config.requests = [
                # absolute value
#               {'dataset':'gridcell',
#                'image_type':'openev_map',
#                'attribute':'urbansim.gridcell.population',
#                'arguments':{
#                             'legend_scheme':{'range':[0, 10, 50, 100], 
#                             'color':['#b2b2aea3', '#ccff00ff','#ffcc00ff','#ff6500ff','#ff0000ff']}
##                             'scale':[-5000, 250000]
#                             }
#                },   
#               {'dataset':'gridcell',
#                'image_type':'openev_map',
#                'attribute':'urbansim.gridcell.number_of_jobs as employment',
#                'arguments':{
#                              'legend_scheme':{'range':[0, 500, 5000, 25000], 
#                              'color':['#b2b2aea3', '#ccff00ff','#ffcc00ff','#ff6500ff','#ff0000ff']}
##                             'scale':[1000, 200000]
#                             }
#                }, 

#                                'scale':[1, 60000]
#                              'scale':[1, 60000]
                 'attribute':'psrc.faz.number_of_jobs_without_resource_construction_sectors as employment',
#                              'scale':[1, 60000]
#                              'scale':[1, 60000]
#                 ##change value
#               {'dataset':'gridcell',
#                'image_type':'openev_map',
#                'attribute':'population_change(DDDD-00)',
#                'arguments':{
#                             'operation':'change',
#                             'arguments':['urbansim.gridcell.population'],
##                             'scale':[-5000, 250000]
#                             }
#                },   
#               {'dataset':'gridcell',
#                'image_type':'openev_map',
#                'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.absolute_number_of_jobs_change as employment_change(DDDD-00)',
#                'arguments':{
#                             'scale':[1000, 200000]
#                             }
#                }, 
#               {'dataset':'gridcell',
#                'image_type':'openev_map',
#                'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.percent_population_change as percent_population_change(DDDD-00)',
#                'arguments':{
##                             'scale':[1000, 200000]
#                             }
#                }, 
#               {'dataset':'gridcell',
#                 'image_type':'openev_map',
#                 'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.percent_number_of_jobs_change as percent_employment_change(DDDD-00)',
#                'arguments':{
##                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
#                              }
#                },                 
#                              'scale':[-2000, 40000]

#                              'scale':[-2000, 40000]

                'attribute':'psrc.faz.percent_population_change as percent_population_change(DDDD-00)',
#                             'scale':[1000, 200000]

                 'attribute':'psrc.faz.percent_number_of_jobs_change as percent_employment_change(DDDD-00)',
#                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]

                 ###difference (this scenario - baseline)

#               {'dataset':'gridcell',
#                 'image_type':'openev_map',
#                 'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.absolute_population_difference_from_baseline as population_difference_from_baseline',
#                 'arguments':{
#                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
#                              }
#                },
#               {'dataset':'gridcell',
#                 'image_type':'openev_map',
#                 'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.absolute_number_of_jobs_difference_from_baseline as employment_difference_from_baseline',
#                 'arguments':{
##                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
#                              }
#                }, 
#               {'dataset':'gridcell',
#                 'image_type':'openev_map',
#                 'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.percent_population_difference_from_baseline as percent_population_difference_from_baseline',
#                 'arguments':{
#                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
#                              }
#                },
#               {'dataset':'gridcell',
#                 'image_type':'openev_map',
#                 'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.percent_number_of_jobs_difference_from_baseline as percent_employment_difference_from_baseline',
#                 'arguments':{
##                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
#                              }
#                }, 

#                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
#                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
                 'attribute':'psrc.faz.absolute_number_of_jobs_difference_from_baseline as absolute_employment_difference_from_baseline',
#                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
                 'attribute':'psrc.faz.percent_number_of_jobs_difference_from_baseline as percent_employment_difference_from_baseline',
#                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
                              'scale':[-10, 110]

#                              'scale':[-1000, 7000]                              

#    DatasetDescription(dataset_name='gridcell', package_name='urbansim', nchunks=2), 
#    DatasetDescription(dataset_name='household', package_name='urbansim'), 
#    DatasetDescription(dataset_name='job', package_name='urbansim'),
#    DatasetDescription(dataset_name='zone', package_name='urbansim'),
#    DatasetDescription(dataset_name='travel_data', package_name='urbansim')
#    ]

# single_year_requests are indicators that are computed for a particular year.
# We give a list of years in single_year_years (is there a better name??)
# The idea is that we'll get a map of psrc.large_area.population, for example,
# for 2000 and another map for 2010.
# Note the syntax for specifying the indicators when the indicator name includes the year
# (the substring DDDD will be replaced by the year)
config.request_years = [2025]
config.requests = []
#for m in range(10, 130, 10):
#    i = [{'dataset':'zone',
#         'image_type':'map',
#         'attribute':'LNE%sMTW = ln_bounded(' % (m, m),
#         'arguments':{                 
#    #                              'scale':[-1000, 7000]                              
#             },     
#         'years':[2000,2006,2011,2016,2021]
#         },
#         {'dataset':'zone',
#         'image_type':'map',
#         'attribute':'LNE%sMDA = ln_bounded(' % (m, m),
#         'arguments':{                 
#    #                              'scale':[-1000, 7000]                              
#             },     
예제 #3
config.requests = [
    # absolute value
    #               {'dataset':'gridcell',
    #                'image_type':'openev_map',
    #                'attribute':'urbansim.gridcell.population',
    #                'arguments':{
    #                             'legend_scheme':{'range':[0, 10, 50, 100],
    #                             'color':['#b2b2aea3', '#ccff00ff','#ffcc00ff','#ff6500ff','#ff0000ff']}
    ##                             'scale':[-5000, 250000]
    #                             }
    #                },
    #               {'dataset':'gridcell',
    #                'image_type':'openev_map',
    #                'attribute':'urbansim.gridcell.number_of_jobs as employment',
    #                'arguments':{
    #                              'legend_scheme':{'range':[0, 500, 5000, 25000],
    #                              'color':['#b2b2aea3', '#ccff00ff','#ffcc00ff','#ff6500ff','#ff0000ff']}
    ##                             'scale':[1000, 200000]
    #                             }
    #                },
        'dataset': 'faz',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'attribute': 'urbansim.faz.population',
        'arguments': {
            #                                'scale':[1, 60000]
        'dataset': 'faz',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'attribute': 'psrc.faz.population_per_acre',
        'arguments': {
            #                              'scale':[1, 60000]
        'dataset': 'faz',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'psrc.faz.number_of_jobs_without_resource_construction_sectors as employment',
        'arguments': {
            #                              'scale':[1, 60000]
        'dataset': 'faz',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'attribute': 'psrc.faz.number_of_jobs_per_acre',
        'arguments': {
            #                              'scale':[1, 60000]

    #                 ##change value
    #               {'dataset':'gridcell',
    #                'image_type':'openev_map',
    #                'attribute':'population_change(DDDD-00)',
    #                'arguments':{
    #                             'operation':'change',
    #                             'arguments':['urbansim.gridcell.population'],
    ##                             'scale':[-5000, 250000]
    #                             }
    #                },
    #               {'dataset':'gridcell',
    #                'image_type':'openev_map',
    #                'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.absolute_number_of_jobs_change as employment_change(DDDD-00)',
    #                'arguments':{
    #                             'scale':[1000, 200000]
    #                             }
    #                },
    #               {'dataset':'gridcell',
    #                'image_type':'openev_map',
    #                'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.percent_population_change as percent_population_change(DDDD-00)',
    #                'arguments':{
    ##                             'scale':[1000, 200000]
    #                             }
    #                },
    #               {'dataset':'gridcell',
    #                 'image_type':'openev_map',
    #                 'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.percent_number_of_jobs_change as percent_employment_change(DDDD-00)',
    #                'arguments':{
    ##                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
    #                              }
    #                },

        'dataset': 'faz',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'attribute': 'population_change(DDDD-00)',
        'arguments': {
            'operation': 'change',
            'arguments': ['urbansim.faz.population'],
            #                              'scale':[-2000, 40000]
        'dataset': 'faz',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'attribute': 'employment_change(DDDD-00)',
        'arguments': {
            'operation': 'change',
            'arguments': ['urbansim.faz.number_of_jobs'],
            #                              'scale':[-2000, 40000]
        'dataset': 'faz',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'psrc.faz.percent_population_change as percent_population_change(DDDD-00)',
        'arguments': {
            #                             'scale':[1000, 200000]
        'dataset': 'faz',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'psrc.faz.percent_number_of_jobs_change as percent_employment_change(DDDD-00)',
        'arguments': {
            #                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]

    ###difference (this scenario - baseline)

    #               {'dataset':'gridcell',
    #                 'image_type':'openev_map',
    #                 'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.absolute_population_difference_from_baseline as population_difference_from_baseline',
    #                 'arguments':{
    #                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
    #                              }
    #                },
    #               {'dataset':'gridcell',
    #                 'image_type':'openev_map',
    #                 'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.absolute_number_of_jobs_difference_from_baseline as employment_difference_from_baseline',
    #                 'arguments':{
    ##                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
    #                              }
    #                },
    #               {'dataset':'gridcell',
    #                 'image_type':'openev_map',
    #                 'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.percent_population_difference_from_baseline as percent_population_difference_from_baseline',
    #                 'arguments':{
    #                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
    #                              }
    #                },
    #               {'dataset':'gridcell',
    #                 'image_type':'openev_map',
    #                 'attribute':'psrc.gridcell.percent_number_of_jobs_difference_from_baseline as percent_employment_difference_from_baseline',
    #                 'arguments':{
    ##                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
    #                              }
    #                },
        'dataset': 'faz',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'attribute': 'psrc.faz.absolute_population_difference_from_baseline',
        'arguments': {
            #                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
        'dataset': 'faz',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'attribute': 'psrc.faz.percent_population_difference_from_baseline',
        'arguments': {
            #                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
        'dataset': 'faz',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'psrc.faz.absolute_number_of_jobs_difference_from_baseline as absolute_employment_difference_from_baseline',
        'arguments': {
            #                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
        'dataset': 'faz',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'psrc.faz.percent_number_of_jobs_difference_from_baseline as percent_employment_difference_from_baseline',
        'arguments': {
            #                              'scale':[-30000, 30000]
        'dataset': 'zone',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'attribute': '',
        'arguments': {
            'scale': [-10, 110]
        'years': [2000, 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021]
        'dataset': 'zone',
        'image_type': 'map',
        'arguments': {
            #                              'scale':[-1000, 7000]
        'years': [2000, 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021]
        'dataset': 'large_area',
        'image_type': 'table',
        'attribute': 'psrc.large_area.population',
        'arguments': {},
        'years': [2000, 2010, 2020, 2025]
        'dataset': 'large_area',
        'image_type': 'table',
        'arguments': {},
        'years': [2000, 2010, 2020, 2025]
예제 #4
#    DatasetDescription(dataset_name='gridcell', package_name='urbansim', nchunks=2),
#    DatasetDescription(dataset_name='household', package_name='urbansim'),
#    DatasetDescription(dataset_name='job', package_name='urbansim'),
#    DatasetDescription(dataset_name='zone', package_name='urbansim'),
#    DatasetDescription(dataset_name='travel_data', package_name='urbansim')
#    ]

# single_year_requests are indicators that are computed for a particular year.
# We give a list of years in single_year_years (is there a better name??)
# The idea is that we'll get a map of psrc.large_area.population, for example,
# for 2000 and another map for 2010.
# Note the syntax for specifying the indicators when the indicator name includes the year
# (the substring DDDD will be replaced by the year)
config.request_years = [2025]
config.requests = []
#for m in range(10, 130, 10):
#    i = [{'dataset':'zone',
#         'image_type':'map',
#         'attribute':'LNE%sMTW = ln_bounded(' % (m, m),
#         'arguments':{
#    #                              'scale':[-1000, 7000]
#             },
#         'years':[2000,2006,2011,2016,2021]
#         },
#         {'dataset':'zone',
#         'image_type':'map',
#         'attribute':'LNE%sMDA = ln_bounded(' % (m, m),
#         'arguments':{
#    #                              'scale':[-1000, 7000]
#             },