def whole_validate(ckpt_path): feature_dict = input_data.get_feature_dict('D:/data/data.csv', 'CRC death') log_dir = 'C:\\Users\\xy31\\PycharmProjects\\VGG\\logs\\train\\' val_path = 'D:\\data\\1-16\\whole_val\\' collections = os.listdir(val_path) collection_correct = 0 x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(BATCH_SIZE, IMG_W, IMG_H, IMG_D)) labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int16, shape=(BATCH_SIZE, N_CLASSES)) logits = VGG.VGG16(x, N_CLASSES, keep_prob=1, is_pretrain=False) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables()) correct = tools.num_correct_prediction(logits, labels) with tf.Session() as sess: print('Reading check points') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_path) print('Loading successful') for collection in collections: # print('validating ' + collection) collection_path = os.path.join(val_path, collection) tile_list = os.listdir(collection_path) n_tiles = len(tile_list) num_step = int(math.floor(n_tiles / BATCH_SIZE)) num_sample = num_step * BATCH_SIZE num_correct = 0 for step in range(num_step): val_image_batch, val_label_batch = input_data.read_local_data_CRCdeath( data_dir=data_dir, is_train=False, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, step=step, feature_dict=feature_dict, n_classes=N_CLASSES, name_list=tile_list) val_labels = val_images = val_image_batch batch_correct =, feed_dict={ x: val_images, labels: val_labels }) num_correct += np.sum(batch_correct) print(collection + ' accuracy: %.2f%%' % (100 * num_correct / num_sample)) if num_correct >= num_sample / 2: collection_correct += 1 collection_accuracy = collection_correct / len(collections) print('Total testing collections: %.2f%%' % (100 * collection_accuracy))
def tile_validation(ckpt_path, cluster, folder_clustermaps): ''' :param ckpt_path: the trained model to evaluate :param cluster: the cluster to validate :param folder_clustermaps: :return: ''' feature_dict = input_data.get_feature_dict('./Testing-dataset/data.csv', '5yrs') x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(BATCH_SIZE, IMG_W, IMG_H, IMG_D)) y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int16, shape=(BATCH_SIZE, N_CLASSES)) logits = VGG.VGG16_nobn(x, N_CLASSES, keep_prob=1, is_pretrain=False) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables()) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: print('restoring weight') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_path) # list_val = input_data.get_full_list(data_type='val', cluster=cluster, # folder=data_dir, folder_clustermaps=folder_clustermaps) list_val = input_data.get_full_list_submission(folder=data_dir) # list_val = input_data.get_full_list(data_name=['2018_06_01__5836'] , cluster=cluster, # folder=data_dir, folder_clustermaps=folder_clustermaps) max_step = int(len(list_val) / BATCH_SIZE) tp = 0 tn = 0 fp = 0 fn = 0 for step in np.arange(max_step): if step % 10 == 0: print('%d of %d' % (step, max_step)) val_image_batch, val_label_batch = input_data.read_local_data( data_dir=data_dir, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, step=step, feature_dict=feature_dict, n_classes=N_CLASSES, name_list=list_val) val_labels = val_images = val_image_batch val_logits =, feed_dict={x: val_images}) for label, logit in zip(val_labels, val_logits): if label[0] == 1 and logit[0] >= 0.5: tn += 1 elif label[1] == 1 and logit[1] >= 0.5: tp += 1 elif label[0] == 1 and logit[1] >= 0.5: fp += 1 else: fn += 1 print('tn=%d tp=%d fp=%d fn=%d' % (tn, tp, fp, fn)) acc = (tn + tp) / (tn + tp + fp + fn) * 100 print('accuracy = %.2f' % (acc)) precision = tp / (tp + fp) recall = tp / (tp + fn) f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) print('precision: %.2f recall: %.2f f1: %.2f' % (precision, recall, f1))
def patch_train(cluster, folder_clustermaps): ''' :param cluster: the cluster to perform patch-wise classify :param folder_clustermaps: folder of cluster maps ''' train_log_dir = './/logs//train//' val_log_dir = './/logs//val//' feature_dict = input_data.get_feature_dict('D://data//1-10//data.csv', feature_to_classify) # setup of VGG16-like CNN x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(BATCH_SIZE, IMG_W, IMG_H, IMG_D)) y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int16, shape=(BATCH_SIZE, N_CLASSES)) logits = VGG.VGG16_nobn(x, N_CLASSES, TRAINABLE) loss = tools.loss(logits, y_) accuracy = tools.accuracy(logits, y_) my_global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False) train_op = tools.optimize(loss, learning_rate, my_global_step) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables()) summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: if IS_FINETUNING: # load the parameter file, assign the parameters, skip the specific layers print('** Loading pre-trained weights **') tools.load_with_skip(pre_trained_weights, sess, ['fc6', 'fc7', 'fc8']) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) tra_summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(train_log_dir, sess.graph) val_summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(val_log_dir, sess.graph) shuffled_list_train = input_data.get_full_list( data_type='train', cluster=cluster, folder=data_dir, folder_clustermaps=folder_clustermaps) shuffled_list_val = input_data.get_full_list( data_type='val', cluster=cluster, folder=data_dir, folder_clustermaps=folder_clustermaps) shuffled_list_val = np.hstack((shuffled_list_val, shuffled_list_val)) shuffled_list_val = np.hstack((shuffled_list_val, shuffled_list_val)) shuffled_list_val = np.hstack((shuffled_list_val, shuffled_list_val)) try: for epoch in np.arange(MAX_EPOCH): np.random.shuffle(shuffled_list_train) np.random.shuffle(shuffled_list_val) max_step = int(len(shuffled_list_train) / BATCH_SIZE) for step in np.arange(max_step): tra_image_batch, tra_label_batch = input_data.read_local_data( data_dir=data_dir, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, step=step, feature_dict=feature_dict, n_classes=N_CLASSES, name_list=shuffled_list_train) if coord.should_stop(): break tra_labels = tra_images = tra_image_batch _, tra_loss, tra_acc =[train_op, loss, accuracy], feed_dict={ x: tra_images, y_: tra_labels }) if step % 10 == 0: print( 'Epoch: %d (MAX_EPOCH = %d), Step: %d (MAX_Step = %d), loss: %.4f, accuracy: %.4f%%' % (epoch, MAX_EPOCH, step, max_step, tra_loss, tra_acc)) summary_str =, feed_dict={ x: tra_images, y_: tra_labels }) tra_summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) if step % 50 == 0: val_image_batch, val_label_batch = input_data.read_local_data( data_dir=data_dir, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, step=step / 50, feature_dict=feature_dict, n_classes=N_CLASSES, name_list=shuffled_list_val) val_labels = val_images = val_image_batch val_loss, val_acc =[loss, accuracy], feed_dict={ x: val_images, y_: val_labels }) print( '** Epoch: %d, Step %d, val loss = %.2f, val accuracy = %.2f%% **' % (epoch, step, val_loss, val_acc)) summary_str =, feed_dict={ x: val_images, y_: val_labels }) val_summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, step) # logits_array =, feed_dict={x: tra_images}) # labels_array =, feed_dict={y_: tra_labels}) # logits_array = np.around(logits_array, decimals=3) # print('==========TRAAIN==========') # print(np.hstack((logits_array, labels_array))) # # logits_array =, feed_dict={x: val_images}) # labels_array =, feed_dict={y_: val_labels}) # logits_array = np.around(logits_array, decimals=3) # print('=========VALIDATE=========') # print(np.hstack((logits_array, labels_array))) if step % 2000 == 0: checkpoint_path = os.path.join( train_log_dir, 'model_' + str(epoch) + '_' + str(step) + '.ckpt'), checkpoint_path, global_step=step) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print('Done training -- epoch limit reached') finally: coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def get_patch_prediction(ckpt_path, cluster, folder_clustermaps, output_dict): ''' :param ckpt_path: the path of trained model :param cluster: the cluster to validate :param folder_clustermaps: a directory where the data is stored :param output_dict: output directory to save the predictions :return: ''' feature_dict = input_data.get_feature_dict('D://data//1-10//data.csv', '5yrs') list_image = os.listdir(data_dir) # shuffle(list_image) if not os.path.isdir(output_dict): os.mkdir(output_dict) x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(BATCH_SIZE, IMG_W, IMG_H, IMG_D)) y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int16, shape=(BATCH_SIZE, N_CLASSES)) logits = VGG.VGG16_nobn(x, N_CLASSES, keep_prob=1, is_pretrain=False) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables()) predictions = [] init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: print('restoring weights') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_path) count0 = 0 count1 = 1 prog = 0 for image in list_image: prog += 1 tile_path_list = [] image_index = int(image[12:16]) image_name = image[12:] path_image = os.path.join(data_dir, image) cluster_map_path = os.path.join(folder_clustermaps, image[:16] + '.npy') cluster_map = np.load(cluster_map_path) loc = [] predictions = [] for h in range(len(cluster_map)): for w in range(len(cluster_map[h])): if cluster_map[h][w] == cluster: w_str, h_str = str(w), str(h) loc.append([h_str, w_str]) for pair in loc: while len(pair[0]) < 3: pair[0] = '0' + pair[0] while len(pair[1]) < 3: pair[1] = '0' + pair[1] tile_name = image[:16] + image[16:] + '_' + pair[ 0] + '_' + pair[1] + '.png' path_tile = os.path.join(path_image, tile_name) tile_path_list.append(path_tile) max_step = int(len(tile_path_list) / BATCH_SIZE) for step in range(max_step): print('%d of %d: finished %.2f%% ' % (prog, len(list_image), step / max_step * 100), end='\r', flush=True) val_image_batch, val_label_batch = input_data.read_local_data( data_dir=data_dir, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, step=step, feature_dict=feature_dict, n_classes=N_CLASSES, name_list=tile_path_list) val_labels = val_images = val_image_batch val_logits =, feed_dict={x: val_images}) # logits = np.reshape(val_logits[1], (1, -1)) for i in val_logits: if i[0] >= 0.5: count0 += 1 else: count1 += 1 predictions.extend(val_logits[:, 1]) predictions = np.asarray(predictions) print(image_index, np.mean(predictions)) print(count0, count1) output_path = os.path.join(output_dict, image_name), np.asarray(predictions))
def get_cnn_output(data_type, ckpt_path): feature_dict = input_data.get_feature_dict('D:/data/data.csv', 'CRC death') log_dir = 'C:\\Users\\xy31\\PycharmProjects\\VGG\\logs\\train\\' train_path = os.path.join(data_dir, data_type) list_alltiles = os.listdir(train_path) x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(BATCH_SIZE, IMG_W, IMG_H, IMG_D)) labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int16, shape=(BATCH_SIZE, N_CLASSES)) logits = VGG.VGG16(x, N_CLASSES, keep_prob=1, is_pretrain=False) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables()) correct = tools.num_correct_prediction(logits, labels) data_dict = {} output_dict = {} with tf.Session() as sess: print('Reading check points') saver.restore(sess, ckpt_path) print('Loading successful') for tile_name in list_alltiles: image_index = tile_name[12:16] aug_index = tile_name[23] if image_index not in data_dict.keys(): data_dict[image_index] = dict() data_dict[image_index][aug_index] = [tile_name] elif aug_index not in data_dict[image_index].keys(): data_dict[image_index][aug_index] = [tile_name] else: data_dict[image_index][aug_index].append(tile_name) if image_index not in output_dict: output_dict[image_index] = {} if aug_index not in output_dict[image_index]: output_dict[image_index][aug_index] = [] progress_index = 1 for key_image in data_dict.keys(): aug_dict = data_dict[key_image] for key_aug in aug_dict: tile_names = aug_dict[key_aug] n_padded = 0 while len(tile_names) % BATCH_SIZE != 0: tile_names.append(tile_names[0]) n_padded += 1 n_tiles = len(tile_names) num_step = int(n_tiles / BATCH_SIZE) for step in range(num_step): batch_tiles = tile_names[step * BATCH_SIZE:(step + 1) * BATCH_SIZE] if data_type == 'train': is_train = True elif data_type == 'validate': is_train = False else: return 1 val_image_batch, val_label_batch = input_data.read_local_data_CRCdeath( data_dir=data_dir, is_train=is_train, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, step=step, feature_dict=feature_dict, n_classes=N_CLASSES, name_list=tile_names) val_images = val_image_batch logits_array =, feed_dict={x: val_images}) logits_array = logits_array.tolist() if step != num_step - 1: for i in range(BATCH_SIZE): output_dict[key_image][key_aug].append( logits_array[i]) else: for i in range(BATCH_SIZE - n_padded): output_dict[key_image][key_aug].append( logits_array[i]) print('finished %d file(s) of %d files ' % (progress_index, len(data_dict.keys()))) progress_index += 1 with open('cnn_output_' + data_type + '.json', 'w') as file_output: file_output.write(json.dumps(output_dict, indent=4))