예제 #1
파일: route.py 프로젝트: pcoving/tsp
def opt3(cities, route, look_ahead=9999999, checkpoint=50, name='test'):
    Nc = cities.shape[0]
    assert(Nc > 0)
    # don't want to modify input route...
    route = [route[0].copy(),

    # fill edges (defined in NN above) and compute distance
    # for input route
    edges = [-np.ones([Nc,2], dtype=int), 
             -np.ones([Nc,2], dtype=int)]
    dist = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
    for ir in range(2):
        edges[ir][route[ir][0],    0] = 999999
        edges[ir][route[ir][Nc-1], 1] = 999999
        for ic in xrange(Nc-1):
            dist[ir] += city_dist(cities, route[ir][ic], route[ir][ic+1])
            edges[ir][route[ir][ic],   1] = route[ir][ic+1]
            edges[ir][route[ir][ic+1], 0] = route[ir][ic]
    # route we're currently optimizing is stored in ir 
    # (always trying to push down maximum distance)
    if (dist[0] > dist[1]):
        ir = 0
        ir = 1
    iter = 0
    while (1):
        # pick three random cities
        ic = np.zeros(3, dtype=int)
        ic[0] = np.random.randint(low=0,     high=Nc-3)
        ic[1] = np.random.randint(low=ic[0]+1, high=np.min([ic[0]+look_ahead, Nc-2]))
        ic[2] = np.random.randint(low=ic[1]+1, high=np.min([ic[1]+look_ahead, Nc-1]))
        #ic = np.array([137293, 137367, 137369])       
        rr = route[ir]
        found = False
        dist_old = city_dist(cities, rr[ic[0]], rr[ic[0]+1]) +\
            city_dist(cities, rr[ic[1]], rr[ic[1]+1]) +\
            city_dist(cities, rr[ic[2]], rr[ic[2]+1]) 
        dist_new = city_dist(cities, rr[ic[0]], rr[ic[1]+1]) +\
            city_dist(cities, rr[ic[2]], rr[ic[0]+1]) +\
            city_dist(cities, rr[ic[1]], rr[ic[2]+1])
        if (dist_new < dist_old):
            if ((edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[0]], 0] != rr[ic[1]+1]) &
                (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[0]], 1] != rr[ic[1]+1]) &
                (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[2]], 0] != rr[ic[0]+1]) &
                (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[2]], 1] != rr[ic[0]+1]) &
                (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[1]], 0] != rr[ic[2]+1]) &
                (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[1]], 1] != rr[ic[2]+1]) ):
                print 0
                route_new = rr.copy();
                # rearrange route
                count = ic[0]+1
                for ii in xrange(ic[1]+1, ic[2]+1):
                    route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                    count += 1
                for ii in xrange(ic[0]+1, ic[1]+1):
                    route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                    count += 1
                for ii in xrange(ic[2]+1, ic[0]+1):
                    route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                    count += 1
                route[ir] = route_new                    
                dist[ir] += (dist_new - dist_old)
                found = True
        if (found != True):
            dist_new = city_dist(cities, rr[ic[0]],   rr[ic[1]+1]) +\
                       city_dist(cities, rr[ic[2]],   rr[ic[1]]) +\
                       city_dist(cities, rr[ic[0]+1], rr[ic[2]+1])
            if (dist_new < dist_old):
                if ((edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[0]], 0]   != rr[ic[1]+1]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[0]], 1]   != rr[ic[1]+1]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[2]], 0]   != rr[ic[1]]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[2]], 1]   != rr[ic[1]]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[0]+1], 0] != rr[ic[2]+1]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[0]+1], 1] != rr[ic[2]+1]) ):
                    print 1
                    route_new = rr.copy();
                    count = ic[0]+1
                    for ii in xrange(ic[1]+1, ic[2]+1):
                        route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                        count += 1
                    for ii in xrange(ic[1], ic[0], -1):
                        route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                        count += 1
                    for ii in xrange(ic[2]+1, ic[0]+1):
                        route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                        count += 1
                    route[ir] = route_new                    
                    dist[ir] += (dist_new - dist_old)
                    found = True
        if (found != True):
            dist_new = city_dist(cities, rr[ic[0]],   rr[ic[2]]) +\
                       city_dist(cities, rr[ic[1]+1], rr[ic[0]+1]) +\
                       city_dist(cities, rr[ic[1]],   rr[ic[2]+1])
            if (dist_new < dist_old):
                if ((edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[0]], 0]   != rr[ic[2]]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[0]], 1]   != rr[ic[2]]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[1]+1], 0] != rr[ic[0]+1]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[1]+1], 1] != rr[ic[0]+1]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[1]], 0]   != rr[ic[2]+1]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[1]], 1]   != rr[ic[2]+1]) ):
                    print 2
                    route_new = rr.copy();
                    count = ic[0]+1
                    for ii in xrange(ic[2], ic[1], -1):
                        route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                        count += 1
                    for ii in xrange(ic[0]+1, ic[1]+1):
                        route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                        count += 1
                    for ii in xrange(ic[2]+1, ic[0]+1):
                        route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                        count += 1
                    route[ir] = route_new                    
                    dist[ir] += (dist_new - dist_old)
                    found = True
        if (found != True):
            dist_new = city_dist(cities, rr[ic[0]],   rr[ic[1]]) +\
                       city_dist(cities, rr[ic[0]+1], rr[ic[2]]) +\
                       city_dist(cities, rr[ic[1]+1], rr[ic[2]+1])
            if (dist_new < dist_old):
                if ((edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[0]], 0]   != rr[ic[1]]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[0]], 1]   != rr[ic[1]]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[0]+1], 0] != rr[ic[2]]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[0]+1], 1] != rr[ic[2]]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[1]+1], 0] != rr[ic[2]+1]) &
                    (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic[1]+1], 1] != rr[ic[2]+1]) ):
                    print 3
                    route_new = rr.copy();
                    count = ic[0]+1
                    for ii in xrange(ic[1], ic[0], -1):
                        route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                        count += 1
                    for ii in xrange(ic[2], ic[1], -1):
                        route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                        count += 1
                    for ii in xrange(ic[2]+1, ic[0]+1):
                        route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                        count += 1
                    route[ir] = route_new                    
                    dist[ir] += (dist_new - dist_old)
                    found = True

        if (found == True):
            # rebuild edges
            edges[ir][route[ir][0],    0] = 999999
            edges[ir][route[ir][Nc-1], 1] = 999999
            for ic in xrange(Nc-1):
                edges[ir][route[ir][ic],   1] = route[ir][ic+1]
                edges[ir][route[ir][ic+1], 0] = route[ir][ic]
            iter += 1
            score = int(np.max(dist))
            print score
            if (iter%checkpoint == 0):
                # when we checkpoint make sure tours are disjoint and valid
                print score, calc_score(cities, route)
                #assert(score == calc_score(cities, route))
                io.write_route(route, name + '_' + str(score))
        # switch to other route if it's longer
        if (dist[ir] < dist[(ir+1)%2]):
            ir = (ir+1)%2

    return route
예제 #2
파일: route.py 프로젝트: pcoving/tsp
def opt2(cities, route, look_ahead=9999999, checkpoint=50, name='test'):

    opt-2 takes a route and shortens it by taking 
    two edges and un-bowties them like so:
    *     *      *-----*
     \   /
      \ /
      /\    ==>    
     /  \
    *    *       *-----*

    checkpoint is number of edges un-bowtied before writing out
    the route as name_<dist>.csv
    look_ahead is an attempt to make it more efficient - for a given edge,
    will only look for edges to perform 2-opt a specified number ahead in route
    Nc = cities.shape[0]
    assert(Nc > 0)
    # don't want to modify input route...
    route = [route[0].copy(),

    # fill edges (defined in NN above) and compute distance
    # for input route
    edges = [-np.ones([Nc,2], dtype=int), 
             -np.ones([Nc,2], dtype=int)]
    dist = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
    for ir in range(2):
        edges[ir][route[ir][0],    0] = 999999
        edges[ir][route[ir][Nc-1], 1] = 999999
        for ic in xrange(Nc-1):
            dist[ir] += city_dist(cities, route[ir][ic], route[ir][ic+1])
            edges[ir][route[ir][ic],   1] = route[ir][ic+1]
            edges[ir][route[ir][ic+1], 0] = route[ir][ic]
    # route we're currently optimizing is stored in ir 
    # (always trying to push down maximum distance)
    if (dist[0] > dist[1]):
        ir = 0
        ir = 1
    iter = 0
    while (1):
        # pick two random cities
        ic0 = np.random.randint(low=0,     high=Nc-2)
        ic1 = np.random.randint(low=ic0+1, high=np.min([ic0+look_ahead, Nc-1]))
        # just an alias to make things shorter...
        rr = route[ir]
        dist_old = city_dist(cities, rr[ic0],   rr[ic0+1]) +\
                   city_dist(cities, rr[ic1],   rr[ic1+1])
        dist_new = city_dist(cities, rr[ic0],   rr[ic1]) +\
                   city_dist(cities, rr[ic0+1], rr[ic1+1])
        if (dist_new < dist_old):
            # check if un-bowtieing conflicts with other tour...
            if ((edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic0], 0] != rr[ic1]) &
                (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic0], 1] != rr[ic1]) &
                (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic0+1], 0] != rr[ic1+1]) &
                (edges[(ir+1)%2][rr[ic0+1], 1] != rr[ic1+1])):
                route_new = rr.copy();
                # rearrange route and update edges
                count = ic0+1
                edges[ir][rr[ic0], 1] = rr[ic1]
                edges[ir][rr[ic1], 0] = rr[ic0]
                for ii in xrange(ic1, ic0, -1):
                    route_new[count] = rr[ii]
                    edges[ir][rr[ii], 1] = rr[ii-1]
                    if (ii != ic0+1):
                        edges[ir][rr[ii-1], 0] = rr[ii]
                    count += 1
                edges[ir][rr[ic1+1], 0] = rr[ic0+1]
                edges[ir][rr[ic0+1], 1] = rr[ic1+1]
                route[ir] = route_new                    
                dist[ir] += (dist_new - dist_old)
                iter += 1
                score = int(np.max(dist))
                print score
                if (iter%checkpoint == 0):
                    # when we checkpoint make sure tours are disjoint and valid
                    print score, calc_score(cities, route)
                    #assert(score == calc_score(cities, route))
                    io.write_route(route, name + '_' + str(score))
        # switch to other route if it's longer
        if (dist[ir] < dist[(ir+1)%2]):
            ir = (ir+1)%2

    return route