예제 #1
print('Second Round of tests')
print('-' * 50)
print(josh.num_lines_coded) # Should be 1004
print(josh.coding_level) # Should return 'intermediate'.

joe = Instructor('Joe')
james = Instructor('James')
judy = Instructor('Judy')
sandy = Instructor('Sandy')
instructors = [joe, james, judy, sandy]

our_ds_class.instructors = instructors

joe.add_question_answered('What are we doing here?')
joe.add_question_answered('What are we learning tonight?')

print('Third Round - Adding Instructor Tests')
print('-' * 50)
print(our_ds_class.get_num_questions_answered()) # Should return 2.
print(our_ds_class.check_outstanding_questions()) # Should return False

james.add_question_answered('What if I have no questions?')

print('Fourth Round - Adding more Instructor Tests')
print('-' * 50)
print(our_ds_class.get_num_questions_answered()) # Should return 3.
print(our_ds_class.check_outstanding_questions()) # Should return True.