예제 #1
 def __init__(self, capacity, items, duplicates=False):
     Benchmark.__init__(self, len(items))
     self.capacity = capacity
     self.items = items
     self.components = [swarm.TrailComponent((item[0]), value=item[1]) for item in items]
     self.duplicates = duplicates
     self.bias = 0.5
     if self.duplicates:
         max_count = [self.capacity // item[0] for item in self.items]
         self.bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder([i for i in range(max(max_count)+1)])
         self.bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder([0, 1])
     self.maximize = True
     self._use_ants = False
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, seed):
     self.seed = seed  # seed for random generator
     # self.bounder = ec.Bounder(0, 1) # Discrete bounder to boolean values
     self.bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder(
         [0, 1])  # Discrete bounder to boolean values
     self.maximize = False  # Flag to define the problem nature
     self.genCount = 0  # generation count
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, benchmark, dimension_bits):
     Benchmark.__init__(self, benchmark.dimensions, benchmark.objectives)
     self.benchmark = benchmark
     self.dimension_bits = dimension_bits
     self.bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder([0, 1])
     self.maximize = self.benchmark.maximize
     self.__class__.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__ + ' ' + self.benchmark.__class__.__name__
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, weights):
     Benchmark.__init__(self, len(weights))
     self.weights = weights
     self.components = [swarm.TrailComponent((i, j), value=(1 / weights[i][j])) for i, j in itertools.permutations(range(len(weights)), 2)]
     self.bias = 0.5
     self.bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder([i for i in range(len(weights))])
     self.maximize = True
     self._use_ants = False
예제 #5
 def __init__(self,
     self.dimensions = int(ratio * number_of_sentences)
     self.objectives = objectives
     self.bounder = None
     self.maximize = True
     self.coverage_matrix = coverage_matrix
     self.sentences_similarity = sentences_similarity
     self.ratio = ratio
     self.number_of_sentences = number_of_sentences
     self.bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder(
         [i for i in range(number_of_sentences)])
예제 #6
        def __init__(self, dimensions=43278):

                # Column numbers of the Main_data_file: These are [the land type of various cell in 5 different scenarios: A-E
                cNoChange=9 # It is Whether the land allocation changed w.r.t the base case: 0: implies change
                minA = {} # Minimum area for each land type (1-25)
                maxA = {} # Max area for each land type
                olt = {}
                olt2nlt = {} # Original land type to number : Basically key value, key is the land type, value is id allotted to it
                adj_List = {} # Adjacency list for each cell
                area = {}
                sumIndArea = [] # Sum of area for each type of land type (not cell), total 25
                indxMap = {}
                areaMap = {} # area for each cell
                landType = [] 

                generator_count = 0
                for i in range(50000):
                        0: AIR: Airport, 1: CIV: Civic, 2:POS: Preserved Open Space

                        3:WF, Working Farm
                        3:RL, Rural Living
                        3:RCR, Rural Crossroads

                        4:ER, Estate Residential
                        4:LLRN, Large Lot Residential Neighborhood

                        5:SLRN, Small Lot Residential Neighborhood
                        5:MFRN, Multifamily Residential Neighborhood
                        5:MRN, Mixed Residential Neighborhood

                        6:HRR, Healthcare

                        7:NCC, Neighborhood Commercial Center
                        7:SCC, Suburban Commercial Corridor
                        7:SOC, Suburban Office Center

                        8:LIC, Light Industrial
                        8:HIC, Heavy Industrial
                        8:HCC, Highway Commercial Corridor

                        9:MUN, Mixed-Use Neighborhood
                        9:TC, Town Center
                        9:UN, Urban Neighborhood
                        9:TOD, Transit Oriented Development
                        9:MUC, Mixed Use Center
                        9:MC, Metropolitan Center
                        9:UC, Urban Center
                olt2nlt["AIR"] = 1
                olt2nlt["CIV"] = 2
                olt2nlt["HIC"] = 3
                olt2nlt["LIC"] = olt2nlt["HCC"] = 4
                olt2nlt["LLRN"] = olt2nlt["ER"] = 5
                olt2nlt["MFRN"] = 6
                olt2nlt["MHP"] = 7
                olt2nlt["MRN"] = 8
                olt2nlt["MUN"] =  9
                olt2nlt["NCC"] = 10
                olt2nlt["POS"]= 11
                olt2nlt["RCR"]= 12
                olt2nlt["RL"] = 13
                olt2nlt["SCC"]= 14
                olt2nlt["SLRN"] = 15
                olt2nlt["SOC"] = 16
                olt2nlt["TC"] = 17
                olt2nlt["UC"] = 18 
                olt2nlt["UN"] = 19
                olt2nlt["VC"] = olt2nlt["HRR"] = 20
                olt2nlt["WF"] = 21
                olt2nlt["MUC"] = 22
                olt2nlt["MC"] = 23
                olt2nlt["TOD"] = 24

                #Loading adj list for each cell
                f= open("Adj_List_file.gal","r")
                data = f.read().splitlines()[1:]
                for line in data:
                        l = line.split(' ')
                        if not l[0] is '':
                                k = int(l[0])
                                for i in range(len(l)):
                                        #print i, k
                                        j = int(l[i])
                                        if (i==0):
                                                # Adding the key, i.e. the cell for which adj_list is being obtained, adds for the first time, when it does not exist int he dictionary
                                                if not k in adj_List:
                                        if not j in adj_List:
                                                adj_List[j] =[]
                                        if not k in adj_List[j]:
                #print adj_List[20][1]

                #Loading areas, landtype for each cell
                # initiating the total sums for each landtype to zero
                for i in range(0,25):
                datag = g.readlines()[1:]
                for line in datag:
                        line = line.split('\t')
                        pt = int(line[0]) 
                        ar = float(line[2]) #area
                        tee = line[1] # landtype
                        temp_lt = olt2nlt[tee] 
                        # indxMap : contains decision (change/nochange), and four other preferred land types
                        indxMap[pt] = (int(line[cNoChange]),olt2nlt[line[B_LU]] ,olt2nlt[line[C_LU]],olt2nlt[line[D_LU]],olt2nlt[line[E_LU]])
                        areaMap[pt] = ar
                        sumIndArea[temp_lt] += ar 
                copyLandType = landType
                copySumIndArea = sumIndArea

                for i in range(43278):
                        if not i in areaMap:
                for pt in areaMap.keys():
                        area_sum = area_sum + areaMap[pt]

                # Loading area targets
                gh = open("Tarets_File.csv","r")
                datagh = gh.readlines()[1:]
                for line in datagh:
                        line = line.split('\t')
                        #print line[0], line[1], line[2]
                        minA[int(line[0])] = float(line[1]) * area_sum
                        maxA[int(line[0])] = float(line[2]) * area_sum
                        #print line[0], minA[int(line[0])], maxA[int(line[0])], area_sum

                self.dimensions = dim
                self.objectives = 25
                Benchmark.__init__(self, dimensions, 25) #numobj=3, dimensions=numcells=6
                self.bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24])
                self.maximize = True # Maximizing criteria: i.e. maximizing the objectives
                self.adjList = adj_List
                self.candidatesArea = area
                self.landType = landType
                self.copyLandType = copyLandType
                self.areaMap = areaMap
                self.indxMap = indxMap
                self.sumIndArea = sumIndArea
                self.copySumIndArea = copySumIndArea
                self.total_area = area_sum
                self.minA = minA
                self.maxA = maxA
                self.suit = suit
                self.generator_count = generator_count
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, dimensions=43278):

        Raster = True
        landtypes = {}
        invertedlandtypes = {}
        adj_List = {}
        indxMap = {}
        optimal = {}
        typeArea = defaultdict(float)
        roadDistance = {}
        attractiveness = {}
        devDistance = {}
        b = {}
        areaMap = {}
        compatibility = defaultdict(float)
        conversion = defaultdict(float)
        landUseAllowed = 3
        minA = defaultdict(float)  # Minimum area for each land type (1-25)
        maxA = defaultdict(float)  # Max area for each land type
        currentTypes = []
        currentline = 0

        f = open("mdata.txt", "r")
        data = f.read().splitlines()
        # First line species the number and land use types
        l = data[currentline].split()
        currentline = +1
        n = int(l[0])

        # Mapping for LandTypes
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            landtypes[l[i]] = i - 1
            invertedlandtypes[i - 1] = l[i]
    #   print landtypes

    # number of parcels
        parcels = int(data[currentline])
        currentline = currentline + 1

        # Adjacency List
        for i in range(0, parcels):
            line = data[currentline + i]
            neighbours = line.split()
            k = int(neighbours[0])
            adj_List[k] = []

            if (len(neighbours) > 1):
                for neighbour in range(1, len(neighbours)):
                    j = int(neighbours[neighbour])
        currentline = currentline + parcels
        #         print adj_List

        parcels = int(data[currentline])
        currentline = currentline + 1

        # Land Use type Index
        for i in range(0, parcels):
            line = data[currentline + i]
            allowedTypes = line.split()
            k = int(allowedTypes[0])
            indxMap[k] = []
            #   print i
            currenttype = landtypes[allowedTypes[1]]

            isallowed = int(allowedTypes[2])

            if (len(allowedTypes) > 2):
                for allowedType in range(landUseAllowed, len(allowedTypes)):
                    if allowedTypes[allowedType] in landtypes.keys():
                        j = landtypes[allowedTypes[allowedType]]
                        j = landtypes["WF"]
        currentline = currentline + parcels
        #    print currentTypes

        n = int(data[currentline])
        currentline = currentline + 1

        # Land Use with min max areas and b
        for i in range(0, n):
            line = data[currentline + i]
            allowedTypes = line.split()

            currenttype = landtypes[allowedTypes[0]]
            typeArea[currenttype] = 0
            minA[currenttype] = float(allowedTypes[1])
            maxA[currenttype] = float(allowedTypes[2])
            b[currenttype] = allowedTypes[2]
        currentline = currentline + n
        #     print minA
        #     print maxA

        parcels = int(data[currentline])
        currentline = currentline + 1
        #Current Area
        for i in range(0, parcels):
            line = data[currentline + i]
            allowedTypes = line.split()
            k = int(allowedTypes[0])
            currenttype = landtypes[allowedTypes[1]]
            typeArea[currenttype] = typeArea[currenttype] + float(
            areaMap[i] = float(allowedTypes[2])
        currentline = currentline + parcels
        #    print 'Area*****'
        #    print typeArea

        #      parcels = int(data[currentline]);
        #     currentline = currentline + 1
        parcels = int(data[currentline])
        currentline = currentline + 1
        #Road Distance and Attractiveness
        for i in range(0, parcels):
            line = data[currentline + i]
            allowedTypes = line.split()
            pt = int(allowedTypes[0])
            attractiveness[pt] = float(allowedTypes[1])

        #Road Distance and Attractiveness

    #      rasterFile = data[currentline].split()[2]
    ##      print rasterFile
    #     rows=0
    #       columns=0
    #      rasterInputs = ''

    #     if data[currentline].split()[1] == 'Raster':
    #         Raster =True
    #         fr = open(rasterFile, "r")
    #         datar = fr.read().splitlines()
    #         rows =  int(datar[0].split()[1])
    #         columns = int(datar[1].split()[1])
    #         for lines in range(0, 6):
    #              rasterInputs = rasterInputs + datar[lines] +"\n"
    #    print rasterInputs
        Raster = False
        # A_LU=3
        # B_LU=4
        # C_LU=5
        # D_LU=6
        # E_LU=7
        # cSUIT=11
        # cNoChange=9
        # #id2idx = []
        # #idx2id = []
        # id2idx = {}
        # idx2id = {}
        # id2idx2 = {}
        # idx2id2 ={}
        # minA = {}
        # maxA = {}
        # suit=[]
        # olt = {}
        # for i in range(50000):
        #         suit.append(0)

        # olt2nlt = {}
        # olt2nlt["AIR"] = 1
        # olt2nlt["CIV"] = 2
        # olt2nlt["HIC"] = 3
        # olt2nlt["LIC"] = olt2nlt["HCC"] = 4
        # olt2nlt["LLRN"] = olt2nlt["ER"] = 5
        # olt2nlt["MFRN"] = 6
        # olt2nlt["MHP"] = 7
        # olt2nlt["MRN"] = 8
        # olt2nlt["MUN"] =  9
        # olt2nlt["NCC"] = 10
        # olt2nlt["POS"]= 11
        # olt2nlt["RCR"]= 12
        # olt2nlt["RL"] = 13
        # olt2nlt["SCC"]= 14
        # olt2nlt["SLRN"] = 15
        # olt2nlt["SOC"] = 16
        # olt2nlt["TC"] = 17
        # olt2nlt["UC"] = 18
        # olt2nlt["UN"] = 19
        # olt2nlt["VC"] = olt2nlt["HRR"] = 20
        # olt2nlt["WF"] = 21
        # olt2nlt["MUC"] = 22
        # olt2nlt["MC"] = 23
        # olt2nlt["TOD"] = 24

        #Loading adj list for each cell
        # f= open("Adj_List_Final.gal","r")
        # data = f.read().splitlines()[1:]
        # adj_List = {}
        # for line in data:
        #         l = line.split(' ')
        #         if not l[0] is '':
        #                 k = int(l[0])
        #                 for i in range(len(l)):
        #                         #print i, k
        #                         j = int(l[i])
        #                         if (i==0):
        #                                 if not k in adj_List:
        #                                         adj_List[k]=[]
        #                         else:
        #                                 adj_List[k].append(j)
        #                         if not j in adj_List:
        #                                 adj_List[j] =[]
        #                         if not k in adj_List[j]:
        #                                 adj_List[j].append(k)
        #print adj_List[20][1]

        #Loading areas, landtype for each cell
        # g=open("Refined_Swas_E_Updated2.csv","r")
        # dim=0
        # area = {}

        # for i in range(0,25):
        #         sumIndArea.append(0)
        # #print sumIndArea[21]
        # datag = g.readlines()[1:]
        # indxMap = {}
        # areaMap = {}
        # landType = []
        # for line in datag:
        #         line = line.split('\t')
        #         pt = int(line[0])
        #         ar = float(line[2]) #area
        #         tee = line[1] # landtype
        #         temp_lt = olt2nlt[tee]
        #         landType.append(temp_lt)
        #         # indxMap : contains decision (change/nochange), and four preferred land types
        #         indxMap[pt] = (int(line[cNoChange]),olt2nlt[line[B_LU]] ,olt2nlt[line[C_LU]],olt2nlt[line[D_LU]],olt2nlt[line[E_LU]])
        #         areaMap[pt] = ar
        #         #print temp_lt
        #         sumIndArea[temp_lt] += ar
        #print indxMap[20]

        sumIndArea = defaultdict(float)
        sumIndArea = typeArea
        landType = currentTypes
        copyLandType = copy.deepcopy(currentTypes)
        copySumIndArea = copy.deepcopy(sumIndArea)

        area_sum = 0.00
        for i in range(43278):
            if not i in areaMap:
                areaMap[i] = 0
        for pt in areaMap.keys():
            area_sum = area_sum + areaMap[pt]

        f = open("moptdata.txt", "r")
        optData = f.read().splitlines()
        currentline = 0
        parcels = int(optData[currentline])
        currentline = 1
        #  print optData[currentline];
        # Land Use type Index
        for i in range(0, parcels):
            line = optData[currentline + i]
            #      print line
            allowedTypes = line.split()
            k = int(allowedTypes[0])
            optimal[k] = []

            #           print allowedTypes
            isallowed = int(allowedTypes[1])

    #      print optimal[k]

    #  currentline = currentline + parcels

    # Loading area targets
    # gh = open("SWAS_E_LU_PERCENT.csv","r")
    # datagh = gh.readlines()
    # for line in datagh:
    #         line = line.split('\t')
    #         #print line[0], line[1], line[2]
    #         minA[int(line[0])] = float(line[1]) * area_sum
    #         maxA[int(line[0])] = float(line[2]) * area_sum
    #print line[0], minA[int(line[0])], maxA[int(line[0])], area_sum

        rasterInputs = 1
        rows = 1
        columns = 1

        self.dimensions = parcels
        self.objectives = 25
        Benchmark.__init__(self, parcels, 25)  #numobj=3, dimensions=numcells=6
        #self.bounder = ec.Bounder([0] * self.dimensions, [3.0] * self.dimensions)
        self.bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder([
            1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
            20, 21, 22, 23, 24
        self.maximize = True

        #self.candidatesArea = {0:10,1:10,2:10,3:10,4:10,5:10}
        #self.total_area = 60
        #self.adjList = {0:[1,2],1:[0,2],2:[0,1,3],3:[2,4,5],4:[3,5],5:[3,4]}
        self.adjList = adj_List
        # self.candidatesArea = area
        self.landType = landType
        self.copyLandType = copyLandType
        self.areaMap = areaMap
        self.indxMap = indxMap
        self.optimal = optimal
        self.sumIndArea = sumIndArea
        self.copySumIndArea = copySumIndArea
        self.total_area = area_sum
        self.minA = minA
        self.maxA = maxA
        self.attractiveness = attractiveness
        self.devDistance = devDistance
        self.conversion = conversion
        # self.suit = suit
        self.Raster = Raster
        self.rasterVal = rasterInputs
        self.rows = rows
        self.columns = columns
        # http://people.hofstra.edu/geotrans/eng/ch6en/conc6en/ch6c2en.html
        for i in range(24):
            print 'Type********', i
            print self.minA[i]
            print self.maxA[i]
            print self.sumIndArea[i]
    def __init__(self, dimensions=43278):
        A_LU = 3
        B_LU = 4
        C_LU = 5
        D_LU = 6
        E_LU = 7
        cSUIT = 11
        cNoChange = 9
        #id2idx = []
        #idx2id = []
        id2idx = {}
        idx2id = {}
        id2idx2 = {}
        idx2id2 = {}
        minA = {}
        maxA = {}
        suit = []
        olt = {}
        for i in range(50000):
                        0: AIR: Airport, 1: CIV: Civic, 2:POS: Preserved Open Space

                        3:WF, Working Farm
                        3:RL, Rural Living
                        3:RCR, Rural Crossroads

                        4:ER, Estate Residential
                        4:LLRN, Large Lot Residential Neighborhood

                        5:SLRN, Small Lot Residential Neighborhood
                        5:MFRN, Multifamily Residential Neighborhood
                        5:MRN, Mixed Residential Neighborhood

                        6:HRR, Healthcare

                        7:NCC, Neighborhood Commercial Center
                        7:SCC, Suburban Commercial Corridor
                        7:SOC, Suburban Office Center

                        8:LIC, Light Industrial
                        8:HIC, Heavy Industrial
                        8:HCC, Highway Commercial Corridor

                        9:MUN, Mixed-Use Neighborhood
                        9:TC, Town Center
                        9:UN, Urban Neighborhood
                        9:TOD, Transit Oriented Development
                        9:MUC, Mixed Use Center
                        9:MC, Metropolitan Center
                        9:UC, Urban Center
        olt2nlt = {}
        olt2nlt["AIR"] = 1
        olt2nlt["CIV"] = 2
        olt2nlt["HIC"] = 3
        olt2nlt["LIC"] = olt2nlt["HCC"] = 4
        olt2nlt["LLRN"] = olt2nlt["ER"] = 5
        olt2nlt["MFRN"] = 6
        olt2nlt["MHP"] = 7
        olt2nlt["MRN"] = 8
        olt2nlt["MUN"] = 9
        olt2nlt["NCC"] = 10
        olt2nlt["POS"] = 11
        olt2nlt["RCR"] = 12
        olt2nlt["RL"] = 13
        olt2nlt["SCC"] = 14
        olt2nlt["SLRN"] = 15
        olt2nlt["SOC"] = 16
        olt2nlt["TC"] = 17
        olt2nlt["UC"] = 18
        olt2nlt["UN"] = 19
        olt2nlt["VC"] = olt2nlt["HRR"] = 20
        olt2nlt["WF"] = 21
        olt2nlt["MUC"] = 22
        olt2nlt["MC"] = 23
        olt2nlt["TOD"] = 24

        #Loading adj list for each cell
        f = open("Adj_List_Final.gal", "r")
        data = f.read().splitlines()[1:]
        adj_List = {}
        for line in data:
            l = line.split(' ')
            if not l[0] is '':
                k = int(l[0])
                for i in range(len(l)):
                    #print i, k
                    j = int(l[i])
                    if (i == 0):
                        if not k in adj_List:
                            adj_List[k] = []

                    if not j in adj_List:
                        adj_List[j] = []
                    if not k in adj_List[j]:
        #print adj_List[20][1]

        #Loading areas, landtype for each cell
        g = open("Refined_Swas_E_Updated2.csv", "r")
        dim = 0
        area = {}
        sumIndArea = []
        for i in range(0, 25):
        #print sumIndArea[21]
        datag = g.readlines()[1:]
        indxMap = {}
        areaMap = {}
        landType = []
        for line in datag:
            line = line.split('\t')
            pt = int(line[0])
            ar = float(line[2])  #area
            tee = line[1]  # landtype
            temp_lt = olt2nlt[tee]
            # indxMap : contains decision (change/nochange), and four preferred land types
            indxMap[pt] = (int(line[cNoChange]), olt2nlt[line[B_LU]],
                           olt2nlt[line[C_LU]], olt2nlt[line[D_LU]],
            areaMap[pt] = ar
            #print temp_lt
            sumIndArea[temp_lt] += ar
        #print indxMap[20]

        copyLandType = landType
        copySumIndArea = sumIndArea

        area_sum = 0.00
        for i in range(43278):
            if not i in areaMap:
                areaMap[i] = 0
        for pt in areaMap.keys():
            area_sum = area_sum + areaMap[pt]

        # Loading area targets
        gh = open("SWAS_E_LU_PERCENT.csv", "r")
        datagh = gh.readlines()
        for line in datagh:
            line = line.split('\t')
            #print line[0], line[1], line[2]
            minA[int(line[0])] = float(line[1]) * area_sum
            maxA[int(line[0])] = float(line[2]) * area_sum
            #print line[0], minA[int(line[0])], maxA[int(line[0])], area_sum

        self.dimensions = dim
        self.objectives = 25
        Benchmark.__init__(self, dimensions,
                           25)  #numobj=3, dimensions=numcells=6
        #self.bounder = ec.Bounder([0] * self.dimensions, [3.0] * self.dimensions)
        self.bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder([
            1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
            20, 21, 22, 23, 24
        self.maximize = True

        #self.candidatesArea = {0:10,1:10,2:10,3:10,4:10,5:10}
        #self.total_area = 60
        #self.adjList = {0:[1,2],1:[0,2],2:[0,1,3],3:[2,4,5],4:[3,5],5:[3,4]}
        self.adjList = adj_List
        self.candidatesArea = area
        self.landType = landType
        self.copyLandType = copyLandType
        self.areaMap = areaMap
        self.indxMap = indxMap
        self.sumIndArea = sumIndArea
        self.copySumIndArea = copySumIndArea
        self.total_area = area_sum
        self.minA = minA
        self.maxA = maxA
        self.suit = suit
예제 #9
def NSGA2():
    """Starts the optimization with the NSGA-II algorithm."""   

    begin = time.time()
    # initialize random generator with system time
    rand = random.Random()

    # Generate the original start individual from input data
    # return it including the non static land use indices
    start_individual, nonstatic_elements = generate_genom(max_range, file_HRU,cfg.mapConfig.file_ASCII_map, 
                                      cfg.mapConfig.file_transformation, cfg.mapConfig.file_ID_map, 

    if len(start_individual) == 0:
        msg = "Error: The generated start individual has no elements."
        raise SystemError("Error: The generated start individual has no elements.")

    # determine that 'Bounder' conditions of candidates are equal to 
    # the integer values of the non static land use indices
    bounder_discrete = nonstatic_elements

    # initialize inspyred log files
    stats_file,individ_file = fh.init_inspyred_logfiles()

    # initialize and run NSGA2
    ea = ec.emo.NSGA2(rand)
    # public attributes
    # NSGA2 is predefined with tournament_selection
    if cfg.ea.selector != 'tournament_selection':
        exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.selector = ', fh.preparing_attribute('selector',cfg.ea.selector)))
        msg = 'Selector of the optimization algorithm changed to: %s' % cfg.ea.selector
    # NSGA2 is predefined with nsga_replacement
    if cfg.ea.replacer != 'nsga_replacement':
        exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.replacer = ', fh.preparing_attribute('replacer',cfg.ea.replacer)))
        msg = 'Replacer of the optimization algorithm changed to: %s' % cfg.ea.replacer
    # NSGA2 is predefined with best_archiver
    if cfg.ea.archiver != 'best_archiver':
        exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.archiver = ', fh.preparing_attribute('archiver',cfg.ea.archiver)))
        msg = 'Archiver of the optimization algorithm changed to: %s' % cfg.ea.archiver
    exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.migrator = ', fh.preparing_attribute('migrator',cfg.ea.migrator)))
    # file observer prints after each generation the best, worst, mean etc. values into the statistic and individual file
    exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.observer = ', fh.preparing_attribute('observer',cfg.ea.observer)))      
    # specify how the new candidates should be varied
    exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.variator = ', fh.preparing_attribute('variator',cfg.ea.variator)))          
    # specify when the optimization should terminate
    exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.terminator = ', fh.preparing_attribute('terminator',cfg.ea.terminator)))   
    # NSGA2 is predefined with num_selected = pop_size
    if cfg.ea.num_selected != cfg.ea.pop_size:
        msg = 'Num_selected of the optimization algorithm changed to: %s' % cfg.ea.num_selected
    # NSGA2 is predefined with tournament_size = 2
    if cfg.ea.tournament_size != 2:
        msg = 'Tournament_size of the optimization algorithm changed to: %s' % cfg.ea.tournament_size

    # run optimization, when finished final_pop holds the results
    final_pop = ea.evolve(generator = generate_parameter, 
                    # evaluate is the function to start external models
                    # return results for the optimization algorithm
                    evaluator = evaluate, 
                    # define population size
                    pop_size = cfg.ea.pop_size, 
                    # maximize or Minimize the problem (default True)                  
                    maximize = cfg.ea.maximize,   
                    # bound the parameters to an interval 
                    # DiscreteBounder: choose integer values between 1 and max_range
                    bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder(bounder_discrete),
                    # minimum population diversity allowed (when using diversity_termination default 0.001)
                    min_diversity = cfg.ea.min_diversity,
                    # maximum number of generations  
                    max_generations = cfg.ea.max_generations,
                    # maximum number of evaluations (default pop_size) 
                    max_evaluations = cfg.ea.max_evaluations,
                    # number of elites to consider (default 0)                    
                    num_elites = cfg.ea.num_elites,
                    # number of individuals to be selected (default NSGA2 pop_size)
                    num_selected = cfg.ea.num_selected,
                    # tournament size (default NSGA2 2) 
                    tournament_size = cfg.ea.tournament_size,
                    # rate at which crossover is performed (default 1.0)
                    crossover_rate = cfg.ea.crossover_rate,
                    # rate at which mutation is performed (default 0.1)
                    mutation_rate = cfg.ea.mutation_rate,
                    # number of crossover points used (default 1)
                    num_crossover_points = cfg.ea.num_crossover_points,  
                    # a positive integer representing the number of 
                    # closest solutions to consider as a “crowd” (default 2)
                    crowding_distance = cfg.ea.crowding_distance, 
                    # statistic file
                    statistics_file = stats_file,
                    # individuals file
                    individuals_file = individ_file)                     

    final_arc = ea.archive

    # for constrained_tournament_selection: 
    # create a copy of final_arc only with feasible individuals (for csv file with best feasible solutions)
    if 'constrained_tournament_selection' in cfg.ea.selector:
        final_arc_feasible = []    

    end = time.time()
    msg = "The optimization process needed %d seconds." %(end-begin)

    msg = 'Best Solutions: \n'

    for f in final_arc:
        # for constrained_tournament_selection: with information if individual is infeasible
        # and copy feasible solutions in final_arc_feasible
        if 'constrained_tournament_selection' in cfg.ea.selector:
            if individual_filter(f.candidate) == False:
                WriteLogMsg("(infeasible) %s" % f)
                # save the map as ascii file in output folder
                if file_HRU == 'None' or (file_HRU != 'None' and cfg.mapConfig.file_ID_map != 'None'):
                WriteLogMsg("%s" % f)
                # save the map as ascii file in output folder
                if file_HRU == 'None' or (file_HRU != 'None' and cfg.mapConfig.file_ID_map != 'None'):

            msg = "%s" % f
            #msg = "%f" % f
            # save the map as ascii file in output folder
            if file_HRU == 'None' or (file_HRU != 'None' and cfg.mapConfig.file_ID_map != 'None'):

        if f_count == 1:
            len_fitness = len(f.fitness)
        f_count += 1

    # plot the best solution in a 2, 3 or 4 dimensional plot 
    # 2 dimensional plot
    if (cfg.ea.plot_results == True and len_fitness == 2):
        # log the best solutions in a csv file
        import pylab
        x = []
        y = []
        for f in final_arc:
        pylab.scatter(x, y, color='r')

        # for constrained_tournament_selection: create a second plot with feasible solutions
        if 'constrained_tournament_selection' in cfg.ea.selector:
            # log the best feasible solutions in a csv file
            x = []
            y = []
            for f in final_arc_feasible:
            pylab.scatter(x, y, color='r')

    # 3 and 4 dimensional plots
    if (cfg.ea.plot_results == True and (len_fitness == 3 or len_fitness == 4)):
        import warnings 

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
            from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

            x = []
            y = []
            if len_fitness == 3 or len_fitness == 4:
                z = []
            if len_fitness == 4:
                c = []
            for f in final_arc:
                if len(f.fitness) == 3 or len(f.fitness) == 4:
                if len(f.fitness) == 4:

            if len_fitness == 3:
                # log the best solutions in a csv file
                ax.scatter(x, y, z, c='r')
            if len_fitness == 4:
                # log the best solutions in a csv file
                ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=c, cmap=plt.hot())

            # for constrained_tournament_selection: create a second plot with feasible solutions
            if 'constrained_tournament_selection' in cfg.ea.selector:
                fig = plt.figure()
                ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

                x = []
                y = []
                if len_fitness == 3 or len_fitness == 4:
                    z = []
                if len_fitness == 4:
                    c = []
                for f in final_arc_feasible:
                    if len(f.fitness) == 3 or len(f.fitness) == 4:
                    if len(f.fitness) == 4:

                if len_fitness == 3:
                    # log the best solutions in a csv file
                    ax.scatter(x, y, z, c='r')
                if len_fitness == 4:
                    # log the best solutions in a csv file
                    ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=c, cmap=plt.hot())
    # print results without plotting (if plot_results was set to false)
    if cfg.ea.plot_results == False:
        if len_fitness == 2:
            # log the best solutions in a csv file
            if 'constrained_tournament_selection' in cfg.ea.selector:
                # log the best feasible solutions in a csv file
        if len_fitness == 3:
            # log the best solutions in a csv file
            if 'constrained_tournament_selection' in cfg.ea.selector:
                # log the best feasible solutions in a csv file
        if len_fitness == 4:
            # log the best solutions in a csv file
            if 'constrained_tournament_selection' in cfg.ea.selector:
                # log the best feasible solutions in a csv file
예제 #10
def GA():
    """Starts the optimization with the GA algorithm."""   

    begin = time.time()
    # initialize random generator with system time
    rand = random.Random()

    # original start individual of the input data
    global start_individual

    # generate the original start individual from the input data
    # return it including the non static land use indices
    start_individual, nonstatic_elements = generate_genom(max_range, file_HRU,cfg.mapConfig.file_ASCII_map, 
                                      cfg.mapConfig.file_transformation, cfg.mapConfig.file_ID_map, 

    if len(start_individual) == 0:
        msg = "Error: The generated start individual has no elements."
        raise SystemError("Error: The generated start individual has no elements.")

    # determine that 'Bounder' conditions of candidates are equal to  
    # the integer values of the non static land use indices
    bounder_discrete = nonstatic_elements

    # initialize inspyred log files  
    stats_file,individ_file = fh.init_inspyred_logfiles()  

    # initialize and run GA
    ea = ec.GA(rand)
    # public attributes
    # GA is predefined with rank_selection
    if cfg.ea.selector != 'rank_selection':
        exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.selector = ', fh.preparing_attribute('selector',cfg.ea.selector)))
        msg = 'Selector of the optimization algorithm changed to: %s' % cfg.ea.selector
    # GA is predefined with generational_replacement
    if cfg.ea.replacer != 'generational_replacement':
        exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.replacer = ', fh.preparing_attribute('replacer',cfg.ea.replacer)))
        msg = 'Replacer of the optimization algorithm changed to: %s' % cfg.ea.replacer
    # specify how the new candidates should be varied
    # GA is predefined with n_point_crossover,bit_flip_mutation as variators
    if cfg.ea.variator != 'n_point_crossover,bit_flip_mutation' and cfg.ea.variator != 'bit_flip_mutation,n_point_crossover':
        exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.variator = ', fh.preparing_attribute('variator',cfg.ea.variator)))         
        msg = 'Variator of the optimization algorithm changed to: %s' % cfg.ea.variator
    # GA is predefined with num_selected = pop_size
    if cfg.ea.num_selected != cfg.ea.pop_size:
        msg = 'Num_selected of the optimization algorithm changed to: %s' % cfg.ea.num_selected
    exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.migrator = ', fh.preparing_attribute('migrator',cfg.ea.migrator)))
    exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.archiver = ', fh.preparing_attribute('archiver',cfg.ea.archiver)))
    if cfg.ea.archiver != 'best_archiver':
        msg = 'Archiver of the optimization algorithm changed to: %s' % cfg.ea.archiver
    exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.observer = ', fh.preparing_attribute('observer',cfg.ea.observer)))         
    # specify when the optimization should terminate
    exec ("%s%s" % ('ea.terminator = ', fh.preparing_attribute('terminator',cfg.ea.terminator)))

    # run optimization, when finished final_pop holds the results
    final_pop = ea.evolve(generator = generate_parameter, 
                    # evaluate is the function to start external models
                    # return results for the optimization algorithm
                    evaluator = evaluate, 
                    # define population size
                    pop_size = cfg.ea.pop_size,
                    # maximize or minimize the problem
                    maximize = cfg.ea.maximize, 
                    # bound the parameters to an interval
                    # choose integer values between 1 and max_range in this case
                    bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder(bounder_discrete), 
                    # minimum population diversity allowed (when using diversity_termination default 0.001)
                    min_diversity = cfg.ea.min_diversity,
                    # maximum number of evaluations (default pop_size) 
                    max_evaluations = cfg.ea.max_evaluations,
                    # maximum number of generations  
                    max_generations = cfg.ea.max_generations, 
                    # number of elites to consider (default 0)                    
                    num_elites = cfg.ea.num_elites,
                    # number of individuals to be selected (default NSGA2 pop_size)
                    num_selected = cfg.ea.num_selected,
                    # tournament size (default NSGA2 2) 
                    tournament_size = cfg.ea.tournament_size,
                    # the rate at which crossover is performed (default 1.0)
                    crossover_rate = cfg.ea.crossover_rate,
                    # mutation rate
                    mutation_rate = cfg.ea.mutation_rate,
                    # number of crossover points used (default 1)
                    num_crossover_points = cfg.ea.num_crossover_points,  
                    # a positive integer representing the number of 
                    # closest solutions to consider as a “crowd” (default 2)
                    crowding_distance = cfg.ea.crowding_distance,  
                    # statistic file
                    statistics_file = stats_file,
                    # individuals file
                    individuals_file = individ_file)                     

    # read out the best individuals
    final_arc = ea.archive

    # for constrained_tournament_selection: 
    # create a copy of final_arc only with feasible individuals (for csv file with best feasible solutions)
    if 'constrained_tournament_selection' in cfg.ea.selector:
        final_arc_feasible = [] 

    end = time.time()
    WriteLogMsg("The optimization process needed %d seconds." %(end-begin))

    msg = 'Best Solutions: \n'
    # save the map as ascii file in output folder

    for f in final_arc:
        # for constrained_tournament_selection: with information if individual is infeasible
        # and copy feasible solutions in final_arc_feasible
        if 'constrained_tournament_selection' in cfg.ea.selector:
            if individual_filter(f.candidate) == False:
                WriteLogMsg("(infeasible) %s" % f)
                # save the map as ascii file in output folder
                if file_HRU == 'None' or (file_HRU != 'None' and cfg.mapConfig.file_ID_map != 'None'):
                WriteLogMsg("%s" % f)
                # save the map as ascii file in output folder
                if file_HRU == 'None' or (file_HRU != 'None' and cfg.mapConfig.file_ID_map != 'None'):
            WriteLogMsg("%s" % f)
            # save the map as ascii file in output folder
            if file_HRU == 'None' or (file_HRU != 'None' and cfg.mapConfig.file_ID_map != 'None'):
        f_count += 1

    if cfg.ea.maximize == 'True':
        if 'constrained_tournament_selection' in cfg.ea.selector and individual_filter(f.candidate) == False:
            WriteLogMsg("\nFinal infeasible individual: %s, [%f]" % (max(final_pop).candidate,max(final_pop).fitness))
            WriteLogMsg("\nFinal individual: %s, [%f]" % (max(final_pop).candidate,max(final_pop).fitness))
        if 'constrained_tournament_selection' in cfg.ea.selector and individual_filter(f.candidate) == False:
            WriteLogMsg("\nFinal infeasible individual: %s, [%f]" % (min(final_pop).candidate,min(final_pop).fitness))
            WriteLogMsg("\nFinal individual: %s, [%f]" % (min(final_pop).candidate,min(final_pop).fitness))

    # save the map as ascii file in output folder

    # log the best solutions in a csv file

    # for constrained_tournament_selection: log the best feasible solutions in a csv file
    if 'constrained_tournament_selection' in cfg.ea.selector:
예제 #11
 def __init___(self, dimensions=4):
     problem.__init__(self, dimensions, 2)
     self.bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder([0, 1])
     self.maximze = True
예제 #12
    def __init__(self, dimensions=43278):

        landtypes = {}
        invertedlandtypes = {}
        adj_List = {}
        indxMap = {}
        typeArea = defaultdict(float)
        roadDistance = {}
        attractiveness = {}
        b = {}
        areaMap = {}
        compatibility = defaultdict(float)
        conversion = defaultdict(float)
        landUseAllowed = 3
        minA = defaultdict(float)  # Minimum area for each land type (1-25)
        maxA = defaultdict(float)  # Max area for each land type
        currentTypes = []
        currentline = 0

        f = open("sample", "r")
        data = f.read().splitlines()
        # First line species the number and land use types
        l = data[currentline].split()
        currentline = +1
        n = int(l[0])

        # Mapping for LandTypes
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            landtypes[l[i]] = i - 1
            invertedlandtypes[i - 1] = l[i]
        print landtypes

        # number of parcels
        parcels = int(data[currentline])
        currentline = currentline + 1

        # Adjacency List
        for i in range(0, parcels):
            line = data[currentline + i]
            neighbours = line.split()
            k = int(neighbours[0])
            adj_List[k] = []

            if (len(neighbours) > 1):
                for neighbour in range(1, len(neighbours)):
                    j = int(neighbours[neighbour])
        currentline = currentline + parcels
        print adj_List

        parcels = int(data[currentline])
        currentline = currentline + 1

        # Land Use type Index
        for i in range(0, parcels):
            line = data[currentline + i]
            allowedTypes = line.split()
            k = int(allowedTypes[0])
            indxMap[k] = []

            currenttype = landtypes[allowedTypes[1]]

            isallowed = int(allowedTypes[2])

            if (len(allowedTypes) > 2):
                for allowedType in range(landUseAllowed, len(allowedTypes)):
                    j = landtypes[allowedTypes[allowedType]]
        currentline = currentline + parcels
        print indxMap

        n = int(data[currentline])
        currentline = currentline + 1

        # Land Use with min max areas and b
        for i in range(0, n):
            line = data[currentline + i]
            allowedTypes = line.split()

            currenttype = landtypes[allowedTypes[0]]
            typeArea[currenttype] = 0
            minA[currenttype] = float(allowedTypes[1])
            maxA[currenttype] = float(allowedTypes[2])
            b[currenttype] = allowedTypes[2]
        currentline = currentline + n
        print minA
        print maxA

        parcels = int(data[currentline])
        currentline = currentline + 1
        #Current Area
        for i in range(0, parcels):
            line = data[currentline + i]
            allowedTypes = line.split()
            k = int(allowedTypes[0])
            currenttype = landtypes[allowedTypes[1]]
            typeArea[currenttype] = typeArea[currenttype] + int(
            areaMap[i] = int(allowedTypes[2])
        currentline = currentline + parcels
        print typeArea

        parcels = int(data[currentline])
        currentline = currentline + 1
        #Road Distance and Attractiveness
        for i in range(0, parcels):
            line = data[currentline + i]
            allowedTypes = line.split()
            pt = int(allowedTypes[0])
            roadDistance[pt] = int(allowedTypes[1])
            attractiveness[pt] = float(allowedTypes[2])

        currentline = currentline + parcels
        #Compatibility Matrix
        for type1 in range(0, n):
            line = data[currentline + type1]
            compats = line.split()
            for type2 in range(0, n):
                compatibility[type1, type2] = compats[type2]

        currentline = currentline + n
        print compatibility
        #Conversion Matrix
        for type1 in range(0, n):
            line = data[currentline + type1]
            converts = line.split()
            for type2 in range(0, n):
                conversion[type1, type2] = converts[type2]

        currentline = currentline + n
        print conversion

        # A_LU=3
        # B_LU=4
        # C_LU=5
        # D_LU=6
        # E_LU=7
        # cSUIT=11
        # cNoChange=9
        # #id2idx = []
        # #idx2id = []
        # id2idx = {}
        # idx2id = {}
        # id2idx2 = {}
        # idx2id2 ={}
        # minA = {}
        # maxA = {}
        # suit=[]
        # olt = {}
        # for i in range(50000):
        #         suit.append(0)

        # olt2nlt = {}
        # olt2nlt["AIR"] = 1
        # olt2nlt["CIV"] = 2
        # olt2nlt["HIC"] = 3
        # olt2nlt["LIC"] = olt2nlt["HCC"] = 4
        # olt2nlt["LLRN"] = olt2nlt["ER"] = 5
        # olt2nlt["MFRN"] = 6
        # olt2nlt["MHP"] = 7
        # olt2nlt["MRN"] = 8
        # olt2nlt["MUN"] =  9
        # olt2nlt["NCC"] = 10
        # olt2nlt["POS"]= 11
        # olt2nlt["RCR"]= 12
        # olt2nlt["RL"] = 13
        # olt2nlt["SCC"]= 14
        # olt2nlt["SLRN"] = 15
        # olt2nlt["SOC"] = 16
        # olt2nlt["TC"] = 17
        # olt2nlt["UC"] = 18
        # olt2nlt["UN"] = 19
        # olt2nlt["VC"] = olt2nlt["HRR"] = 20
        # olt2nlt["WF"] = 21
        # olt2nlt["MUC"] = 22
        # olt2nlt["MC"] = 23
        # olt2nlt["TOD"] = 24

        #Loading adj list for each cell
        # f= open("Adj_List_Final.gal","r")
        # data = f.read().splitlines()[1:]
        # adj_List = {}
        # for line in data:
        #         l = line.split(' ')
        #         if not l[0] is '':
        #                 k = int(l[0])
        #                 for i in range(len(l)):
        #                         #print i, k
        #                         j = int(l[i])
        #                         if (i==0):
        #                                 if not k in adj_List:
        #                                         adj_List[k]=[]
        #                         else:
        #                                 adj_List[k].append(j)
        #                         if not j in adj_List:
        #                                 adj_List[j] =[]
        #                         if not k in adj_List[j]:
        #                                 adj_List[j].append(k)
        #print adj_List[20][1]

        #Loading areas, landtype for each cell
        # g=open("Refined_Swas_E_Updated2.csv","r")
        # dim=0
        # area = {}

        # for i in range(0,25):
        #         sumIndArea.append(0)
        # #print sumIndArea[21]
        # datag = g.readlines()[1:]
        # indxMap = {}
        # areaMap = {}
        # landType = []
        # for line in datag:
        #         line = line.split('\t')
        #         pt = int(line[0])
        #         ar = float(line[2]) #area
        #         tee = line[1] # landtype
        #         temp_lt = olt2nlt[tee]
        #         landType.append(temp_lt)
        #         # indxMap : contains decision (change/nochange), and four preferred land types
        #         indxMap[pt] = (int(line[cNoChange]),olt2nlt[line[B_LU]] ,olt2nlt[line[C_LU]],olt2nlt[line[D_LU]],olt2nlt[line[E_LU]])
        #         areaMap[pt] = ar
        #         #print temp_lt
        #         sumIndArea[temp_lt] += ar
        #print indxMap[20]

        sumIndArea = defaultdict(float)
        sumIndArea = typeArea
        landType = currentTypes
        copyLandType = landType
        copySumIndArea = sumIndArea

        area_sum = 0.00
        for i in range(43278):
            if not i in areaMap:
                areaMap[i] = 0
        for pt in areaMap.keys():
            area_sum = area_sum + areaMap[pt]

        # Loading area targets
        # gh = open("SWAS_E_LU_PERCENT.csv","r")
        # datagh = gh.readlines()
        # for line in datagh:
        #         line = line.split('\t')
        #         #print line[0], line[1], line[2]
        #         minA[int(line[0])] = float(line[1]) * area_sum
        #         maxA[int(line[0])] = float(line[2]) * area_sum
        #print line[0], minA[int(line[0])], maxA[int(line[0])], area_sum

        self.dimensions = parcels
        self.objectives = 25
        Benchmark.__init__(self, parcels, 25)  #numobj=3, dimensions=numcells=6
        #self.bounder = ec.Bounder([0] * self.dimensions, [3.0] * self.dimensions)
        self.bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder([
            1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
            20, 21, 22, 23, 24
        self.maximize = True

        #self.candidatesArea = {0:10,1:10,2:10,3:10,4:10,5:10}
        #self.total_area = 60
        #self.adjList = {0:[1,2],1:[0,2],2:[0,1,3],3:[2,4,5],4:[3,5],5:[3,4]}
        self.adjList = adj_List
        # self.candidatesArea = area
        self.landType = landType
        self.copyLandType = copyLandType
        self.areaMap = areaMap
        self.indxMap = indxMap
        self.sumIndArea = sumIndArea
        self.copySumIndArea = copySumIndArea
        self.total_area = area_sum
        self.minA = minA
        self.maxA = maxA
 def __init___(self):
     problem.__init__(self, 2)
     self.bounder = ec.DiscreteBounder([0, 1])
     self.maximze = True