def _setup(self): ''' Setup all the attributes of the class ''' self._m2_home =['maven'][self._maven_version] self._maven_cmd = self._find_maven_executable() self._user_home_dir = join(self.build_cfg.temp_dir(), 'user.home') self._dotm2_dir = join(self._user_home_dir, '.m2') self._maven_settings_xml_file = join(self._dotm2_dir, 'settings.xml') self._maven_jvm_options = [''+join(inst.get_installation_dir(), 'xmake', 'template', 'maven', 'keystore'), '-Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.insecure=true', # Use keystore because these two VM options have no effect on maven... '-Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.allowall=true'] # Also tried to use maven_jvm_opS but no effect as well self._maven_build_dependencies_file = join(self.build_cfg.temp_dir(), 'dependencies') self._maven_repository_dir = join(self.build_cfg.temp_dir(), 'repository') self._setup_settings_xml() self.java_exec_env.env['VERSION'] = self.build_cfg.base_version() self.java_exec_env.env['REPOSITORY'] = self._maven_repository_dir self.java_exec_env.env['MAVEN_OPTS'] = (self.java_exec_env.env['MAVEN_OPTS']+' ' if 'MAVEN_OPTS' in self.java_exec_env.env else '')+'-Duser.home='+self._user_home_dir+' -Dmaven.repo.local='+self._maven_repository_dir self.java_exec_env.env['HOME'] = self._user_home_dir if self._m2_home: self.java_exec_env.env['M2_HOME'] = self._m2_home m2_bin = os.path.join(self._m2_home, 'bin') path = self.java_exec_env.env['PATH'] if path is None: self.java_exec_env.env['PATH'] = m2_bin elif path.find(m2_bin) < 0: self.java_exec_env.env['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([m2_bin, path])
def _generate_ads_file(self): ''' Create the artifact deployer script file ''' # Retrieve artifacts from local deployment repo artifacts = Artifact.gather_artifacts(self._localDeploymentPath) group_section_list = [] for key in artifacts: values = artifacts[key] gav = key.split(':') group = gav[0] aid = gav[1] version = gav[2] strippedVersion = version strippedVersion = re.sub(r'\-(?i)(SNAPSHOT|RELEASE|MILESTONE)$', '', version) # Rollback this change as it causes a regression concatenating version twice 1.42.2-1.42.2 # project_version = self.build_cfg.version() # if project_version is not None: # strippedVersion = strippedVersion + '-' + project_version group_section_list.append('artifact "%s", group:"%s", version:"%s" , { ' % (aid, group, strippedVersion)) for artifactObj in values:'artifact to deploy ' + artifactObj.path) fileLine = '\t\t file "%s"' % artifactObj.path.replace('\\', '/') if not artifactObj.classifier == '': fileLine = fileLine + ', classifier:"%s"' % (artifactObj.classifier) if not artifactObj.extension == '': fileLine = fileLine + ', extension:"%s"' % (artifactObj.extension) group_section_list.append(fileLine) # Removed this restriction according to the new wanted behaviour see BESTL-8564 # # Check that all submodules POMs have the same version as the main (Reactor) POM # project_version = self.build_cfg.version() # strippedVersion = re.sub(r'\-(?i)(SNAPSHOT|RELEASE|MILESTONE)$', '', artifactObj.version) # if strippedVersion != project_version: # errorMessage = 'the following sub module POM %s:%s:%s has different version from the main POM %s' % (artifactObj.gid, artifactObj.aid,artifactObj.version,project_version) # errorMessage= errorMessage + ' All sub modules POM must have the same version as the main POM ' # raise XmakeException( errorMessage) group_section_list.append('\n\t}') export_ads_template_file = join(inst.get_installation_dir(), 'xmake', 'template', 'maven', '') with open(export_ads_template_file, 'r') as f: export_ads = export_ads = Template(export_ads).substitute(groupList='\n\t'.join(group_section_list)) with open(self._ads, 'w') as f: f.write(export_ads)
def execute(build_cfg, module, args): l = inst.get_installation_dir() gen = os.path.join(build_cfg.module_genroot_dir(), module) cwd = os.path.join(build_cfg.src_dir(), module) cmd = [sys.executable, os.path.join(l, 'xmake', ''), '--gendir', gen, '-r', cwd, '--base-version', build_cfg.base_version()]'------------------------------------------------------')'- building module '+module+'...')'------------------------------------------------------') cmd.extend(args)'cmd is '+str(cmd)) rc = log.log_execute(cmd, cwd=cwd) if rc != 0: raise XmakeException('module build failed for '+module+': RC='+str(rc))
def bootstrap(argv=sys.argv): prepare_bootstrap() xmake_inst_dir = inst.get_installation_dir() v=inst.get_logical_xmake_version() if v != None: 'logical version is '+str(v)) v=inst.get_technical_xmake_version() if v != None: 'technical version is '+v) 'python version is '+str(sys.version_info[0])+"."+str(sys.version_info[1])+"."+str(sys.version_info[2])) if not (sys.version_info[0]==2 and sys.version_info[1]>=7): log.error( "python version 2.7+ required to run xmake") sys.exit(2) handle_bootstrapper(xmake_inst_dir,argv) bootstrap2(argv)
def _writeConfig(self): if 'flavor' in self._options['parameters']: for flavor in [ f.strip() for f in self._options['parameters']['flavor'].split(',') ]: templateFile = os.path.join(inst.get_installation_dir(), 'xmake', 'template', '%s.cfg' % flavor) configFile = os.path.join(self.build_cfg.cfg_dir(), '%s.cfg' % flavor) if not os.path.isfile(configFile) and os.path.isfile( templateFile): shutil.copy(templateFile, configFile) if os.path.isfile(configFile): self._options['configs'][flavor] = configFile elif 'config' in self._options['parameters']: self._options['configs']['user'] = self._expandVariables( self._options['parameters']['config']) else: for f in os.listdir(self.build_cfg.cfg_dir()): if f.endswith('.cfg'): self._options['configs'][f[:-4]] = os.path.join( self.build_cfg.cfg_dir(), f) if 'du' not in self._options['configs'] and os.path.isfile( os.path.join(self.build_cfg.src_dir(), 'du.xs')): shutil.copy( os.path.join(inst.get_installation_dir(), 'xmake', 'template', 'du.cfg'), os.path.join(self.build_cfg.cfg_dir(), 'du.cfg')) self._options['configs']['du'] = os.path.join( self.build_cfg.cfg_dir(), 'du.cfg') if not self._options['configs']: raise xmake_exceptions.XmakeException( 'No flavor defined and no config file found. Add argument -- flavor=<your_flavor> where <your_flavor> has one of these values "node", "ant", "cmake", "du"' )
def _setup_global_settings_xml(build_cfg): ''' Build a custom settings.xml file from a template located in [install_dir]/xmake/template/maven/global_settings.xml Override the the default mirroring for global maven settings (use case: run maven outside xmake ) This new file is saved into M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml ''' # Add xml namespaces ET.register_namespace('', '') ET.register_namespace('xsi', "") ET.register_namespace( 'xsi:schemaLocation', '' ) # Parse template/settings.xml templateSettingsXmlFile = join(inst.get_installation_dir(), 'xmake', 'template', 'maven', 'global_settings.xml') xmlSettingsContent = '' with open(templateSettingsXmlFile, 'r') as f: xmlSettingsContent = tree = ET.fromstring(xmlSettingsContent) if tree is None: raise XmakeException('cannot generate specific settings.xml for maven') #Search fileds to update namespace = "{}" mirrorsUrl = tree.find('./{0}mirrors'.format(namespace)) repos = tree.find( './{0}profiles/{0}profile[{0}id="customized.repo"]/{0}repositories'. format(namespace)) pluginrepositoryListUrl = tree.find( './{0}profiles/{0}profile[{0}id="customized.repo"]/{0}pluginRepositories' .format(namespace)) if mirrorsUrl is None or repos is None or pluginrepositoryListUrl is None: raise XmakeException('cannot generate specific settings.xml for maven') # Add specific fields if build_cfg.is_release() is None: i = 1 for repo in build_cfg.import_repos(): pluginrepository = ET.SubElement(pluginrepositoryListUrl, 'pluginRepository') ET.SubElement(pluginrepository, 'id').text = 'repo%d' % i \ if i < len(build_cfg.import_repos()) else "central" ET.SubElement(pluginrepository, 'url').text = repo snapshots = ET.SubElement(pluginrepository, 'snapshots') ET.SubElement(snapshots, 'enabled').text = 'true' i += 1 i = 1 for import_repo in build_cfg.import_repos(): additional_mirror = ET.SubElement(mirrorsUrl, 'mirror') ET.SubElement(additional_mirror, 'id').text = 'mirror%d' % i ET.SubElement(additional_mirror, 'url').text = import_repo ET.SubElement(additional_mirror, 'mirrorOf').text = 'repo%d' % i \ if i < len(build_cfg.import_repos()) else "central" i += 1 i = 1 for repo in build_cfg.import_repos(): additional_repo = ET.SubElement(repos, 'repository') ET.SubElement(additional_repo, 'id').text = 'repo%d' % i \ if i < len(build_cfg.import_repos()) else "central" ET.SubElement(additional_repo, 'url').text = repo i += 1 for tid in build_cfg.tools_to_be_installed(): for gav_str in build_cfg.tools_to_be_installed()[tid]: gav = if 'org.apache.maven' == gav[0] and 'apache-maven' == gav[ 1] and[tid] and[tid][ gav[-1]]: _maven_global_settings_xml_file = join([tid][gav[-1]], 'conf', 'settings.xml') 'write maven global settings in {} for "{}" {}'.format( _maven_global_settings_xml_file, tid, gav_str)) with open(_maven_global_settings_xml_file, 'w') as f: f.write(ET.tostring(tree))
def _setup_settings_xml(self): ''' Build a custom settings.xml file from a template located in [install_dir]/xmake/template/maven/settings.xml Mainly two fields are customized: - localRepository - mirrors: adding <mirror> one per import repository This new file is saved into [component_dir]/gen/tmp/settings.xml ''' # Add xml namespaces ET.register_namespace('', '') ET.register_namespace('xsi', '') ET.register_namespace('xsi:schemaLocation', '') # Parse template/settings.xml templateSettingsXmlFile = join(inst.get_installation_dir(), 'xmake', 'template', 'maven', 'settings.xml') xmlSettingsContent = '' with open(templateSettingsXmlFile, 'r') as f: xmlSettingsContent = xmlSettingsContent = Template(xmlSettingsContent).substitute( proxyactivated='false' if self._maven_settings_noproxy else 'true', mavensettingsxml=self._maven_settings_xml_file) tree = ET.fromstring(xmlSettingsContent) if tree is None: raise XmakeException('cannot generate specific settings.xml for maven') # Search fileds to update namespace = '{}' localRepository = tree.find('./{}localRepository'.format(namespace)) mirrorsUrl = tree.find('./{0}mirrors'.format(namespace)) sonarproperties = tree.find('./{0}profiles/{0}profile[{0}id="sonar"]/{0}properties'.format(namespace)) sonarjdbcurl = sonarproperties.find('{0}sonar.jdbc.url'.format(namespace)) sonarjdbcdriver = sonarproperties.find('{0}sonar.jdbc.driver'.format(namespace)) sonarjdbcusername = sonarproperties.find('{0}sonar.jdbc.username'.format(namespace)) sonarjdbcpassword = sonarproperties.find('{0}sonar.jdbc.password'.format(namespace)) sonarhosturl = sonarproperties.find('{0}'.format(namespace)) repos = tree.find('./{0}profiles/{0}profile[{0}id="customized.repo"]/{0}repositories'.format(namespace)) pluginrepositoryListUrl = tree.find('./{0}profiles/{0}profile[{0}id="customized.repo"]/{0}pluginRepositories'.format(namespace)) if localRepository is None and mirrorsUrl is None: raise XmakeException('cannot generate specific settings.xml for maven') # Add specific fields localRepository.text = self._maven_repository_dir if self.build_cfg.is_release() is None: i = 1 for repo in self.build_cfg.import_repos(): pluginrepository = ET.SubElement(pluginrepositoryListUrl, 'pluginRepository') ET.SubElement(pluginrepository, 'id').text = 'repo%d' % i \ if i < len(self.build_cfg.import_repos()) else "central" ET.SubElement(pluginrepository, 'url').text = repo snapshots = ET.SubElement(pluginrepository, 'snapshots') ET.SubElement(snapshots, 'enabled').text = 'true' i += 1 i = 1 for import_repo in self.build_cfg.import_repos(): additional_mirror = ET.SubElement(mirrorsUrl, 'mirror') ET.SubElement(additional_mirror, 'id').text = 'mirror%d' % i ET.SubElement(additional_mirror, 'url').text = import_repo ET.SubElement(additional_mirror, 'mirrorOf').text = 'repo%d' % i \ if i < len(self.build_cfg.import_repos()) else "central" i += 1 i = 1 for repo in self.build_cfg.import_repos(): additional_repo = ET.SubElement(repos, 'repository') ET.SubElement(additional_repo, 'id').text = 'repo%d' % i \ if i < len(self.build_cfg.import_repos()) else "central" ET.SubElement(additional_repo, 'url').text = repo i += 1 # sonar properties jdbcurl = os.getenv('SONAR_JDBC_URL') # jdbc:mysql:// jdbcdriver = os.getenv('SONAR_JDBC_DRIVER') # com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbcusername = os.getenv('SONAR_JDBC_USERNAME') # sonar jdbcpassword = os.getenv('SONAR_JDBC_PASSWORD') # sonar hosturl = os.getenv('SONAR_HOST_URL') # logWarnings = [] # Check server utl is set if jdbcurl is None: logWarnings.append('jdbc url is not set for sonar. Please set env SONAR_JDBC_URL') if jdbcdriver is None: logWarnings.append('jdbc driver is not set for sonar. Please set env SONAR_JDBC_DRIVER') if jdbcusername is None: logWarnings.append('jdbc username is not set for sonar. Please set env SONAR_JDBC_USERNAME') if jdbcpassword is None: logWarnings.append('jdbc password is not set for sona. Please set env SONAR_JDBC_PASSWORD') if hosturl is None: logWarnings.append('sonar host url is not set. Please set env SONAR_HOST_URL') if len(logWarnings) > 0: for logWarning in logWarnings: log.warning(logWarning, log.INFRA) else: sonarjdbcurl.text = jdbcurl sonarjdbcdriver.text = jdbcdriver sonarjdbcusername.text = jdbcusername sonarjdbcpassword.text = jdbcpassword sonarhosturl.text = hosturl # Write settings.xml in component/tmp directory'write maven settings in ' + self._maven_settings_xml_file) if not os.path.isdir(self._dotm2_dir): os.makedirs(self._dotm2_dir) with open(self._maven_settings_xml_file, 'w') as f: f.write(ET.tostring(tree))
def bootstrap2(argv): global xmake_status, build_cfg prepare_bootstrap() xmake_inst_dir = inst.get_installation_dir() if len(argv)>1 and argv[1]=='--bootstrap': xmake_status='bootstrap' sys.argv=argv=argv[0:1]+argv[2:] else: if isfile(join(xmake_inst_dir,'.loaded')): log.warning( 'directly using loaded sub level version of xmake') xmake_status='loaded' if xmake_status=='loaded': run(argv) else: 'bootstrapping xmake...') build_cfg = BuildConfig() (args,_,_) = setup_config(build_cfg, True)"component root is "+build_cfg.component_dir()) 'build runtime is ' + build_cfg.runtime()) create_gendir(build_cfg) log.start_logfile(join(build_cfg.genroot_dir(),"boot.log")) determine_version_suffix(build_cfg, args.version) # required by xmake version check below if args.use_current_xmake_version: log.warning( 'using actually installed version as requested by option --use-current-xmake-version') run(argv) else: v=determine_xmake_version(build_cfg) if v==None: log.warning( 'no xmake version specified (please maintain file '+XMAKE_VERSION+" or xmake.cfg in project's cfg folder")"default version is "+str(args.default_xmake_version)) if args.default_xmake_version==None: if build_cfg.is_release() or build_cfg.is_milestone(): raise XmakeException('no version specified for xmake for a productive build') else: log.warning( 'using actually installed version') run(argv) else: v=args.default_xmake_version log.warning( 'using explicit default version '+v) if v==None: log.error("do not know any xmake version to use -> exit") sys.exit(2) else: v=find_latest(v) 'required xmake version is '+v) if v.endswith("-SNAPSHOT"): if build_cfg.is_release() or build_cfg.is_milestone():"version suffix is "+str(build_cfg.version_suffix())) log.error( 'this is a snapshot version, it cannot be used for release or milestone builds') raise XmakeException('snapshot version specified for xmake for a realease or milestone build') else: log.warning( 'this is a snapshot version, it cannot be used for release builds') l=get_xmake_version(v, build_cfg) if is_existing_file(xmake_loaded): os.remove(xmake_loaded) 'required xmake version found at '+l) if test_mode: cmd=[sys.executable, join(l,'xmake',''), '--use-current-xmake-version'] else: cmd=[sys.executable, join(l,'xmake','')] 'starting xmake...') cmd.extend(prepare_args(build_cfg, l,argv[1:])) if build_cfg.component_dir()!=None: os.chdir(build_cfg.component_dir()) flush() log.stop_logfile() sys.exit(rc)