA, buffer)

        body = buffer.getvalue()
        # print(body.decode('UTF-8'))
        tmp_body = body.decode('UTF-8')

        tmp_file = open('out/tmp_file.txt', 'w+')
        tmp_file_read = open('out/tmp_file.txt', 'r+')
        table = False
        stations = []
        full_name = ''
        for line in tmp_file_read:
            if table:
                # print(line)
            if '<div class="col-md-6">' in line:
                table = True
            if line.startswith('            </div>'):
                final_routes_dict[full_name] = stations
                table = False
            if 'smer' in line:
                line_num = line.split('<b>')[1].split('</b>')[0]
                line_name = line.split('smer: <b>')[1].split('</b>')[0]
                full_name = "%s (%s)" % (line_num, line_name)
                stations = []
            if '<em>' in line:
                st_num = line.split('<em>')[1].split('</em>')[0]

        # final_routes_dict[full_name] = stations

    # print(final_routes_dict)

    with open('out/routes.json', 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(final_routes_dict, fp)

    return final_routes_dict