def test_slots_rt(): ns = Namespace("root", None) rs = Resolver(ns) e = Entity("xx", ns) qs = QueueScheduler(None, [], [], {}, set()) r = RelationAttribute(e, None, "xx", Location("", 1)) i = Instance(e, rs, qs) sa = SetAttribute(Reference("a"), "a", Literal("a")) assert_slotted(ResultVariable()) assert_slotted(AttributeVariable(None, None)) assert_slotted(Promise(None, None)) assert_slotted(ListVariable(r, i, qs)) assert_slotted(OptionVariable(r, i, qs)) assert_slotted(qs) assert_slotted(DelegateQueueScheduler(qs, None)) assert_slotted(Waiter(qs)) assert_slotted( ExecutionUnit(qs, r, ResultVariable(), {}, Literal(""), None)) assert_slotted(HangUnit(qs, r, {}, None, Resumer())) assert_slotted(RawUnit(qs, r, {}, Resumer())) assert_slotted(FunctionUnit(qs, rs, ResultVariable(), {}, None)) assert_slotted(i) assert_slotted(GradualSetAttributeHelper(sa, i, "A", ResultVariable())) assert_slotted( SetAttributeHelper(qs, rs, ResultVariable(), {}, Literal("A"), sa, i, "A"))
def make_none(p: YaccProduction, token: int) -> Literal: assert namespace none = Literal(NoneValue()) none.location = Location(file, p.lineno(token)) none.namespace = namespace none.lexpos = p.lexpos(token) return none
def p_constant(p): """ constant : INT | FLOAT | mls """ p[0] = Literal(p[1]) attach_lnr(p)
def get_string_ast_node(string_ast: LocatableString, mls: bool) -> Union[Literal, StringFormat]: matches: List[re.Match[str]] = list( format_regex_compiled.finditer(str(string_ast))) if len(matches) == 0: return Literal(str(string_ast)) start_lnr = string_ast.location.lnr start_char_pos = string_ast.location.start_char whole_string = str(string_ast) mls_offset: int = 3 if mls else 1 # len(""") or len(') or len(") def char_count_to_lnr_char(position: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: # convert in-string position to lnr/charcount before = whole_string[0:position] lines = before.count("\n") if lines == 0: return start_lnr, start_char_pos + position + mls_offset else: return start_lnr + lines, position - before.rindex("\n") locatable_matches: List[Tuple[str, LocatableString]] = [] for match in matches: start_line, start_char = char_count_to_lnr_char(match.start(2)) end_line, end_char = char_count_to_lnr_char(match.end(2)) range: Range = Range(string_ast.location.file, start_line, start_char, end_line, end_char) locatable_string = LocatableString(match[2], range, string_ast.lexpos, string_ast.namespace) locatable_matches.append((match[1], locatable_string)) return create_string_format(string_ast, locatable_matches)
def p_attr_list_null(p): "attr : attr_type_multi ID '=' NULL" (attr, nullable, _) = p[1] p[0] = DefineAttribute(attr, p[2], Literal(NoneValue()), True, nullable=nullable) attach_lnr(p, 3)
def p_implement(p: YaccProduction) -> None: """implement_def : IMPLEMENT class_ref USING implement_ns_list empty | IMPLEMENT class_ref USING implement_ns_list MLS""" (inherit, implementations) = p[4] p[0] = DefineImplement(p[2], implementations, Literal(True), inherit=inherit, comment=p[5]) attach_lnr(p)
def p_string(p): " constant : STRING " value = p[1] match_obj = format_regex_compiled.findall(value) if len(match_obj) > 0: p[0] = create_string_format(value, match_obj, Location(file, p.lineno(1))) else: p[0] = Literal(value) attach_lnr(p)
def set_expression(self, expression: ExpressionStatement) -> None: """ Set the expression that constrains the basetype. This expression should reference the value that will be assign to a variable of this type. This variable has the same name as the type. """ contains_var = False if hasattr(expression, "arguments"): # some sort of function call expression = Equals(expression, Literal(True)) for var in expression.requires(): if var == or var == "self": contains_var = True if not contains_var: raise TypingException(self, "typedef expressions should reference the self variable") self.__expression = expression
def get_string_ast_node(string: LocatableString, location: Location) -> Union[Literal, StringFormat]: match_obj = format_regex_compiled.findall(str(string)) if len(match_obj) == 0: return Literal(str(string)) return create_string_format(string, match_obj, location)
def p_constant_rstring(p: YaccProduction) -> None: "constant : RSTRING" p[0] = Literal(str(p[1])) attach_from_string(p)
def p_constant_false(p: YaccProduction) -> None: """constant : FALSE""" p[0] = Literal(False) attach_lnr(p)
def p_constant_true(p: YaccProduction) -> None: """constant : TRUE""" p[0] = Literal(True) attach_lnr(p)
def p_constant(p: YaccProduction) -> None: """constant : INT | FLOAT """ p[0] = Literal(p[1]) attach_lnr(p)
def p_attr_list_dict_null(p): "attr : DICT '?' ID '=' NULL" p[0] = DefineAttribute("dict", p[3], Literal(NoneValue()), nullable=True) attach_lnr(p, 1)
def p_implement_comment(p): "implement_def : IMPLEMENT class_ref USING ns_list mls" p[0] = DefineImplement(p[2], p[4], Literal(True), comment=p[5]) attach_lnr(p)
def __init__(self, op1, op2): regex = re.compile(op2) BinaryOperator.__init__(self, "regex", op1, Literal(regex))
def __init__(self, op1: ExpressionStatement, op2: str): self.regex = re.compile(op2) super().__init__("regex", op1, Literal(self.regex))
def p_condition_term_1(p): """condition : TRUE | FALSE""" p[0] = Literal(p[1]) attach_lnr(p)
def p_constant_f(p): """ constant : FALSE """ p[0] = Literal(False) attach_lnr(p)
def p_constant_t(p): """ constant : TRUE """ p[0] = Literal(True) attach_lnr(p)
def p_constant_none(p): """ constant : NULL """ p[0] = Literal(NoneValue()) attach_lnr(p)